new movie release" MA"..comercial ..very disturbing

Aug 20, 2018
.OMG saw commercial for movie called "MA"..slang for mother
...the commercial has not left my mind...the little bit I saw traumatized me !!!!..I can only imagine and feel sickened by thinking about what it will do mentally to those who watch full movie..
they show in brief commercial. Sadism and torture. Sewing a teenager lips shut. Full on view of young woman unconscious lips being sewn with needle and thread..WTH..and MA saying I know how to shut you up.
Degrading mothers is new trend. Have young people be terrified of mother's ..the life of the family unit..tell them the LIE.. that.mothers offer no comfort,,no guidance,, no hope.. no love..just torture, pain and terror ...
again we see the agenda working to destroy our young peoples trust in family ,the protection of family. The love of family. We see them trying to destroy their soul....all of this done on big screens across the country ..working to bring death to their spirit and love for their family and own self worth ..the trauma to our youth is terrifying !!!


Jun 29, 2017
I saw 2 horror movies in my life. Was enough to understand i hate it. Seems simple to me, you want to stay healthy you eat healthy, do not smoke etc. You don't want to be desensitized or traumatized you don't watch shit... Obviously you are sensitive person so why do you abuse yourself ?


May 21, 2017
Interesting theory about it being the industry's attempt to alter the perspective of the mother! Also, as a horror movie fan, this does not surprise me. Every horror flick seems to want to push the envelope further and further.. With that in mind, I will say I think the accessibility of this kind of content is super dangerous in terms of desensitizing the minds of young people... we've seen enough to know that already :(


Aug 27, 2018
Not only mother. Also fathers. Homer is the potrait of idiot father. And that show has been running for decade. I think i also watched a scifi trailer called Mother. So basically two girls stuck with this AI acts likr a mother.

Imagine you time simple word like "mother" and Google search gives you results of those two propaganda movies.

Don't forget the film with same title with J-law in it.
Aug 20, 2018
I saw 2 horror movies in my life. Was enough to understand i hate it. Seems simple to me, you want to stay healthy you eat healthy, do not smoke etc. You don't want to be desensitized or traumatized you don't watch shit... Obviously you are sensitive person so why do you abuse yourself ?
thank you for reply..i saw clip of this movie on a commercial while I was watching a show..didn't bring into my mind intentionally..I appreciate your observation that I must be sensitive to these images..


Mar 13, 2017
.OMG saw commercial for movie called "MA"..slang for mother
...the commercial has not left my mind...the little bit I saw traumatized me !!!!..I can only imagine and feel sickened by thinking about what it will do mentally to those who watch full movie..
they show in brief commercial. Sadism and torture. Sewing a teenager lips shut. Full on view of young woman unconscious lips being sewn with needle and thread..WTH..and MA saying I know how to shut you up.
Degrading mothers is new trend. Have young people be terrified of mother's ..the life of the family unit..tell them the LIE.. that.mothers offer no comfort,,no guidance,, no hope.. no love..just torture, pain and terror ...
again we see the agenda working to destroy our young peoples trust in family ,the protection of family. The love of family. We see them trying to destroy their soul....all of this done on big screens across the country ..working to bring death to their spirit and love for their family and own self worth ..the trauma to our youth is terrifying !!!
Are you joking? It's a horror-comedy... And the trailer seemed humorous and played of of motherly stereotypes as well as horror movie stereotypes.