the peadophile agenda (careful this is the next big thing)


Mar 18, 2017
more of these elite rings need to be exposed.
This stuff shouldn't be normalized. As a proud parent, this sickens me.
Its not enough that the rings are exposed. The market/appetite for child porn just need to be completely snuffed out. The US is the biggest consumer of child porn. As long as there's demand there'll always be supply.

Camille, (in the OP) even though she is a lesbian doesn't withhold the truth. I think childhood innocence is one of the last bastion any society has against disintergration. But if millions of kids are going to be molested year after year, it does bear on society decades down the line in suicides, addictions and lose morals. Children are the the saying goes.


Jul 27, 2017
Its not enough that the rings are exposed. The market/appetite for child porn just need to be completely snuffed out. The US is the biggest consumer of child porn. As long as there's demand there'll always be supply.

Camille, (in the OP) even though she is a lesbian doesn't withhold the truth. I think childhood innocence is one of the last bastion any society has against disintergration. But if millions of kids are going to be molested year after year, it does bear on society decades down the line in suicides, addictions and lose morals. Children are the the saying goes.
Agreed 100%
May 14, 2017
I don’t believe that p***philia will ever become socially acceptable, thankfully, especially with more and more people questioning how power dynamics influence consent. That doesn’t mean that a minority won’t push for or that in the age of the internet, that minority can seem like a terrifying number… But it would be a near impossible sale. Besides, the elite don’t want to share their child sex-slaves.


Mar 18, 2017
I don’t believe that p***philia will ever become socially acceptable, thankfully, especially with more and more people questioning how power dynamics influence consent. That doesn’t mean that a minority won’t push for or that in the age of the internet, that minority can seem like a terrifying number… But it would be a near impossible sale. Besides, the elite don’t want to share their child sex-slaves.
Maybe not as society is now. But should the collapse happen, people will come around to it. We've seen it happen in the Middle East. Putting "tradition" aside, Syrian and Yemeni child bride numbers have gone through the roof. And in places like Greece and Venezuela, some parents pimp their kids out inorder to survive. It will be a case of how far are you willing to go inorder to survive?


Apr 25, 2018
In my opinion, some people are really confused between having sexual attraction to kids and plainly enjoy their companionship.

I mean why must everything be connected to sex. If they think they are non-offending pedophiles who can live without sex, why can't they label themselves as asexual who just like to befriend with kids ? Wouldn't that be more positive and they are not interested in having sex with the minors anyway ? The purpose of classify p***philia as a sexual orientation is really nothing but to normalize immorality.

Maybe not as society is now. But should the collapse happen, people will come around to it. We've seen it happen in the Middle East. Putting "tradition" aside, Syrian and Yemeni child bride numbers have gone through the roof. And in places like Greece and Venezuela, some parents pimp their kids out inorder to survive. It will be a case of how far are you willing to go inorder to survive?
What you said is true... how unfortunately.
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Mar 18, 2017
In my opinion, some people are really confused between having sexual attraction to kids and plainly enjoy their companionship.

I mean why must everything must connected to sex. If they think they are non-offending pedophiles who can live without sex, why can't they label themselves as asexual who just like to befriend with kids ? Wouldn't that be more positive and they are not interested in having sex with the minors anyway ? The purpose of classify p***philia as a sexual orientation is really, other than to normalize immorality.

What you said is true... how unfortunately.
I think we've been programmed to always seek out something new (new models of things coming out every other month or so) and unfortunately kids are becoming the next sexual frontier. I think "they" have turned people beast-like, as in people no longer have a red-line in pursuit of happiness. But you can tell the health of any society by what it consumes.
May 14, 2017
Maybe not as society is now. But should the collapse happen, people will come around to it. We've seen it happen in the Middle East. Putting "tradition" aside, Syrian and Yemeni child bride numbers have gone through the roof. And in places like Greece and Venezuela, some parents pimp their kids out inorder to survive. It will be a case of how far are you willing to go inorder to survive?
The issues in the Middle East have entirely to do with the fact that they've got issues with basic human rights in the first place. Greece and Venezuela aren't really acceptance either... Since, you know, it's exploitation to get ahead in fucked economies. While that could happen here, it's not something most people would still be cool with. Most people would still be disgusted.

your second video should be mandatory viewing for those who think the left is against the p***philia agenda.
I don't know a single person on the left (as in, the actual left; anarchists, socialists, and even Marxists - not liberals) that support p***philia. Most would argue that p***philia is inherently exploitative because of power dynamic between child and adult, meaning consent can never be given. But hey, think that because you bought into the culture war.


Aug 1, 2018
Its not enough that the rings are exposed. The market/appetite for child porn just need to be completely snuffed out. The US is the biggest consumer of child porn. As long as there's demand there'll always be supply.

Camille, (in the OP) even though she is a lesbian doesn't withhold the truth. I think childhood innocence is one of the last bastion any society has against disintergration. But if millions of kids are going to be molested year after year, it does bear on society decades down the line in suicides, addictions and lose morals. Children are the the saying goes.
Trafficking accounts for a small percentage of child sexual abuse, most is done in the family.


Mar 18, 2017
I feel the need to take this to its logical conclusion. The (un)virtuous paedophiles want the rest of us to accept and come to terms with their inclination. So let's just let everyone be. Everyone with the constant urge to murder, burgle, vandalise or for that matter, the parents with an 'inclination' to murder paedophiles: we should just let everyone do what they feel like doing. Right?

Trafficking accounts for a small percentage of child sexual abuse, most is done in the family.
Really??? That's a heck of alot of abusive households.


Aug 1, 2018
I feel the need to take this to its logical conclusion. The (un)virtuous paedophiles want the rest of us to accept and come to terms with their inclination. So let's just let everyone be. Everyone with the constant urge to murder, burgle, vandalise or for that matter, the parents with an 'inclination' to murder paedophiles: we should just let everyone do what they feel like doing. Right?

Really??? That's a heck of alot of abusive households.
I won't address the first part, as it is a ridiculous slippery slope, as has been addressed on this board there is no agenda to normalize or legalize child sex, it's all anti-lgbt propaganda.

Yes, the family is a good shield for abuse.

You ever heard of Quiverfull or New Patriarchy? They are ride with p***philia scandals.

Kung Fu

Mar 24, 2017
I don’t believe that p***philia will ever become socially acceptable, thankfully, especially with more and more people questioning how power dynamics influence consent. That doesn’t mean that a minority won’t push for or that in the age of the internet, that minority can seem like a terrifying number… But it would be a near impossible sale. Besides, the elite don’t want to share their child sex-slaves.
I'm sure they said the same thing for homosexuality once upon a time but look where we are now. We're at a point where they want us to consider it normal and a healthy lifestyle.


Mar 15, 2017
A big issue with this is there are other cultures, namely Japanese, in which the sexualization of minors is tolerated, accepted, and openly marketed too. While actual child pornography and sex-acts with minors is still quite forbidden and heavily criminalized, there is none the less a culture of tolerance surrounding pedophilic fantasies, deeply indulged by the Anime industry at pretty much all levels, from the stuff meant for adults right down to the children's programming.

I have this weird, probably unhealthy fixation with watching and reviewing Netflix original programs, and one such program I gave a shot was an anime called 'The Seven Deadly Sins'. I'm not a big anime person, but I watched some DBZ when I was a kid, saw Akira when I was young and really liked it, saw this pretty graphic one called 'Ninja Scrolls' at a buddy's house while I was probably rather too young, and even tried a few of the really popular contemporary Anime shows, like Death-Note (so stupid) and Attack on Titan (not bad, actually).

This 'Seven Deadly Sins' show featured as its protagonist what looks like a 10 year old boy, but is actually a timeless demon-thing or some-such anime nonsense, and so it's supposedly no issue that this very young-looking character is constantly groping, molesting, and hitting on his big-tittied anime-babe side-kick. There's this other character who's a middle-aged fat dude who transforms into a little boy and starts a romance with a child-giant, and this weird lanky rock-star dude in red leather who makes an entirely creepy sex-pact with this little girl on a mountain, who also happens to be some immortal creature, so it's ok folks!

As a show marketed to western children and produced by/shown on a mainstream venue like Netflix, I was pretty blown away by this blatant signalling to unsavory fetishes, but this has been a trend in anime media- increasingly popular in the west every year- for decades. Even as a kid in the early days of the internet searching for DBZ stuff, there were some fucked up rabbit-holes of creepy crap to fall down, and it's much, much worse these days.

Is there a difference between drawing something and doing something? Of course there is. I by no means think someone who draws a cartoon character in a sexual situation should be considered a criminal, regardless of the cartoon character's 'age' or the content of that sexual situation. However creepy-as-fuck I may think it is, it's still just a cartoon, in which absolutely no one is done any real harm, except perhaps to the artist and the viewers humanity.

My great worry with this trend is its potential to inspire a far more casual, accepting attitude toward p***philia, and promote it among young people as an acceptable fetish. I've no objections to dudes sitting around in darkened rooms wanking it in quiet shame to creepy cartoons, but I'm dead-set against 'communities' developing around such activities, as the potential for real-world sexual abuse resulting is far too apparent. It's things like the 'Bronie' movement, where a large group of adult males are claiming to be great fans of children's programming intended for young girls and even start showing up in groups at events intended for children that have me worrying... as when like-minded people gather and rally, they enable and embolden each-other.


Mar 18, 2017
I won't address the first part, as it is a ridiculous slippery slope, as has been addressed on this board there is no agenda to normalize or legalize child sex, it's all anti-lgbt propaganda.
But there is proposed legislation, in various countries to lower the age of consent to 12/13. You are okay with that?
Yes, the family is a good shield for abuse.

You ever heard of Quiverfull or New Patriarchy? They are ride with p***philia scandals.
What are you trying to say here? Just because the Quiverfull movement is mostly filled with Christian-right, so somehow there is a connnection between christianity and paedophilia? A one-child household or ten-children household knows no bounds for perps.
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Mar 13, 2017
This whole thing seems like a Strawman argument.

What I mean is, what agenda are you all really pointing out? Because it seems extremely exaggerated. A few dumb headlines from the news and some youtube videos don't support the main argument at all. I've never seen any pro-NAMBLA shit. I mean you all literally have to dig around to find this stuff.

It's not part of the public agenda if you all have to snoop around to find it. The more logical explanation is far simpler. Liberals are the groupie types. So when one of them is accused of anything, the group instinctively and automatically jumps to their defense. Even if they are a p***phile or a murderer. That's just how they are.

There is just no way in hell any prominent liberals are out there saying NAMBLA is cool. They won't defend any p***phile that they aren't grouped up with.


Jan 29, 2018
Trafficking accounts for a small percentage of child sexual abuse, most is done in the family.
Not a small percentage by any measure...... but I believe you are correct that the majority of these abuses does occur by predators victimizing children they already know or are familiar/connected with, I.E. family and close friends.


Jan 29, 2018
I really like that the videos makers included the text/sub-text captions. Their translation of the verbal strategy and tactics used by those who thought to be so bold as to attempt and advance this agenda in public, via a TED talk (yeesh), is very important.

I also peeped the obvious game of the producers of that talk and its taping. Get a young, attractive female who speaks about this subject in a soft and seductive fashion to normalize it with their audience. I wonder, who exactly is this woman giving the TED talk? Is she just a convenient spokesperson (tool) that they tossed on stage, or is she a real mover and shaker on this issue?