River Phoenix was murdered because he was about to blow the lid


Mar 26, 2021
For some reason, I was compelled to investigate his death about ten years ago. I barely even knew who he was, but I had seen his face in a dream, at a black painted place with silver tables and a whole scene played out. I racked my brain later, trying to remember if I’d passively absorbed some kind of documentary program that I hadn’t realized was about him.

The end of my dream had a panicked bartender whispering: “Check his drink, Jimmy.”

River would have been a witness in the “Children of God” Venezuelan raid that happened one month after he died.

Bush Sr. had CoG teens sing to him at The White House.

CoG was revealed to have been producing child prostitutes for high level government officials.

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Mar 26, 2021
There were no marks on his body in the autopsy. It was all in his stomach. The brew was ingested.

Three times the lethal limit of heroin mixed with six (eight?) times the legal limit of cocaine.

It’s fairly known who gave it to him but there is a rumor someone else gave it to that person.

That person is also in an independent short film by Johnny Depp, being handled (its creepy, true mind control stuff) by Timothy Leary.


Mar 26, 2021
"...One of the high points was a teenage group from a family home in Miami. There they won the admiration of a CNN reporter and of President George Bush and Mrs. Barbara Bush. The video showed President Bush kissing some of the charming Family teens. Later, the same group sang at a Christmas open house at the White House. My old contact told me he agreed with the former President ..."
About a "Children of God" singing group performing for President h. W. Bush at The White House. Pg. 170 of "The Children of God: A make-believe revolution?" by Ruth Wengerin. 1993.”


Mar 26, 2021
"...While Aykroyd is answering a question regarding invasion of privacy, Phoenix is stricken by thought and interrupts. 'What would you say if I told you that I’m a bigger patriot than George Bush? I can prove it. I can completely prove it.'
Everyone is breathless to see where this is leading. 'Not only do I live by the Constitution, which he doesn’t!' Phoenix waits but doesn’t get applause or laughter, so he stumbles ahead. 'And not only do I have allegiance to our founding forefathers, who had a lot of sense, not like their sons, um, but there’s a constant lifestyle that backs that practice up.
He raises his voice to emphasize passion, like an orator new to stage. Phoenix is an actor who needs a script and director to be inspiring. '…It’s, it’s, it’s really a farce, the joke’s on the masses that are on their hands and knees before the cross and before the flag, because they’re crossing lines, um, this whole new world order I think is, is real, real terrible…um, idea…'
Phoenix is going nowhere and Aykroyd tries to rescue his partner. 'Uh, but you know, Europe is fighting that now. You see they didn’t go for the one currency in Europe and they’re not going for the common market, really…'..."
"A Conversation with River Phoenix and Dan Akroyd" by Michael Cartel. The Valley


Mar 26, 2021
From a Reddit thread:

“In River’s last movie, his character obsessively carves Kachinas, notably, a ‘Sun’ Kachina.

Sun Kachina: ‘Sirius is the Hidden God or 'the sun behind the sun'...’

Sirius: The star that ‘brings’ the flood season on the River Nile. Also ‘chief star in the ancient constellation 'Phoenix'...’

River. Phoenix.

‘According to the ancient Egyptians, there was a special occult link between Sirius and the Earth when they were at their closest distance. In other words, more universal light was being reflected from Sirius than at any other time of the year. This link was found to be most powerful during the Dog Days of August (Sirius is known as the Dog Star) which run from July 23 rd to August 23rd.’

Phoenix turned 23 on August 23rd of that year. An anagram of his name spells 'Viper Heroin X". On the most important holiday in every occultist's calendar, he died from a supposedly accidental overdose.”
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Mar 26, 2021
For some reason, I was compelled to investigate his death about ten years ago. I barely even knew who he was, but I had seen his face in a dream, at a black painted place with silver tables and a whole scene played out. I racked my brain later, trying to remember if I’d passively absorbed some kind of documentary program that I hadn’t realized was about him.

The end of my dream had a panicked bartender whispering: “Check his drink, Jimmy.”

River would have been a witness in the “Child of God” Venezuelan raid that happened one month after he died.

Bush Sr. had CoG teens sing to him at The White House.

CoG was revealed to have been producing child prostiuted for high level government officials.

“Children of God”. I don’t know why I wrote “Child.”

His Father was the “Archbishop” of CoG’s Venezuela branch. I also think the raid was in Argentina.


Mar 26, 2021
Keanu Reeves was River’s best friend.
The name of Keanu’s band?




Feb 8, 2021
There were no marks on his body in the autopsy. It was all in his stomach. The brew was ingested.

Three times the lethal limit of heroin mixed with six (eight?) times the legal limit of cocaine.

It’s fairly known who gave it to him but there is a rumor someone else gave it to that person.

That person is also in an independent short film by Johnny Depp, being handled (its creepy, true mind control stuff) by Timothy Leary.
Very interesting thread.....
Thx for posting....