Is Alice Cooper a Christian?

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
@e-Enoch posted up an interesting interview an a thread related to the broader topic of contemporary Christian music. To avoid this question becoming the dominant focus of that thread, I thought it might be worth reposting the interview here to let people make their minds up….

I invite @M G, @Lucy, @Lizard King and anyone else to continue to contribute here and leave the other thread for a wider focus of Christian music they enjoy.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
If I had no opinion on Alice Cooper, I would be asking the following about his faith and his music….

Does he sound like he has understood and believes the true Gospel?

Has his lifestyle changed in a meaningful way since he came to faith?

Does he try to reach the unsaved with the message of the Gospel?

Does his music in any way reflect that change?

On the above, I think he is a Christian based on the evidence I see.


Is Alice Cooper wise to continue to associate with known anti-God friends? Certainly Jesus ate with sinners and prostitutes. For this it would depend entirely on what he says and does when in their company. Does he blend and compromise or shine a light in a dark place?

Does his music edify? Certainly every genre of music has its context and suitability. For some Christians, only hymns will pass inspection and other genres (perhaps Rock and Metal etc) sit outside the bounds of acceptability.

For some even hymns go too far and they go with chanted psalms. On the other hand, others (like me) see music itself as a medium, not a message. I tend to listen far more to the words than the style. For me, Rock tends to make bad worship music but good to drive to or lift weights with!

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
So back to Alice C, for those who are interested, after he claimed to have yielded to the Lord and come to faith, he produced a number of albums that wove his previous persona into a new context.

Brutal Planet

The Last Temptation


Along came a Spider

These albums contain some of his most recent original output. He claims to have woven his faith into them. So over to the jury - is he for real? What is the real message of the albums above? To they attack or honour God. I guess that’s for others to discern and God to judge…


Feb 8, 2021
@e-Enoch posted up an interesting interview an a thread related to the broader topic of contemporary Christian music. To avoid this question becoming the dominant focus of that thread, I thought it might be worth reposting the interview here to let people make their minds up….

I invite @M G, @Lucy, @Lizard King and anyone else to continue to contribute here and leave the other thread for a wider focus of Christian music they enjoy.
I love Casting Crowns! :)


Oct 2, 2017
How can "Christians" even pose such a question? Are you supposed to take the log out of your OWN eye, first? Satan is the Accuser, not you.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
How can "Christians" even pose such a question? Are you supposed to take the log out of your OWN eye, first? Satan is the Accuser, not you.
From time to time a famous celebrity claims to have “become a Christian”. Some are for real and others are not.

The thread invites you to consider what it is to actually be a Christian and apply discernment as to whether an individual is the real thing. Some time ago Kanye West declared himself a Christian and I wanted to believe he was. It’s encouraging to think he could go from singing “I am a God” to realising he needed God. Unfortunately he seems to have reverted to thinking he is a God again. Pride is certainly a spiritual learning difficulty!!

Anyway, Alice Cooper appears to have taken a different turn to Kanye and wrote a good song about it a while back:

I just wanna be God
Alice Cooper

I'm in control
I got a bulletproof soul
And I'm full of self-esteem
I invented myself with no one's help
I'm a prototype supreme
I sit on my private throne
And run my lifestyle all alone
Me, myself and I agree
We don't need nobobdy else

I never learned to bow, bend or crawl
To any known authority
I really want to build my statue tall
That's all

I'm just trying to be God
I only wanna be God
I just wanna be God
Why can't I be God

I got no time to take advice
I want to gamble with my eternity
With loaded dice
I don't need a preacher in my face
When I'm the omnipresent ruler of the human race
Ain't gonna
Spend my life being no one's fool
I was born to rock and I was born to rule
But if I'm wrong on judgement day
I'm royally screwed with hell to pay

I never learned to bow, bend or crawl
To any known authority
I really want to build my statue tall
That's all

I'm just trying to be God
I only wanna be God
I just wanna be God
Why can't I be God

I'm just trying to be God
I only wanna be God
I just wanna be God
Why can't I be God

I'm just trying to be God
I only wanna be God
I just wanna be God
Why can't I be God

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
The way Alice Cooper explained it, Lady Macbeth was a character crafted by Shakespeare - she shows a callous approach to murder, then the viewers get to see it play out in her life. By the end of the play, you are not on her side but may have learned from her actions.

“Alice” plays his old self, shows that the wages of sin is death and that we can all be saved if we turn from our evil ways. How effectively he communicates that is perhaps questionable - to fly low enough under the radar for his regular rock fans not to notice right away that his message has changed and yet be clear enough by the end of the evening to leave at least some of them thinking.

This song represents the pivot point…



Apr 26, 2024
To be fair @illegalbeagle it’s only a 1 minute clip! It would have took more time to reply than watch it - give it a go…
It wouldn't serve either way to be frank.
I just don't suffer these fools anymore, hes a dirty freemason.

If you know one jot about the craft, then you know no Mason can ever be trusted. Ever.

Give it 6 months and see what he's upto.....

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
It wouldn't serve either way to be frank.
I just don't suffer these fools anymore, hes a dirty freemason.

If you know one jot about the craft, then you know no Mason can ever be trusted. Ever.

Give it 6 months and see what he's upto.....
Well, he released an openly Christian album 30 years ago now so it would appear he has a certain longevity.

I have no information on Alice Cooper being a Freemason but can only say that the message he promotes opposes the tenants of Freemasonry.

I.e. if he is a Freemason he’s not doing a very good job…

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
p.s. I like this quote from Lord of the Rings…

Merry: "How do we know this Strider is a friend of Gandalf?"

Frodo: "I think a servant of the Enemy would look fairer and feel fouler."

The most insidious messages typically come from bad dressed up as good rather than good dressed up as bad. If you want to know what a song says, reading the lyrics is a good place to start…

Last edited:


Apr 26, 2024
Well, he released an openly Christian album 30 years ago now so it would appear he has a certain longevity.

I have no information on Alice Cooper being a Freemason but can only say that the message he promotes opposes the tenants of Freemasonry.

I.e. if he is a Freemason he’s not doing a very good job…
Knowing freemasonry , I'd say that that would be the deception .

So, he would be doing a very good job.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
Knowing freemasonry , I'd say that that would be the deception .

So, he would be doing a very good job.
What if people left darkness and turned to Jesus as a result of pondering on some of these lyrics? Surely a real Freemason would be more inclined to promote dualism, like many of the “artists” out there?