Nakba 76


May 17, 2020

Names Of 418 of over 500 Destroyed Villages of Palestine

The District of Acre - 26 villages
Amqa, Arab al-Samniyya, al-Bassa, al-Birwa, al-Damun, Dayr al-Qasi, al-Gabisiyya, Iqrit, Khirbat Iribbin, Khirbat Jiddin, al-Kabri, Kufr Inan, Kuwaykat, al-Manshiyya, al-Mansura, Miar, al-Nabi Rubin, al-Nahr, al-Ruways, Suhmata, al-Sumayriyya, Suruh, al-Tall, Tarbikha, Umm al-Faraj, al-Zib.

The District of Bisan - 29 villages
Arab al-'Arida, Arab al-Bawati, Arab al-Safa, al-Ashrafiyya, al-Birra, Danna, Farwana, al-Fatur, al-Ghazzawiyya, al-Hamidiyya, al-Hamra, Jabbul, Kafra, Kawkab al-Hawa, Arab al-Khunayzir, Masil al-Jizl, al-Murassas, Qumya, al-Sakhina, al-Samiriyya, Sirin, Tall al-Shawk, Khirbat al-Taqa, al-Tira, Umm 'Ajra, Umm Sabuna, Yubla, Zab'a, Khirbat al-Zawiya.

The District of Beersheba - 3 villages
Al-'Imara, al-Jammama, al-Khalasa

The District of Gaza - 45 villages
Arab Suqrir, Barbara, Barqa, al-Batani al-Gharbi, al-Batani al-Sharqi, Bayt 'Affa, Bayt Daras, Bayt Jirja, Bayt Tima, Bi'lin, Burayr, Dayr Sunayd, Dimra, al-Faluja, Hamama, Hatta, Hiribya, Huj, Hulayqat, 'Ibdis, 'Iraq al-Manshiyya, Iraq Suwaydan, Isdud, al-Jaladiyya, al-Jiyya, Julis, al-Jura, Jusayr, Karatiyya, Kawfakha, Kawkaba, al-Khisas, al-Masmiyya al-Kabira, al-Masmiyya al-Saghira, al-Muharraqa, Najd, Ni'ilya, Qastina, al-Sawafir al-Gharbiyya, al-Sawafir al-Shamaliyya, al-Sawafir al-Sharqiyya, Simsim, Summayl, Tall al-Turmus, Yasur.

The District of Haifa - 51 villages
Abu Shusha, Abu Zurayq, Arab al-Fuqara', Arab al-Nufay'at, Arab Dhahrat al-Dhumayri, Atlit, Ayn Ghazal, Ayn Hawd, Balad al-Shaykh, Barrat Qisarya, Burayka, Khirbat al-Burj, Khirbat al-Butaymat, Daliyat al-Rawha', Khirbat al-Damun, Khirbat al-Ghubayya al-Fawqa, Khirbat al-Ghubayya al-Tahta, Hawsha, Ijzim, Jaba', al-Jalama, Kabara, al-Kafrayn, Kafr Lam, Khirbat al-Kasayir, Khubbayza, Khirbat Lid, Khirbat al-Manara, al-Mansi, Khirbat al-Mansura, al-Mazar, al-Naghnaghiyya, Qannir, Qira, Qisarya, Qumbaza, al-Rihaniyya, Sabbarin, al-Sarafand, Khirbat al-Sarkas, Sa'sa', Khirbat al-Sawamir, Khirbat al-Shuna, Khirbat al-Sindiyana, al-Tantura, al-Tira, Umm al-Shawf, Umm al-Zinat, Wa'arat al-Sarris, Wadi Ara, Yajur.

The District of Hebron - 16 villages
'Ajjur, Barqusiya, Bayt Jibrin, Bayt Nattif, al-Dawayima, Dayr al-Dubban, Dayr Nakhkhas, Kidna, Mughallis, al-Qubayba, Ra'na, Tall al-Safi, Khirbat Umm Burj, Zakariyya, Zayta, Zikrin.

The District of Jaffa - 23 villages
al-'Abbasiyya, Abu Kishk, Bayt Dajan, Biyar 'Adas, Fajja, al-Haram, Ijlil al-Qibliyya, Ijlil al-Shamaliyya, al-Jammasin al-Gharbi, al-Jammasin al-Sharqi, Jarisha, Kafr 'Ana, al-Khayriyya, al-Mas'udiyya, al-Mirr, al-Muwaylih, Rantiya, al-Safiriyya, Salama, Saqiya, al-Sawalima, al-Sheikh Muwannis, Yazur.

The District of Jerusalem - 38 villages
'Allar, 'Aqqur, 'Artuf, 'Ayn Karim, Bayt 'Itab, Bayt Mahsir, Bayt Naqquba, Bayt Thul, Bayt Umm al-Mays, al-Burayi, Dayr Aban, Dayr 'Amr, Dayr al-Hawa, Dayr Rafat, Dayr al-Shaykh, Dayr Yassin, Ishwa', Islin, Khirbat Ism Allah, Khirbat Jarash, al-Jura, Kasla, Khirbat al-Lawz, Lifta, al-Maliha, Nitaf, al-Qabu, Qalunya, al-Qastal, Ras Abu 'Ammar, Sar'a, Saris, Sataf, Suba, Sufla, Khirbat al-'Umur, al-Walaja.

The District of Jenin - 6 villages
Ayn al-Mansi, Khirbat al-Jawfa, al-Lajjun, al-Mazar, Nuris, Zir'in.

The District of Nazareth - 4 villages
Indur, Ma'lul, al-Mujaydil, Saffuriyya.

The District of Ramla - 58 villages
Abu al-Fadl, Abu Shusha, 'Ajanjul, 'Aqir, Barfiliya, al-Barriyya, Bashshit, Khirbat Bayt Far, Bayt Jiz, Bayt Nabala, Bayt Shanna, Bayt Susin, Bir Ma'in, Bir Salim, al-Burj, Khirbat al-Buwayra, Daniyal, Dayr Abu Salama, Dayr Ayyub, Dayr Muhaysin, Dayr Tarif, Khirbat al-Duhayriyya, al-Haditha, Idnibba, 'Innaba, Jilya, Jimzu, Kharruba, al-Khayma, Khulda, al-Kunayyisa, al-Latrun, al-Maghar, Majdal Yaba, al-Mansura, al-Mukhayzin, al-Muzayri'a, al-Na'ani, al-Nabi Rubin, Qatra, Qazaza, al-Qubab, Qubayba, Qula, Sajad, Salbit, Sarafand al-'Amar, Sarafand al-Kharab, Saydun, Shahma, Shilta, al-Tina, al-Tira, Umm Kalkha, Wadi Hunayn, Yibna, Khirbat Zakariyya, Zarnuqa.

The District of Safad - 77 villages
Abil al-Qamh, al-Abisiyya, Akbara, Alma, Ammuqa, 'Arab al-Shamalina, Arab al-Zubayd, 'Ayn al-Zaytun, Baysamun, Biriyya, al-Butayha, al-Buwayziyya, Dallata, al-Dawwara, Dayshum, al-Dhahiriyya al-Tahta, al-Dirbashiyya, al-Dirdara, Fara, al-Farradiyya, Fir'im, Ghabbatiyya, Ghuraba, al-Hamra', Harrawi, Hunin, al-Husayniyya, Jahula, al-Ja'una, Jubb Yusuf, Kafr Bir'im, al-Khalisa, Khan al-Duwayr, Khirbat Karraza, al-Khisas, Khiyam al-Walid, Kirad al-Baqqara, Kirad al-Ghannama, Lazzaza, Madahil, al-Malikiyya, Mallaha, al-Manshiyya, al-Mansura, Mansurat al-Khayt, Marus, Mirun, al-Muftakhira, Mughr al-Khayt, Khirbat al-Muntar, al-Nabi Yusha', al-Na'ima, Qabba'a, Qadas, Qaddita, Qaytiyya, al-Qudayriyya, al-Ras al-Ahmar, Sabalan, Safsaf, Saliha, al-Salihiyya, al-Sammu'i, al-Sanbariyya, Sa'sa, al-Shawka al-Tahta, al-Shuna, Taytaba, Tulayl, al-'Ulmaniyya, al-'Urayfiyya, al-Wayziyya, Yarda, al-Zanghariyya, al-Zawiya, al-Zuq al-Fawqani, al-Zuq al-Tahtani.

The District of Tiberias - 25 villages
'Awlam, al-Dalhamiyya, Ghuwayr Abu Shusha, Hadatha, al-Hamma, Hittin, Kafr Sabt, Lubiya, Ma'dhar, al-Majdal, al-Manara, al-Manshiyya, al-Mansura, Khirbat Nasser al-Din, Nimrin, al-Nuqayb, Samakh, al-Samakiyya, al-Samra, al-Shajara, al-Tabigha, al-'Ubaydiyya, Wadi al-Hamam, Khirbat al-Wa'ra al-Sawda',Yaquq.

The District of Tulkarem - 17 villages

Khirbat Bayt Lid, Bayyarat Hannun, Fardisya, Ghabat Kafr Sur, al-Jalama, Kafr Saba, al-Majdal, Khirbat al-Manshiyya, Miska, Qaqun, Raml Zayta, Tabsur, Umm Khalid, Wadi al-Hawarith, Wadi Qabbani, Khirbat al-Zababida, Khirbat Zalafa.

Operation Broom.


E: What is Operation Broom and what was its objective?
YK: We cleared all the villages…
E: What do you mean?
YK: We cleared one village after another and expelled – expelled them, they fled to the Sea of Galilee and from there to the Galilee.
E: But how? How?
YK: You mean by shooting?
E: How do you mean?
YK: We shot, we threw a grenade here and there. Just listen – there's one thing you have to understand: at first, once they heard shots they took off with the intention of returning later.

Operation Broom

Quick Facts: The Palestinian Nakba

Five things the United States knew about the Nakba as it unfolded


Jun 28, 2020

What gets me is the world can see this. For over a decade now the hasbara campaign has failed. Giving kids college to protect Israel online and controlling wikipedia and all of their other methods have proven unsuccessful. All the money in the world can not buy them a "holy" image.

I see Israelis trying to whitewash there crimes all over the place and i get that. I can see an Israeli trying to spin the narrative.
What i don't get is why can't the alleged followers of Jesus call it out?

Doesn't the Bible say "woe to those who say good is evil and evil is good"?

Is using drones on civilians good?

If you see someone stealing a purse from an old lady you stop it. If you're not able to then you Say Something.


But there are people on these forums who can't even do this.. Just absolute silence... Weak faith at best.

Gods punishment is gonna come for the chosenites, of that you can be sure as they routinely target women and child. If not in this life then one that is eternal in the coming life.

Everything is being recorded and the defenders of satan will be raised on judgement day with those they sided with. You can bet on that.


May 17, 2020
This is from the NYT October 1978. I'll post the full article with link at bottom.

Israel Bars Rabin From Relating ‘48 Eviction of Arabs

"JERUSALEM, Oct. 22 — A censorship board composed of five Cabinet members prohibited former Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin from including in his memoirs a first‐person account of the expulsion of 50,000 Palestinian civilians from their homes near Tel Aviv during the 1948 Arab‐Israeli war.
In it, Mr. Rabin attributes the final decision on expulsion to David Ben‐Gurion, one of Israel's founders and its first Prime Minister, who died in 1973. Mr. Rabin says that some Israeli soldiers refused to participate in driving out the Arabs and that afterward, propaganda sessions were required to soothe the consciences of embittered troops.
The account does not appear in either the Hebrew edition of Mr. Rabin's memoirs or in the American edition, which was published in the United States this month by Little, Brown & Company under the title “The Rabin Memoirs.”
Sympathy for Palestinians
Although reports of such expulsions have been published by authors not subject to censorship, Israel remains highly sensitive to the issue, especially when it threatens to bolster Palestinian claims to territory that is now part of Israel. The anxiety is particularly acute at a time of growing sympathy for the Palestinians.

The Rabin account involves two Arab towns, Ramie and Lydda, now called Lod. Both are near the Tel Aviv airport and were in strategic positions when the Arabs attacked the new nation in 1948.
Mr. Rabin was then commander of the Hare! Brigade, assigned to eliminate Arab Legion bases along the JerusalemTel Aviv Road. A copy of his manuscript was provided to The New York Times by Peretz Kidron, who translated the book from Hebrew to English.

Under Israeli law, those who have served in government must submit written material to two sets of censors: the military, which cleared the paragraphs in question, and then a board composed of Cabinet ministers and headed by Justice Minister Shmuel Tamir.

‘I Can't Violate the Law’

“I was puzzled,” Mr. Rabin said of the deletion. “But they decided and I had to obey because 1 can't violate the law of the country.” He said discussing the order with a reporter would also be illegal.
His narrative opens with a meeting that included him, Mr. Ben‐Gurion and Yigal Alton, who later became Foreign Minister. The text is as follows:

“While the fighting was still in progress, we had to grapple with a troublesome problem, for whose solution we could not draw upon any previous experience: the fate of the civilian population of Lod and Ramie, numbering some 50,000.

“Not even Ben‐Gurion could offer any solution, and during the discussions at operational headquarters, he remained silent, as was his habit in such situations. Clearly, we could not leave Lod's hostile and armed populace in our rear, where it could endanger the supply route to Yiftach [another brigade], which was advancing eastward.
“We walked outside, Ben‐Gurion accompanying us. Alton repeated his question: ‘What is to be done with the population?’ B.G. waved his hand in a gesture which said, ‘Drive them out!’
“Allon and I held a consultation. I agreed that it was essential to drive the inhabitants out. We took them on foot towards the Bet Horon Road, assuming that the legion would be obliged to look after them, thereby shouldering logistic difficulties which would burden its fighting capacity, making things easier for us.
“'Driving out’ is a term with a harsh ring,” the manuscript continues. “Psychologically, this was one of the most difficult actions we undertook. The population of Lod did not leave willingly. There was no way of avoiding the use of force and warning shots in order to make the inhabitants march the 10 to 15 miles to the point where they met up with the legion.
“The inhabitants of Ramie watched and learned the lesson. Their leaders agreed to be evacuated voluntarily, on condition that the evacuation was carried out by vehicles. Buses took them to Latrun, and from there, they were evacuated by the legion.

“Great suffering was inflicted upon the men taking part in the eviction action. Soldiers of the Yiftach Brigade included youth‐movement graduates, who had been inculcated with values such as international brotherhood and humaneness. The eviction action went beyond the concepts they were used to.
“There were some fellows who refused to take part in the expulsion action. Prolonged propaganda activities were required after the action, to remove the bitterness of these youth‐movement groups, and explain why we were obliged to undertake such a harsh and cruel action.”
Survivors’ Reports Confirmed
Mr. Rabin's account does not differ markedly from others. In “0 Jerusalem,” Larry Collins and Dominique Lapierre described “a calculated Israeli policy” to drive Arab residents from their homes, and they confirmed reports by some survivors that many elderly people and small children died in the overpowering heat during the forced march.
in both “0 Jerusalem” and “Genesis 1948” by Dan Kurzman, the eviction from Lod was attributed to the local residents’ opening fire on the Israelis shortly after surrendering. Fouzi el‐Asmar, in his book “To Be an Arab in Israel,” also documented the expulsion, which he witnessed as a child.
Throughout the rest of the country, however, the pattern was mixed. In some places, the Israelis expelled the Palestinians, while in others they encouraged them to stay. Many left in panic after the Israeli massacre at the village of Deir Yassin outside Jerusalem, which remains a name of infamy in the Arab world.

There, contingents of the extremist Stern gang and Irgun attacked the village and lined men, women and children up against walls and shot them, according to Red Cross and British documentation.
Menachem Begin, now the Prime Minister but then the leader of the Irgun, staunchly denied in his book, “The Revolt,” that any atrocities had been committed at Deir Yassin by his followers. He said that the village was a legitimate military target and that the story of a massacre was a “lie” spread by “Jewhaters all over the world.”

Yitzhak Rabin


Aug 24, 2017
I've been asking myself that Q for years.
Personally I've avoided these topics altogether given the fact that there is ideology on either side.
Like I remember the time on this forum when almost everything was considered staged/fake and people tried so hard to find all the fakery in the 'seemingly staged' scenes but somehow that rule never applied and still doesn't apply when it comes to Israel. Like how do you make sure and prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that any footage, pictures on the Palestinian side truly are about things that happened lately but aren't in fact reprocessed media from like 20+ years ago that's been reconstructed through AI and deep fakes?

Everyone with an ounce of honesty, knows that these types of questions will never be explored here because the real motivation behind all that always had been spiritual/religious basically the Jewish eschatology vs Islamic eschatology. The political side of the issue is a facade that's only there to entertain the masses and radicalize either side while nothing really constructive comes out of it. And I believe it would be very smart for think tanks and social engineers to infuse passionate subjects such as these on truther websites or forums like VC so it devolves into a battle of trenches where you have to pick a side or you're a shill. Personally I don't want to choose a side, I don't have a beef with any race, any religion or any group of people. All I want it's God's side and only He will take care of the final judgment.

Now of course we have to talk about atrocities but I'm baffled yet not really surprised at the same time that few, even in the muslim world btw (although it is about muslims right here), actually care about the Uyghurs genocide where the Chinese regime used high tech surveillance to hunt them down.
As I wrote in The Rise of Digital Repression, the Chinese government first launched its SKYNET program in 2005, which was intended to blanket the country’s roads, districts, schools, and businesses with public surveillance devices.
Byler has traveled to Xinjiang several times in the last two decades, and he has watched the repression against Uyghurs in China multiply. In the last five years, technology began playing a role in the persecution. “It is the first great model for the era of massive digital surveillance. Nothing like it has ever been seen,”
These tools will come to the west to remove all our liberties and yet here all we have to talk about it's Zionism and for what purpose? All it does it's reinforcing your personal beliefs. Maybe if Xi Jinping put on a kippa of some sort, people here would start to talk about the real immediate danger,precisely the implementation of all these repressive tools around the world but I'm not holding my breath.
At the end of the day, when it came to enforcing lockdown there was neither Greek, Jews, Men and Women everyone was on the same page.

And please don't say it's whataboutism, I'm pointing out the double standard that keeps happening when there is talks about Israel and I'm convinced that's the main reason those without a hatred of jews do not want to engage in such topics, just my two cents.
Mar 30, 2017
Personally I've avoided these topics altogether given the fact that there is ideology on either side.
Like I remember the time on this forum when almost everything was considered staged/fake and people tried so hard to find all the fakery in the 'seemingly staged' scenes but somehow that rule never applied and still doesn't apply when it comes to Israel. Like how do you make sure and prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that any footage, pictures on the Palestinian side truly are about things that happened lately but aren't in fact reprocessed media from like 20+ years ago that's been reconstructed through AI and deep fakes?

Everyone with an ounce of honesty, knows that these types of questions will never be explored here because the real motivation behind all that always had been spiritual/religious basically the Jewish eschatology vs Islamic eschatology. The political side of the issue is a facade that's only there to entertain the masses and radicalize either side while nothing really constructive comes out of it. And I believe it would be very smart for think tanks and social engineers to infuse passionate subjects such as these on truther websites or forums like VC so it devolves into a battle of trenches where you have to pick a side or you're a shill. Personally I don't want to choose a side, I don't have a beef with any race, any religion or any group of people. All I want it's God's side and only He will take care of the final judgment.

Now of course we have to talk about atrocities but I'm baffled yet not really surprised at the same time that few, even in the muslim world btw (although it is about muslims right here), actually care about the Uyghurs genocide where the Chinese regime used high tech surveillance to hunt them down.

These tools will come to the west to remove all our liberties and yet here all we have to talk about it's Zionism and for what purpose? All it does it's reinforcing your personal beliefs. Maybe if Xi Jinping put on a kippa of some sort, people here would start to talk about the real immediate danger,precisely the implementation of all these repressive tools around the world but I'm not holding my breath.
At the end of the day, when it came to enforcing lockdown there was neither Greek, Jews, Men and Women everyone was on the same page.

And please don't say it's whataboutism, I'm pointing out the double standard that keeps happening when there is talks about Israel and I'm convinced that's the main reason those without a hatred of jews do not want to engage in such topics, just my two cents.
Apparently, you're in week 6:



May 17, 2020
Personally I've avoided these topics altogether given the fact that there is ideology on either side.
Like I remember the time on this forum when almost everything was considered staged/fake and people tried so hard to find all the fakery in the 'seemingly staged' scenes but somehow that rule never applied and still doesn't apply when it comes to Israel. Like how do you make sure and prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that any footage, pictures on the Palestinian side truly are about things that happened lately but aren't in fact reprocessed media from like 20+ years ago that's been reconstructed through AI and deep fakes?

Everyone with an ounce of honesty, knows that these types of questions will never be explored here because the real motivation behind all that always had been spiritual/religious basically the Jewish eschatology vs Islamic eschatology. The political side of the issue is a facade that's only there to entertain the masses and radicalize either side while nothing really constructive comes out of it. And I believe it would be very smart for think tanks and social engineers to infuse passionate subjects such as these on truther websites or forums like VC so it devolves into a battle of trenches where you have to pick a side or you're a shill. Personally I don't want to choose a side, I don't have a beef with any race, any religion or any group of people. All I want it's God's side and only He will take care of the final judgment.

Now of course we have to talk about atrocities but I'm baffled yet not really surprised at the same time that few, even in the muslim world btw (although it is about muslims right here), actually care about the Uyghurs genocide where the Chinese regime used high tech surveillance to hunt them down.

These tools will come to the west to remove all our liberties and yet here all we have to talk about it's Zionism and for what purpose? All it does it's reinforcing your personal beliefs. Maybe if Xi Jinping put on a kippa of some sort, people here would start to talk about the real immediate danger,precisely the implementation of all these repressive tools around the world but I'm not holding my breath.
At the end of the day, when it came to enforcing lockdown there was neither Greek, Jews, Men and Women everyone was on the same page.

And please don't say it's whataboutism, I'm pointing out the double standard that keeps happening when there is talks about Israel and I'm convinced that's the main reason those without a hatred of jews do not want to engage in such topics, just my two cents.
Oh dear! Congratulations are not a closet zionist anymore. Well done on your 'coming out'

So you may want to sit down before reading this next part...are you seated comfortably? I'm a Christian. So that kinda kills off your wee rant at me. And i'll leave it at that.

Btw when i started reading your comment i wondered if you would mention 'whataboutery'...I was not disappointed.


May 17, 2020

BEN-GURION'S SCANDALS How the Hagannah and The Mossad Eliminated Jews

PDF Book


Jun 28, 2020
Maybe this is tit for tat because Tiny Hats criminalized hollow cost denial. Although I admit I do not know what nakba is and perhaps I am better off not knowing.
Nakba is often translated as catastrophe. It refers to the ethnic cleansing of Palestine in 1948.

Zionists evicted 750,000 Palestinians at least and took 78% of Palestine for themselves in 1948.



May 17, 2020
Palestinian life under Israeli occupation – An illustrated guide

Every year on May 15, Palestinians mark the Nakba – the ethnic cleansing of Palestine in 1948 by Zionist militias.
In the 76 years since the Nakba, Israel’s control over the Palestinian people has affected every aspect of life, from services they can access and where they can travel, to what resources they can use and where on their own land they can build homes.
In this illustrated guide, Al Jazeera takes you through some of the daily struggles under Israeli occupation.
