Predictive programming in the music industry.


Jan 22, 2018
@Awoken2 do you think somethings going down this Friday?!
I have no idea of timelines. I hold the belief that TPTB do not disclose any specific dates for these events, to do so would be pretty naive as after the event if the date of the event was disclosed beforehand it would be hard to deny that the event wasn't planned. They only need to inform us of what is going to happen, they don't have to tell us when.

Even the IRA used to inform tbe police that they had planted a bomb somewhere but they never gave a time that it was going to go off.

Also I wouldn't have thought Buster Rhymes would be the chosen one to declare to the world a major event is going to take place, he hasn't got the audience. Stuff like that is left for the A listers, Beyonce, Gaga, etc so I wouldn't pay much heed to that particular date. It looks to me like he's just bought into the end times thing, maybe overdone it on his Bible?


Jan 22, 2018
I'm giving this another spin here. It's for all the posters who visit this conspiracy forum who have no interest whatsoever in real world events that are unfolding in front of their own eyes, that will eventually affect them in a very bad way.

Enjoy this forum zombies!



Jan 22, 2018
I'll re-post for visibility....blah de blah.

An absolutely chilling message considering the bands very strong links to Freemasonry.

We are not there yet
We have not evolved
We have no respect
We have lost control

We're going backwards
Ignoring the realities
Going backwards
Are you counting all the casualties?

We are not there yet
Where we need to be
We are still in debt
To our insanities

We're going backwards
Turning back our history
Going backwards
Piling on the misery

We can track in all the satellites
Seeing all in plain sight
Watch men die in real time
But we have nothing inside
We feel nothing inside

We are not there yet
We have lost our soul
The course has been set
We're digging our own hole

We're going backwards
Armed with new technology
Going backwards
To a cavemen mentality

We can emulate on consoles
Killings we can control
For senses that have been dulled
Because there's nothing inside
We feel nothing inside

We feel nothing inside
(We feel nothing, nothing inside)
We feel nothing inside
(We feel nothing, nothing inside)
We feel nothing inside
(We feel nothing, nothing inside)
We feel nothing inside
(We feel nothing, nothing inside)
We feel nothing inside
(We feel nothing, nothing inside)

Because there's nothing inside
Because there's nothing inside



Mar 30, 2020
@Awoken2 do you think somethings going down this Friday?!
I have no idea of timelines. I hold the belief that TPTB do not disclose any specific dates for these events, to do so would be pretty naive as after the event if the date of the event was disclosed beforehand it would be hard to deny that the event wasn't planned. They only need to inform us of what is going to happen, they don't have to tell us when.

Even the IRA used to inform tbe police that they had planted a bomb somewhere but they never gave a time that it was going to go off.

Also I wouldn't have thought Buster Rhymes would be the chosen one to declare to the world a major event is going to take place, he hasn't got the audience. Stuff like that is left for the A listers, Beyonce, Gaga, etc so I wouldn't pay much heed to that particular date. It looks to me like he's just bought into the end times thing, maybe overdone it on his Bible?
The video is out.



Jan 22, 2018
Below are a series of messages from the artist Maynard James Keenan. I feel these messages should be duly noted.

Here we are in the middle of our existential reckoning
Long ago we all traded, regretfully abdicated
Our voice and our light
Charge our command and means
Trade it all for bread and circus

Here we are in the middle of our existential reckoning

The pawns and powers that be
Play checkers, chess and monopoly
(The pawns and powers that be play checkers)
For keeps, for lifе, for all
To the death, for our servility

Acquiеscent and idling
Predestinated circling
Romulus and Remus paradox
Trade it all for nothing more than

Concessions, fireworks
Pageantry and glitter
Gladiators and jesters, just entertainers
Bread and circus

The man has quite a knack for foreshadowing certain societal changes.

The alien invasion and other agendas have been shown before in his work.(see 3.32 mark in video)

He has apparent free reign to pre warn us of these events through his music.

Here is an interesting article I thought

I get the feeling the only thing open to question now is the sequence of events rather than if the events will occur. Lot's of plans have been made no doubt.
Last edited:


Jan 22, 2018
I agree with A2 in regards to an actual date being put out, but thought this was noteworthy.

Interesting this clip starts at (skull and bones)3:22. "It will probably happen on a Friday"

another telling song and it's not about a big sale either.
Just coming back to this, I think today is a good day, as it being the day some people have predicted an asteroid strike, to give my reasoning for why I say these should be ignored on their suggested accuracy.

We've seen time and time again predictions of cataclysmic events forecast for certain dates that come and go. We had the Niburu thing in 2012 and many many more failed predictions prior and since.

I feel these stories are put out by disinformation agents for two purposes. It allows the planned event to be put into the public consciousness by revealing the event is going to happen but more importantly by attaching an exact date to the event which fails to occur it put's the whole notion of a pre-planned asteroid strike into the realms of mad conspiracy theorism so people stop looking into the possibility of it happening at all. It gets cast into the tin foil hat wearing room 101.

When you have shills like Neil (snake in) De Grass Tyson calling it, it kinda loses credibility.

But this event is definitely going to happen. Yet again Maynard James Keenan feels the need to inform us of what is ahead. Released just a few hours ago by Puscifer.

It doesn't get much more obvious than this.



Jan 22, 2018
Freaking DM, is it "bad" I enjoy their music? Lol.
Even with the Master that they serve?
Not at all. The people selected to convey these messages to us have to do it with some mesmerising music. Nobody gets seduced by shit music, let's be fair.

Ohhh they told us all about the master they/we serve years ago.

I'll try and find you footage of the band playing this song live on an early morning Saturday tv show to an audience of bemused 12 year olds.....


Jan 22, 2018
Extra points for anybody who can tell me where we've seen this lecturn before?

Clue. Predictive programming of 9/11.

Your average age audience this show was aimed at was 8-12 years old.



Jan 22, 2018
Well I think Alter bridge deserve a slot in my Grim Reaper top 10 with this effort.

I also found the repeated line like embers falling like snow intresting.
