So, all lives don't matter? Isn't that a racist statement?
Seems those who support BLM (and i know many blacks who don't, they see it for the psy-op that it is) reject "all lives matter".
I find this interesting, those who are "fighting racism" seem to think not everyone else matters. Well, whose life doesn't matter? Chinese, Brazilian, Arabs?
Just seen this interesting video, I'll link it..
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A man shows 2 circles on the board and says they are not equal. One in fact is larger then the other he says. Then he asks who thinks the blue circle is larger. So many raise there hands, then he asks who thinks the red circle is larger and the rest raise there hands.
Then he says "Before i said anything about these 2 circles, what was your first instinct? Equal right? Because they look equal. Because in fact they are equal. These 2 circles are identical, yet i got just about every one of you to raise there hand and say they aren't."
Why is this relevant? Because these are how the divide and conquer psy-ops work. This is how gullible we all are. The powers that be tell you that you are not equal, hate your neighbor. No proof of this, we are just told it constantly on the media, programs, ect.
I see alot of hate towards whites when i read your posts. What are you gonna do when you meet the Almighty? He created the white man, did he not? Its ironic because the reason we are here on earth is because satan thought he was better then mankind. Kinda like you, how you think race grants superiority, how you think Only black lives matter.
I can see you getting offended at "white lives matter". But getting offended at "all lives matter" is another level of ignorance.
I support "all lives matter" because it is a factual statement.
Turn off your tv. Go find a white neighbor, or Chinese, Brazailain, w/e. Some non black individual and get to know them. You might just find years of indoctrination disappear.
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