Palestinian Resistance Launch Major Attack on Israel: What Happened? – LIVE BLOG


Jun 28, 2020
The upload is recent, but it's an older video. A reminder of what God does to the minds of these murderers.

They have no peace whatsoever.

Video is only a minute long.

Mar 30, 2017
I'm not sure why this one is getting so many angry faces?

No one died, it's just highlighting a lie Israel tried to pass off as truth.

Exposed propaganda is a good thing.
I could be completely wrong, but it could be because it's sheer propaganda. What's interesting is on the bulletin boards where I live and the light posts near my workplace, someone has taped up 8 x 11" papers with a huge red, rectangular backdrop white white lettering reading "KIDNAPPED". I glanced at it to see who was kidnapped to see it was similar to what you posted. I was going to take a picture of it, but then realized I didn't care. Add to the fact that it's quite a distance between where I live and work so someone's going around the city ensuring that this is what people need to see and believe (I suppose if you're being paid to spread propaganda...).

I was hopeful when I saw signs for the Palestine rally across the street on the next light post and a couple discussing the event while on the streetcar.


Dec 14, 2018
I$rael’s international image has tanked to an all time low around the whole world. I don’t see how they will be able to recover from this even if there was a ceasefire. As they now have nothing else to lose when it comes to reputation they will continue the genocide until their ”military goals” aka wiping out gaza have been achieved. Biden, Sunak Macron and the rest continue to support the genocide.The world needs a major change.
Jun 26, 2022
I saw mention of people getting doxxed for tearing down posters a few pages ago...

Someone posted elsewhere that the posters are a trap. It makes sense - if someone supposedly got kidnapped in israel, how/why would they turn up in new york or england or other random country? They're trying to bait people into tearing them down

Putting these posters up is a trap, by the way.

Obviously, it makes zero sense to put up missing persons posters for people kidnapped by Hamas in Israel in New York (or any of the other places they’ve been hanging these posters).

No one escaped Hamas captivity and then flew to New York and didn’t bother calling their family, which is what the “missing persons” posters hanging in New York imply. It implies that someone is going to see the escaped hostage poster and say “yeah, I saw that person hanging out at Starbucks.”

It’s obviously nonsensical, and it is insane to me that no one is pointing that out.

What they're are doing is putting up these posters and then laying in wait with cameras for some outraged person to come rip them down, so they can post the footage on the internet and destroy their lives.
This tweet claims to show they have hidden razorblades behind the posters.



Mar 15, 2017
Some would argue that resignations from a political party won’t help a ceasefire as the party leader, Keir Starmer in this case, has no ability to call for one. I disagree. I think the resignations show that Starmer has taken a neutral stance or is simply in favour of ‘Israel’s right to defend itself’ at the expense of killing innocent civilians and decimating Gazan’s and their ability to live in their land. The resignations show a complete refusal of Starmer’s cowardly position and sends a powerful message. At the next general election, you will suffer greatly for your silence Starmer, which is contributing to deaths of thousands.

I have always thought he was a polished Tony Blair in disguise anyway. Fraud!