Save the Children


Sep 4, 2023
My own message to the American government-
STOP propping up Israel with truckloads of cash and weapons like you've been doing for the past 50 years.
And to the American voters I say STOP voting pro-Israeli Presidents into power, or you'll be as bad as them, and laying yourselves open to muslim reprisal attacks as "Israel's friend", are you nuts or what?..:)




May 15, 2017
this is the story of baby Indi
had Hoped the courts would allow these Parents and Italy the
chance to try Helping her but unfortunately they did not and she
passed away at 1:45am mon

I am furious
it's the not the first time the courts,"drs"decided against the Parents
and allowed instead Children to die

it should be the Parents that decide whether they want to try
exhausting every option they have not the courts or hospital
if there's other options the Parents should be allowed to pursue
them and should always be entitled to other opinions on the Childs
illnesses and the options available

if she was able to be transported to the hospice to have her life support
removed then she should have been allowed to go home with her family
and have the same thing there's no difference
the "drs",judge already decided she wasn't going to live much longer so
why deny her and the family of that

they couldn't Help in her transporting to Italy but could pay for a security
and police escort to the hospice that would have put a Good chunk of a fund
that maybe the Parents,charities or even Italy might've been able to find a way
to accommodate the rest and should've had that option



May 15, 2017
it saves a ton of resources and takes a evil pedofile
out of Our World,that's a win win imho
it's almost like there was some sort of intervention in allowing
this sickness

one solution for the sickness


Sep 21, 2021
"Lebanon Elementary School in Connecticut Becomes The Latest Education Institution To Welcome The After School Satan Club To Teach Their Children..."

Jul 12, 2022
Saw this little blurb on social media today:

Really? Honestly, how could these idiots be condoning this kind of thing for little girls? Witchcraft isn't exactly something to play around with, and it's more serious than they let on. How could they make such light of a really dark and satanic subject? It's no wonder why so many kids are messed up. Nobody, let alone the little girls should ever practice this kind of thing! Magic should be forbidden.


Sep 4, 2023
"Lebanon Elementary School in Connecticut Becomes The Latest Education Institution To Welcome The After School Satan Club To Teach Their Children..."

The teachers better be good swimmers..:)-
Jesus said- "if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to stumble, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea" (Matt 18:6)


May 15, 2017


May 15, 2017
how frigging sickening I don't like that they even
call this a "moms group" they are NOT Mothers
a real True Mother would never ever even think
of think of or do this to their Children

where are the real Mom groups at cause these
evils need to get taught a permanent lesson when
they reach their cell so We can save the resources
that will be expended on these evils

I did NOT read the affidavit I can't right now
So I have no idea what it contains but would take the
Warning the gp gives before accessing it

one solution for the sickness
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Jun 26, 2022
Saw this little blurb on social media today:
View attachment 96912

Really? Honestly, how could these idiots be condoning this kind of thing for little girls? Witchcraft isn't exactly something to play around with, and it's more serious than they let on. How could they make such light of a really dark and satanic subject? It's no wonder why so many kids are messed up. Nobody, let alone the little girls should ever practice this kind of thing! Magic should be forbidden.
This (the screenshot, not what you wrote) is horrible!

If this is typical of modern parents, i am absolutely dreading how satanic the next generation will be.
I doubt there is "no outside influence" - kids absorb everything so most likely there is something that she sees either encouraged or condoned that is influencing her along this.
The mother is just either in denial or in negligent self absorption...
Jul 12, 2022
This (the screenshot, not what you wrote) is horrible!

If this is typical of modern parents, i am absolutely dreading how satanic the next generation will be.
I doubt there is "no outside influence" - kids absorb everything so most likely there is something that she sees either encouraged or condoned that is influencing her along this.
The mother is just either in denial or in negligent self absorption...
I agree, it's absolutely atrocious! Couldn't believe what I saw when I first read it..
That's the thing, yeah. I'm really scared of how bad things will get if it's at this point already. There was definitely some neglect/immaturity to the parent for not protecting this poor girl from these ideologies. It's the parents' responsibilities to make sure the kid doesn't get influenced. It's sad cause it's hard when kids are forced to go to school, and get peer pressure and influence from the other kids, and parents don't know what's happening. At least with homeschooling and proper monitoring of what they see on the internet/tv, they can be protected so much more. I just feel bad if the kids want to be social :(.
Just shows some parents shouldn't have kids!


May 15, 2017
these evils are sick and need the one solution fix

how many of these evil things does one need to See
making these sick twisted comments under the guise
of "jokes"before Ya See them for what they are

these are NOT jokes anyone in their right mind with a Soul
and moral compass Knows this is sick and wrong
anyone who finds it funny in any sense needs to be exterminated
with the rest of them

birds of a feather all flock together
look at the flock sitting and bragging about it in Our World
that frigging ozwalled said straight out on his twit he was a
proud pedo,teegan calling her husband a pedo
come on that's not a joke no one would ever joke about being
a pedo or someone they love being a pedo

they do this cause they're telling straight out Truth to just tell Us
the Truth and if We do nothing,to tptb that's acceptance

for me I will NEVER accept this as anything but the evil it is

one solution for the sickness
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May 15, 2017
this is so wrong and has always been WRONG

has anyone else Seen the videos of Peoples making lists of names
Ya can call"white'" Peoples they are disgusting and if this was the
"white" Peoples doing the same there would be outrage so why is
this seeming to be acceptable to so many

this day and age when We're meant to be promoting Love and
acceptance,all We keep Seeing is the divide and conquer by the
typical tools tptb have always used the main and easiest being
the color of skin

most think only that the darker shades were being enslaved but
that's simply not True
it's always been anyone who the "elites"deem beneath them for
whatever reason it didn't matter the color of skin one had

We've been watching this "white" hate being normalized and pushed
for a few years now
We been Seeing the harm it's causing all Children
it's making the" white" Children hate themselves and their parents
its creating a new hate in the "black" Children

Children are born innocent no matter what these evils try to
promote they do NOT See colors which is exactly how it should be
it's not until they start getting taught that there is a difference between
those colors that they See them

that there are Children actually killing themselves because of
something they nor their families etc..had anything to do with and
that most don't even understand or have Knowledge of except the
hateful rhetoric being pushed is unacceptable

We will never get away from the designed divides until We stop
allowing tptb the power to divide Us in the first place
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Jul 12, 2022
Sadly a thing, it's awful. So many call out racism when it's towards them, but will bash whites and insult them. That is also just as racist. Don't understand why people have to buy into this, and it's also whites putting down their OWN race, constantly calling themselves out for being racist, all because the mainstream media says so.
It's horrible that's what kids are learning, these days, amongst all the other damaging things they have to be taught.
Jun 26, 2022
Yeah racism is wrong, regardless of who it's directed at.

And teaching that stuff to innocent children can really mess with their heads. No one should be being told to kill themself.
Not to mention the lessons are often not even about race, but a way to trojan horse rainbow agendas.

What i find ACTUALLY racist, is how this kind of propaganda labels people with certain behavioral characteristics (like being hard working, being on time, following the law, having a nuclear family., etc) as white. People of ALL races are capable of being on time, working hard, following the law, being in a family, etc!

All this does is lower standards of behavior and contribute to the downward spiral of society. People given a free pass to act out.

And there are also white people who don't fit into those descriptions. Not all white* people are "rich" (meaning middle class honestly, but those who preach these ideologies always have this blind spot for the actual rich/elites, hmmm), nor law abiding, in a nuclear family, etc. White people living in poverty are actually one of the most oppressed groups because many of the social programs to help those in poverty are geared - explicitly or not - towards racial minorities. And the gaslighting that occurs when people pretend this isn't true.

* and, from what i've seen on this forum we dont "go there", but most of the "rich whites" are not actually white, but have a more specific ethnicity that they hold loyalty to...


May 15, 2017
Sadly a thing, it's awful. So many call out racism when it's towards them, but will bash whites and insult them. That is also just as racist. Don't understand why people have to buy into this, and it's also whites putting down their OWN race, constantly calling themselves out for being racist, all because the mainstream media says so.
It's horrible that's what kids are learning, these days, amongst all the other damaging things they have to be taught.
the line I keep Hearing is "Ya can't be racist against whites"
how ridiculous does that sound even,that many believe that
like Ya mentioned it's even "white"Peoples against themselves
I've Seen videos where they're calling for a genocide in "white"
Peoples and I'm thinking "Ya realize Your white eh"

I think school is becoming more about socializing than actual
education,for many Children it's the only place they can See or
interact with other Children

Knowing the 100% Truth that the school was ever about learning
actual Knowledge and all about programming little system drones
that will do as they're told,think a lot of parents are realizing that fact now


May 15, 2017
Yeah racism is wrong, regardless of who it's directed at.

And teaching that stuff to innocent children can really mess with their heads. No one should be being told to kill themself.
Not to mention the lessons are often not even about race, but a way to trojan horse rainbow agendas.

What i find ACTUALLY racist, is how this kind of propaganda labels people with certain behavioral characteristics (like being hard working, being on time, following the law, having a nuclear family., etc) as white. People of ALL races are capable of being on time, working hard, following the law, being in a family, etc!

All this does is lower standards of behavior and contribute to the downward spiral of society. People given a free pass to act out.

And there are also white people who don't fit into those descriptions. Not all white* people are "rich" (meaning middle class honestly, but those who preach these ideologies always have this blind spot for the actual rich/elites, hmmm), nor law abiding, in a nuclear family, etc. White people living in poverty are actually one of the most oppressed groups because many of the social programs to help those in poverty are geared - explicitly or not - towards racial minorities. And the gaslighting that occurs when people pretend this isn't true.

* and, from what i've seen on this forum we dont "go there", but most of the "rich whites" are not actually white, but have a more specific ethnicity that they hold loyalty to...
exactly ToxicFemininitySucks
Children are sponges that will soak up what it is they're being
taught,right now all that's being taught is selfhate in one form
or another

course tptb are lowering standards they wanna get Us to the
point of them giving out "universal benefits",food rations etc..
that old "own nothing"agenda
they're flipping the script everything Good is bad and all that's
bad is good

the way everything is geared in society now a day is all to cause
them designed divides between Us,poor is poor doesn't matter the
colour Ya are

the nuclear family has been a target for decades now and it does
look like they've succeeded in destroying it pretty much to exstinction
there's very very few women or men who want to settle down and have
Children etc..

there's too many apps,medias etc..promoting a promiscuous lifestyle
and no one is even looking for long term anything today
swipe left or right and do the same thing tomorrow night,sad really

in the end it's all about depopulation and control
the rainbow agenda,the destruction of the nuclear family and the
designed for lust not Love apps all do that for them
Jul 12, 2022
the line I keep Hearing is "Ya can't be racist against whites"
how ridiculous does that sound even,that many believe that
like Ya mentioned it's even "white"Peoples against themselves
I've Seen videos where they're calling for a genocide in "white"
Peoples and I'm thinking "Ya realize Your white eh"

I think school is becoming more about socializing than actual
education,for many Children it's the only place they can See or
interact with other Children

Knowing the 100% Truth that the school was ever about learning
actual Knowledge and all about programming little system drones
that will do as they're told,think a lot of parents are realizing that fact now
It's awful! How can a white person want the rest of their entire race wiped out? That's how we know they are totally brainwashed and just relaying what's said on mainstream news and the such.
It's true what you say about kids going to pretty well socialize, that's all it can become to them with all the narratives the teachers makes me wonder if any of these teachers actually see the problem with this, but most don't cause they continue to condition the kids. The peer pressure must be awful, too.
School was never innocent, even at the start, but at least a while ago, kids would at least learn something, even if it was always conditioning them to be good little slaves to the elites.


May 15, 2017
I don't Know how they can and it makes me wonder if
they mean themselves too cause ummmm they're "white"
if the goal is a genocide of "whites" that means all not
just the ones Ya don't like are going to be gone

I agree even if it was just to make little drones at the very
least school taught the basics of what Ya would need
now they don't even do that,most Children can't read,spell
or do basic math even

the peer pressure is horrendous today I despise what it's
doing to mine,they went to high school being happy with
themselves and feeling Good in their own skin to now
picking themselves apart every single day it's heart breaking

for some reason it seems so much worse than back in my
day and idk if it's just because there is a 24hr everyday access
to each other

least when I was in school,Ya got to go home and leave
it at school,there wasn't a online presence that could pull
Ya into it and Ya got days off too
now the only way to get any of that is to go off technology
for a few days

here are a couple I've watched recently that I just smh

if any "white"Peoples said these same things about any
other races there would be outrage
like the one lady asks where is that same outrage etc..
towards the pedofiles that currently infect Our World

Jul 12, 2022
I don't Know how they can and it makes me wonder if
they mean themselves too cause ummmm they're "white"
if the goal is a genocide of "whites" that means all not
just the ones Ya don't like are going to be gone

I agree even if it was just to make little drones at the very
least school taught the basics of what Ya would need
now they don't even do that,most Children can't read,spell
or do basic math even

the peer pressure is horrendous today I despise what it's
doing to mine,they went to high school being happy with
themselves and feeling Good in their own skin to now
picking themselves apart every single day it's heart breaking

for some reason it seems so much worse than back in my
day and idk if it's just because there is a 24hr everyday access
to each other

least when I was in school,Ya got to go home and leave
it at school,there wasn't a online presence that could pull
Ya into it and Ya got days off too
now the only way to get any of that is to go off technology
for a few days

here are a couple I've watched recently that I just smh

if any "white"Peoples said these same things about any
other races there would be outrage
like the one lady asks where is that same outrage etc..
towards the pedofiles that currently infect Our World

Looking at the vids, it's true how much actually happens with contradictions when it comes to whites. I'm starting to think they don't even realize they are white or don't want to be and think it's a shame to be born that way, yikes!

It's sad to see kids not learning the essentials these days. The schools dumb them down so badly, now. Every kid has the right to be literate and know at least basic math. And it's cool if schools would teach more about survival and cooking and such, like they used to at least to some point.

Yeah, it's definitely awful. I can't stand how people have to feel so insecure about themselves, they stop believing in who they's so sad. I wish it was so much easier these days to get away from the tech and pressure from even online as you said.

These people are hypocritical for sure, I couldn't believe what the biracial woman was saying to the guy asking if it's racist to say cracker..a slur is a slur and people just don't get it, yikes.
Jun 26, 2022
Seems to be an epidemic of these disgusting stories. An 11 year old boy this time.

What has gotten into women?
I have a theory...

Anyway, i was thinking, seems not a week goes by that i don't see yet another story of a teacher molesting a teen or pre-teen boy. These stories are either becoming increasingly common, or the media is publicising them when before they would be hidden.
I think either the increase of these occurences, or their prevalence in the media, is one more sign of this rise of goddess worship in society.
Society is either reverting to this primitive god-less time, or the elites are purposely guiding society along to bring that kind of society about.