North Korea


Apr 18, 2017
I honestly think the Middle East was more about opium than oil, but certain people oil connections definately played a large role. The opium epidemic in this country has skyrocketed since 911 and I don't think this is a coincidence or that it didn't factor in to the original decision at all.

Plus we are in the Middle East to secure Israel.

I mean there's tons of terrorist groups active in Africa and we aren't invading there either. They have no resources left and aren't in a strategic geographic position.
Your point about Africa is so spot on. You never hear about the terrorist activity in Africa in the West. It doesn't fit the Middle East vs US narrative the media portrays.


Mar 26, 2017
I don't think she was saying we should invade them, more using it as an example to question the justification we use to invade elsewhere. Could be wrong.

I don't think we should invade them But I also don't think everything we hear about them is wrong either.
I have no idea how much of what we hear is true or false.

But what I do think it this... there are certain countries which go against US interests where... people believe pretty much anything bad they hear about those countries....

but how do we know we ourselves are not being propagandized?

I don't think I can turn on the TV and see stuff about North Korea having permissive weed laws.... everything I'm going to see is going to advance a particular narrative that I think is designed as a justification for why we should invade them.

I mean because the media is very selective about what it shows as far as other countries. There's tons of countries full of misery yet we're only informed very selectively and to advance certain agendas.


Mar 16, 2017
I get why your saying that and I understand and agree to an extent. The USA government will get the media to paint whatever picture it wants when it suits them to do so.

North Korea however concerns me because of independent human rights organizations assessment of the place and the seemingly complete lockdown they have over information that leaves the country.

I don't know the full story, I doubt we ever will and tbh It's not anywhere neAr a priority for me nor do I have enough space in my brain to make it one.

Kung Fu

Mar 24, 2017
They could possible have 2/3 of the earths natural minerals and you don't the elite would want any part of that? Especially when China has a huge influence over it? We invaded the Middle East for oil supposedly but we get most of oil from Canada and South America. All these wars are over power and control, we don't invade countries to save them or steal their resources but it's a perk I guess. I recently read about the North Korean rare minerals so I just thought I'd inform you but you're just be condescending like usual.
They have no where close to that because if they truly did the West would already be there lol. They didn't just invade the ME to get oil into their countries they invaded the ME to control the oil supply and in what currency it's sold in, which is why they made a deal with the Saud family to sell its oil supply solely in dollars. When Iraq and Libya wanted to end the petro dollar and wanting their oil to be sold based off the price of gold (currency backed by gold) the US and the West all of a sudden brought "democracy" to their front doors.


Mar 26, 2017
I get why your saying that and I understand and agree to an extent. The USA government will get the media to paint whatever picture it wants when it suits them to do so.

North Korea however concerns me because of independent human rights organizations assessment of the place and the seemingly complete lockdown they have over information that leaves the country.

I don't know the full story, I doubt we ever will and tbh It's not anywhere neAr a priority for me nor do I have enough space in my brain to make it one.


Mar 18, 2017
Ok so I got a thing for watching documentaries about North Korea.
And it makes me wonder about a lot of things.

I know politicians lie to us a lot, but this really is the icing on the cake. They bomb the Middle East because 'freedom' but no one ever bombs North Korea while it's obvious their citizens are TRULY oppressed. The dictatorship of Saddam Hussein or Assad doesn't come close to the terror that happens in NK every day.

Why do they not free the Koreans?
Does anyone have an idea why the Koreans are left to suffer? I hate war, but I would say in this case it's more than justified. North Korea boasts but doesn't really have the power to strike back, their machinery is ancient and their strategy too. They are stuck in the 1960's. What I see in the documentaries about NK makes me sick to my stomach and I've seen some weird stuff.The countries around NK coldly send fleeing NK people back to their deaths.

This is something that does seriously make me doubt the system. I doubt the reason for any war, but if we're really fighting for freedom NK should be the target. But no one does anything about it.

Here are some good links:

How is this possible? Is this the kind of society they want?
That is an interesting observation. I read an investigative piece a longtime ago (which i now can't find) about how David Cameron, yes former UK prime minister, in his younger days was part of a covert team that was selling uranium and other munitions to North Korea. Ironic how he would stand outside NO. 10 and harp on about NK nukes! There were some Southafricans on the team and were helped by the CIA. Apparently it has a liaison office over there.


May 20, 2017
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Jun 25, 2017
I mean because the media is very selective about what it shows as far as other countries. There's tons of countries full of misery yet we're only informed very selectively and to advance certain agendas.
I am not from the US so I never see anything about NK on national television.

Maybe it is propaganda against NK, but at least here that theory is unsupported. I know about the US stance, but the US and NK have been enemies for a long time and according to me they are both a dictatorship. So two dictatorships firing against each other is quite common.

But that doesn't tell me that NK's situation is not dire, all people who flee the regime have harrowing tales to tell. Maybe they are 'crisis actors' but since I've seen the undercover footage I don't believe so. Like I said before, have you got any resources for your claims?


Jun 25, 2017
We aren't in North Korea because it isn't worth it to the people who profit off war to go to North Korea.

It isn't about human rights. It never has been. If it were we would be in North Korea and Saudi Arabia among other places but we aren't. Saudi Arabia is actually a "close ally" that we do billions of dollars worth of business with.
I agree with that.

Which is why I made the thread. It's a major red flag about the system.

Someone/a group of people is waging unnecessary wars.


Jun 25, 2017
I don't think she was saying we should invade them, more using it as an example to question the justification we use to invade elsewhere. Could be wrong.

I don't think we should invade them But I also don't think everything we hear about them is wrong either.
You got that right.

I am just trying to point out the discrepancies.


Mar 15, 2017
Ok so I got a thing for watching documentaries about North Korea.
And it makes me wonder about a lot of things.

I know politicians lie to us a lot, but this really is the icing on the cake. They bomb the Middle East because 'freedom' but no one ever bombs North Korea while it's obvious their citizens are TRULY oppressed. The dictatorship of Saddam Hussein or Assad doesn't come close to the terror that happens in NK every day.

Why do they not free the Koreans?
Does anyone have an idea why the Koreans are left to suffer? I hate war, but I would say in this case it's more than justified. North Korea boasts but doesn't really have the power to strike back, their machinery is ancient and their strategy too. They are stuck in the 1960's. What I see in the documentaries about NK makes me sick to my stomach and I've seen some weird stuff.The countries around NK coldly send fleeing NK people back to their deaths.

This is something that does seriously make me doubt the system. I doubt the reason for any war, but if we're really fighting for freedom NK should be the target. But no one does anything about it.

Here are some good links:

How is this possible? Is this the kind of society they want?
The way I see it, for a country to declare on another there is either:
1. a big gain - $$$$$, territory, assets etc. OR
2. self-protection - attack as defence strategy

I don't know of anything western countries think North Korea is worth invading for right now.
I also don't think that North Korea is considered a genuine threat to western countries.... YET.


Mar 16, 2017
The USA has absolutely no legitimate self defense claim anywhere in the world imo. No ones going to invade us, we are to remote for it to be worth it even if you take our massive military out of the equation. The countries close to us - Canada Mexico etc - aren't the invading type


Jun 25, 2017
The way I see it, for a country to declare on another there is either:
1. a big gain - $$$$$, territory, assets etc. OR
2. self-protection - attack as defence strategy .
I think this is true. I made this thread mainly to point out (Western) hypocrisy in promoting warfare, they say it's done for 'freedom' but it's done for anything but that.

I think the motivations you mention are on point. Because if there was real justice, repression would not be tolerated but that's not the point at all. The point is gains, and apparently North Korea has nothing we want.

I don't know of anything western countries think North Korea is worth invading for right now.
I also don't think that North Korea is considered a genuine threat to western countries.... YET.
I hope it stays that way, because for the people war is nothing to desire in any circumstance. And I still don't know whether it's truly as bad there as they portray it.


Mar 26, 2017
I am not from the US so I never see anything about NK on national television.

Maybe it is propaganda against NK, but at least here that theory is unsupported. I know about the US stance, but the US and NK have been enemies for a long time and according to me they are both a dictatorship. So two dictatorships firing against each other is quite common.

But that doesn't tell me that NK's situation is not dire, all people who flee the regime have harrowing tales to tell. Maybe they are 'crisis actors' but since I've seen the undercover footage I don't believe so. Like I said before, have you got any resources for your claims?
the flag still stands for freedom!

*eats freedom fries*


Mar 17, 2017
North Korea will be liberated someday I'm sure of it from recent talks with Kim jung he seems to at lest listen however what I've seen of him he seems to be trying to be more of a celebrity than a dictator I've read that he most recently has spent lots of money on expensive liquors even a yot