Joe Biden


May 15, 2017
Your eyes are drawn to that area Lurking009
as ya can see it's off in colour and the way it's laying
on the collar it's to wavy the shading is too thick
look at other pics of his collar and how his skin lays on it

Who knows why they do what they do
to make him look like he's declining slower
than he is when he is in his basement bedridden already or dead
as they are gonna put KH in the seat at some point I think we all
here recognize that much but will have to make it indisputable
about JB not being capable which I think we are close now
Maybe they really are being arrested and are at gitmo being executed
idk and I'm not gonna claim to know the whys but we have
seen more than once on this site tptb do use body doubles and such
Is it so hard to consider that maybe they would a mask whenever it
maybe needed to do so

Increase quality on the video and slow
to the slowest setting and zoom in as much as ya
can on that area as it's easier to spot
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Mar 19, 2018
Your eyes are drawn to that area Lurking009
as ya can see it's off in colour and the way it's laying
on the collar it's to wavy the shading is too think
look at other pics of his collar and how his skin lays on it

Who knows why they do what they do
to make him look like he's declining slower
than he is when he is in his basement bedridden already or dead
as they are gonna put KH in the seat at some point I think we all
here recognize that much but will have to make it indisputable
about JB not being capable which I think we are close now
Maybe they really are being arrested and are at gitmo being executed
idk and I'm not gonna claim to know the whys but we have
seen more than once on this site tptb do use body doubles and such
Is it so hard to consider that maybe they would a mask whenever it
maybe needed to do so
I agree that KH will probably become president in the near future. I think the power structure working behind the scene will remain the same, so she will also be just a cackling puppet.


May 15, 2017
I think she'll be BOs
puppet as he already mentioned in a video
here that's how he would prefer to do a 3rd term

Forgot to mention JBs eyes look black in that video

Also 0:09 guy right at the bottom in front
of the podium anyone else notice his ears ?
0:23 lady far right bottom corner watch the pinky finger for one
it's off colour and another it totally disappears and comes back
Also look at her phone and the images on it doesn't look like
it's even the same gathering also lady with the salmon coloured
pony tie look at her screen also doesn't match
looks greenscreened in a lot of areas to me ?
as I mentioned slow and zoom

Found another glitch I guess I'll call it
At the 0:25-26 watch JBs face his nose disappears
as he walks in front of the flag and then comes back

There's something about the 0:03-04 watch his hands
ya see the white paper I am guessing that's part of the folder
he is holding come into view but the way it jumps out is odd

maybe it's just me I dunno am I crazy lol
never mind I am a little but is anyone else seeing
what I am ?
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Oct 31, 2021


Mar 19, 2018
View attachment 73354

Sorry... not trying to rain on the parade, but just my own observations. Is anything possible? Absolutely, but with further investigation I lean towards the most obvious.

I believe he had a facelift. His face has been so obviously pulled tight when you compare old vs. newer photos. Facelifts can affect earlobes in the exact same way as the photos on the site you posted:
Regarding a mask: One of the photos came from an interview where the interviewer had the exact same neck shadows. I have to go with harsh lighting on that one. If you find the original zoomed out photos/video of biden with other people rather than looking at a cropped image of only him, that gives a much clearer picture of what's going on with lighting and such.

The question that needs to be asked: Why? Why replace the demented incoherent biden with an actor faking incoherency and dementia? They would have replaced him with someone they could at least rely on to not go offscript, and yet his handlers are just as panicked today as they were a year ago and still have to walk things back after every speech.

With all of the manufactured evil crap going on around the world (covid, forced vaccinations, war, countries flooded with illegals, inflation, shortages, crime surges...), biden's ear lobes are kind of way down on my list of concerns.
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May 15, 2017
I have seen that and I think it looks more
like a mask myself too soooo

I did mention a few whys above Lurking009

we can ask the why's all day long simple truth
we are not tptb the best we can do is try getting
into their mindset to see the why's,which is hard for
most as we have moral compasses

tptb have been doing this for a long time
they have perfected ways to keep hidden and keep
us sleeping in our system thinking

Why have JB on a stage of the WH instead of in
the WH,why green screen interviews when ya can
just do an actual interview,tptb know the why's of what
they are doing we can only guess and try piecing together
the fragments of truth we come across

My thoughts/opinion
maybe JB is too declined to use or dead,
tptb cannot put KH into place until the peoples
would accept HER as a replacement for JB
which is why they are spoon feeding everyone his decline
eventually just as with the eniccav the people will demand
that JB be removed then KH steps in but she's just the mouth piece
for OB that's just my opinion of the why

I know it's hard to believe but then again so is most the crap
we know them to be doing that's why the sleeping cannot wrap
their head around what the awaken are trying to show them

Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019
I believe it's a mask as well.
Screenshot 2022-04-16 at 11-07-23 joe biden fake mask at DuckDuckGo.png

Not to derail, but this current picture of Frank Langella is a mask as well, and a bad one at that.

84 year old actor Frank Langella fired from Netflix Series lead after being accused of sexual harassment
Screenshot 2022-04-16 at 11-12-17 - Exposing Feminism and The New World Order.png

Screenshot 2022-04-16 at 11-15-00 SU alum Frank Langella fired from Netflix series after sexua...png


May 15, 2017
Thank you Frank Badfinger
not derailing imo as we're discussing JB wearing
a mask
That is a really bad one eh lol wow makes him look
like he's at least 20yrs younger

that is a perfect example of a person
playing another in a mask,it's been done plenty of times
and why wouldn't tptb use it as well
in cases for who knows the why's they have too but they do

Also pointed out that the above video has other anomalies
in it too
why is the phones images not matching the actual
reality in front of them what would be the purpose
to pretend your recording when not doing so
it's easier to just not pull out your phone right
like I already said we can only guess at the why's
however we can SEE that tptb lie anytime
they fancy to do so


Mar 19, 2018
I believe it's a mask as well.
View attachment 73355

Not to derail, but this current picture of Frank Langella is a mask as well, and a bad one at that.

84 year old actor Frank Langella fired from Netflix Series lead after being accused of sexual harassment
View attachment 73356

View attachment 73357
That still of Frank Langella is taken from a low quality video which can have a surface filter applied to reduce pixellation and/or video compression which reduces file size, hence the blurring effect and anomalies. This is exactly what low-res images look like. Always check the source image or video. It's not like he's tried to hide his age in other current high quality images, so it really comes down to a very low quality still frame.

(As a professional who has worked extensively with image and video creation/manipulation/retouching for many years, I'm just sayin' :D )
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May 15, 2017
A quick clip
sometimes editing does go wrong

I understand what your saying
and respect your experienced knowledge
as I am only self taught at all I do so do not have that

so a quick question a filter or compression applied seems
to imply it would affect the entire image and not a section
of it like it seems in the FL image as the background
doesn't seem to have the same smoothness/blurring (don't think I worded that right)
your seeing on the face and it still doesn't dismiss
the fact ya can see clearly it is a mask

Or are ya speaking on the video of JB shaking no ones hand ?
as I didnt look yet for a better quality copy
I do believe we will see the same anomalies I pointed out
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Mar 19, 2018
A quick clip
sometimes editing does go wrong

I understand what your saying
and respect your experienced knowledge
as I am only self taught at all I do so do not have that
so a quick question a filter or compression applied seems
to imply it would affect the entire image and not a section
of it like it seems in the FL image as the background doesn't have
the same distortion your seeing on the face
and it still doesn't dismiss the fact ya can see clearly it is a mask

Or are ya speaking on the video of JB shaking no ones hand ?
as I didnt look yet for a better quality copy
I do believe we will see the same anomalies I pointed out
I'm definitely not saying you should take my word on these things, but just wanted to toss in my thoughts which come from a different perspective. I respect that everyone has their own views! With low-res digital like the FL video, the areas most affected are those that are moving, which is why anomalies and weird blurring are seen on people talking and gesturing vs. the still background behind the person.

This is a really good explanation: compression software examines the,dog running across the screen.
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May 15, 2017
Thank you Lurking009
for sharing the article I did find it informative
easy to understand

Please do not get me wrong it's hard with text
to know the way the words are being delivered with what
tone and such
I respect your knowledge as it's something I do not have

I still see the above image of FL to be wearing a mask
With the quick clip of JB didn't read in the article shared
it can cause whole parts of the image to disappear just
become blocky as less pixels and less detailed
unless that less detail means whole parts disappearing
again I am asking out of pure interest in understanding
better not because I am discounting your knowledge on the subject

I like different perspectives
heck even from those I may not like as I tell
my kids not to dismiss something that's said or shown
just because ya do not like the messenger (not ya just in general so ya know )
I have mentioned that exact same here

so please do share your knowledge it's very much appreciated
however I question everything I've always been this way
and after waking up I find it a good motto to live by
ya cannot know answers if ya do not ask the questions right


Jul 27, 2017
Don't think it will be too much longer now
They are gonna let sleepy joe go to bed
it's why tptb are allowing this kinda crap to
happen,ya know if it was someone else besides JB
I would probably feel sorry for em but not JB
deserves much worse than humiliation

I'm thinking KH will take the seat but will
have BO in her ear to pull the strings


Jun 17, 2017


May 15, 2017
Wasn't sure if I should put here or sleepy JB
it's a little look at how bad JB was before he even
got into the seat
ya know if this was someone in your
family or friends ya would not let them do this as its
obvious they are in a mental decline only in this
broken world can ya have this sorta happen and no one
sleeping can see through it



Mar 19, 2018

Nope, this is not what it looks like. A confused biden was not hastily interrupted and led off by a handler in an easter bunny suit. That is DEFINITELY not what you saw.
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May 15, 2017
Lmbo Lurking009
it definitely looks as JB was being ushered off
as not to interact too much with the peoples around eh
probably didn't want him scary or mayb just being around
that many kids as who knows if JB could help himself
from sniffing or worse and maybe too many peoples for that sorta thing
and the public would definitely expect pictures/videos and such
To many out of the actual public to control that or are the
peoples paid for actors?i wouldn't think that though as this is
an annual event that boasts about having the average
peoples there right idk as I never really looked into the
hunt that much
who knows who was under that suit before the pic of the 2 of em
together or are we thinking she's the handler?