Save the Children


May 15, 2017
I do Love it's a Known influential person sharing this
overall she does make a very passionate sincere imho
speech and I do Believe this should be shared as much
as possible

I find it sad that she felt the need to apologize for sharing
,speaking on this information because without awareness
this will continue and be something taboo to talk about and
Peoples will find it all that much harder to Believe this is
happening in Our World
right now as I type this it is happening and I can't say how
much that breaks my Soul Knowing

how much is a Child worth isn't even a question all Children
are priceless PERIOD

that there is a map above her that's showing active
sickos accessing,sharing this is sad

as is the fact she mentions that a lot of these foundations
are covers for predators to get closer to the Children and
then asks for donations to a foundation that is exactly
what she described as covers

one solution for the sickness


Sep 21, 2021
I do Love it's a Known influential person sharing this
overall she does make a very passionate sincere imho
speech and I do Believe this should be shared as much
as possible

I find it sad that she felt the need to apologize for sharing
,speaking on this information because without awareness
this will continue and be something taboo to talk about and
Peoples will find it all that much harder to Believe this is
happening in Our World
right now as I type this it is happening and I can't say how
much that breaks my Soul Knowing

how much is a Child worth isn't even a question all Children
are priceless PERIOD

that there is a map above her that's showing active
sickos accessing,sharing this is sad

as is the fact she mentions that a lot of these foundations
are covers for predators to get closer to the Children and
then asks for donations to a foundation that is exactly
what she described as covers

one solution for the sickness
She made this speech about 6 years ago...I haven't heard her make a more recent one...Or maybe I just haven't seen it yet... I hope she continues speaking against these evils of pedofilia and child porn especially nowadays...


May 15, 2017
though I totally Believe in the one solution

if a pedo is behind bars dying they should absolutely
NOT have this option afforded them in any terminal cases

they should suffer through every single ounce of pain,
discomfort etc... that his illness brings him as way of
punishment til he dies
it's at least some justice for what he's done

this is not right he's served 3 of the 17 yrs and now gets
to choose his own way of death NO that's a slap in the face
to his victims who didn't have a choice in his abusing of them

one solution for the sickness


May 15, 2017
tptb will not stop this agenda until We make them stop

one solution for the sickness


Sep 21, 2021



May 15, 2017
this is becoming a regular thing eh

I don't Know who Sees this backcheck and
decides "oh yeah your great for the job"
unless of course it's birds of a feather all
flocking together

which I am seriously starting to think it could
very well be as We keep Seeing/Hearing about
this sickness in schools

one solution for the sickness


May 15, 2017
The world has gone completely nuts when we have principals acting like this. Topsy Turvy, indeed. And, if the parents are alright with sending their kids to a school with this kind of principal, then there's an even bigger issue.
that's why I keep saying the best thing any parents
who have their Children in a school where one of
these evil sick pos are working

pull all the Children out
yeah I Know it's a pain specially for those who work
but is it really that much of a inconvenience

Your willing to allow this sickness near Your Child without
Ya being there with all that's being taught about keeping
secrets from Your parents and such imho no it's all the more

tell all the other parents who may not be aware
make some flyers,post them on cars,hand them out in the
parking lot

go on the schools forums and post it there,start a fb group
twit etc...
to share all the ones Ya can find in Your areas working at
schools or anywhere with Children right now

all the parents need to come together United and nope not
on Our watch not with Our Children
look into a group law suit See if that's an option for Y'all

there are things that can be done so that Hopefully the
next school this evil sicko applies at won't have to think
about it because they will already be aware of the situation
this caused at other schools

if We as parents,aunts,uncles,grandparents,friends w/e dont
stand up and do anything and just seem to accept this
tptb will not stop until every single person working in these
places with Children are all apart of the same flock

if We dont stop this
tptb will not stop it either they will push it to the max as
that's exactly how they want Our World
accepting this sickness as a normal part of it
it's NOT ever going to be normal to me

one solution for the sickness


May 15, 2017
Thank the Good this Child did what it seems
all the adults present couldn't

that he Heard the commotion from across the
street and decided to go See if he can be of
assistance is exactly how this World is supposed
to be

if We See someone in need of Help just do whatever
Ya can to offer some sorta Help

I was a lil ticked off that outta all the adults no one
thought to pile on group attack the perpetrator all
at once

while he's trying to get in the bathroom door
rush him full speed and jump on him full weight and
bring him to the ground then the others use those kicks
and the wet floor sign they had no issue doing once the
guy was pinned by a Child
then Ya keep him incapacitated til the police arrive

that it took a Child to get him down before the adults found
some courage and strength,shows Us how sad this world is

what if by chance did get ahold of a Child and started taking
off what woulda happened?

I need to Believe that someone woulda stepped in to stop
him and take that Child back but after Seeing how they all
reacted and stayed more fearful than anything
I really do think it woulda been a wait for the police situation

this day and age Peoples cannot keep waiting on others to
jump in and do what's right
sometimes in a situation it may just be Ya that has be the
one stepping in


May 15, 2017
It's true, if parents can pull their kids out and do what's best for them to protect them, things could at least get a fair amount better than they are now! They need the utmost protection.
I agree a 100% it would in the very least start getting
Us to a place of making Our World better for Our Children

if the parents all showed a zero tolerance united front
with this sickness,it would show that We've had more
than enough and We're NOT going to allow this to spread
any further

Our Children need Us more today than ever before to protect
them as this agenda is at its worst and it's only going that much
faster at even worse
if We sit waiting for someone in tptb to do anything about
stopping their agenda,We Know that won't happen

We will have to do that for Our Children and for all Children
Last edited:


Sep 21, 2021
I agree a 100% it would in the very least start getting
Us to a place of making Our World better for Our Children

if the parents all showed a zero tolerance united front
with this sickness,it would show that We've had more
than enough and We're NOT going to allow this to spread
any further

Our Children need Us more today than ever before to protect
them as this agenda is at its worst and it's only going that much
faster at even worse
if We sit waiting for someone in tptbMto do anything about
stopping their agenda,We Know that won't happen

We will have to do that for Our Children and for all Children
Parents should be the most vigilant people in the lives of children...their providers and protectors...

But very sadly, many have become parents who are "clueless..." and selfish, immature, irresponsible, unkind, uncaring, and unloving... It's been a vicious cycle...these "parents" grew up in the same environment...and so tend to "produce their own kind..."

The very evil-induced social phenomena instigated and perpetuated by tptb...with the core intent of destroying the main unit of society...the family...


May 15, 2017
Parents should be the most vigilant people in the lives of children...their providers and protectors...

But very sadly, many have become parents who are "clueless..." and selfish, immature, irresponsible, unkind, uncaring, and unloving... It's been a vicious cycle...these "parents" grew up in the same environment...and so tend to "produce their own kind..."

The very evil-induced social phenomena instigated and perpetuated by tptb...with the core intent of destroying the main unit of society...the family...
sadly it's all too True e-Enoch
Jun 26, 2022
The Unfair Advantage...

That was interesting.

I dont want to accidentally dox myself so i'll be vague... i have some firsthand knowledge re some of the happenings in those kinds of schools (not the .00001%, but more like 1-5%? Not several hundred 100s a year tuition stuff, but maybe around 40k... i'm not sure exact amount - i was just a kid and had a scholarship. They try to offset their bad deeds by doing outreach to poor kids, hoping to find "ambitious" kids that will be willing to sell their soul in the future...)

Anyway, yeah the education level is much higher than public school, or even regular private school. We're talking 10 yr olds discussing their stock portfolios, international politics, gene editing, mandatory multiple languages, golf for pe, learning fine dining, how to see past the media (and this was 20ish years ago). I can only imagine what theyre being taught now. But i would say the educational level was higher than state college.

Being an outsider who was dropped into this after some years of public school, it was a whole different world. Some were the kids of actors, others of ceos, bankers, high profile lawyers, there would be names people would recognize (which shows that they're not the very top of the pyramid, i think those at the very top don't have name recognition, theyre the hidden elite).

Anyway, they are also cruel. It feels wrong saying this about children, but they are cold, calculating, unfeeling, and with a knowledge that was inappropriate for their age. They had zero problem victimizing the outsider. I can only imagine the kind of abuse they'd been subjected to already at such a young age that made them this way...

I will also say that at the level im familiar with theyre not above the agenda that the higher elites have planned for the masses. I looked up the school i went to and they're asking for the child's pronouns on the application, and they had a vax mandate. I was able to access a forum about another school on the same level and someone was saying that many of the kids are acting out by either being gay or trans.


Sep 21, 2021
That was interesting.

I dont want to accidentally dox myself so i'll be vague... i have some firsthand knowledge re some of the happenings in those kinds of schools (not the .00001%, but more like 1-5%? Not several hundred 100s a year tuition stuff, but maybe around 40k... i'm not sure exact amount - i was just a kid and had a scholarship. They try to offset their bad deeds by doing outreach to poor kids, hoping to find "ambitious" kids that will be willing to sell their soul in the future...)

Anyway, yeah the education level is much higher than public school, or even regular private school. We're talking 10 yr olds discussing their stock portfolios, international politics, gene editing, mandatory multiple languages, golf for pe, learning fine dining, how to see past the media (and this was 20ish years ago). I can only imagine what theyre being taught now. But i would say the educational level was higher than state college.

Being an outsider who was dropped into this after some years of public school, it was a whole different world. Some were the kids of actors, others of ceos, bankers, high profile lawyers, there would be names people would recognize (which shows that they're not the very top of the pyramid, i think those at the very top don't have name recognition, theyre the hidden elite).

Anyway, they are also cruel. It feels wrong saying this about children, but they are cold, calculating, unfeeling, and with a knowledge that was inappropriate for their age. They had zero problem victimizing the outsider. I can only imagine the kind of abuse they'd been subjected to already at such a young age that made them this way...

I will also say that at the level im familiar with theyre not above the agenda that the higher elites have planned for the masses. I looked up the school i went to and they're asking for the child's pronouns on the application, and they had a vax mandate. I was able to access a forum about another school on the same level and someone was saying that many of the kids are acting out by either being gay or trans.
It's quite surprising how the kids of some of these elites are not spared...What happened to Paris Hilton as a teen, who was sent to a horrible boarding school by her own parents... to "straighten her out..." was truly shocking...


Aug 22, 2023
I'm trying to recreate this thread as I think its
extremely important to bring awareness to this evil

many here Know this hits home for me and my stance
on this evil

especially when tptb are trying to normalize and
minimize the damaging lifelong effects this sickness
takes on the victims/survivors

some of the things posted here can be extremely graphic
in images and information

because of that and since this thread will be veiwable by guests

I would like to See precautions being taken to minimize the trigging
it may cause some Peoples as not everyone can take Seeing or Knowing
what's in some of these posts

a lot of this Ya will lose sleep and be Soul broken Knowing

Please use a trigger warning that is bold red and bigger than
the size of type Your using for the post


for things with images that are extremely graphics for thumbnails
Please hide them under the spoiler tags


I will be giving credit and restoring as much as possible
thank you for that post!


Sep 21, 2021