Psychiatric disorders and rebellion are a sign of mental health


Mar 14, 2017
Being well-adjusted to this system, now that requires a truly deranged mind. I have a proposal for the DSM-VI: not having a mental disorder and being a 'productive citizen'. If you accept what is happening now and don't rebel you are literally insane. Let them do this and they have broken you.

I can't function in society any more. Talking to other people makes absolutely no sense to me if they won't take responsibility for what is unfolding.


Mar 14, 2017
I actually can see an argument for that..
I'm confident the Illuminati agrees. They've been trying to tell us for a long time now. The whole point with what they do is they do it only if we're stupid enough to permit it. It's natural law applied... and that's the problem right now. We're being so collectively stupid it starts to justify their actions.



Mar 26, 2017
I don't at all think you're crazy, SkepticCat.

I think you are sane.

People measure sanity by the masses and make the masses the measure of sanity.

The problem with that is that the masses are insane. Talk sanity to a cuckoo person and they'll claim you are the crazy ones.

Also, the DSM is nonsense. The DSM today is not the DSM of 20 years ago. The DSM of 20 years ago is outdated. 20 years from now the current DSM will be outdated. That stuff in the DSM..... people made that stuff up. All that stuff is stuff that people made up.

I could make up a fancy-sounding term.... Acute Social Paranoia Disorder....

one of the symptoms of Acute Social Paranoia Disorder is posting here..... if you believe in conspiracies, etc..... you have the disorder that I just made up, I've put my made-up disorder in the new DSM, thus it is now blindly accepted by the mental health folks, its reality is now a scientific "fact" and everyone here gets shipped off to a facility to be "cured" of their disorder...

the college-educated folks talk so much about everything being a "social construction".... but they never talk about how all that DSM stuff is socially constructed.... people can sit a room and just make stuff up and have it put in there.... all that stuff is just made-up.....

if a doctor says you have a disorder.... don't listen to them...... that "disorder" is something someone made-up..... the doctor might just have their degree and position because they jumped through hoops and didn't ask questions..... you probably know more than they do. Don't listen to them. The mental health industry is nothing more than a tool of social control.


Mar 16, 2017
The dsm is constantly updated precisely because you cant just make something up and put it in there. As more research happens and more things are figured out the book changes. Thats a GOOD thing. The diagnosis in the dsm are under constant criticism and revision by the mental health community, the opposite of accepted as gospel.

With that said, this world is sick and it makes sense that you would have to be mentally ill to be able to accept the current state of affairs WITHOUT experiencing some level of depression and/or anxiety.


Mar 26, 2017
DSM is garbage. All that stuff is just made-up. The DSM of today which you defend... will be hopelessly "outdated" 20 years from now. The mental health industry is a tool of social control. If people merely parrot the mainstream narrative, it defeats the point of this site. DSM is garbage and the stuff in it is made-up. If it's made-up by rich people in suits and with pieces of paper, I don't care. I don't care about their money. I don't care about their suits. I don't care about the piece of paper they think makes them so smart when it actually is an indication of their success in conformity. All the stuff in the DSM is made-up. Calling the mental health industry a "community" as though these are a bunch of humanitarians rather than vultures pumping the youth full of drugs and making insane amounts of money.... none of that changes that the DSM is a bunch of man-made, made-up stuff.

The "educated" folks love saying everything is a social construct. Why don't they apply that to the DSM? All that stuff in there really is a social construct.

People, quit trusting "experts". Those "experts" don't care about the people. If they did, they wouldn't be in their positions. The system is rigged to eliminate such people.
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Mar 16, 2017

Mental illness is very real regardless of your apparant discomfort level with it. The vast majoroty of people working with the mentally ill are working poor, not rich. And medication is only one facet, one branch, that yes can be over used and improperly prescribed but when diagnosed and prescribed correctly saves and improves many lives.
Apr 12, 2017

Mental illness is very real regardless of your apparant discomfort level with it. The vast majoroty of people working with the mentally ill are working poor, not rich. And medication is only one facet, one branch, that yes can be over used and improperly prescribed but when diagnosed and prescribed correctly saves and improves many lives.
I agree, and this is an important thing to understand. Mental illness is real.

However I also understand that ultimately life does not depend upon drugs. Repetitive thought patterns are like a feedback loop, which makes them seem involuntary and impossible to change even though they can always be modified just like any other behavior... Many psychiatric disorders I assume arise from negative beliefs about the self, leading to non-acceptance of self and even the subconscious desire to deny or suppress aspects of self.

That aside, I think that actual mental illness is a separate issue from the topic at hand, which is the idea that attempting to find some level of comfort within a deranged society is a bit deranged all on its own. It reminds me of a quote from Terrance McKenna:
“The reason we feel alienated is because the society is infantile, trivial, and stupid. So the cost of sanity in this society is a certain level of alienation. I grapple with this because I’m a parent. And I think anybody who has children, you come to this realization, you know—what’ll it be? Alienated, cynical intellectual? Or slack-jawed, half-wit consumer of the horseshit being handed down from on high? There is not much choice in there, you see. And we all want our children to be well adjusted; unfortunately, there’s nothing to be well adjusted to!” -Terrance McKenna


Mar 14, 2017
The problem with that is that the masses are insane.
Let me clarify what I wrote: When I say 'insane' then yes, I do mean that in a literal sense, as in, they're not sane. Living in this world, and not being conscious of the absolutely enormous problems towering over us all, and not feeling discomfort on any level at all about that... that would require a de facto psychotic mind, more of the mind of a demon than that of a human being. I believe I understand very clearly what the Illuminati is aiming to do to human consciousness (and, in fact, all consciousness) and because of that I feel a great sense of responsibility towards those who are growing up to become victims of the ignorance and apathy of their ancestors if these psychopath dark overlords are allowed to proceed unimpeded. It is a war on human consciousness, and we're currently losing so badly they can put their satanic symbols out in the open and most people just think it's 'cool'. That's how low the current general state of consciousness on Earth is. Completely deactivated, shut down consciousness.

I don't want to blanket dismiss everybody and just shame them because I see clearly what is being done: The masses are kept dumbed down, stressed, impoverished etc. What does appall me is when a person basically has it well and is then informed there's an organization of psychopaths in total control of society who is now openly working to destroy the world and just ignores this information. That is very, very wrong. A such person is really deactivated. I understand why it happens, because it has been designed that way. Yet, it is still *very* wrong and deeply unbalanced. This is information that has to be acted upon.

Mark Passio's videos here, this kind of information needs to be shared, understood and acted upon at an absolutely explosive, exponential rate. You can't afford to be told that '911 wasn't just an inside job, it was an actual satanic ritual by the psychopaths who run this world' and just go 'say what?' The consequences of inaction here are obvious. If a person has even the slightest suspicion that such information is correct, it needs to be attended.


It must be realized that a constructive approach is required in presenting this information and exposing the agenda. The entire world can be said to be under mind control at this point, we've all been MK ultra-ed. However, this realization must be met with a resolve to remedy the situation. People do not realize even their physical survival is gravely threatened right now. At this present time, the veil between this world and the next is very thin. There is ample information on the 'Illuminati' freely available and to a much greater number of individuals who can act upon it at this point in history than ever before. It must be confronted or the repercussions can only be catastrophic. The time to wake up is right now; if it doesn't happen in these years then the dark biblical ending will clearly proceed. If such must happen, nothing can stop it. Personally, however, I am of the inclination and belief that every effort must be brought to bear to prevent it. They want to create Hell on Earth, literally, if that bit of information doesn't activate something in a person and cause them to say 'NO!' something is horrendously broken in that being.

This is where we put the foot down. Now or never.


Regarding the psychiatric aspect, I stand by my assessment. It is absolutely bonkers nuts to accept what is going on now. Total inversion, as above so below, sanity is now insanity and insanity is an indicator of a remaning vestige of sanity.


I'm convinced most subconsciously already know all about what's going on. They just don't have the courage to actually act on that information. With a corrupt government, there suddenly are no leaders, and most people are so deactivated they're not capable of leading themselves. Thus, leadership is required and some will have to present that.
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Mar 26, 2017

Mental illness is very real regardless of your apparant discomfort level with it. The vast majoroty of people working with the mentally ill are working poor, not rich. And medication is only one facet, one branch, that yes can be over used and improperly prescribed but when diagnosed and prescribed correctly saves and improves many lives.
very real.... like when they prescribed pretty much like half of the boys as having ADD....

all they do is push drugs on people, turn folks into zombies and make bookoo money off it


Jan 9, 2018
Oy vey...that's all I can say right now. Oy. Vey. OP. Etagloc. Just...stop. Please. I'll write a more coherent response later.


Mar 13, 2017
I like reading when people are letting their inner Jungian out. Because I have some issues with how modern medicine treats disorders. I think sedating or carving up someones brains with drugs should always be the last choice. But it should be a choice. We can't just all turn into strict Jungians.

Most problems with the psyche are natural and we all face them. So it's really an issue of developing proper coping mechanisms. A drug will never be a good coping mechanism. The modern world just isn't really honest about what these type of drugs are actually doing. They should describe certain drugs like I do in this post. It's called sedation, or chemical brain surgery.


Oct 2, 2017
OK I'm gonna say something rather unpopular concerning the 500 000 000 number, maybe but: the world is indeed overpopulated, or will be very soon and something must be done about it. 500 mil is very exagerated though. Also nobody says that we have to kill off people to reduce population growth. But reproduction should be regulated in some way. Otherwise we will all end up without any more natural resources in the near future. Going to another planet isn't even remotely a choice.


Mar 16, 2017
I'm confident the Illuminati agrees. They've been trying to tell us for a long time now. The whole point with what they do is they do it only if we're stupid enough to permit it. It's natural law applied... and that's the problem right now. We're being so collectively stupid it starts to justify their actions.

LoL! You ytook the words right out of my mouth, Skeptic! I was just gonna reply that people are so insanely stupid nowadays that theres no point in talking to them. You have to keep the conversation to very few and easily understandablre subjects and try not to get annoyed with them. I have so many dumb friends..One comversation actually went like this:

Me: -That looks like a cyst.
Her: -What's a cyst?
Me: -Are you being serious?
Her: -Yeah, what is that?
Me:-You don't know what a cyst is?
Her: -No.

She is 33 years old and have never heard of a cyst. She knows nothing about anything other than running to the gym and eating every 20 minutes. I think it's for environmental reasons to, that this stupidity is increasing bc I see sooo many younger people with psychosis and what not. Its depression, psychosis, anxiety, anything from A to Z. This isnt normal so I think this is due to toxins. I just don¨t know why some of us aren't affected.

What's your take on it?


Mar 13, 2017
OK I'm gonna say something rather unpopular concerning the 500 000 000 number, maybe but: the world is indeed overpopulated, or will be very soon and something must be done about it. 500 mil is very exagerated though. Also nobody says that we have to kill off people to reduce population growth. But reproduction should be regulated in some way. Otherwise we will all end up without any more natural resources in the near future. Going to another planet isn't even remotely a choice.
That's very true... people are already running out of water. And we are destroying our environment because there are so many of us and we consume so much. Mass murder is definitely not the solution though.


Mar 26, 2017
Rest in Peace, Ignacio Martin-Baró

Why an Assassinated Psychologist - Ignored by US Psychologists - Is Being Honored
Sunday, November 16, 2014By Bruce E. Levine, Truthout | Op-Ed
Mural at the Cooperativa Martín-Baró featuring Padre Ignacio Martín-Baró. (Photo: Amber / Flickr)In November 2014, people around the world who decry oppression will commemorate the 25th anniversary of liberation psychologist Ignacio Martin-Baró's assassination in El Salvador by a "counter-insurgency unit" created at the US Army's School of the Americas.
On November 16, 1989, in El Salvador, liberation psychologist Ignacio Martin-Baró, together with five colleagues, their housekeeper and her teenage daughter, were forced into a courtyard on the campus of Universidad Centroamericana José Simeón Cañas, where they were then murdered by the Salvadoran government's elite Atlacatl Battalion, a "counter-insurgency unit" created at the US Army's School of the Americas in 1980. The massacre is detailed in the Report of the UN Truth Commission on El Salvador.
This year, 25 years after Martin-Baró's assassination, the Liberation Psychology Network, the Latin American journal Teoría y Crítica de la Psicología, and peace and justice activists around the world will commemorate Martin-Baró, whose integrity, courage and activism for the people of El Salvador cost him his life. Embarrassingly, the vast majority of US psychologists and psychiatrists know nothing about Martin-Baró and liberation psychology. Outside of Pacifica Graduate Institute, I'm not aware of any US graduate program with an announced focus on liberation psychology.
The US corporatocracy uses mental health professionals to manipulate and medicate people to adjust and thereby maintain the status quo - thus, the need for liberation psychology.
Noam Chomsky, longtime critic of both the US government and US psychology, has tried to inform the world about the life and work of Martin-Baró. Chomsky, in praising a collection of his essays, Writings for a Liberation Psychology, said that Martin-Baró had a "rare combination of intelligence and heroism to the challenge his work sets forth 'to construct a new person in a new society.' His life and achievement are a true inspiration."
Why would the American Psychological Association, the American Psychiatric Association and other mainstream mental health institutions keep US psychologists, psychiatrists and the general public ignorant of the life and work of Martin-Baró?
As a Jesuit priest, Martin-Baró embraced liberation theology in opposition to a theology that oppressed the poor, and as a social psychologist, he believed that imported North American psychology also oppressed the majority of people. Martin-Baró concluded that mainstream psychology either ignored or only paid lip service to social and economic conditions that shape people's lives.
Ruling elites and power structures - from monarchies to military dictatorships to the US corporatocracy - have routinely used "professionals" to control the population from rebelling against injustices so as to maintain the status quo. While power structures routinely rely on police and armies to subdue populations, they have also used clergy - thus, the need for liberation theology. And today, the US corporatocracy uses mental health professionals to manipulate and medicate people to adjust and thereby maintain the status quo - thus, the need for liberation psychology.
In order to control other nations - be they in Latin America, Native America or elsewhere - the US corporatocracy has provided power and prestige for both individuals and institutions that meet its needs. Martin-Baró observed the following about North American psychology: "In order to get social position and rank, it negotiated how it would contribute to the needs of the established power structure."
The actions by US psychologists and psychiatrists that contribute to the needs of the power structure for social position and rank have gotten even more blatant since Martin-Baró's death.
Liberation psychology - which Martin-Baró helped popularize - challenges adjustment to an unjust societal status quo and energizes oppressed people to resist injustices.
Shortly after the tragic events of September 11, 2001, the American Psychological Association (APA) made high-level efforts to nurture relationships with the US Department of Defense (DOD), the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and other government agencies. As Truthout reportedearlier this year, the APA aimed "to position psychology and behavioral scientists as key players in US counterterrorism and counterintelligence activities."
For several years the APA not only condoned, but actually applauded psychologists' assistance in interrogation or torture in Guantánamo and elsewhere. When it was discovered that psychologists were working with the US military and the CIA to develop brutal interrogation methods, an APA task force in 2005 concluded that psychologists were playing a "valuable and ethical role" in assisting the military; in 2007, an APA Council of Representatives retained this policy. It took until 2008 for APA members to vote for prohibiting consultations in interrogations (reported by Project Censored in 2010).
US psychologists and psychiatrists have also met the needs of the power structure by subverting resistance of US soldiers in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. During the Vietnam War, the GI antiwar movement - in which soldiers refused to cooperate with the US military - was one of the decisive factors in ending US military involvement in Vietnam (see Sir! No Sir!). However, today, psychologists and psychiatrists' "treatments" of soldiers with behavioral manipulations and psychiatric drugs make such a resistance by soldiers more difficult.
One of the most famous psychologists in the United States, Martin Seligman, a former president of the APA, has consulted with the US Army's Comprehensive Soldier Fitness program (as I reported in AlterNet in 2010). Seligman achieved not only "social position and rank" for himself, but several million dollars for his University of Pennsylvania Positive Psychology Center, according to The Philadelphia Inquirer, which quoted Seligman saying, "We're after creating an indomitable military." In one role play utilized in this Comprehensive Soldier Fitness program reported by The New York Times, a sergeant is asked to take his exhausted men on one more difficult mission, and the sergeant is initially angry, saying that "It's not fair." But in the role play, he's "rehabilitated" to reframe the order as a compliment.
Even more powerful than positive-psychology manipulations in subverting resistance by soldiers to the US military-industrial complex is the use of psychiatric drugs. According to the Navy Times in 2010, one in six US armed service members were taking at least one psychiatric drug, with many of these medicated soldiers in combat zones.
Oppression need not be physically brutalizing in order to subvert resistance.
Beyond these obvious ways in which psychologists and psychiatrists meet the needs of the corporatocracy, there are insidious ways in which the majority of mental health professionals maintain the status quo. This includes pathologizing and medicating anti-authoritarianism and noncompliance, which I described in "Why Anti-Authoritarians are Diagnosed as Mentally Ill" in Mad in America in 2012. Many individuals diagnosed with mental disorders are essentially anti-authoritarians, and a potentially large army of anti-authoritarian activists is being kept off democracy battlefields by mental health professionals who have pathologized and depoliticized their pain.
In contrast to mainstream psychology, liberation psychology - which Martin-Baró helped popularize - challenges adjustment to an unjust societal status quo and energizes oppressed people to resist injustices. Liberation psychology attempts to help subjugated and demoralized people regain the energy necessary to recover the power that they have handed over to illegitimate authorities (see Get Up, Stand Up).
Martin-Baró knew that the practice of psychology and psychiatry is not politically neutral. Psychologists and psychiatrists, whether they realize it or not, who narrowly treat their patients in a way that encourages compliance with the status quo are acting politically. Whether they are drug prescribers, behavior-modification advocates or even some "alternative" proponents, there is a commonality among mainstream mental health professionals; though their competing programs may vary, they are often similar in that they instruct people on how to adjust to any and all systems.
Martin-Baró also knew that theories in psychology and psychiatry are not politically neutral. Mainstream schools of thought - be they behavioral or biochemical - accept the maximization of pleasure as the motivating force for human behavior, the same maximization of pleasure that is assumed by neoclassical economic theorists. This ignores the human need for social justice, freedom and autonomy, as well as other motivations that would transform society. Martin-Baró knew that there are political consequences to mainstream psychology's restriction of its research to quantifiable variables. He pointed out that when knowledge is limited to only quantifiable facts and events, we "become blind to the most important meanings of human existence." Human dimensions such as commitment, solidarity, hope and courage cannot be simplistically quantified, but are what enable human beings to overcome injustice.
Martin-Baró, tragically prescient, once quipped to a North American colleague, "In your country, it's publish or perish. In ours, it's publish and perish." The oppression faced by the Salvadorans during Martin-Baró's lifetime was quite different from the oppression faced in the United States today. Yet oppression need not be physically brutalizing in order to subvert resistance. And so, the life and work of Martin-Baró is relevant not just for South Americans and Central Americans but for North Americans and oppressed people around the world.
Born November 7, 1942, and murdered November 16, 1989, Ignacio Martin-Baró was gunned down shortly after his 47th birthday. In November 2014, liberation psychologists and others around the world who decry oppression will commemorate the 25th anniversary of Martin-Baró's assassination and will celebrate his 72nd birthday.

Martin-Baró had the integrity to tell the truth and got murdered for it. Loyal defenders of the status quo can try to silence the truth but the truth remains.

You can obtain English translations of his writings hereín-Baró/dp/0674962478/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1522301992&sr=8-1&keywords=ignacio+martin+baro


Mar 16, 2017
very real.... like when they prescribed pretty much like half of the boys as having ADD....

all they do is push drugs on people, turn folks into zombies and make bookoo money off it
Yes very real.

The also very real problems of misdiagnosis and overuse of medications dont negate that.

Easy way to tell id adhd meds have been improperly prescribed.. the patient will become psychotic. Because at that point your giving a kid meth. If they have adhd it will calm them down instead. Whether or not we should be calming kids down is yet again another seperate valid issue.

Kung Fu

Mar 24, 2017
Yes very real.

The also very real problems of misdiagnosis and overuse of medications dont negate that.

Easy way to tell id adhd meds have been improperly prescribed.. the patient will become psychotic. Because at that point your giving a kid meth. If they have adhd it will calm them down instead. Whether or not we should be calming kids down is yet again another seperate valid issue.
Aren't kids supposed to be hyper and playful?


Mar 16, 2017
yes but if thats all you think it is youve never seen true adhd, its a lot more than that and extreme