Israel vs Palistine: another distraction to keep people fighting.

Jul 12, 2022
Also, I was minding my own business, keeping to myself and the places I love to be on this forum, and suddenly one of the members of this group purposely mentioned me with @ and stuff so I was forced to see the message about how I don't care about children.
I posted this thread originally cause I believe this to be an orchestration and a sad division amongst everyone. Then I was brought back into the fight. I ignored that other thread like the plague and kept to myself, but then delusion everywhere brought me into it and started picking a fight with me when I didn't even bother with any of it!
Who gets attacked? I do. I feel this group of people WANT to start things and push their crap on people. Why do we think the elites in the first place wanted this war? Just so more people would fight for no good reason and bring people into it! I get told off by almost everyone on this forum for something that some clique member did to me? Why? I say, anyone who has beef with me, just leave me out of it. Leave me alone, don't try to message me, don't try to mention me or bring me in, just plain out ignore me and move on! Cause that's what I was trying to do until delusion everywhere had to make things worse cause she thinks she's so great and no one can touch her. This is so stupid!


Mar 15, 2017
Only when someone is really pissing me off.
Other than that, I try to remain pretty civil and respectful.
I’ve never interacted with you until today and you blew up over what seemed quite a minor interaction with ‘sharia sympathisers’. Hopefully we’ll interact elsewhere and things will be civil and respectful. Did not want to derail your thread but you’re welcome to post your thoughts on Stucky’s thread where the discussion of the current issue is being updated constantly, so we can see what your thoughts are.

God bless.
Mar 30, 2017
Here's some proof that these people just want to start crap for the sake of starting it:
View attachment 94609
Is this not proof of being pushy? All BaleMaster said is he found Jesus to be the most influential historical figure. And there's NOTHING wrong with saying this as this person has a point! What does the main culprit and cult leader say in result? That Mohammed is the one to look up to! If Balemaster wants to believe in Jesus, let him/her! Why push Shariah law on to people? Why the hell do so many on this forum believe Daze and his group are good people? This is the kinda stuff they do! If we don't believe in what they believe in, they get so angry and censor you, but they can attack Christianity? Why is that fair?
I didn't want to get into this crap again but I'm so mad and sick and tired of people thinking that these idiots are good people and they are good for the forum! They are brainwashing people and this IS PROOF.
So, here's to what Toxic was saying why do Christians always get attacked... Well, this is one of the main reasons. If anything, the Shariah law folk have done nothing but bash Christianity since they have gotten here. Daze, AspiringSoul, 90s were better... All those folk. Yet, there's still all this sympathy for them and they are the good guys blah blah blah. And let's not forget Orwell's Mentor censoring anyone who says anything about their precious shari'ah law, but will NOT defend Christianity. I think so many people on the forum need to evaluate who they feel is actually with them and who isn't.
Agendas are there for a reason... And once again, before anyone assumes anything, I am not on the side of either in this war between Israel and Palestine. Just to repeat myself if people didn't get it the first time. The ones I truly care for? The innocent civilians getting harmed in the process just for a stupid orchestration.
I feel this forum is sadly done, the elites have won. And so many on here seem to be alright with this.
How many have been suckered into this war? How many have picked sides like good little sheeple, instead of seeing the division for what it truly is?
I didn't want to get into this again, trust me, but I'm getting extremely exhausted by the crap that's going on here.

Palestinians are experiencing Nakba 2.0, being slaughtered on an hourly basis, but you've made this war and the threads with updates about YOU. Un freakin' believable! Wonders never cease.


Celtic fans defy club by showing support for Palestine in Champions League

Celtic fans unfurl Palestinian flags during UEFA Champions League match

Pro-Palestine protests held in Western countries

Let's not forget this small bunch of Canadians that care with their fundraising and blogging:

Jul 12, 2022
I’ve never interacted with you until today and you blew up over what seemed quite a minor interaction with ‘sharia sympathisers’.
You wouldn't think it's minor when someone directly targets you when you're trying to mind your own business.
I've been trying to be as civil as possible the last couple months or so at least, trying to keep my cool and move on, but this one person in particular brought the battle directly to me. Not exactly what they should be doing, but of course everyone will remain on their side and think I'm some jerk.
Thanks for this, anyway, though. I will actually avoid that thread and even take a bit of a break from this forum again, I guess.

And @Daze I hope you're happy, this forum is all yours now. Everyone follows you and thinks your their god, congratulations. You've been probably dreaming about this from birth.


Jun 28, 2020
And @Daze I hope you're happy, this forum is all yours now. Everyone follows you and thinks your their god, congratulations. You've been probably dreaming about this from birth.
I tried reasoning with you way back in the very beginning. Back when you made that thread attacking Islam. I even made the sharia thread solely for you. I even highlighted sharia in the Bible, but in the end, my time would have had more purpose if I went and watched the grass grow.

Idk how many times you bashed my religion. Look at this thread. Your hate for Islam is so great you couldn't give a damn that Christians are dying.

Still waiting for you to leave. Is that not what you said?

You remind me of the other Seek, SeekinHeart, who eventually earned the title SickinHeart. I remember he wrote this really long post how he was leaving, and he was such a victim. Only to spend the next couple of days liking random posts.

Ultimately, he went nowhere, just showed everyone what a liar he was.

So why are you still here? To prove your word has no value?


Mar 15, 2017
You wouldn't think it's minor when someone directly targets you when you're trying to mind your own business.
I've been trying to be as civil as possible the last couple months or so at least, trying to keep my cool and move on, but this one person in particular brought the battle directly to me. Not exactly what they should be doing, but of course everyone will remain on their side and think I'm some jerk.
Thanks for this, anyway, though. I will actually avoid that thread and even take a bit of a break from this forum again, I guess.

And @Daze I hope you're happy, this forum is all yours now. Everyone follows you and thinks your their god, congratulations. You've been probably dreaming about this from birth.
you sound exactly like irreverentperson and im just not here for the drama. I have no idea what you’re talking about but like I said, hopefully will see you on another thread.
All the best.
Jul 12, 2022
Daze is not worth my time, so I'm going to stop engaging with him, now.
But just wanted to show how this war is affecting this forum directly.

Saw this on the BTS thread..hmmm I wonder who one of the culprits is behind this! This person even had to mention that this war has NOTHING to do with this BTS topic. Can we see how bad things are getting?
I can understand if the west is actually trying to get people against them, then they have an argument, but it's not true. How many years have the west called people Islamophobes? For a while, now! If we didn't believe in Shariah law, we automatically would be called racist and bigoted. And let's not forget, it was the far LEFT that said this, which is one of the biggest mind control tactics in the world, due to Marxism. A big way to destroy society as we know it.
Also, keep in mind when this person states that people should be careful when talking to someone who is a non Muslim. And THAT'S not bigoted and racist? Hmm. This just proves there's an agenda and a huge takeover on this forum, or people would not of left as much as they have. How many of the original members are still here from let's say, about 7 months or so ago? Not dealing with this crap, that's for sure.
If this isn't enough proof for people something is going on, then there's a huge issue.


Jun 28, 2020
Jun 26, 2022
I feel really bad if my response set off all this arguing. This was not my intention.

For the record, when i said "some are biased against Christians" i was specifically thinking of an atheist.

I could see why a member of another religion is going to defend their own religion, but what stake does an atheist have in the matter? Yet seems like picking on Christians is the go to reaponse. The country of israel does something bad, and the response is to insult Christians and talk about how much the person attacking Christians likes Jews. It's either hypocritical, or well calculated to avoid the "antisemitic" label.

Also, it's well proven by now that most Christians refuse to defend Christianity. People make all kinds of blasphemous accusations and it's ok, but the second someone says anything agaisnt the country of israel, now it's on! Apparently as a Christian i was supposed to worship the country of israel or something. So much for people believing in once saved always saved and salvation through faith alone!

I guess this is why Christian churches are wary of adult converts - they know one hasn't had a lifetime of drinking the koolaid and isn't going to be so easily programmable. And no, i'm not denying Jesus Christ, but so many of His followers have a serious lack of love for their fellow man problem. It's truly sad to see.
Jul 12, 2022
The irony is she falls into the trap and fighting with everyone..can't you see it?
Says the one who purposely targeted me on the other thread and wanted to start a fight.
I'm in the trap because you put me there. I was just minding my own business for the last while and you wanted to get cocky.
How dare you even say things like I don't care for children? I'm not some heartless monster! But you and the cult you belong in won't stop until you have the whole forum believing it.
You should be ashamed of yourself.
Jul 12, 2022
I asked a question and you said you don't want to get involved. That's indifference.

You act cocky btw.
What you want Muslims to act submissive in front of you? Are you a child? How old are you really? You should be ashamed for making it all about yourself.

Oh let me use my victim card here so you think I'm from Pakistan, and a Muslim from a third world country, you will insult me?

See how is it?
It's pointless, like talking to a brick wall. There's no reason to even try to explain myself if you won't listen and are set in your ways! Well, you do you, then. That's fine.
I will only insult you if you give me a reason to, and you have definitely done that.
Think twice before you try mentioning me on purpose to start something, next time.
Jul 12, 2022
Proof that I was purposely being targeted:
Does this not look like some intentional bating? Kinda seems obvious!
Then she has this to say:
Sure, asking me a question isn't the problem's how she brought me directly into the thread to get my attention. If she was so curious about this, she would of had more respect and messaged me privately about this. Why bate me into a thread? Not exactly the kindest and most ethical thing to do.
Before saying that I play victim card, let's evaluate the one who plays that card, first.

elsbet's cat ^. .^

Mar 18, 2023
Just take a look at all the people liking the posts in your thread! All from the same group that shove their beliefs on everyone!
That's right.
I'm in support of people not being slaughtered either...
... but this whole war is giving too many people too many egos to force people into their ideologies! I wouldn't say something if there isn't a problem.
It's nothing new.

Please don't be like the others that censor me on this, alright? I also said I don't believe in either side of this because of the orchestration, okay? Don't preach to me about this stuff, I'm getting sick of this darn censorship.
I agree.
It is orchestrated; it always has been. If you're able to see the bigger picture-- and there is a bigger picture-- then you're doing better than most people, as far as this subject goes.

Especially with all the targeted, but needless, antagonism.
Jul 20, 2019
The whole purpose of this war is to have people constantly fighting. This is why I find it unwise to choose sides and argue with others based on it, and this I also learned from my mistakes with the fights that were going on in the summer. I just want to stay neutral and not get into it with any others on the forum when it's regarding some sort of religion topic or anything to do with these sides and wars.
Hope this makes sense, and I also pray for people during these hard times.
In spite of your very cynical view of human life, I can guarantee you that you would not speak the same words about the Warsaw uprising.

"Another distraction to keep people fighting"

How cynical and nihilistic. One would expect even the tiniest ounce of humanity.
Not only that but treating it as if it is just some thing in isolation that came out of nowhere and is only now something that people are worried about. Such a joke too.


May 15, 2017
I agree a 100% this war did what it was supposed
to,caused chaos,division and killing
since it started Ya can feel and See the division
happening in this forum and all over the World

all threads seem to be getting hijacked with this
when it's already gotten more than enough places
to discuss it and it can't Help in getting new members
cause I Know if I was a guest Seeing all this arguing
and just one topic in every thread I wouldn't want
to stay

as for this attack happening on the innocents of both

both "armies"are one army doing exactly what they're
meant to do kill innocents and enrage the rest of the

the only divide I actually See besides the orchestrated
divides tptb always do,is Us(Good)against them(evil)
but because they design these divides Peoples fall into
the trap and We all turn eyes off tptb

I don't care about chunks of dirt with invisible lines
saying this ptb or that ptb owns it
I care about Peoples,the innocent Peoples that seem
to be pawns in this attack(all attacks)to garner as much
rage,hatred and divides it can

the antisemitic is a umbrella tptb use(like the tged one
We're witnessing the creation of)
that's exactly why they hid under the group in the first place
because of what happened to the innocents,tptb hiding
cannot be discussed or questioned even if it's warranted
as with g sorrows

it's not the civilians calling for or wanting this war
it's tptb per usual and I say if they want it so bad make
them go shed their/their families/loved ones blood
which never happens because it's about culling and
dividing Us
behind the scenes they're all together discussing and
planning the next moves

this has been ongoing since the caust more or less
because those hiding ptb taking whatever they wanted
to from the Peoples that were already there(We've Seen
that enough times from them)

I agree @Flarepath if that was Your ancestral home
and someone walked in and took it just because they
feel they're entitled to it or want it

I Know I would definitely be angry,anyone would be and
if Ya say Ya wouldn't be,that Ya would be ok with that and
the treatment that came after,I'm calling BS

anyhoo I've ranted enough sorry
