Stephen King Satan Orange Man

Jun 26, 2022
Yes he's different. Even today he refuses to have a mobile phone
I was going to ignore the latest troll, but i just had to say that it's real easy to virtue signal about not having a cell phone when you have a full staff to take massages for you, set up appointments, call for help in case of car trouble or any of the things us commoner folk would use a cell phone for
Oct 20, 2021
Speaking of trauma based mind control / MK
  • Firestarter - Andy and Charlene "Charlie" McGee are a father/daughter pair on the run from a government agency known as The Shop. They ran an experiment with an LSD type drug "Lot 6" that gave Andy and his wife telekinesis and telepathy. Charlie was born with the ability to start fires with her mind. The Shop's director, Captain James "Cap" Hollister, calls in a Shop assassin named John Rainbird to capture the fugitives. Rainbird, a Cherokee and a Vietnam War veteran, is intrigued by Charlie's power and eventually becomes obsessed with her (p***phile). They are captured, try to escape and Andy is shot by Rainbird and dies. Charlie blows up the building, leaving the entire Shop facility burning, with almost everyone dead. The event is covered up by the government and released to the media as a terrorist firebomb attack. The Shop quickly reforms, under new leadership, and begins a manhunt for Charlie, who has returned to the Manders farm. After some deliberation, she comes up with a plan and leaves the Manders', just ahead of Shop operatives, and heads to New York City. She decides on Rolling Stone magazine as an unbiased, honest media source with no ties to the government, and the book ends as she arrives to tell them her story.
  • End of Watch - Retired detective Bill Hodges, who now with his sidekick Holly runs the private investigation agency Finders Keepers (a satanic child sex trafficking ring was called the Finders) He finds that all those near the serial killer Brady commit suicide. After his head injury, Brady found himself gaining new abilities, including the power to move small objects with his mind and the ability to enter the bodies of certain people susceptible to his mental domination. Still confined to his hospital bed, Brady has used his power to finish his murderous work by creating a hypnotic video game app that heightens the user's susceptibility.
  • The Institute - begins in suburban Minneapolis with Luke Ellis, a twelve-year-old intellectual prodigy with mild telekinetic abilities. One night, intruders silently murder Luke's parents and kidnap him. Luke wakes up in a room almost identical to his own at "the Institute," a facility secretly located deep in the forests of Maine. The Institute houses a number of other kidnapped children, each with special talents—telekinesis and telepathy. Experiments and torture are performed on the children to try to enhance their talents, as well as to awaken TP abilities in TKs and vice versa. Once the experiments are done, the children "graduate" to Back Half there, the children's collective abilities are weaponized for assassinations until the strain kills them.
  • The Talisman - Individuals in the Territories have "twinners", or parallel individuals, in our world. Twinners' births, deaths, and (it is intimated) other major life events are usually paralleled. Twinners can also "flip" or migrate to the other world but only share the body of their alternate universe's analogue. When flipped, the twinner, or the actual person, will automatically start speaking and thinking the language of where they are flipping into subconsciously. In rare instances (such as Jack's), a person may die in one world but not the other, making the survivor "single-natured", with the ability to switch back and forth, body and mind, between the two worlds.
  • Cell - The story follows a New England artist struggling to reunite with his young son after a mysterious signal broadcast over the global cell phone network turns the majority of his fellow humans into mindless vicious animals. Clayton Riddell, a struggling artist from Maine, has just landed a graphic novel deal in Boston when "The Pulse", a signal sent out over the global cell phone network, suddenly turns every cell phone user into mindless zombie-like killers. Clay is standing in Boston Common when the Pulse hits, causing chaos to erupt around him near an ice cream truck. Civilization crumbles as the "phoners" attack each other and anyone in view.
  • Revival - Jacobs has discovered something he terms "secret electricity", an all-powerful energy source that he has been using to achieve his miraculous cures over the years. He now intends to harness a massive surge of this energy from a lightning rod and channel it into a terminally ill woman named Mary Fay, whom he has relocated to his lab. Jacobs' plan is to revive Mary Fay after her death, not in the conventional manner, but in the sense that she will be clinically dead and yet able to communicate with Jacobs and tell him of the afterlife and what fate befell his wife and child after their death. The experiment works, but not in the way Jacobs intends. The revived Mary Fay does become a doorway to the afterlife, but to the horror of both Jacobs and Jamie, there is no Heaven and no reward for piety. Instead, the afterlife is revealed to be "The Null", a hellish dimension of chaos, where souls of the deceased are tormented by Ant creatures, who serve insane, Lovecraftian beings, the most powerful of which is known as "Mother". It is implied that humans are fed to Mother, as "she" has a claw made of human faces. Mother inhabits the body of Mary Fay, transforming her into a grotesque monster, and attempts to kill Jacobs. Jamie shoots Mother with Jacobs' gun, and she leaves Mary's body. A horrified Jacobs has a fatal stroke, and Jamie arranges his body to make it look like he shot Mary. Jamie flees the scene and relocates to Hawaii.
  • The Stand - An extremely contagious and lethal strain of influenza is developed as a biological weapon in a secret U.S. Department of Defense laboratory in northern California. It is estimated to be 99.4% fatal. Moments before they are about to be torn apart via dismemberment, the Trashcan Man drags in a nuclear warhead (an atonement attempt for blowing up Flagg's entire experienced pilot crew), and the "Hand of God" detonates the bomb, destroying Las Vegas, as well as Larry and Ralph. Flagg wakes up with memory loss on a beach. From the jungle emerge a dozen dark-skinned men with spears who eventually bow down and worship him.
So he started out writing for Adam and Cavalier which are porno magazines. He definitely looks like antifa alumni.
Oct 20, 2021
I was going to ignore the latest troll, but i just had to say that it's real easy to virtue signal about not having a cell phone when you have a full staff to take massages for you, set up appointments, call for help in case of car trouble or any of the things us commoner folk would use a cell phone for
Yeah I was against cell phones too until they gave me one for free. I guess I sold out lol.
Dec 22, 2019
Growing up, from my teens until a few years ago, I was a huge fan of his books. I've read pretty much all his books written up until maybe 10 years ago, except the dark tower series.

It is absolutely true that near the end of IT the boys take turns having sex with Beverly when they are trapped in the sewers. It is described in detail, going on for several pages, describes the different feel and experience of each diffferent boy, if i remember correctly, through her perspective. It even describes her - how do i put this? - enjoying herself. This is an 11 or 12 year old girl we're talking about here. While the boys are her age, it is extremely inappropriate that a grown man wrote this. Major p3d0 vibe for that.

He wrote much (most? all?) of his 80s material while under the influence of some major coke and alcohol binges. Was he possibly channeling demons?

I don't have proof, but i think he's probably a c i a asset that was hired on to spread narratves and predictive programming. When the 2020 riots were going on and people were being cancelled left and right i kept wondering when the woke mob was gonna come for him for his repeated use of the n-word in his books. Not surprisingly they never came.

Last thing, i dont know how to link pdf files, bit if you go to duckduckgo and search "miles mathis stephen king" the first result is an interesting pdf that gives the theory that king is actually from one of the "powerful families" that control everything, and not really a broke nobody who struck it rich.

Here's some screeshots for those that cant be bothered, the pdf is longer and has more info

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View attachment 82163

View attachment 82164
I agree. I love IT as it is my fave horror franchise and I'll always love it. I just don't agree how the kids start having (coitus) with Beverly.


Apr 24, 2022
You must be a batsh1t crazy merciless religious fanatic torturer, like those who terrorized anyone who didn't fall in line for centuries. You are the satan. You had your rule for 20 centuries. Now you are angry that its weakened for last 50 years or so. Long live feminism. And long live Stephen King, the awesome horror writer. Creep ? Popes and reverends are the creeps.
Why are you attacking someone just for having a different mindset? Why did this trigger you so much?


Sep 8, 2018
The other day I was at Dollar Tree and bought a bluray movie called IT by Stephen King. I haven't watched it yet but started to wonder if I had just donated $1.25 to Satan. King is a hardcore demoncrat and went out of his way to insult Orange Man and seems like a weird creep. Plus he lives in Maine and I wonder if he is a Satanist hiding in the woods and up to no good such as being an evil warlock. I have read a few books by him in my younger more naive days but not anymore. Does anyone else harbor suspicion towards him? And also he seems to be a darling of MSM and Hollywood and can do no wrong according to them.

He’s a great writer and an obvious Mason.
Trump is another Mason.
There is only one party and we are not members.


Nov 5, 2022
Yes the Pope invites you to Sunday services to discuss your future as a horror genre movie critic with the New York Times. Perhaps Stephen King will take notice of you and invite you to special night at Motel 666 LOL.
99.9% of commenters in VC articles and forum posts are holy-book-thumping conspiracy theorists. You can bask in ur giddy majority around here and say what u like. I dont care about crazy rappers and their lyrics. But like rebels during French revolution killed also those who didn't do anything wrong, u ppl are targeting anything and everything. Stephen King is satanic. JK Rowling is satanic etc. Other than ur holy book and GodTV drivel, everything is satanic.


Nov 5, 2022
Why are you attacking someone just for having a different mindset? Why did this trigger you so much?
Why should anyone NOT get triggered by this? Stop attacking Stephen King. Or else let me attack the attacker. I am not a conspiracy theorist, so dont expect me to not attack.


Nov 5, 2022
Your defense of this portion of the novel is really rather stupid as well as grotesque, nevertheless, your opinions regarding it have been duly noted. I’ll be sure to remember your appreciation for a p3dophilic sex scene wherever and whenever you show up with something to say, so thanks for that. It lets me know that everything in your head is perverted garbage.

All the best,
a holy-book-believer
I dont care ur noting. Go note how flat the earth is. Be sure to appreciate the giant tortoise, ok ? Read bible, just READ it and u will know what is a perverted garbage. That too lost in translation from Latin. Deliberately written by MEN. Super cryptic garbage. So that any meaning can be gotten out of it. All types of lowlives are attracted to the REvelation section. THAT is a truly satanic section. At least remove Revelation part from Bible so that it attracts (and motivates to take to violence) less number of people.

BTW what IS ur definition of "perverted" ? When women wanted to study in college, ur kind called them names. It was a perversion for you. When women wanted to do jobs and earn money, it was perversion for you. 4% - 6% of any npopulation are naturally born gay people, but u call it perversion. Dont u realize this perversion wouldn't happen if women and gays were not tortured and suffocated in the first place.

"Show up with something to say" ? Sure. Why can't I show up to defend Stephen King when u ppl are pouncing on anything and everything not "Christian" ??

99.9% of commenters in VC articles and forum posts are holy-book-thumping conspiracy theorists. You can bask in ur giddy majority around here and say what u like. I dont care about crazy rappers and their lyrics. But like rebels during French revolution went overboard and killed also those who didn't do anything wrong, u ppl are targeting anything and everything. Stephen King is satanic. JK Rowling is satanic etc. Other than ur holy book and GodTV drivel, everything is satanic. There used to be a few feeble voices who did point out that if VC is against conspiracy then why isn't he calling the bluff of holy books, which is the original mass media manipulation. But those voices have been crowded out. They understood that in the name of uncovering mischiefs of the powerful, it is actually a forum for licking holy-book and attacking feminism gay people. This site was very very quickly overrun by patriarchal religious conservative buggers, and VC dont care. Tells me what he really stand for. If u really think u tiny bunch of intolerant crazies can win, just keep at it ok ? Feel superior in ur fanatic-infested majoritarian cocoon. World is not one large VC forumm thank God (real one, not man-made ones). All the best to u too. Now go watch ur next GodTV drivel.
Aug 12, 2020
I dont care ur noting. Go note how flat the earth is. Be sure to appreciate the giant tortoise, ok ? Read bible, just READ it and u will know what is a perverted garbage. That too lost in translation from Latin. Deliberately written by MEN. Super cryptic garbage. So that any meaning can be gotten out of it. All types of lowlives are attracted to the REvelation section. THAT is a truly satanic section. At least remove Revelation part from Bible so that it attracts (and motivates to take to violence) less number of people.

BTW what IS ur definition of "perverted" ? When women wanted to study in college, ur kind called them names. It was a perversion for you. When women wanted to do jobs and earn money, it was perversion for you. 4% - 6% of any npopulation are naturally born gay people, but u call it perversion. Dont u realize this perversion wouldn't happen if women and gays were not tortured and suffocated in the first place.

"Show up with something to say" ? Sure. Why can't I show up to defend Stephen King when u ppl are pouncing on anything and everything not "Christian" ??

99.9% of commenters in VC articles and forum posts are holy-book-thumping conspiracy theorists. You can bask in ur giddy majority around here and say what u like. I dont care about crazy rappers and their lyrics. But like rebels during French revolution went overboard and killed also those who didn't do anything wrong, u ppl are targeting anything and everything. Stephen King is satanic. JK Rowling is satanic etc. Other than ur holy book and GodTV drivel, everything is satanic. There used to be a few feeble voices who did point out that if VC is against conspiracy then why isn't he calling the bluff of holy books, which is the original mass media manipulation. But those voices have been crowded out. They understood that in the name of uncovering mischiefs of the powerful, it is actually a forum for licking holy-book and attacking feminism gay people. This site was very very quickly overrun by patriarchal religious conservative buggers, and VC dont care. Tells me what he really stand for. If u really think u tiny bunch of intolerant crazies can win, just keep at it ok ? Feel superior in ur fanatic-infested majoritarian cocoon. World is not one large VC forumm thank God (real one, not man-made ones). All the best to u too. Now go watch ur next GodTV drivel.
Are you angry?LOL.


Nov 30, 2022
You must be a batsh1t crazy merciless religious fanatic torturer, like those who terrorized anyone who didn't fall in line for centuries. You are the satan. You had your rule for 20 centuries. Now you are angry that its weakened for last 50 years or so. Long live feminism. And long live Stephen King, the awesome horror writer. Creep ? Popes and reverends are the creeps.
Feminism is one of the greatest scourges on earth. Gloria Steinam was a proud CIA agent. Neo-feminism, another part of the destruction of the world. Nothing worse than the neo-feminists, except maybe the woke world.

I would not be surprised if Stephen King DID NOT write all the novels. We've all been too. Stephen King...sigh another high p
Well toxic "anything" should suck. At least feminism had a good reason to develop. Namely > Sir Toxic Patriarchy. And THAT sucked for 10 millenia. I want to ask you : Do you wish to ban the horror genre ? Well, how about banning the christian genre ? How about banning the choirs and God TV ? Those brainwashing devices ??


Nov 30, 2022
Feminism is one of the greatest scourges on earth. Gloria Steinam was a proud CIA agent. Neo-feminism, another part of the destruction of the world. Nothing worse than the neo-feminists, except maybe the woke world.

I would not be surprised if Stephen King DID NOT write all the novels. We've all been too. Stephen King...sigh another high p
I am not saying anything about banning anything. It's just that the green haired nutbars feminists have no idea about what is in store for them.
Feminism....the biggest scourge on the planet next to the woke nutbars.
Maybe we should ban people who have no idea about history. Read and learn.


Mar 18, 2017
I read IT a few years ago always thought the sexual part with the boys and Bev was very strange and unnecessary, maybe King just wanted us to feel uncomfortable while reading it


Aug 19, 2019
I will attack Steve King for what he wrote in IT. The reason for it and the themes. I don’t deny he exposed the evil for what it is. Not the monster under the town but the people who murdered their children, looked away when their child murdered his baby brother, abused their daughters, committed hate crimes against their neighbors and pretended “everything was fine”. He may claim that IT influenced them but how can that justify the scene with the losers club becoming “men” at the expense of Beverly? She is the victim here. If IT can affect an adult to blind them to their evil why go through a ceremony to become one? Seems hypocritical. King is ruthless with his characters and has it out for children and women. He is a sexist, misogynist person who may have tapped into the realty of the human condition and hates what he sees. His writing is driven by a battle between good and evil that does not have a clear conclusion leaving the reader uneasy after the end. It is not a surprise that he is graphic and explicit in his work but that doesn’t mean I should defend it.


Jun 17, 2023
Feminism is one of the greatest scourges on earth. Gloria Steinam was a proud CIA agent. Neo-feminism, another part of the destruction of the world. Nothing worse than the neo-feminists, except maybe the woke world.

I would not be surprised if Stephen King DID NOT write all the novels. We've all been too. Stephen King...sigh another high p
Well, maybe you are not far from the truth. I remember reading somewhere that after he became mainstream, there was a whole team of authors/writers who helped him write his books. Just like the Beatles/Theo Adorno theory.
Oct 20, 2021
I get the feeling Stephen King is probably celebrating Pride Month and attending drag queen story hour at the local library trying to drum up sales for his past catalog.


Jun 17, 2023
I get the feeling Stephen King is probably celebrating Pride Month and attending drag queen story hour at the local library trying to drum up sales for his past catalog.
Thanks for the answer but seriously, I don't get what you mean,lol :D