only thread I could find
if Ya cannot See the "new one religion" off the stones
was referring to,this is that,We Know what's being heavily
pushed on Us in all forms of medias
they've taken how many Children's shows and have made
them all adult versions of them now
how many have they remade for Our Children even too many
of course this is a first of the "times" back in the day Peoples
would have lost their minds if they tried this crap but We've
been conditioned,engineered into acceptance in society
that's why they mentioned there's a surge in curiosity of all
things "magic"
some of what tptb has word associated with that word "magic"
is Our Natural given Abilities
We would pass that Knowledge generation to generation,they've
gmo'ed/poisoned in one way or another,that generational Knowledge
out of Us
the same way they're talking about a xav that will take Our
literal Soul away
they've taken that Knowledge and hidden it away from Us and
made Us think all abilities are some form of bad/evil "magic"when
in actual reality it's Our given birth rights
notice they say steps away from the hangings so that lands
been charged with terror,torture,despair,humiliation and death
all of that will feed into this "course" watch for more Peoples
and "schools" start offering these "courses"
why is it just being offered for "study and attention" now if it
was always worthy
they do mention that magic has been here longer than religion
which I do Believe the religion is the slautir she mentions
that We do
if Ya look at this without bias,opinions,belief in the religions
and See the masses,communions,baptism etc.. are actual
slautir that tptb have normalized to Us
it's sad and unfortunately not that many can do that
look from other angles I'm Hoping and Asking daily that
Our Light Helps to lift that off Peoples eyes so they can
step outside the system and See it Truly
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