LGBT+ Targeting Autistic People


Mar 22, 2023
As far as any of my posts on this thread go the Quran has got nothing to do with anything I've said.

I invite you to prove me wrong.
The holy book of Islam? Kind of important? No?
The book under which Hamas and Hezbollah fight? The impetus to wipe out 'infidels' and be holy according to them?
The argument presented in this video is real simple. The claim is that the Palestinian arab muslims were indigenous to Israel's land, but there is no mention of Palestine in their texts except for in modern translations. Therefore 'Palestine' is a modern (by modern I mean relatively recent relative to ancient Israel) construct.
Hm well I guess we'll have to just agree to disagree on this one if we don't want to completely derail this thread. Aye?
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May 17, 2020
but there is no mention of Palestine in their texts except for in modern translations. Therefore 'Palestine' is a modern construct.
What are you talking about ya nutjob. You told me earlier that the Romans invented the name Palestine 2000 years ago.

EDIT: WARNING TO ANY KIDS LOOKING IN ON THIS THREAD. This is what happens when zionists deviate from the script or try and mix two different parts of the script and then fail to take the "debate" in the direction they wanted.

Zionism is not cool. Zionism will make you look stupid.

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Jul 12, 2022
Oh gosh, what is happening on this thread?
I find it's sad we are not talking about the main topic, as it's an important one.
I have to agree that this topic of Palestine vs Israel is practically everywhere. It's sad. Maybe if a certain someone didn't have to come in and start stuff... Daze *cough* Daze... We wouldn't have this issue.
Let us continue with the topic at hand :).
It's very true how much the LGBT is affecting those who are autistic. They really feel they can target them!


Mar 23, 2021
Wow. Bug moans about Palestine being mentioned in his thread then goes and likes a comment that mentions Palestine.

The Romans never "invented the name Palestine". That's what bug claimed. Bug was wrong.

As to your comment. There's mention of Syria/Palestine long before Hadrian.
Then show it - btw your wrong its Syria/Palestina not Palestine and there is a reason for that also...


May 17, 2020
Bug asks people to stop talking about Palestine and yet again he likes a comment that mentions Palestine. Take from that what you will.

Then show it - btw your wrong its Syria/Palestina not Palestine and there is a reason for that also...
O Dear. Do you correct people when they say Italy instead of Italia? Would you correct someone who says Scotland instead of Scozia?. Are we speaking English here?

Greek historians were mentioning Palestine (Palaistine) at least 500 years before Christ. So correct me if I'm wrong but 500 years BC was long before Hadrian was born?
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Jul 12, 2022
Funny how Stucky only comes to this thread to go after anyone who says anything against Palestine, but I don't recall him coming in to just discuss the actual topic of this thread?
This just goes to show there's an agenda at hand here. Daze does this exact thing, he looks for a fight, pretty well.
I would like if this thread did get back to it's original topic! This is getting so out of hand :(. If people can't discuss what this thread is about, then why are you here?


Mar 23, 2021
Bug asks people to stop talking about Palestine and yet again he likes a comment that mentions Palestine. Take from that what you will.

O Dear. Do you correct people when they say Italy instead of Italia? Would you correct someone who says Scotland instead of Scozia?. Are we speaking English here?

Greek historians were mentioning Palestine (Palaistine) at least 500 years before Christ. So correct me if I'm wrong but 500 years BC was long before Hadrian was born?
You prove it show the evidence since you got the answers come on lets see it.


May 17, 2020
You prove it show the evidence since you got the answers come on lets see it.
I told you, Greek historians from at least 500 BC.

"passing over from thence, they now inhabit the sea‑coast of Syria; that part of Syria and as much of it as reaches to Egypt, is all called Palestine".
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Mar 23, 2021
I told you, Greek historians from at least 500 BC.

"passing over from thence, they now inhabit the sea‑coast of Syria; that part of Syria and as much of it as reaches to Egypt, is all called Palestine".
which ones? How about that some quotes etc how about that.


May 17, 2020
which ones? How about that some quotes etc how about that.
I gave you a quote and I'm deliberately not giving you a source because i want you to go check it out for yourself.

EDIT: I'll give you another quote from a different writer,

"Again if, as is fabled, there is a lake in Palestine, such that if you bind a man or beast and throw it in it floats and does not sink, this would bear out what we have said. They say that this lake is so bitter and salt that no fish live in it and that if you soak clothes in it and shake them it cleans them".
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Mar 23, 2021
I gave you a quote and I'm deliberately not giving you a source because i want you to go check it out for yourself.

EDIT: I'll give you another quote from a different writer,

"Again if, as is fabled, there is a lake in Palestine, such that if you bind a man or beast and throw it in it floats and does not sink, this would bear out what we have said. They say that this lake is so bitter and salt that no fish live in it and that if you soak clothes in it and shake them it cleans them".
Pound sand then...its probably made up sources and thats why you don't want to source it here.


May 17, 2020
Pound sand then...its probably made up sources and thats why you don't want to source it here.
lol. I don't recall you or bug producing any sources to prove "Hadrian invented Palestine". We know you can't provide sources because it is a lie to say that "Hadrian invented Palestine". I'm not saying you and bug deliberately lied. However it does show that neither of you have done any research. Which makes me wonder why you would make such a poorly researched claim.

But now that you are talking pure mince,

Exhibit A.

Exhibit B.

Exhibit C.*.html

Back to you to provide sources that "Hadrian invented Palestine"
Jul 12, 2022
Can we please get on topic? :(
It's sad that this war keeps popping up everywhere. It's come into so many threads, when there's already threads for it.


Mar 23, 2021
Rome’s relationship with the Jewish population of the Roman Empire had been strained since the destruction of Jerusalem in the 1st century CE, and Hadrian’s focus on Romanizing the province of Judaea greatly exacerbated tensions. He aimed to transform Jerusalem into a Roman metropolis, and in 132 he banned the practice of castration and circumcision. A short time later, many Jews in Judaea revolted under the charismatic Bar Kokhba, a man who had been recognized by some as the messiah.

Bar Kokhba’s revolt was successful at the start. He quickly occupied the Judaean countryside and forced the provincial governor to request reinforcements. Hadrian transferred his most talented generals to the region. Among them was Julius Severus, who took command of the imperial forces. He deployed three legions and at least 17 auxiliary units; one of these legions was likely obliterated by insurgents. Taking note of Bar Kokhba’s reluctance to engage him in open combat, Severus adopted a scorched-earth strategy, leveling hundreds of villages and outposts. The rebels often hid in underground tunnels, so he starved and burned them out from above. By 135 the revolt had been extinguished and Bar Kokhba killed, but only after enormous losses on both sides.

Hadrian resolved to stamp the Jews and their religion out of existence. He sold all Jewish prisoners into slavery, forbade the teaching of the Torah, renamed the province Syria Palaestina, and changed Jerusalem’s name to Aelia Capitolina (although scholars are divided over whether to place Jerusalem’s name change before or after the revolt). Synagogues were replaced with Roman temples. More painful was his edict barring Jews from so much as looking upon their fallen capital. Many prominent rabbis violated this edict and martyred themselves in the process. Hadrian’s efforts had a lasting effect: the Jews would not regain control of their ancestral homeland for over 1,800 years.



May 17, 2020
Rome’s relationship with the Jewish population of the Roman Empire had been strained since the destruction of Jerusalem in the 1st century CE, and Hadrian’s focus on Romanizing the province of Judaea greatly exacerbated tensions. He aimed to transform Jerusalem into a Roman metropolis, and in 132 he banned the practice of castration and circumcision. A short time later, many Jews in Judaea revolted under the charismatic Bar Kokhba, a man who had been recognized by some as the messiah.

Bar Kokhba’s revolt was successful at the start. He quickly occupied the Judaean countryside and forced the provincial governor to request reinforcements. Hadrian transferred his most talented generals to the region. Among them was Julius Severus, who took command of the imperial forces. He deployed three legions and at least 17 auxiliary units; one of these legions was likely obliterated by insurgents. Taking note of Bar Kokhba’s reluctance to engage him in open combat, Severus adopted a scorched-earth strategy, leveling hundreds of villages and outposts. The rebels often hid in underground tunnels, so he starved and burned them out from above. By 135 the revolt had been extinguished and Bar Kokhba killed, but only after enormous losses on both sides.

Hadrian resolved to stamp the Jews and their religion out of existence. He sold all Jewish prisoners into slavery, forbade the teaching of the Torah, renamed the province Syria Palaestina, and changed Jerusalem’s name to Aelia Capitolina (although scholars are divided over whether to place Jerusalem’s name change before or after the revolt). Synagogues were replaced with Roman temples. More painful was his edict barring Jews from so much as looking upon their fallen capital. Many prominent rabbis violated this edict and martyred themselves in the process. Hadrian’s efforts had a lasting effect: the Jews would not regain control of their ancestral homeland for over 1,800 years.

That's a great wee story but it does nothing to prove "Hadrian invented the word Palestine"

So I'm guessing we're done here?


Mar 23, 2021
as for your exhibit b i won't trust that one when you can't even get the title of your paper correct

Who was the first in naming a country “Palestine” ?

Jan Gunneweg, Archaeometry, Institute of Archaeology, Hebrew Uni9versity of Jerusalem,

He's a Dr. that can't even turn in a correctly spelled paper? Come on...


May 17, 2020
as for your exhibit b i won't trust that one when you can't even get the title of your paper correct

Who was the first in naming a country “Palestine” ?

Jan Gunneweg, Archaeometry, Institute of Archaeology, Hebrew Uni9versity of Jerusalem,

He's a Dr. that can't even turn in a correctly spelled paper? Come on...
So you have no problem with A and C and your only gripe with B is a typo.

So we're done here?


Mar 23, 2021
So you have no problem with A and C and your only gripe with B is a typo.

So we're done here?
well a i don't see who the heck what the credentials of exhibit A are... just a website saying what ever they want unless you have more info on that website i don't see anything that gives it credence to make it a legit site.

And honestly with two strikes not really going to look at C
ok i looked LMFAO!!! that site looks about as legit as @A Freeman's jah truther site LOL!

So we done here?