Palestinian Resistance Launch Major Attack on Israel: What Happened? – LIVE BLOG


Mar 15, 2017
The video below - downloaded from the AWIS Facebook page and re-uploaded here in case the charity attempts to cover its tracks - has some key details from an Israeli TV broadcast.

Here is the full text from the Twitter link in case anyone can’t access it or it’s taken down:

Meet the Levy family. They are British citizens. First let's introduce Avi Levy, he joined the genocidal Israel occupation forces at 18. He had been dreaming about it since he was 6, according to his interview with Israeli television uploaded below. What kind of parents would so indoctrinate a young boy, by the age of 6, that he wanted to participate in ethnic cleansing? The answer is his parents: Julian and Sian Levy, who are said to be on the 'board' of the UK Friends of the Association for the Wellbeing of Israel's Soldiers. (Registered Charity No. 1084272).

This is a charity which raises and sends money to the occupation forces. There appears to be no public listing of who else is on this 'board'. Julian and Sian may well have been influential in radicalising their son to engage in acts which might plausibly be defined as genocide. If so, surely the local authority @terrorismpolice
(formerly known as the Special Branch) should be interested in this apparent radicalising process?

Julian and Sian are also said to be 'amongst the most important' supporters of UK AWIS. Certainly they appear to have made multiple donations. One was for a 'mobile synagogue' and another a 'living space' for genocidaires of the 'IDF'. The former was made in the name of all four of the Levy's children Avi, Jamie, Rachel and Daniel, while the latter was made in the name of just Rachel and Daniel on the occasion of their Bat and Bar Mitzvah which usually take place at the ages of 12 or 13.

The sheer horror of radicalising children as young as six years old into genocidal Zionism is something of which most British citizens have very little knowledge. It is now time for us to face up to the very real threat that this poses to British citizens who support Palestinian rights as well as British Palestinians and British Muslims. It is an outrage that this charity gets tax relief and is allowed to operate in the UK.

Please write to the Charity Commission asking them:
1. To examine whether UK AWIS is fulfilling its charitable objectives;
2. Whether it provides "public benefit" and whether this is outweighed by the obvious harm that the IDF is being enabled and supported to do by the charity.
3. Whether supporting a foreign army is regarded as a charitable purpose by the Charity Commission, given its statement in 2016 that “Whilst support for the United Kingdom’s armed forces is a charitable purpose, support of foreign armed forces is not a charitable purpose for a charity based in England or Wales to further.”

Here is the link to complain. #DismantleZionism



Mar 18, 2017
Israel granted exploration rights to 3 companies - Italian energy giant Eni, UK based Dana Energy & Israel's Ratio Petroleum.

Where are the green crusaders....incessantly screaming about climate change & fossil fuels to criticize Israel? (Tedros, Guterres, Mark Carney, Larry Fink etc) Where the banks halting funds for that oil exploration?


Mar 18, 2017
I've been wondering lately........perhaps, on the road to collapse it makes sense to thoroughly damage America's image. Everyone else will cheer on the sidelines "good riddance" even though the fallout would affect all of us. Surely, that must be the intent of the power players. Out, with the old order....In, with the new order.

AMY GOODMAN: Finally, if President Biden says he’s warning Israel, for example, against a ground invasion of Rafah, but then increasing funding to Israel and military funding, what message is that sending?

WILLIAM HARTUNG: Well, I think anything this administration says about human rights, the rule of law, the rules-based international order, rings hollow in the face of what’s happening with respect to supporting Israel in this war. And I think it will reverberate well beyond this conflict. I think, you know, the U.S. will not be taken as seriously when they raise these kinds of issues in the future. So, not only is it horrific for the people of Gaza, but I think it undermines the role of the United States in the world in any cases where they actually would want to play a constructive role. So it’s hard to imagine a more damaging foreign policy decision.


Jan 10, 2019
‘I was educated to believe whatever we did to the Palestinians would save us from another Holocaust’

I’ve often questioned how the IDF are able to conduct themselves in the manner in which we’ve seen in the past few months. We need to remember that early education cements your perception of the world. The same way we were indoctrinated in our primary and secondary schools, to believe in some aspects of history, to trust only some people who tell us the news…etc IDF soldiers and generally, Israelis, have also gone through an intensive and all-encompassing process to get them to the point we see today. This doesn’t detract or excuse from anything they’ve done at all; I’m just trying to highlight how ingrained their disdain and hatred for Palestinian life is.

Looking through history their war propaganda and fabricated myths have been reinvented in each generation... which perpetuates the insanity we're experiencing today. The lies have been spewed for hundreds of years in different cases, and until we confront them as a human population the disease will continue to fester.

Gaza and the Antisemitism Hoax
Recycling War Propaganda


Mar 18, 2017
They are not interested in a ceasefire as Hamas as well as the wider international community, want an independent Palestinian state. Israel don’t.
While the focus is on Netanyahu and his cabinet, disinterested in Palestinian Statehood...voices in America (policy makers, deep state stenographers etc) are also on the same page and deserve to be highlighted.




Elliot Abrams (at the CFR)


Bret Stephens

It’s hard to know where to begin, but here’s a thought: If settler colonialism needs to be eliminated, why not get rid of all settler colonialism?
That would start with the United States, which began as a settler-colonialist enterprise under British, Dutch and Spanish rulers, and continued as one under American rule. Some progressives try to nod to this fact with land-acknowledgment statements, which are now common on college campuses, but that’s a remarkably cheap and performative form of atonement.

Real atonement — of the type that’s now being demanded of Israelis — would look quite different. If you’re an American citizen of non-Native American descent, leave. Leave Hawaii. Leave California. Leave Massachusetts, too. Return to the lands of your ancestors — if they will have you. If not, that’s your problem.


Jan 10, 2019

Surely, that must be the intent of the power players. Out, with the old order....In, with the new order.
It seems that way. We know of the forces whose stated objective is to weaken nationalism. As much as they've become tools for globalism- agreements like the UN charter, the Geneva Conventions (beginning in the 1850's), or way back to the Peace of Westphalia (1648)- these formally cherished ideals of international law are being shredded to pieces by Israel's total impunity. In the last 80 years the West has quietly allowed Israel to skirt accountability, which has led to Israel's arrogance and the breakdown of all conceivable norms.

There are debates over why the United States is complying with Israel's desires but ATM it doesn't really matter. Israel=US government. Whether Trump or Biden, Dem or Republican every crime and murder against Palestine is overseen by the United States. It's extremely disheartening to realize.

The best thing for the world would be the US and Israel to join North Korea and just abandon the United Nations.


Jan 10, 2019
..Real atonement — of the type that’s now being demanded of Israelis — would look quite different. If you’re an American citizen of non-Native American descent, leave. Leave Hawaii. Leave California. Leave Massachusetts, too. Return to the lands of your ancestors — if they will have you. If not, that’s your problem.
Atonement lol. This is a typical Zionist attempt to compare a 21st century war of conquest to the unfair treatment of Native Americans before the 20th century. There were crimes of the US and state governments against natives but for the most part treaties were made to bring peace. Same with slavery- northern and western Americans did not generally own slaves, and it was the abolitionist movement that helped lead to the civil war to end slavery.

Israel is a 19th century Zionist cult attempting to continue a dead age of imperialism, jingoism, and lawlessness but the world has passed them by. God willing the nations will reject them.


Jan 10, 2019
One more post on this topic to highlight the difference between lying, obfuscating Israeli apologists vs. the history of America:

Treaties Between the United States and American Indian Nations

Treaties rest at the heart of both Native history and contemporary tribal life and identity. Approximately 368 treaties were negotiated and signed by U.S. commissioners and tribal leaders (and subsequently approved by the U.S. Senate) from 1777 to 1868. They enshrine promises our government made to Indian Nations. They recognize Indian tribes as nations – a fact that distinguishes tribal citizens from other Americans and supports contemporary Native assertions of tribal sovereignty and self-determination.

Far from being dusty documents of dubious relevance, treaties are legally binding and still in effect. Although repeatedly recognized by the courts as sources of rights for Indian people and their Native Nations, treaties also carry the weight of a troubled history of broken promises and test the strength of our nation’s commitment to honesty, good faith and the rule of law.

Treaties made by the United States with Indian Nations inscribe solemn vows that cannot lightly be broken or ignored, a verity that Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black recognized in 1960 when he declared, “Great nations, like great men, should keep their word.

Too bad lying Israel is incapable of understanding this fact.


Jan 10, 2019

Strange I haven't seen this news posted on AJ, etc. If true- after listening yesterday how Israelis commonly break the arms and hands of surgeons, stripping their clothes, forced to crawl on the ground along with other methods of torture- my thoughts are with Taaimah and the other detained medical staff from Nasser hospital. Let them be returned swiftly and in good health. :(


May 17, 2020
Nobody Who Gets Gaza Wrong Is Worth Listening To


But Gaza is just SO obvious, such a clear-cut black and white case of right and wrong, that I have to assume there’s something seriously wrong with your internal navigation system if you can’t see it. If the teens on TikTok can see it but a professional foreign policy commentator cannot, then there’s something wrong with that professional foreign policy commentator.



May 17, 2020
Israel/oPt: UN experts appalled by reported human rights violations against Palestinian women and girls

We are particularly distressed by reports that Palestinian women and girls in detention have also been subjected to multiple forms of sexual assault, such as being stripped naked and searched by male Israeli army officers. At least two female Palestinian detainees were reportedly raped while others were reportedly threatened with r*pe and sexual violence
