Russia through the hidden eye


Nov 8, 2022
The work of the 12th Russian Internet Governance Forum began.
Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Chernyshenko welcomed the participants of RIGF 2022 and wished them fruitful work. He noted that RIGF is one of the largest events in Eastern Europe for the development of the global network, as well as an important annual event for the entire Internet community and part of the Global Internet Governance Forum (IGF).

“This gives us the opportunity to discuss current digital trends at RIGF and collaborate within the global agenda. The Internet is a worldwide network that must be maintained together. Today it is necessary to create new international norms of responsible behavior in the digital environment, and Russia is ready to take part in building an open space of trust on the Internet as a responsible international partner,” Dmitry Chernyshenko said.

Tatyana Matveeva, Head of the Office of the President of the Russian Federation for the Development of Information and Communication Technologies and Communications Infrastructure, noted that this year the Forum is being held at a difficult time of unprecedented challenges. “However, despite significant external pressure and massive cyberattacks, the local IT industry has proven to be capable and strong. We are closely monitoring the progress of the UN Secretary General’s attempt to create a Global Digital Compact due to the increasing understanding of the necessity to establish uniform rules for the game. I’m hoping that RIGF participants will be able to contribute to its growth as well as the growth of global network regulation internationally,” she said.

Chengetai Masango, Head of the Secretariat of the United Nations Internet Governance Forum, also noted that many important topics will be discussed at RIGF 2022 today: the Global Digital Compact, the regulation of digital platforms, the fight against destructive content, the benefits of the safe use of artificial intelligence, and others. “During the pandemic, Internet penetration increased significantly, but it was uneven, and the gap between developed and developing countries widened even more. But there is also a positive result – there is a growing understanding of the need for equal access to the Internet. The Internet proves its potential to contribute to the development of all countries of the world from time to time. But the use of this potential depends on each of us, and we need to continue discussions and discussions, as a result of which the Internet that we need will appear. Such discussions will also take place at the 17th Global Internet Governance Forum in November in Addis Ababa, and I invite you to participate in its work,” Chegentai Masango added.

The Global Digital Compact, which will be a topic of discussion at the first working session of the RIGF 2022, is one of the issues that the Russian IGF cannot ignore this year, according to Vadim Glushchenko, Head of the Center for Global IT-Cooperation. “We have a unique opportunity to contribute to the creation of the Global Digital Compact,” he said. The Russian Internet Governance Forum’s youth track was further discussed by Vadim Glushchenko. He mentioned that there are currently 35 regional and national forums for Internet Governance around the world, and Russia is one of them. “We have been organizing the Youth RIGF at Skoltech for the past two years, and the Forum is drawing an increasing number of attendees. The topic of Internet Governance and all things digitalization-related are particularly interesting to young people. We attempt to keep young people from being bored at the Youth Forum, and based on our findings, the topic is welcomed,” he said.

The first day of the 12th Russian Internet Governance Forum ended.

The RIGF 2022 work program was opened with the section “Global Digital Compact: A Chance For Fair Play?”, announced at the opening of the Forum. Together with moderator Roman Chukov (Center for Global IT-Cooperation), participants discussed the need to create new international norms and “rules of the game” in the field of ICT and the draft Global Digital Compact. The experts stressed that today the massive removal of Russian apps from online stores, the active dissemination of fakes and false information and the infringement of the rights of ordinary network users are of serious concern.

Roman Chukov also noted that RIGF 2022 discussion could become the “assembly point” of Russian initiatives to further communicate them to all parties involved in the development of the Global Digital Compact.

Chan Yuping (Office of the UN Secretary-General’s Envoy for Technology) said that the UN is interested in fixing principles in this document that would reflect the “situation on the ground” and that all participants in the process would agree with. “We will try to do our best to ensure that this document concerns not only the role and activities of states in regulating the network, but also the activities of platforms and user experience. We collect all points of view and involve in the discussion of the treaty both states and international companies, and the private sector. And we welcome any suggestions from the Russian Internet community,” she concluded.

Vadim Glushchenko (Center for Global IT-Cooperation) emphasized that the Russian community has its own views on how the Global Digital Compact should look like. “But it is important that the Russian expert community come up with a common consolidated position, and now is the time to start working on its formation,” he stressed.

Participants of the “Ecosystems Regulation” section, together with moderators Karen Kazaryan (Internet Research Institute) and Sergey Plugotarenko (RAEC), have discussed the development of Russian digital ecosystems and platforms, as well as how they may be affected by legal and economic regulation. Sergey Plugotarenko gave a brief overview of the Russian “digital loop”, noting that out of almost 100 million Russian Internet users, 20 million in 2021 used ecosystem subscriptions. More than 10 ecosystems are developing on the Russian market today, and each user has an average of 1.5 subscriptions. At the same time, ecosystems also provide an opportunity for their users to earn money – according to the speaker, the share of the platform economy today supplies 2% of GDP, and more than 2 million people are employed in it. “Ecosystems and platforms are becoming drivers of economic growth today,” Sergey Plugotarenko concluded.
The regulation of ecosystems is one of today’s most critical matters. Elena Zaeva (Federal Antimonopoly Service) remarked that the FAS upholds the “net neutrality” principles developed and adopted in 2016. “Unlike other industries, the role of consumers in the digital sphere is great, and digital services and ecosystems cannot ignore their pressure. Therefore, we see our role, first of all, in creating conditions and clear rules of the game,” Elena Zaeva summed up.

During the section “Russian And World Experience In The Field Of Combating Destructive Content. The Role And Responsibility Of Digital Platforms”, moderator Anna Dupan (Institute for Problems of Legal Regulation, Faculty of Law, Higher School of Economics) invited experts to discuss one of the most controversial aspects of Internet Governance – content regulation. Participants also defined the criteria for destructive content and shared their experience in regulating it, as well as discussed the role of the state and digital platforms in countering the spread of inappropriate content.

According to Vladimir Todorov, Director of media development at Rambler&Co and editor-in-chief of, World practice demonstrates that social networks’ attempts to self- regulate do not always succeed, their algorithms for identifying harmful content are not always accurate, and there are simply insufficient moderators to handle the volume of information that is released. “One of the key tasks of journalism is to ask uncomfortable questions for which society must seek answers. For example, where does the request for such content come from. Perhaps, new destructive subcultures are being formed now, and children fall under their influence from loneliness and complete misunderstanding of parents and teachers. It is necessary to establish an institute of school psychologists so that adolescents have confidence in them. Together with teachers, they should conduct training seminars so that parents do not see mailings with the subject: “Attention, remove Genshin Impact from children’s phones.” Teenagers are already content producers, and if the state and social networks start to marginalize them, they will become atomized and want to leave this society for new, much more closed communication channels: encrypted messengers or private chats,” the speaker said.

The first day of RIGF 2022 was completed by the section “Preserving Human Agency In Ai-Enabled Internet”, which was moderated by Karen Kazarian (Internet Research Institute). The participants discussed how Internet technologies will develop under the influence of AI, what challenges users and society face, and what opportunities exist today to reduce risks when using AI. …The main conclusions of the section are: the person should have the final responsibility for any technology, fears about the disappearance of certain professions due to the introduction of AI are greatly exaggerated, because the pace of digital transformation and the introduction of AI allows you to quickly get a new profession if necessary, and all people should try maintain critical thinking in this challenging world."
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Nov 8, 2022
29.09.2022 / 12th Russian Internet Governance Forum over

The second day of RIGF 2022 continued with a section on online education “Edtech: New Technologies In The New World. What Changes Have Occurred In The Educational Services Market And How People And Companies Have Adapted To Them”. Moderator Makar Goncharov (PulsarProduction) and participants discussed the situation and prospects of the Russian online education market, as well as what skills and educational programs will be in demand in the near future.

According to Alexey Polovinkin (Cyphrium) the Russian market needs new talent development programs and support for children and youth along the “school-university-profession” trajectory. Valentina Kurenkova (Netology) noted that it is also important to develop critical thinking, and Natalia Tsarevskaya, Skolkovo (Ed2 accelerator) added that it is necessary to learn how to work with information, make decisions and take responsibility.

“Startups react to everything that happens very rapidly. Internships, early career coaching, and collaboration with future employers are just a few of the current projects that combine education and employment. New ideas, concepts, and technology continue to emerge in both the work with huge orders that support our economy and in extra online education for kids,” Natalya Tsarevskaya said.

During the “Cyber Security: Critical Infrastructure Protection” section, moderator Andrey Yarnykh (Kaspersky Lab) invited experts to discuss existing threats and vulnerabilities, as well as industry specifics of import substitution at critical infrastructure facilities. Participants discussed the practice that has developed since the adoption of the Federal Law “On the Security of Critical Information Infrastructure”, and talked about the difficulties and existing restrictions that companies in various sectors of the economy face when implementing the requirements developed by the FSTEC, the Federal Security Service and the Ministry of Digital Development of Russia, and also considered trends in the field of regulation of this sector.

As Evgeny Khasin (Russian Ministry of Digital Development) noted, the industry has developed regulations, mechanisms and standards for ensuring information security, but often they are universal and do not take into account the nuances of industry specifics. “There is a huge layer of systems associated with technological equipment or automated process control systems, in relation to which they are poorly applicable or require significant adaptation,” he added.

The experts agreed that one of the most important problem is the lack of qualified personnel. “Now there is a serious shortage of information security specialists, and we plan to expand retraining programs for industry specialists and introduce information security into the curriculum of non-core universities,” said Evgeny Khasin.

The moderator of the section “Digital Born Generation: Risks Of The Digital Environment Today And Tomorrow” Anton Kukanov (Russian Quality System) began the section with the presentation of the Roskachestvo study “Protection of children on the Internet”. He discussed the different methods social media scammers employ to trick kids into playing games with loot boxes or other forms of gambling that need actual financial involvement. Based on the study’s findings, Roskachestvo suggests implementing age-specific content for children and teenagers on the Internet and in video games, actively developing Russian rating systems and labeling, and offering training to teenagers to help them become more financially and digitally literate.

Andrey Ignatiev (Center for Global IT-Cooperation) presented the Center’s products aimed at protecting children on the Internet and spoke about international practice in this area. Fanny Rotino (ITU) spoke about the work the International Telecommunication Union is doing to protect children from cyberthreats.

Elizaveta Belyakova, the chairman of the Alliance for the Protection of Children in the Digital Environment, stated that the Alliance’s “Digital Ethics of Childhood” Charter was developed with input from families. “Over the course of the Alliance’s work year, we came to the conclusion that creating a dialogue with kids and their parents is crucial for us because digital ethics is largely discussed in families. We can only help with this by providing the Alliance with the services and solutions that we are currently developing,” she said.

The RIGF 2022 work program was completed by the section “Youth Participation in Internet Governance”. Moderator Ilona Stadnik (Coordination Center for TLD .RU) and section participants presented the results of the IGF 2021 youth program, the results of YouthRIGF 2022, programs for youth in the world (ITU, EuroDIG, IGF), as well as information about the youth projects of the Coordination Center.

“In the Youth Council, we have gathered people who are somehow immersed in the context of Internet Governance and can share their expertise in completely different areas of IG. It is the synergy of views and opinions of young people and more experienced colleagues that should be the driver that will lead the development of the Internet in a positive direction,” said Andrei Aleinikov, Chairman of the Youth Council of the Coordination Center.

“Today, the youth audience is interested in promoting their ideas and participating in decision- making in the field of Internet development and ensuring its security. It is ready not only to listen and learn, but also to offer and teach its younger and older friends itself. You only need to ask it about this, offer to join this difficult, but very important process. In particular, to help in this direction, the Institute of the Youth Digital Ombudsman has been functioning for almost a year and a half! And for this, very soon we, together with the University named after O.E. Kutafin (Moscow State Law Academy) and the Alliance for the Protection of Children in the Digital Environment, we will open the 1st All-Russian School of Internet Safety for Youth!”, – added Dmitry Gulyaev, Youth Digital Ombudsman.
Summing up the results of RIGF 2022, Andrey Vorobyev noted that all proposals received from speakers and participants will be included in the final document of the Forum. And Vadim Glushchenko (Center for Global IT-Cooperation) invited his colleague Andrey Ignatiev to talk on the forthcoming collection of articles “Internet Today and Tomorrow”.

The interest in the subject of Internet governance is still significant, as Vadim Glushchenko stated. “Our international colleagues pay close attention to what is going on in the Russian Internet governance sector and much value the insight provided by our knowledgeable community. According to the outcomes of the previous RIGF 2022, we sought to make the forum’s agenda wide and rich. As a consequence, we can significantly contribute to the agenda of the future IGF,” he said.

Closing the forum, Andrey Vorobyev said: “Internet Governance Forums – both national, regional and global – work to ensure that everyone’s voice is heard. And the Russian Internet Governance Forum has always adhered to this principle. Therefore, we are completing RIGF 2022 and starting preparations for RIGF 2023. Thanks to everyone who helped us hold this event, thanks to all speakers and participants – and see you in 2023!”

We thank the Organizing Committee and Program Committee of the forum, as well as all speakers and participants for their active work!"


“This gives us the opportunity to discuss current digital trends at RIGF and collaborate within the global agenda. The Internet is a worldwide network that must be maintained together. Today it is necessary to create new international norms of responsible behavior in the digital environment, and Russia is ready to take part in building an open space of trust on the Internet as a responsible international partner,” Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Chernyshenko said. /September 28, 2022

"... And all we hear is, the West is insisting on a rules-based order. Where did that come from anyway? Who has ever seen these rules? Who agreed or approved them? Listen, this is just a lot of nonsense, utter deceit, double standards, or even triple standards! They must think we’re stupid.

Russia is a great thousand-year-old power, a whole civilisation, and it is not going to live by such makeshift, false rules. (Applause.)


Today, we are fighting for a just and free path, first of all for ourselves, for Russia, in order to leave dictate and despotism in the past. I am convinced that countries and peoples understand that a policy based on the exceptionalism of whoever it may be and the suppression of other cultures and peoples is inherently criminal, and that we must close this shameful chapter. The ongoing collapse of Western hegemony is irreversible. And I repeat: things will never be the same."

President of Russia Vladimir Putin

Signing of treaties on accession of Donetsk and Lugansk people’s republics and Zaporozhye and Kherson regions to Russia / September 30, 2022


Nov 8, 2022
The website of Sergey Sobyanin, the mayor of Moscow.

Moscow is the best city on Earth
Together we will overcome the COVID-19 pandemic
The main thing in the fight against the pandemic is the opportunity to receive personalized medical care at any time
Services for residents and businesses
Technologies on the guard of health
Digital passes
In 2020, we have reduced the number of social contacts thanks to the service of registration and verification of digital passes for moving around the city by transport. Citizens could continue to work, go to the country and to the doctor, without increasing the rate of spread of COVID-19
QR codes (checkins)
A service for access to bars and other institutions that allows you to promptly notify all visitors that COVID-19 was detected in one of them. 4700 organizations received QR codes, 5.4 million checks were made by residents
In unique facts and projects
International recognition of the fight against COVID-19
Four projects of the Moscow Government became the best at the Digital Peaks competition
Technopolis "Moscow" was recognized as the best in six categories of the Global FreeZones of the Year rating [including "Fighting the pandemic"]
The Social Monitoring service became an Oscar winner among innovations
Moscow has entered the top three of the innovation rating in the fight against COVID-19
Technopolis "Moscow" was recognized as the best in six categories of the Global Free Zones of the Year rating (including in the category "Fighting the pandemic")

Smart City Moscow. Certification according to the international ISO standard
May 28, 2021
Moscow has received certificates of compliance with international standards ISO 37120 [expired 30April 2022] "Sustainable community development - indicators of urban services and quality of life" and ISO 37122 "Sustainable cities and communities – indicators for smart cities".
The ISO 37122 standard was approved quite recently, and Moscow has successfully passed certification according to it among the top 10 cities in the world.
Experts evaluated 80 indicators in the main sectors of the urban economy, reflecting the effectiveness of the introduction of "smart" technologies to improve the quality of life of citizens.
Why is this important?
Because a smart city is not about the future, but about today. We talked about this at the Smart Cities International Forum, which was held in Moscow at the end of May.
And, of course, obtaining an ISO certificate is not an end in itself, but simply an ongoing assessment of the work of the city authorities on the implementation of SmartCity technologies, which does not stop there.
We will continue to create smart services for Muscovites to make our city even better, safer and more comfortable to live in.

Digital maturity. The digital ecosystem covers all sectors of the economy. 40% of urban systems and services use artificial intelligence algorithms

urban projects in the field of artificial intelligence

it is clear

education: Moscow electronic school. During the cov-ID19 pandemic, the use of MESH made it possible to provide full-fledged distance education for 1 million Moscow schoolchildren

Safety. Video surveillance with face recognition function >202 thousand cameras on the streets, in schools, in courtyards and entrances of residential buildings. In the right of picture: video surveillance reduces crime.

Digital solutions to counteract the COV ID19 pandemic

Unified digital platform for managing patients with covid19

Moscow Innovation Cluster. >20 thousand participants and partners. 200 federal and city support measures (grants, subsidies, benefits, etc.) >300 projects >400 manufacturers on the contract production exchange. Rent of places in technoparks and coworking spaces; Rent of high-tech equipment; Patent exchange; Accelerator of projects; Technological contests; Innovative solutions map

End-to-end technologies | Modern information technologies are used in the creation of a smart city: Top down, right - AI, Big Data, Blockchain, Internet of things; Left: neural-interfaces, 3D modeling, 3D printing, virtual reality, 5G communication technologies


Nov 8, 2022
@Lalas Thanks for your posts. I would have zero idea what is actually happening in Russia
You have nothing to thank me for, but I am glad that you have found out some things about what is happening in Russia, which is the purpose of this topic.:)

At the moment I do not have much time to follow all or even part of all the interesting topics here, but just by taking a quick walk, I see that there are many interesting and informative comments and links to articles and videos covering practically all the important topics. Quite a number of smart and well-read people with knowledge on various topics. Imagine on a global scale, on all forums and sites, how many we are talking about. But... very little about what is happening in Russia. So the vast majority of people much smarter than me, well-informed and well-read, draw conclusions and share views about Russia, the war, the interpretation of the times we are in, the role of Russia and Putin in it, based on very limited information about what is actually happening in Russia. And their score is crooked.

And yet here we are - in the midst of the" Great Reset, "on the verge of what atheists, with wide-open eyes, call" technocratic dystopia "(or something like that), and religious and spiritual research people call" the beast system " (and the like). And, obviously, Russia and the "war" plays an important role. So understanding its role and the level of cooperation with well-known globalists is essential. I trust you will agree with me.

So I will publish many more things here; and whoever wishes to read them, and to include them in his reflections on Russia and the times we are in, in order to make a more accurate account.


Nov 8, 2022
A little bit about Green.

World Meteorological Organization (WMO)
"As a specialized agency of the United Nations, the WMO is dedicated to international cooperation and coordination regarding the state and behavior of the Earth's atmosphere, its interaction with land and oceans, the weather and climate created by it and the resulting distribution of water resources. “ =
Search: Climate Change -> 4628 content matches your search.

Global Climate Monitoring System

Members: Russian Federation

About the Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring

In this field of activity, Roshydromet ensures the fulfillment of the obligations of the Russian Federation under international treaties of the Russian Federation, including the Convention of the World Meteorological Organization, the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change..

The protection of vital interests of the individual, society and the state from the effects of natural hazards, climate change (ensuring hydrometeorological safety) is the first strategic goal of Roshydromet.
The implementation of the mission and the achievement of strategic goals is carried out by solving the following main tasks of Roshydromet:
.. organization of weather forecasts, water availability, crop yields, global and regional climate changes;

International activities
I. Cooperation within the framework of international organizations and conventions

Cooperation within the framework of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO);
Participation in activities under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC);
Participation in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC);
Providing scientific, technical and pedagogical support;
Participation in UNESCO activities, including the UNESCO IOC;
Participation in the activities of international organizations related to the use of artificial satellites for the study of the Earth and outer space (GEOS, EUMETSAT, CGMS. ESA);
Participation in the activities of the IAEA, including the functioning of the RSMC-Obninsk;
Cooperation under the Antarctic Treaty system;
Multilateral cooperation in the Arctic, including cooperation under the International Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP);
Cooperation on the problem of the Caspian Sea, including the Coordinating Committee on Hydrometeorology and Monitoring of Pollution of the Caspian Sea (KASPCOM);
International cooperation for the protection of the marine environment of the Baltic Sea within the framework of the Helsinki Convention (HELCOM);
Cooperation within the framework of the International Programme for Monitoring and Evaluation of Long-Range Transport of Air Pollutants in Europe (EMEP);
Participation in the activities of other international organizations and conventions;
Cooperation within the framework of the International Program of the East Asian Acid Precipitation Monitoring Network (EANET).

Participation in activities under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
21st UN Climate Change Conference in Paris
In the period from November 30 to December 11, Paris will host the 21st UN Climate Change Conference (the 21st session of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, COP21, UNFCCC), which is expected to adopt a global climate agreement for the period after 2020 to prevent a global temperature rise above 2 ° C.

In 2015, in preparation for Paris, UNFCCC member countries will announce their nationally determined contributions (INDC) - information on possible commitments to reduce anthropogenic emissions. As of 25 November 2015, 178 UNFCCC Contracting States, which together account for more than 90% of global emissions, have provided such information. According to a Russian statement published in March, the long-term goal of limiting anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions in the Russian Federation by 2030 could be an indicator of 70-75 percent of 1990 emissions, provided that the absorption capacity of forests is taken into account as much as possible.
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
How the IPCC was founded
Global climate change was recognized by the world community in the 1980s. Concern about possible negative consequences in different countries has prompted politicians to develop an international agreement on joint measures to limit anthropogenic impacts on the Earth's climate system. Subsequently, the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), which was opened for signature in 1992, became such an agreement. ….

...Information on all issues related to the structure and activities of the IPCC can be found on the official website of this organization
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is the United Nations body for evaluating science related to climate change.

Climate doctrine of the Russian Federation
The climate doctrine of the Russian Federation was adopted 17 December 2009

Hydrometeorological Center of Russia
Climate change threatens energy security
October 11, 2022
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Nov 8, 2022
More recently, Putin confirmed that existential war is a fact and there is no going back, in his wonderful historical speech in Valdai.
Vladimir Putin:
"...We have used the Valdai Club platform to discuss, more than once, the major and serious shifts that have already taken place and are taking place around the world, the risks posed by the degradation of global institutions, the erosion of collective security principles and the substitution of “rules” for international law. I was tempted to say “we are clear about who came up with these rules,” but, perhaps, that would not be an accurate statement. We have no idea whatsoever who made these rules up, what these rules are based on, or what is contained inside these rules.

It looks like we are witnessing an attempt to enforce just one rule whereby those in power – we were talking about power, and I am now talking about global power – could live without following any rules at all and could get away with anything. These are the rules that we hear them constantly, as people say, harping on, that is, talking about them incessantly

The Valdai discussions are important because a variety of assessments and forecasts can be heard here. Life always shows how accurate they were, since life is the sternest and the most objective teacher. So, life shows how accurate our previous years’ projections were.

Alas, events continue to follow a negative scenario, which we have discussed more than once during our previous meetings. Moreover, they have morphed into a major system-wide crisis that impacted, in addition to the military-political sphere, the economic and humanitarian spheres as well.

The so-called West which is, of course, a theoretical construct since it is not united and clearly is a highly complex conglomerate, but I will still say that the West has taken a number of steps in recent years and especially in recent months that are designed to escalate the situation. As a matter of fact, they always seek to aggravate matters, which is nothing new, either. ..."

The Valdai Discussion Club was established in 2004.
The intellectual potential of the Valdai Discussion Club is highly regarded both in Russia and abroad. More than 1,000 representatives of the international scholarly community from 85 countries have taken part in the Club’s activities. They include professors from major world universities and think tanks, including Harvard, Columbia, Georgetown, Stanford, Carleton Universities, the University of London … Johns Hopkins University, the London School of Economics, King’s College London, Sciences Po and the Sorbonne.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has met with the participants of the Valdai Discussion Club’s annual meetings every year since its founding."

How Climate Change Is Shaping International Relations

Introduction: "Bread riots, water wars, the influx of climate migrants, growing tensions in the world and the reshaping of the political landscape are possible consequences of global warming for world politics. Recognition of the importance of climate change and the need to counteract climate change is considered a political similarity in all countries, but political considerations hinder the formulation of global approaches to this issue. The first part of the project "Climate and Politics in the Valdai Club" describes how the climate agenda affects international relations.“

Green Investments From Sovereign Wealth Funds: The Case of Russia
28.04.2022; Yaroslav Lissovolik

Following up on the Valdai Club’s cooperation with Istituto Affari Internazionali as part of T20 Italy 2021, the Club’s Programme Director Yaroslav Lissovolik has contributed to IAI’s study dedicated to the role of central banks in addressing climate change.

Financial actors could play a key role in supporting and fostering a shift towards a low-carbon economy. In this context, central banks could have a primary function in both tackling climate-related risks and the ones related to the transition and, potentially, proactively redirecting resources towards green initiatives. Central banks are indeed exploring how different types of climate-related risks and considerations could be incorporated into their activities. However, this effort is proceeding at a different speed and with a different geometry across the globe. The book aims at shedding light on how central banks and international financial institutions are currently addressing climate change worldwide, with a focus on central banks in the European Union, the United States, Asia, Africa and Latin America, and on the potential role of the International Monetary Fund, sovereign national funds and ESG (Environment, Social and Governance) standards.

Yaroslav Lissovolik’s chapter explores whether sovereign wealth funds could help in fostering investment in greener instruments. The author focuses his analysis on the case of the Russian sovereign wealth fund, the National Wellbeing Fund, but he also investigates prospects and implications of greener sovereign funds based on the existing international experience. The author suggests that, to enable and empower this shift, worldwide sovereign wealth funds should improve their cooperation to promote green development. Multilateral organisations – such as the International Monetary Fund or the World Bank – could play an important role in coordinating and guiding the process of cooperation in sustainable financing across the sovereign wealth funds.

Paving the Way for Greener Central Banks. Current Trends and Future Developments around the Globe” (ed. by Nicola Bilotta and Fabrizio Botti): download PDF.
page 157
7. Green investments of sovereign wealth funds: the case of Russia
Yaroslav Lissovolik

“In 2021, the global political agenda was significantly more focused on green development. This concerns all major centers of the world economy, including the USA and China. Russia was also part of this trend. The Ministry of Economic Development adopted a number of strategic documents regulating the energy transition in Russia, while Russian President Vladimir Putin made public Russia’s goal of achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2060.

This increasing importance of the green agenda led to discussions about the need to develop Russia’s “green financial instruments”, including segments such as the GREEN RUBLE bond market.
An important debate that arose concerned the possibility of investing Russia’s main sovereign wealth fund (SWF) – the National Wellbeing Fund (NWF) – in green instruments. In the fall of 2021, Russian Deputy Finance Minister Timur Maximov confirmed that the ministry was considering the possibility of investing part of the National Prosperity Fund in sustainable projects.

In this chapter, the scope and possibilities arising from a possible investment of the NWF’s resources in “green instruments” are to be examined.”


Nov 8, 2022
A new national environmental standard will be created in Russia
The professional community has taken on the task of developing a real estate certification system in accordance with the principles of ESG and sustainable development.[…]In April 2022, a working group was established to prepare a new rating system for certification of “green” buildings ESG CORE.

The National Green Standard will establish a unified system of criteria for assessing brand sustainability
The standard will become an important element of the ecosystem for the development of the market for labeling “green” products and the National Green Strategy (Sep 21, 2022)

National ESG Alliance
Establishment of the National ESG Alliance in Russia was a response to the consolidated request of the major business organisations aimed to unite their activities and opportunities in the transition process to the sustainable development model. Alliance was supported by the leading Russian and international companies-employers of 1,5 million people and their overall revenue exceeds 10 trillion rubles.

ESG Alliance was founded by 28 companies-leaders in ESG transformation in different industries: manufacturing, metals & mining, finance, development, pharmaceutical and other.

The Mission of the Alliance is to support the transition of the Russian economy to the sustainable model of development due to different partnerships and consolidation of efforts of various stakeholders to preserve the natural environment and long-term business development.
The Goal of the Alliance is to contribute to the development of conditions for the Russian business to realise its ESG potential. …

Message of the CEO Andrey Sharonov
Dear friends!
Sustainable development topic during the last years has been on the front of the global business and political agenda. Compliance with ESG requirements has become the key factor of preserving a competitive national economy and priority target for the business and country. Russia reached serious progress on this matter striving not to be left on the edge of the world’s civilization.

Today we have reached a new geopolitical reality where companies were forced to concentrate their efforts mainly on preserving business, supply chains, supporting employees and local communities. In the competition to gain attention ESG agenda can temporarily be left in the background. At the same time whatever happens in the international relations of Russia and the West we should not let our approaches towards sustainability and according practices degradate.[…]we believe in the long term value creating and the inevitability of the harmonic business development idea, we recognise it as a paradigm of a principally different quality of life, basis for technological progress and fundament of harmonic business development with consideration of present and future generations expectations[…]Alliance is an open organisation. We see ourselves as a national informational ESG platform, propagandist of sustainable development ideas, active participant of the national and international initiatives process creation. We are ready for collaboration with companies, public and industrial bodies, governmental and international organisations. Together we can do more.
Rosstandart to approve 12 standards for limiting greenhouse gas emissions by the end of the year
In total, more than 70 standards on low-carbon development are expected to be approved by 2030

MOSCOW, September 9. /tass/. Rosstandart has planned to approve 12 national standards for limiting greenhouse gas emissions by the end of the year, in total, more than 70 standards for low-carbon development are expected to be approved by 2030. This was reported to TASS on Friday in the press service of the department.
"There are already ten national standards in the field of climate projects in the Russian Federation. By the end of 2022, it is planned to approve at least 12 standards in the field of limiting greenhouse gas emissions, for the development of which the Government of the Russian Federation has provided funding in the amount of ten million rubles. Over the entire period of the federal project "Low-Carbon Development Policy", more than 70 documents on standardization are expected to be approved," the report says.

As explained in the department, climate projects to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, adapt to climate change and release carbon units must comply with voluntary international and national standards. To be used in the Russian system of climate projects, the national standard must have a description of the categories of projects covered, requirements for the composition and content of project documentation and a methodology for the development and monitoring of the project.

In particular, it is planned to approve the following GOST standards by the end of 2022: "Emissions from stationary sources. Determination of greenhouse gas emissions in energy-intensive industries. Part 1. General provisions", "Environmental performance assessment. Green debt instruments. Part 1. The mechanism of green bonds", "Environmental management systems. Guidelines for the inclusion of environmental standards in the design". It is also expected to approve four standards on adaptation to climate change and five GOST standards on greenhouse gases.
(National Association of Oil and Gas Service)
Tue, 01.11.2022 Ecology
The Government has approved an innovative project to create a national monitoring system for climatically active substances

[…]The national monitoring system will provide independent climate forecasts and information on the causes of climate change. Scientifically based data and environmental monitoring will become the basis for making management decisions in the field of limiting greenhouse gas emissions and adapting the Russian economy to global climate change. This will increase the effectiveness of the measures taken by the state in the field of climate policy.
Dozens of scientific institutions across the country will take part in carrying out the necessary research and development. With their help, a physical and mathematical model of the Earth will be created, various climatic processes will be monitored, scenarios for decarbonization of economic sectors will be developed.

The innovative project will be implemented in two stages. The first one will last until the end of 2024. By this date, the scientific, legal and personnel conditions for the functioning of the new system will be prepared. A methodological basis will also be formed for the ecological transformation of economic sectors. As part of the second stage, the formation of these conditions will be completed, and the system will begin to function in full. The Ministry of Economic Development will be responsible for the implementation of the project together with the federal authorities responsible for this or that event. …
Source: Government of the Russian

November 1, 2022
The Government has approved an innovative project to create a national monitoring system for climatically active substances

The work is being carried out on behalf of the President of Russia.

Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin signed an order approving the innovative project "Unified National Monitoring System of Climatically active substances". Its implementation will help prevent the negative impact of climate change on all sectors of the economy and the quality of life of citizens.
The national monitoring system will provide independent climate forecasts and information on the causes of climate change. Scientifically based data and environmental monitoring will become the basis for making management decisions in the field of limiting greenhouse gas emissions and adapting the Russian economy to global climate change. This will increase the effectiveness of the measures taken by the state in the field of climate policy.

Dozens of scientific institutions across the country will take part in carrying out the necessary research and development. With their help, a physical and mathematical model of the Earth will be created, various climatic processes will be monitored, scenarios for decarbonization of economic sectors will be developed. In addition, scientists will create systems for monitoring the melting of permafrost. Action programmes to combat desertification will also be developed for 13 regions of the country.

The innovative project will be implemented in two stages. The first one will last until the end of 2024. By this date, the scientific, legal and personnel conditions for the functioning of the new system will be prepared. A methodological basis will also be formed for the ecological transformation of economic sectors. As part of the second stage, the formation of these conditions will be completed, and the system will begin to function in full. The Ministry of Economic Development will be responsible for the implementation of the project together with the federal authorities responsible for this or that event.

In September, more than 1.5 billion rubles were allocated for the implementation of the innovative project. Its further financing will be provided within the framework of the federal project "Low-carbon Development Policy" and at the expense of extra-budgetary sources.


Nov 8, 2022
The PSB stated that the current ESG strategy in the Russian Federation is focused on import substitution

The main directions of the ESG agenda in Russia are also cost reduction and changes in logistics and supply chains, according to Ekaterina Kuzmina, Head of the Department of Sustainable Development of Promsvyazbank
MOSCOW, November 1. /tass/. The main directions of the ESG agenda in Russia (environmental - ecology, social - social development, governance - corporate governance) are now import substitution, cost reduction, changing logistics and supply chains. This was announced on Tuesday by the head of the Department of Sustainable Development of Promsvyazbank (PSB) Ekaterina Kuzmina during a speech at the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation.

"The sustainable development agenda has changed its accents and even geography today. In the short term, sustainable development is about import substitution, cost reduction, changing logistics chains, and restoring supply chains," Kuzmina said.

According to her, now Russian business is focused on the Pacific and Asian markets, where ESG requirements are even tougher than in European markets, so it is "categorically not worth saying that the ESG agenda is fading into the background."
As for the long-term prospects for the development of the Russian ESG agenda, Kuzmina noted that the emphasis will be placed on improving the quality of life of people. "Any investment decisions, including those of financial institutions, are clearly aimed at maintaining a balance of financial and non-financial interests, taking into account ESG risks, climate risks," she explained. According to Kuzmina, right now businesses need to take into account social aspects when making investment decisions, and "bring social issues to the fore somewhere," the representative of the bank stressed.

Sustainable development
The implementation of ESG strategies of companies directly follows from the 17 UN goals to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. ESG is a set of tools that companies use. They are focused on ecology (environmental), social responsibility (social) and corporate governance (governance).

ESG RETHINK FORUM 2022 will bring together more than 800 experts in the field of sustainable development

Experts will tell how companies can restructure business process management schemes, ensure employment and social protection of talented personnel and build new logistics chains resistant to external challenges.

TASS, October 31. ESG RETHINK FORUM 2022 (18+), a key event in the field of environmental and social responsibility of companies and corporate governance, will be held in Moscow on November 9, 2022. The agenda of the forum is a rethinking of the sustainable development strategy in the modern context and its practical application in the existing realities.
In the era of turbulence, quick reaction, flexibility, openness and the ability to conduct a constructive dialogue come to the fore. New solutions are the key topic of the forum's business program, which will be revealed in eight areas: sustainable development, economic transformation, social agenda, digital strategy, strategic sustainability of regions, creative industries, the younger generation, import substitution.

The forum will bring together company leaders, statesmen and experts who are ready to share their experience. The speakers will tell how companies can restructure business process management schemes, find support points to ensure the sustainability of finances within the country, provide employment and social protection of talented personnel and build new logistics chains that are resistant to external challenges.

Also at the round table, speakers and delegates will discuss strategic regional development and many other relevant topics with the heads of regions.

"The term ESG started sounding bright all over the world just a few years ago, but now it has transformed into a kind of trend. Coverage of topics related to sustainable development and ESG has been identified as a priority for politics, business and the public. We will organize a forum dedicated to the most pressing issues of the ESG strategy and with its help we will outline the main directions for the development of projects in the field of sustainable development adapted to the realities of our country," commented Vadim Lobov, President of Synergy Corporation.

The forum will host the ESG Awards Russia 2022 award ceremony, a competition of the best concepts and practices of leaders of sustainable development in Russia. The mission of the contest is to motivate, support and give impetus to the development of the most promising projects in the field of ESG. The winners will be awarded in three categories: Environmental, Social, Governance.
The first "green" certificates are planned to be issued to new buildings in the Russian Federation until April 2023
Currently, the evaluation of five to seven pilot projects located in the Moscow region, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Baikalsk and Vladivostok is being actively carried out and is almost being completed, the HOUSE noted.RF

MOSCOW, November 1. /tass/. The first certificates for compliance with the national standard GOST R for the green construction of apartment buildings are planned to be issued at the end of 2022 - the first quarter of 2023, the Director for Sustainable Development of the HOUSE told TASS on Tuesday.Russian Federation Marina Slutskaya.

"The issuance of the first certificates is planned for the end of 2022 - the first quarter of 2023, at the same time the certification of projects on a commercial basis should begin. Not everything here depends on the HOUSE.Russia, but we are counting on it very much," Slutskaya said.

She clarified that the evaluation of five to seven pilot projects located in the Moscow Region, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Baikalsk and Vladivostok is being actively carried out and is almost being completed. The work is carried out with such developers as "Airplane", "Etalon", "Legend", "HOUSE.RF Development", as well as the Center for the Development of the Baikal region, added the Director for Sustainable Development of DOM.RF.

According to Kira Smirnova, the head of the sustainable development direction of Aeroplane, in order to meet the "green" standard, the company's projects have a high class of energy efficiency, eco-friendly building materials are used, schools and kindergartens are being built as part of the first stage of construction, landscaping is also being carried out and public spaces are being created. In addition, additional services work for residents of inhabited houses, gaming and sports events, theater and film screenings are held.

Alexandra Bolilaya, Investment Director at Legenda, said that three of the company's projects are already labeled according to six mandatory criteria of the standard, and full verification is planned to be completed by the end of 2022.

In October, THE HOUSE.The Russian Federation also signed an agreement with the development company "Lingonberry" on the intentions to certify one of the objects. According to Natalia Lushnikova, director of Brusniki in Yekaterinburg, implementing ESG projects, the company aims to reduce operating costs by increasing the energy efficiency of the building, minimizing the impact of the object on the environment throughout the life cycle and creating a new level of product. We plan to receive the "green" certificate according to GOST R by the end of 2022," she added.

About the standard
On November 1, 2022, the national standard GOST R for the "green" construction of apartment buildings, developed by the Ministry of Construction together with the House of the Russian Federation, comes into force in Russia. The document includes 81 criteria in 10 categories and is voluntary. In particular, requirements are established for the energy efficiency of the building, the availability of infrastructure, the quality of materials, water and air, architecture and layout.
At the Forum on Sustainable Development from Synergy, the future "green" strategy of the Russian Federation was discussed
One of the key topics is changes to the set of rules that regulate the environmental activities of the state and business in the country
TASS, November 10. Participants of the ESG RETHINK FORUM 2022, which took place in Moscow, discussed how the state and business in Russia should solve environmental problems, what the country's climate strategy should be in the near future and other issues. The event was organized by the Synergy Corporation.

One of the key topics is changes to the set of rules that regulate the environmental activities of the state and business in the country. These rules are called "Green Taxonomy". One of the parts of the document gives a list of areas of economic activity that are considered "green". Now, in addition to the areas of waste management, agriculture, biodiversity conservation and some others included last year, the authorities want to add new ones. These are water power generation, restoration of reservoirs and transportation of low-carbon gases.

A section of social projects will also appear in the taxonomy, since the term "sustainable development", or ESG, consists of three elements - environmental, social and corporate governance. "The world experience in this regard is quite modest. Our taxonomy will be more detailed. And now the corresponding edition is already being prepared. We also hope that in 2023 we will approve it and it will be possible to use it," Irina Petrunina, Director of the Department of Competition, Energy Efficiency and Ecology of the Ministry of Economic Development, clarified at the plenary session of the forum.

New qualified personnel will help accelerate Russia's transition to sustainable development. To prepare them, Synergy, which also manages the country's largest private university, announced the opening of a new faculty of sustainable development. The best professors and participants of sustainable development projects will be invited to teach here.
"The Forum once again confirmed that ESG is not a tribute to the modern eco-fashion, but a conscious choice of states and the international business community. Environmental, social and corporate governance is becoming part of the strategy of companies that want to preserve their business for many years and ensure not only the development of the asset, but also the territories in which it operates. This direction is relevant, but there are not so many specialists, so we are launching a project of teaching sustainable development within our university," said Vadim Lobov, President of Synergy Corporation.

Mosbirzha and ICD have agreed to cooperate in the development of the carbon units market

The parties agreed to work together in the implementation of climate projects and carbon regulation

MOSCOW, November 11. /tass/. The Moscow Exchange and the Moscow Credit Bank (MKB) have signed an agreement on cooperation in the development of a voluntary system of carbon units trading. The official signing ceremony at the forum of innovative financial technologies Finopolis was attended by the Chairman of the Board of the Moscow Exchange Yuri Denisov and the Deputy Chairman of the Board of the ICB Sergey Putyatinsky.
The parties agreed to work together in the implementation of climate projects and carbon regulation. Within the framework of the agreement, it is planned to provide information support to companies that are potential participants in carbon auctions, to ensure the exchange of experience with other market participants to raise awareness and involve businesses in decarbonization projects.

"The development of the carbon units market in Russia is an important driver of decarbonization, the creation of a new level of economy. Therefore, the Moscow Exchange has become one of the partners in the creation of the Russian profile infrastructure. This year, we launched carbon unit exchange trading in commodity auction mode, providing transparent and open pricing for a new asset category. We see high potential here, and the agreement with the ICD is our new step towards the development of this direction," commented Yuri Denisov, Chairman of the Management Board of the Moscow Stock Exchange.

Together with the Moscow Exchange ICD, it will stimulate interest in the carbon units market - not only among large Russian companies implementing projects to reduce their own carbon footprint, but also among small and medium-sized businesses striving for carbon neutrality," he added.

According to Sergey Putyatinsky, Deputy Chairman of the ICB Board, the development of a voluntary carbon trading system is "a significant contribution of the country to the global environmental agenda, where Russia has an important role to play."

Since September 2022, a register of carbon units has been operating in Russia, the operator of which is JSC Kontur. The carbon unit is the verified result of the implementation of the climate project, expressed in the mass of greenhouse gases equivalent to one ton of carbon dioxide. On September 26, 2022, the first exchange transactions with carbon units were concluded at the National Commodity Exchange (NTB, part of the Moscow Exchange Group). Exchange trading with carbon units takes place in the mode of commodity auctions: the seller of carbon units sets the starting price, and buyers participate in competitive bidding, increasing the prices of their purchase orders.
Will Russian personal carbon credits in the Russian social credit rating system be more traditional, patriotic and anti-globalistic than Western (and Chinese) ones?


Nov 8, 2022
“Kin-dza-dza! is a 1986 Soviet film
Two Russians push the wrong button on a strange device and end up on the telepathic planet Pluke with its strange societal norms.
The society of Pluke is divided into two categories: “Chatlanians” and “Patsaks” (“Patsak” is a backward spelling of “katsap”, a derogatory term for Russians). The difference is ascertained only by means of a small handheld device, the “visator”, similar in appearance to a flash drive; when pointed at a member of the Chatlanian group, an orange light on the device comes on; when pointed at a member of the Patsak group, a green light comes on. It is also noted that the social differences between Patsaks and Chatlanians are not constant: Pluke being a Chatlanian planet, Chatlanians are privileged, and a system of rituals must be followed by the Patsaks to show flattery; however, there are Patsak planets where Patsaks hold the upper hand and where Chatlanians are subservient. The “visator” shows that Uncle Vova and the Violinist are Patsaks.
If I have a little KETSE, I have the right to wear yellow pants, and any Patsak should squat twice before me, not once. If a have a lot of KETSE, I have the right to wear crimson pants, so any Patsak should squat twice, any Chatlanin should make “ku”…


“Since October, banks in Russia have divided all customers according to the levels of risk and based on this determine the volume of authorized transactions (according to the system “Know Your Customer”, which is in effect since July).

“The platform Know Your Customer Platform (Platform KYC) is a service through which Credit Institutions will receive information from the Bank of Russia about the level of risk of their clients (legal entities and individual entrepreneurs) involved in suspicious transactions. The information on the platform can be used by banks in carrying out anti-legalization control procedures.

The platform KYC has information about 7 million legal entities and individual entrepreneurs. It does not value individuals.

The Bank of Russia, based on its own analytical data, divided bank customers into three groups – low, medium and high risk (“green”, “yellow” and “red”).

The Bank of Russia decides to classify a legal entity or individual entrepreneur as a risk group for suspicious transactions based on a set of criteria.
Restrictive measures for the disposal of funds in bank accounts, as well as other property of the client, apply only if it is classified as a high risk group by both the regulator and the credit institution.
Also, with a client assigned to the” green ” group, the credit institution cannot terminate the contract for a bank account.”

"Yellow pants! Two times "ku"!"



Nov 8, 2022
A little about the children's future.
“The 10th anniversary meeting of the ministers of Science, Technology and innovation of the BRICS countries was held
28 September

…The Russian side was represented by the deputy minister of Science and higher education of the Russian Federation Natalia Bocharova. …The participants in the event discussed the problems of updating the scientific and technological priorities and good practices in the field of innovation in each of the BRICS countries. …A decade of Science and technology has been announced in Russia. Until 2031. this period will become a new large-scale stage in the development of Russian scientific thought and methods for its practical application.

Representatives of the G5 countries noted the important role of innovation in the recovery of the global economy after the crisis caused by the covid19 pandemic. …”
(Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation)

For comparison:

In the meantime:
12.10.2022 Teachers in St. Petersburg are trained to work with gifted children at the Talent Academy

“St. Petersburg will host the forum “professions of the future” for students and parents

October 19th at the Academy of digital technology. ..This year the main topics of the forum are three directions of the project – technical, economic and socio-humanitarian.

The event will be attended by representatives of the leading universities in St. Petersburg, the company, and the Career Guidance Project. The lecturers will answer questions about promising technical, economic, social and humanitarian specialties, as well as the most modern and sought-after professions.

For reference:
GBNOW “Academy of digital technologies” is a modern educational space in which students can master engineering, labor professions and specialties in the field of IT, biotechnology, robotics, digital production technologies, journalism and economics. The main difference between the Academy of digital technologies and other institutions is the creation of an effectively functioning educational system aimed at developing in-depth knowledge and pre-professional skills of students in the field of information and digital technologies, career guidance.

Detailed information about the Forum “professions of the future” – on the website of the Academy of digital technologies”

State budgetary non-typical educational institution “Academy of Digital Technologies” of St. Petersburg

“..In order to make the topic of the forum as close as possible to the real job market, on the forum was invited, as a partner, a representative of HeadHunter, one of the largest job search sites and employees in the world. As guests of the forum at the plenary session will speak representatives of the Futurica career guidance project.”

“HeadHunter is one of the largest job search and employee sites in the world (according to the rating of Similarweb).
History (excerpts)
2019 – HeadHunter acquired owneship interest in LLC “Skillaz”, a HR technology company; CV Database exceeded 40 million resumes; Completed initial public offering and listed American Depositary Shares on the Nasdaq Global Select Market
2016-2018 – Expensive technological growth backed by Elbrus Capital and THE GOLDMAN SACH GROUP; Adopted machine learning algorithms and big data; Expansion into broader HR-areas (applicant tracking system, assessment, HR analytics etc.)
2008-2015 – Gaining nationwide scale as a part of business; Expanded mobile platform; Rolled out regional presence in Russia and solidified nationwide leadership
2000-2008 – Foundation and operational grow driven by founders; Entered Russian regions”

“Choose a profession to start playing!

Medicine and biotechnology: Biomedical; neuropsychologist; cyberprotection specialist // Ecology: Climate action specialist; Renewable energy specialist Ecodesigner;Ecojournalist // Design: Architect of “smart” cities; Designer of new modes of transport // Fashion, Art, Media: Scientific artist; Designer of smart clothing and wearable devices; Teacher of aesthetic development // New technologies Dialogue designer for robots; Media policeman; Nanoengineer // Business Digital Marketer; Expert on blockchain business development // Education: Game Master; Mind fitness Trainer // Esports: Esports Producer; Streamer // Production of medicines: Designer of medicines; Specialist in personalized pharmacy; Specialist in the synthesis of medicines …

"Hi! My name is Prof, I am a brilliant scientist from the future, where the earth died. I have created many miracles on the lunar base, but most importantly, I have figured out how to save the earth from disaster!
My assistant went to the past and found the gifted, now I am teaching them the professions of the future to stop the impending disaster.

Together we will save the world!

MAYB. A creature created by a Prof in the distant future to find genius children who will help save the Earth. Mab is kind and sweet, but the most amazing thing is that he can travel in time and space.

Grin. A born ecologist of the future. Thanks to her knowledge of alternative energy, ecology and a kind heart, she saves all life on earth.

Hil. Hill's hobby is neuropsychology, medicine and genetic engineering. Thanks to him, we will learn about all the possibilities of a person and increase them many times! The healer can not only save life, but also restore extinct species.

Dylan. Can find any information, hack any website. A high IQ and the ability to think outside the box help Dylan to be a shark in the world of digital
technology. Take care of your data if Dylan came out for them.

Our experts
Robotics engineer; Head of the group for technological development and optimization of biotech company BIOCAD; Child psychologist and lecturer in Experimental Psychology at the Institute of Applied Psychoanalysis and psychology; Senior Researcher at the RANEPA Center for Economic Modeling of Energy and Ecology, Chairman of the ReGeneration 2030 Steering Committee, heads the Russian Youth branch of the International Network for Finding Solutions in the Field of Sustainable Development (SDSN Youth); Environmental journalist, writes for Russian and international media. Editor of SP. Ecology and law. University repairman.. Director of the Bureau of Environmental Information; Nanoengineer; Founder and head of Psychological Center “Family Institute”; founder and executive director of blogging agency; Innovation Analyst; Talent Acquisition Manager; Corporate HR program consultant, Human resources analyst; …”


Nov 8, 2022
13 October 2022, From Russian alt-media
“While our soldiers are shedding blood in the war with the collective West on the territory of the former USSR, fighting with Ukronazist soldiers who have been brainwashed for 20 years with the money of Soros and other “partners”, writing history textbooks to them, introducing them to “universal values”, organizing pederast parades and carrying out anti-family laws that reduce the population (strictly within the framework of the UN SDGs), the Minister of Education of the Russian Federation Sergey Kravtsov offers to actively cooperate with these guys and adopt their experience.

He compliments the organizers of the UN/UNESCO summit “Transformation of Education” and undertakes to follow their agenda.

Do we need such a minister in the midst of a war of annihilation against Russia, when the majority of public figures and patriot experts are just calling to get out of the structure of the globalists – UNESCO, which molests children with its sex education manuals? Do we need a course for a permanent transformation of education within the framework of the SDGs, which is followed by the Ministry of Education? This is, of course, a rhetorical question.

The UN Global Summit on the Transformation of Education is a permanent event that will be held, apparently, until all schools and universities of the world become part of the global “digital ecosystem” (according to the report of Pavel Luksha, a foresight specialist from Skolkovo). And “our” Minister of Education this summer, in the midst of the war, addressed the UN with another welcoming speech – an assurance of friendship and partnership, where he broadcast about the importance of teaching children to work with the digital sphere and not only. We emphasize that the appeal was to the structure, the Secretary General of which officially considers Russia the aggressor in the conflict in Ukraine, the only guilty party. At the initiative of the UN leadership, a summit was going to be held at which Russia was trying to pacify, force “stop aggression” and legalize sanctions against our country.

Sergey Kravtsov, Minister of Education of Russia:

“We once again reaffirm our commitment to the long-term goals of sustainable development in education, youth education, child support … loyalty to the principles set out in key UN documents. The Russian education system has always been and remains focused on universal values.

No matter how strong a foundation education and society itself are built on, modern problems put us in front of the need to change. We need to think about what needs to be done to make the child feel confident in a world saturated with information. Of course, technology opens up new horizons for us. For many children around the world, the digital environment is becoming almost the only opportunity to gain access to high-quality knowledge. We have experience in using digital technologies in education, school management, and additional education, and we are ready to share it.

In the conditions of international tension, I think it is important to say that the school should instill respect for other peoples, their traditions and languages. I propose to discuss the introduction of such courses in our schools.

Dear friends, I would like to note that Russian education is changing at a faster pace, relying on the best world practices and traditions of Russian teachers, we are achieving high results. And of course, we are always open to cooperation. We believe that education should remain outside politics, that only in constant, close cooperation is it possible to move forward”

Here it remains only to clarify – on behalf of whom Kravtsov speaks when he declares “we believe that education should be outside politics.” On behalf of parents, active citizens of Russia who demand withdrawal from UNESCO, whose activities are aimed at the collapse of traditional national education? Against the background of a special military operation, taking into account the geopolitical situation, it looks like outright work for the enemy. And how else to understand the fact that education, according to Kravtsov, should not educate children taking into account the current political realities?

It should be noted that the UN “Sustainable Development Goals”, to which Kravtsov swears allegiance, provide for the upbringing of children in the spirit of “global citizenship” and “gender equality”. The UN General Assembly resolution “Transforming our World: the Agenda for Sustainable Development” for the period up to 2030 prescribes:

– “by 2030, ensure that all students acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to promote sustainable development, including through education on sustainable development and sustainable lifestyle, human rights, gender equality, promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence, world citizenship and awareness of the value of cultural diversity and the contribution of culture to sustainable development”,

– “we are committed to promoting intercultural understanding, tolerance, mutual respect and ethics of global citizenship and shared responsibility.”

Those who studied the topic are well aware that “sustainable development” – this expression migrated to the UN agenda from the report of the Club of Rome (founded by J. Rockefeller) “Limits of growth”. To put it quite simply, its principle is “fewer people – more oxygen”, as well as the complete destruction of hydrocarbon energy and related industry. And that’s when the world will become very “stable”. Actually, according to recent amendments to the Constitution, we have only two sexes, there are no “genders” there. And the National Security Strategy does not have such a goal as teaching “global citizenship”, but on the contrary, the emphasis is on preserving one’s culture and values.

It is very characteristic that Kravtsov’s speech cannot be found in the news or on the website of the Ministry of Education – it is posted only on the YouTube channel “National Commission for UNESCO”. After all, UNESCO is at the origin of the Incheon Declaration on Education (written jointly with the World Bank), according to which it is enough to teach the people of the planet to count and write, and it is also necessary to digitize. It is UNESCO that promotes the disgusting “gender” homosexuality among children and participates in the development of methods for molesting children from birth (together with WHO, see the analysis of such UNESCO homophobia for the youngest from 2018 on the our website).

Back in March 2022, immediately after the start of the SWO, the Vice-speaker of the State Duma, Pyotr Tolstoy, rightly spoke about the need for Russia to withdraw from UNESCO, but a month later, in the official documents of the Ministry of Education, we again found plans for Kravtsov and Co to interact with this structure. Now it is already obvious that the Ministry of Education not only does not want to turn towards the sovereignty and national security of the country, but openly works for our enemies, who are fighting against Russia right now.

By the way, let us note that despite the spread out in front of the “partners”-globalists, there were no speakers from Russia in the program of the UN/UNESCO summit on the transformation of education in New York (September 17-19, 2022). But what “wonderful” topics were promoted by the globalists at this event: “Passport of learning: a digital future for every child. An equal approach to digital transformation: How Microsoft, UNICEF and governments work together to ensure that children and young people are ready for a digital future.”

Naturally, here we are talking about the introduction of a digital portfolio – an electronic passport of a schoolar, for which the corresponding dossier will be constantly maintained and without which it will be impossible to move up the educational ladder. This is a complete analogue of covid passports or “immune passports” of vaccinated people, which have been successfully implemented in the EU and many other countries – it is important for digitizers of people to enter from key social spheres… But we want a bright, healthy and real future for children, not a digital one… Isn’t that right, Mr. Kravtsov?

All concerned citizens can ask “our” Minister of Education why, in the conditions of a hot and information war with the collective West, he swears allegiance to the key structure of our enemies (UNESCO), and also demand that Russia withdraw from this organization. And actually – the leadership of the department, which does not correspond to the realities of our time, it’s high time to resign!”

Welcome to the Transforming Education Knowledge Hub
25 July 2022, Russia, Sergey Kravtsov, Minister of Education on the occasion of the Transforming Education Pre‐Summit, UNESCO HQ Paris, 28‐30 June 2022

(with English subtitles) Kravtsov – serious, concerned and despondent, at 1: 13 min.:

Most recently, the pandemic has changed the routine of our life, along with our education


Nov 8, 2022
And a little more for the kids.
06 October 2022
On the eve of the bright and important holiday – teacher’s day – the president of Russia traditionally greeted the finalists of the All-Russian competition “Teacher of the year 2022” and communicated with the relevant officials, as in the most difficult years – online. It was a conversation about priorities in education policy, its further vector of development, which is approved in the first person.. We received the usual vinaigrette of assurances about the leading role of the teacher and in parallel – the promotion of “digital content”, a unified database of students of the Russian Federation FSIS “My school”.. However, our has repeatedly noted the cruel command and administrative pressure of the digitalization officials and their intention to include every child in the system. The president does seem to be embracing the digitalization of education, even as experts, community activists and parents have been signaling the risks of ongoing change for a very long time.
We note the key moments of Putin’s meeting with the laureates and finalists of the “teacher of the year 2022”, as well as the minister of Education Sergei Kravtsov and other officials. Promoting “digital educational environment”, digital portfolio with subsequent personal trajectories of children, digital “educational content”.. We note the presentation of a teacher from Chelyabinsk, noted by the jury of the competition:

“We know that the order of the Ministry of education and the amendments to the federal law on education (on the right of schools to switch exclusively to electronic document management – entered into force. We very much hope that linking all schools in the country with FSIS will solve the problem of bureaucratization of teachers. And we also think it would be very cool if these digital technologies were to expand, including into secondary special education and preschool institutions.

Vladimir Putin reacted positively.:

“We need everything to be standardized, freeing schools from unnecessary accountability is the step when all this is appropriate. Of course, it is necessary for the government to make every effort with regard to the establishment of Information Systems in the field of the functioning of public bodies, so that schools can use it to their advantage and that information comes and goes in the easiest way… what is done today thanks to the Ministry – Sergei Sergeevich ( to thank … ”

Well, then the inspired Minister Kravtsov began to present the Federal digital platform “my school”:

“On your instructions, we have created FSIS, where personal data is securely protected, which can also be used by teachers, where there is verified content and there are all possibilities to facilitate the teacher’s work. We will work and make such services available to schools and kindergartens.“

Putin was a little embarrassed and joked.:

“You see, this is due to my command. I praised Sergei Sergeyevich, he praised me – we can be told that “the Cuckoo praises the Rooster.”.. Of course, we must free the activities of teachers from this unnecessary husk that hinders work by focusing on the educational process .. ”

What can you say? Of course, it is necessary to save teachers from unnecessary load, but under the pretext of removing the load, as our readers remember, the federal law on the right of the school to switch exclusively to electronic document management, without duplication of key school documents (magazine, diary, certificate, etc.) in paper form.

As we have already said, this transition makes it almost impossible for parents to refuse the automated processing of children’s personal data and transfer them to state databases and registers (although the possibility of such a refusal is guaranteed to all by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and profile 152-“on personal data”). Under the beautiful slogans of “reducing the bureaucratic burden on teachers”, the right of citizens to record school success on paper is being destroyed. That is, only an electronic diary and diary are approved – and this is the basis of a “digital profile” or electronic portfolio of children, through which digital sectaries intend to collect all information about a person and control his fate along a “personal trajectory”.
Many parent public organizations opposed the draft law on electronic document management in schools, but their arguments were not heard. And now we see that all this continues to be realized under the guise of caring for teachers.

More alarming theses sounded yesterday from the lips of the President of Russia:

“FSIS “My School” is designed to unite all regions of the country, including for the exchange of experience.

The main task at this stage of the program is to provide all schools of the country with high-quality broadband high-speed Internet.”

We have repeatedly noted that FSIS “My School” is the center of the plan of digital sectarians in education and the basis of the digital educational environment. This is a kind of “Contingent 2.0”, where a huge amount of data about schoolchildren will be merged (including through the system of interdepartmental electronic interaction) through the Public Services portal (ESIA). Moreover, the Minister of Figures Shadaev in his NPA has already planned access to the PD of children for external IP of certain third-party organizations (!)

Regarding the volunteering of FSIS, let’s recall the quote from the Ministry of education of the Vologda Region Elena Ryabova at a pedagogical meeting before the beginning of this school year:

“Since last year, FSIS has been tested in 15 subjects of the Russian Federation, and from January 1, 2023, this state service WILL BE MANDATORY for USE in all schools of the country. Access there will be provided only through the ESIA (Public Services Portal), the ESIA account is the universal key to obtaining electronic public services and services.

We have very little time left, so it is important to work with teachers, students, parents – so that all FSIS services are available to them to be able to use high–quality digital educational services (this is such a tautology from an official – services for the sake of services – ed.).

In this regard, dear colleagues, it is necessary to ensure the registration of all teachers of the region’s schools in the ESIA by September 1 – as a basic condition for access to the FSIS “My School”, to conduct explanatory work with parents by October 1, 2022, to ensure their implementation – editor’s note) and the registration of their children in the ESIA, and by October 1 this year it is necessary to ensure the registration of teachers and students on the communication platform “Spherum”. To ensure the embedding of verified content in educational programs…”, Ryabova gave the order, further naming the officials responsible for the execution.

“To ensure the registration of all before October 1 …” – how do you like such methods of introducing “innovations”? I wonder if all the children and parents in the Vologda region are already at the “Spherum”, in the ESIA and in “My School”, together with the teachers? Then we inform them that all their personal data (about the educational process and not only) are in a single huge database, far beyond the jurisdiction of a single school where they study.

And nothing good will happen to them, but “digital portfolios” will be conducted, “personal trajectories” will be drawn, a real educational segregation will be conducted, and then all this data will be merged with potential employers – hunters for “human capital”. That is, a person in this system will not belong to himself, there will be no free expression of will, choice of profession after university, etc.

By the way, exactly a year ago, communicating with the finalists of the “Teacher of the Year-2021”, Vladimir Putin uttered simply golden words, which, I really want to believe, he is still today:

“No matter what advanced technologies the educational process is saturated with, they will never be able to replace direct live communication. After all, we are all people, not machines, not robots. And the personality of the teacher, his emotions, wisdom, warmth, attention, and the power of persuasion are of enormous importance in the intellectual and moral development of a person. We were once again convinced of this during the distance learning period.”

No sane person would argue with that. But now the digitizers around the president, with his full approval, are skillfully continuing to digitize children right inside the walls of schools, turning institutions into digital centers, part of the future unified global education ecosystem. Of course, global, with a control center outside Russia . All this digital transformation of the traditional educational process (and with digital content and tasks in front of the computer will no longer be the same), together with electronic documents and registration in a unified database of children, presented as good for the people and the state. Pavel Luksha from Skolkovo, spoke in detail about this project in the eponymous report of his International Foundation in 2018.”
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Nov 8, 2022
No sane person would dispute that. But now the digitizers around the president, with his full approval, are skillfully continuing to digitize children right inside the walls of schools, turning institutions into digital centers, part of the future unified global education ecosystem. Of course, global, with a control center outside Russia. All this digital transformation of the traditional educational process (and with digital content and computer tasks will no longer be the same), together with electronic documents and registration in a single database of children presented as good for people and condition. Pavel Luksha from Skolkovo, spoke in detail about this project in the eponymous report of his International Foundation in 2018.
(Website in English, enjoy it. Traditional Russian educational program!)



In our global context of increasing social, ecological, and economic complexity our educational systems must evolve to meet the demands of the future. Based upon our research we suggest that it is necessary to re-imagine the purpose and the design of education systems; what we believe is needed is nothing less than a paradigm shift in how we learn together so we can collaboratively co-create a future that works for all of humanity and our biosphere

The main challenge/opportunity facing our society today is to move toward a “wisdom-based society”, a society united by both individual and collective intelligence, allowing us to navigate together through increasingly complex dynamics

Through our educational systems we must evolve our ways of thinking, learning, and acting together to address the increasingly complex dynamics of the 21st century and co-create desired futures

Radical Changes Needed In Educational Systems Around The World to Catalyze Transition

Mega-Trends Shaping Our Future & the Future of Education:

We are moving into a time of mass digitization in which humanity will be immersed in data

We are now moving into an era that could be understood as the next industrial revolution

Transformation of social institutions:
All of our social institution need to evolve to meet the challenges/opportunities of our increasingly VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous) global context

Demographic shifts:
Increasing shifts, such as, increased longevity, fewer births, diverse global cultural needs, and inter-generational changes of leadership will dramatically re-balance societal learning objectives

Societal transition towards sustainability:
It is becoming increasingly clear to the global community that there is a deep need for humanity to master the collective art of peaceful planetary collaboration in all realms of human life for our society and our biosphere to thrive

Urban Learning Spaces & Regenerative Lifelong Learning Ecosystems = Evolutionary Learning Communities

Founder Global Education Futures, Professor of Practice at Moscow School of Management Skolkovo

This report features the work of Global Education Futures:
a global initiative dedicated to collaboratively designing, prototyping and evolving educational systems worldwide
Explore with us opportunities and challenges of movement making and capacity building, systems innovation and co-creating thriving futures in the midst of 21st century complexities

"We are present at the birth of a new paradigm": Pavel Luksha on ecosystems in education
According to experts, in the future education will move to the ecosystem model. Where is this already happening? We talked to one of the ideologists of the approach.


Pavel Luksha is the founder of the Global Education Futures international initiative, an expert at the Education Transformation Center of the Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO, a member of the Expert Council of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives under the President of the Russian Federation, one of the authors of the Atlas of New Professions, the report "Education for a Complex Society" and the study "Educational Ecosystems: Emerging Practice for the future of education", which we recently talked about. One of the leading visionaries in the field of education development."
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Nov 8, 2022
- levels of excess mortality (from...?)
- DNA-nanorobots?
- biometrics?
- digital ruble?


Nov 8, 2022
ITMO University scientists have created a DNA robot to detect viruses

Moscow. the 25th of October. INTERFAX — Scientists at ITMO University (St. Petersburg) have developed a nanorobot made of DNA molecules to detect viruses, now it recognizes only COVID-19, but in the future it is planned to teach how to identify other viruses and even cancer markers, the press service of the university reports.

"Scientists of the ITMO chemical and biological cluster have set a goal to create a system for detecting infections that will be easy to use, like pharmacy express tests, but at the same time close in accuracy to PCR. So they managed to develop a nanorobot from DNA molecules that can quickly detect the presence of a virus in samples, for example, taken from the walls of the nose," the report says.

It is clarified that the robot has 215 nucleotides, four special "levers" are connected to it, which the developers call "hands". To detect infection, a solution with this DNA system and a special fluorescent substance are added to the sample.

"The algorithm for "catching" viral RNA is as follows. The DNA robot approaches the desired nucleic acid, unfolds it with its "hands" and attaches to it. These processes activate the splitting of the substrate, the completion of which can be tracked using a spectrometer by the appearance of a fluorescent signal (cold light radiation). Accordingly, if the sample is without the virus RNA, there will be no reaction and signal," the university explains.
Scientists note that they plan to put the developed method into a convenient test system so that it can be used at home. It is also planned to train DNA robots to recognize other viruses besides coronavirus and even cancer markers.

The study was conducted within the framework of the Priority 2030 program.”

“Priority 2030” is the largest program for support and development of Russian universities in the history of Russia, which is “aimed at the establishment of more than 100 Centers for scientific, technological and socio-economic development of the country in Russia. The goal of the program “Priority 2030″ is to form a broad group of universities that will become leaders in the creation of new scientific knowledge, technologies and developments for implementation in the Russian economy and social sphere.”

For example, what are the goals of one of the universities within the program “Priority 2030” (a very brief overview of a small example of one of the hundreds of directions for development of Russia).

Far Eastern Federal University
Strategic projects:

Physics and materials science:
Creation of a scientific and educational center for the development of fundamentally new technologies and the production of advanced materials through the study of the nature of matter on the basis of a unique scientific installation of the class “megascience” (synchrotron REEF) on the Russian Island.

Qualitative results
The element base of new energy-efficient storage, computing and neuromorphic devices, quantum computing, energy sources and storage devices; …
Research of mechanisms of processing, transmission and storage of information in living systems, technologies for controlling the properties of living cells;
Natural and nature-like technologies for the synthesis of new materials and substances;

Digital Development Center:
Creation of a world-class self-sufficient digital cluster on Russian Island on the basis of a university that provides advanced digitalization of the economic sectors of the Far East.

Qualitative results:
Mathematical and computer modeling; System programming; Artificial intelligence and data analysis; Digital Art and Design; Software engineering technologies; Cybersecurity and secure development; Virtual and augmented reality technologies.

Life Sciences:
Creation of a center for the development and transfer of health-saving technologies, means and technologies of personalized medicine and biosafety for the sustainable development of the Russian Far East and its occupation of leading positions in the socio-economic landscape of the Asia-Pacific region.

Qualitative results:
Genomic medicine and genomic technologies; Applied developments in the field of personalized medicine and health-saving technologies; Biosafety; Regenerative medicine; Biotechnology and biomedicine; Quantum biology and quantum technologies; Research of terrestrial ecosystems; Pharmacy and drug discovery.”

(I want to emphasize that, once again, on another Russian site, the English versions hide parts of the Russian versions...)

And you need very good DNA nanorobots, because, as the international health community has assiduously informed us, there is a very dangerous Crown. And here it is.:

“November 30, 2021
The death rate in Russia over the past year has become a record since the war

In the period from December 2020 to November 2021, the death rate exceeded 2.4 million people, and the population decline approached 1 million Russians

Excess mortality in December 2020 – November 2021 could exceed 622,000 people. […] This is the worst period since 1945. The natural decline of the population, excluding migration, has crossed the mark of 990,000 people over the past year[…]The situation was more deplorable only during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. […] If we take the mortality rate of 2019 as a conditional norm, then it is higher than this norm from October 2020 to September 2021. about 607,000 people died, and from last December to November – at least 622,000 people.

The total population decline in Russia from December 2020 to November 2021 exceeds 990,000 people. Population losses (in excess of the 2019 loss) may amount to about 665,000 people.

Until 2019, the mortality rate was decreasing. For example, in 2015 it was 13.0 per 1000 people, and in 2019 it was 12.3, according to Rosstat data. This year it has already grown to 16.8 ppm.”

This crown is so dangerous that it managed to do this, although exactly during the same period:

Vaccination against Covid – 19 in Russia began on December 5, 2020 from Moscow. Russia became the first country in the world to approve a publicly available vaccine against COVID-19, and the second after China to start vaccinating the population. However, compared to most other European countries, the vaccination campaign in Russia is slow, mainly due to the distrust of the population towards vaccines and the state.

Registered Russian-made vaccines have been approved for vaccination. In January 2021, Mikhail Murashko set a goal to vaccinate 60% of the adult population of Russia, or 68-69 million people, announcing plans to reach this level during the first half of the year. In fact, as of January 28, 2022, according to official data, approximately 83.7 million vaccinations with the first component and approximately 79.3 million complete vaccination courses were carried out in Russia; these figures include both primary and repeated vaccination. Portal on the same date, it reports smaller figures (76.4 million and 69.6 million, respectively), which do not include re-vaccinated.”


Nov 8, 2022
- biometrics?
Rostelecom. About company Russia’s largest integrated provider of digital services and solutions, with presence in all market segments and covering millions of households, governmental and private organizations. …The Company is a widely recognized technology leader in offering innovative solutions for electronic government, cybersecurity, data center and cloud-based services, biometrics, healthcare, education, house maintenance and utility services”

February 2022; Rostelecom was on the list of top 10 best employers of the Russian Employer Rating according to in the Largest Companies category; The first international standard for the Industrial Internet of Things was officially published. Its development was initiated by Rostelecom on the basis of the Cyber-Physical Systems Technical Committee (TC) for Standardization 194 of Rosstandart with the support of the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade.”

The Partnership (can be seen at the bottom): Yandex, Eset, Kaspersky, MICROSOFT

covid19 and the Digital Boom: the pandemic as an impetus for technology development
— Rostelecom research ;05/24/2021

“..The pandemic has become a severe test for the health care system, the economy and people, but at the same time — the cause of the digital boom. The development of technology has received the most powerful impetus in recent decades, especially in the field of digital health (e-health).

TeqViser— a software product of Rostelecom based on artificial intelligence, analyzed an array of publications in technology media and scientific journals, patent applications, as well as the activity of venture investors for 2020 in order to track and fix the main digital trends of the COVID19 era.

In the history of mankind, epidemics have played not only a negative role and often became the cause of the most important discoveries in medicine and pharmaceuticals, as well as social and economic reforms..

..The coronavirus pandemic was no exception: in addition to the obvious breakthroughs in medicine, it led to an acceleration of digital transformation. Technologies have received a tremendous impetus for development.

Pavel Krasovsky, Deputy Director of the Rostelecom Center for Strategic Innovations, TeqViser Project [a software product based on AI] Manager:

“We have been closely following technological trends for the past five years and have been recording how certain technologies have been “firing” in different years. But 2020 was a special year for digital technologies: the pandemic gave a powerful acceleration to their development and implementation. The main thing that the pandemic has managed to do is to change people’s attitude to digital technologies and reduce resistance to introducing innovations into a seemingly already established life. Even the older generation has formed a habit of cashless payments and online purchases. Of course, after explosive growth, a temporary slowdown can be expected, but the digital boom of 2020 will definitely have long-term consequences that can be objectively assessed only a few years later.”

…The full text of the study is available on the TeqViser project website. ->
(+ https ://)
-> “COVID is the best thing that has happened to technology in the last 10 years

-> Back to Rostelcom:
In the national interest

Rostelecom acts as an infrastructure partner of the state and business in the formation and development of the digital economy in Russia. The implementation of major projects in the national interest is one of the stages of its creation. …Each implemented project is a step towards creating a digital economy that will change the lives of millions of people. We are proud to be trusted with projects of great importance for the whole country


Nov 8, 2022
I'll be back in Rostelecom after a little detour. A small part of Putin's speech on the signing of the treaties on the accession of the Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republic and the Zaporozhian and Kherson regions to Russia on September 30. (Which drove the majority of the alt-right audience outside Russia, not just in the Western world, mad with delight.)

I repeat, the dictatorship of Western elites is directed against all societies, including the peoples of the Western countries themselves. It’s a challenge to everyone. Such a complete denial of man, the overthrow of faith and traditional values, the suppression of freedom acquires the features of “reverse religion” – outright Satanism. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus Christ, denouncing false prophets, says: “By their fruits you will know them.” And these poisonous fruits are already obvious to people – not only in our country, in all countries, including for many people in the West itself.

The world has entered a period of revolutionary transformations, they are fundamental. New development centers are being formed, they represent the majority – the majority! – the international community and are ready not only to declare their interests, but also to defend them, and in multipolarity they see an opportunity to strengthen their sovereignty, which means to gain true freedom, historical perspective, their right to independent, creative, original development, to a harmonious process

3 days after the speech; in the Russian Alt-Press:


On the day of the Russian President’s uplifting speech on the occasion of the official reunification of the Russian lands, the light saw not only a document signed by Vladimir Putin and the heads of the regions of the former Ukraine. The President also signed Decree No. 693 “On the definition of an organization that ensures the development of digital identification and authentication technologies.”

We are talking about the creation of JSC “Center for Biometric Technologies”, which will receive the functions of the operator of the unified information system (UIS) of biometric personal data of citizens. And not only biometric, but in general all personal data that can be used to digitally identify a person, sign legally significant digital documents. At the same time, the JSC will be responsible for the creation and development of commercial identification services (!) and will receive exclusive rights (!) to the results of intellectual activity (that is, to use the EIS), which until now belonged to the Russian Federation (!!!).

All this seems to be a clear step towards the alienation of state functions in favor of a non–state digital platform (“the state is in your pocket” (c) – German Gref), as well as the continuation of the approval of an electronic biometric concentration camp on the territory of Russia according to the patterns of globalists. With such a political doublethink at the top of power, it will be very difficult for us to protect state sovereignty, and it was about this key task that Putin spoke on September 30…

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 693 dated 30.09.2022 “On the definition of an organization that ensures the development of digital identification and authentication technologies”

It follows from the presidential decree of September 30 that it is vital to rapidly develop digital identification and authentication technologies in Russia, primarily biometrics. And also sign all documents and conclude transactions through a digit. In order for all this to develop very quickly, it is necessary to establish JSC “Center for Biometric Technologies”, the shares in the authorized capital of which are distributed as follows: 49% – from PJSC Rostelecom, 26% – from the Russian Federation (Rosimushchestvo), 25% – from the Central Bank of Russia. It is noteworthy that the state will not have a controlling stake in this joint-stock company. As there is no such package in the composition of the owners of Rostelecom, which until now has been the operator of a Single biometric system. Rosimushchestvo has only a blocking package, but the Central Bank also has it, on whose initiative all these “innovations” are introduced in the form of digital profiles of citizens and “trafficking in personalities”.

Some might say that the president’s document simply clarifies the newly created structure that will be responsible for the processing of citizens ‘ biometric data instead of Rostelecom’S. But in fact everything is not so, there are very serious changes in the algorithms for the processing of key personal data of Russian citizens. A private Joint-Stock Company is established, whose competence includes the creation and development, among other things, of a system of commercial services based on a platform for biometric identification of citizens of the Russian Federation.

In addition, the government, with the participation of the Central Bank, has been instructed to form a kind of Coordination Council for the development of digital technologies to identify a person by biometric PD, whose tasks will include ensuring "non-discriminatory access to the UIS services". It is not clear what constitutes “discrimination”. – the lack of biometric data of a citizen in the UIS (therefore, they will try to drag him there with all their might), or, on the contrary, an ultimatum to register in the system under the threat of deprivation of fundamental rights of those who have not passed biometrics? Or we’re talking about providing access to the services of the EIS, including non-state, commercial structures. There is also a big question here, as all these services are built on the processing of biometric personal data of citizens that require the highest level of protection.

It is also worrisome that the government should ensure the conclusion of a joint-stock agreement that provides for the transfer of exclusive rights over the results of intellectual activity to the newly created ad ( which until recently belonged to the state). If earlier it was a single biometric system, now it is even broader-a single Information System, with a huge amount of valuable personal data of citizens by which they can be identified. The procedure for budget financing of the “Center for biometric technologies”will also be determined. All this in the next three months.

From a regulatory point of view, we see that this presidential decree is another brick in the wall of the concept of the fourth centers of industrial revolution of WEF – plans for the “digital transformation” of humanity in the model of Klaus Schwab and the company. In fact, biometric data and other services for identifying citizens are provided in private hands under the supervision of the Central Bank, which is not subordinate to the Government of the Russian Federation. All this huge unified information system with the PD of the population will be in the hands of JSC, despite the fact that algorithms for the collection of biometric data become voluntary-mandatory. We is constantly talking about these steps of the authorities in the form of the possibility of collecting biometric ambiguities from various public and private structures without the consent of the citizens , the introduction of Fan ID for football fans, exams in biometrics in universities , in cities Transport, etc.

The same Rostelecom is actively involved in international projects to create cross-border data networks, in which it invests half a billion dollars.

And what is the current situation in our relations with the collective West, Vladimir Putin said very clear on September 30 – the hot stage of the war for Russia’s future and sovereignty. In such circumstances, to give a gift to an enemy who today can easily identify the right person with the smart city’s biometric cameras is to undermine national security.

And when the president spoke of Russia’s original, peculiar cultural, spiritual and moral path, he certainly did not mean a totalitarian electronic biometric concentration camp with a personal social rating instead of traditional laws?!? I very much wish that this globalist Swabian vector, incompatible with the true sovereignty of the state, would finally evaporate. Otherwise, the struggle for our freedom will be very painful."


Nov 8, 2022
Back to Rostelecom to see what things look like through their eyes.
The Center of biometric technologies will appear in Russia

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on the establishment of a joint venture (JV) JSC "Center for Biometric Technologies" (CBT). The founders will be Rostelecom (49% of shares), the Russian Federation represented by the Federal Agency for State Property Management (26% of shares) and the Bank of Russia (25% of shares).

CBT will develop and replicate digital identification and authentication technologies (including those based on biometric personal data), as well as document signing and storage services, including the creation, development and operation of commercial services and standard solutions. This will increase the level of digitalization in various sectors of the economy.

The parties will combine efforts and expertise in the field of biometrics to accelerate the conversion of various services into digital form. CBT will become the operator of GIS "Unified Biometric System" and will ensure the collection, storage, processing and verification of biometric personal data, taking into account the requirements established by Federal Law No. 149-FZ of 27.07.2006 "On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection". Recall that since 2018, Rostelecom has been the operator of the system.

Rostelecom President Mikhail Oseevsky:
"Rostelecom has been developing digital identification and authentication technologies for more than ten years. With their help, you can quickly and safely receive services and services from the comfort of your home — from anywhere where there is Internet. The digitalization of the economy has significantly accelerated the development of such technologies, including those based on biometrics, and today they are becoming even more in demand. I am confident that the created joint venture will provide citizens with new digital opportunities and conduct financial and non-financial transactions online. The successful operation of the CBT will be an important milestone on the path of digital transformation of business and the state."

First Deputy Chairman of the Bank of Russia Olga Skorobogatova:
"The unified biometric system is one of the main elements of the country's digital infrastructure. The Bank of Russia supports the creation of a joint venture and believes that the concentration of resources, technologies and management in this new organization will ensure the introduction of secure biometric technologies in various spheres of our lives. This will make it easier for citizens to receive financial and non-financial services in digital form, it will allow businesses to innovate and reduce costs. The development of a Unified Biometric system will also contribute to the development of Russian technologies and increase their competitiveness."

Dmitry Dubynin, Director of the Digital Identification Technology Development Department of the Ministry of Digital Affairs of Russia:
"The Ministry of Finance of Russia continues the development of GIS EBS. For this purpose, a Biometric Technology Center has been created jointly with the Bank of Russia and Rostelecom PJSC. The creation of the CBT will help ensure the development of biometric technologies in all areas, including in public services. It will make them more modern and convenient. For those citizens who will use biometrics to receive various services and services, the accessibility and security of these processes will increase. At the same time, the voluntary use of biometric data will remain for citizens, and all services can also be received in the usual face-to-face format."

Vice President - Director of Digital Identity of Rostelecom Ivan Berov:
"Rostelecom has done a lot of work to improve the availability and quality of services to citizens in electronic form. Biometric technologies played a significant role in this. Today, they are increasingly being used in various areas of our lives. I am sure that it is biometrics that will give a new impetus to the development of the digital economy and the field of remote services, and the joint venture — the state Unified Biometric system. And the joint use of document signing and storage services, ESIA and biometrics, in turn, will become the basis of a full-fledged digital profile of a citizen."

CEO of CBT Vladislav Povolotsky:
"The joint venture will give a new round in the development of mass services using biometric identification and authentication. Our task as an operator of a Unified Biometric System is to become a guide for the safe and comfortable provision of digital services not only in public services, but also in everyday life. In the coming year, we plan to significantly expand services and services in various industries using biometrics."

A unified biometric system is a necessary part of the remote identification mechanism that allows citizens to receive services remotely. It was launched on the initiative of the Ministry of Finance of Russia, the Bank of Russia and Rostelecom as part of the implementation of the national program "Digital Economy of the Russian Federation" on June 30, 2018. On December 30, 2021, the Unified Biometric System became state-owned."
See how different, calm, mature and practical are these responsible people in high positions explain the benefits of biometrics. They don't scream about digital slavery or a system of the beast like the alternative Russian press and ordinary people.

Let us recall some of Putin's inspiring, and widely admired, words in the Alternative Press outside Russia, spoken on the same day as the signing of the Center for Biometric Technologies.

I repeat, the dictatorship of Western elites is directed against all societies, including the peoples of the Western countries themselves. It’s a challenge to everyone. Such a complete denial of man, the overthrow of faith and traditional values, the suppression of freedom acquires the features of “reverse religion” – outright Satanism. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus Christ, denouncing false prophets, says: “By their fruits you will know them.” And these poisonous fruits are already obvious to people – not only in our country, in all countries, including for many people in the West itself.

The world has entered a period of revolutionary transformations, they are fundamental. New development centers are being formed, they represent the majority – the majority! – the international community and are ready not only to declare their interests, but also to defend them, and in multipolarity they see an opportunity to strengthen their sovereignty, which means to gain true freedom, historical perspective, their right to independent, creative, original development, to a harmonious process


Nov 8, 2022
PSB proposed to expand the infrastructure of using a Single biometric system
The bank believes that this will increase the demand for services using biometric data

MOSCOW, November 11. /tass/. The PSB proposed to expand the infrastructure for using the Unified Biometric System (UBS), which will increase the demand for services using biometric data. This was announced by Yulia Mikhailovskaya, Vice President, Director of the Digital Retail Business Department of PSB at the Finopolis forum.

"The popularization of the EBS should take place not only on the part of banks, but also on the part of government departments. Such an incentive could be the wider use of biometrics in the provision of public services. It is important that citizens can use a biometric profile as an identifier when receiving public services - registering transactions, requesting documents and certificates, paying fines, as well as in medicine, education, when paying for transport," the expert noted.

According to Mikhailovskaya, customer authentication using self-assembled biometrics will help to increase public interest in using biometrics. This method can be used in low-risk transactions, for example, for making payments for small amounts. For customers who have submitted biometrics independently through the application, an additional opportunity should be provided to upgrade the status of biometric samples in the EBS with a single confirmation of identity at a bank branch. This approach guarantees the security of credit transactions by the client in the future, including mortgage transactions.

In addition, according to the estimates of the PSB, in order to popularize the service among citizens, it is also necessary to conduct educational work for schoolchildren, demonstrating the convenience of using the ESB in simpler and safer operations - for example, for going to school, when passing exams, paying for meals in the cafeteria for small amounts."

Ministry of digital development is ready to discuss the integration of "Public Services" with commercial IDs
According to the head of the ministry, Maksut Shadayev, the state needs a unified, reliable system of secure identification

MOSCOW, November 11. /tass/. Ministry of digital development is ready to discuss the integration of the portal "Public Services" with commercial identifiers (ID) at the suggestion of the Central Bank. This was announced during the forum of innovative financial technologies Finopolis 2022 by the head of the Ministry Maksut Shadaev.

The first deputy chairman of the Central Bank, Olga Skorobogatova, suggested Shadaev to implement next year the binding of identifiers of "Public Services" with commercial identifiers. "This is what the market has been talking about for a long time and has been asking for for a long time," she added.

"The state needs a unified, reliable system of secure identification. I think that integration with commercial IDs is an old topic, let's discuss it, we are ready
," Shadaev said.

According to the minister, cooperation with banks is the main way to build it, all projects should be based on a reliable system."
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