If you have a cell phone


Nov 8, 2022
So long as any person does not completely exit society the 'Elite' will know everything about you. I have resigned myself to this fact because I understand there is nothing I can do about it unless a) political awareness is raised enough to change this or b) I go live in a shed somewhere with no electricity - and then they can technically STILL spy on me.

You can't run away from state surveillance, it's much too late for that, the year is 1984 now... but now for the important conclusion to this, a message I keep repeating on these boards to drill it into everyone's heads: The only thing you CAN do to combat it is to wake other people up. You can even use the very same phone device they use for spying on you to try to END the spying... with minimal effort on your part; it can be as simple as linking the Vigilant Citizen URL. My point is: it makes much better sense to try to combat what is happening rather than merely complain about it. No offense to anyone here but being a 'Vigilant Citizen' isn't free - same as how freedom isn't - and requires an active effort in exposing the agendas (once one becomes aware of them). The surveillance won't stop unless enough people DEMAND that it stops.
...6-7 years later, things are developing

and then - very easy:
Alexander Chulok, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Director of the (Moscow) HSE Center for Scientific and Technological Forecasting (2021): "..I think the attitude to technology itself will change dramatically in the next 10 years. Generations will be updated, for the new ones — the Internet is not a miracle, and smart watches are not a gadget. It's all already part of their life as a shirt. It is not so important whether it will be embedded in the body or in clothes. Let's look at the history of mankind, it has always experimented. It is difficult to say how inevitable the cyborgization of man is, but his merging with technology is indeed inevitable."

Almost the same as today almost everyone (who can afford it) has a phone. With the difference that for today's children (and even adolescents), and even more so for the unborn, when it will be a safe and effective phone (which, compared to today's cell phones, will be many times cooler, with many more functions unthinkable today, such as connecting to a brain neural network with the possibility of real collective work with incredible mutual understanding - not only mentally, but also of feelings), it will simply be the best means of communication.

They will not have any negative attitude at all, and if they come across some old "myths" from the old days, when some people raised the alarm about "creeping transhumanism", they will look at them as most today look at their grandparents' fears about today's laptops and cell phones. A privacy breach will not only not be a problem, but it will also be highly desirable because it will offer safety and efficiency.

There is no third way but complete immersion in the normal society with the new technologies or a complete break (and who of the people of that time, then, in 20-30 years, will be so crazy to break with society, which will be incredibly tempting).

What will stop it? (Nothing - if you look at today's children and young people realistically and without illusions and imagine those born after them in the other world). Where am I wrong?

(Since most of those who, according to the optimistic version, are supposed to should be against this development, are almost completely FOR it, and their concern is only about the violation of privacy and the use of these technologies to restrict rights and impose totalitarianism. (I'm talking about conservative people; all over the world, not just in North America). And if these threats disappear/greatly decrease, then what is the problem? Obviously, none or very little.)
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Nov 8, 2022
You see: this :rolleyes: in the tweets say is from the biggest support for the only conservative hope (which promises to fully boost the technological development of high technology in order to make the US first in the race (hint: the race in the very near future; it is already, but still weak, at the beginning). And ask the (usual) conservatives what the problem is in the near future for neuralinks - that is, the brain chips in the heads of today's children, youths - to replace today's phones. They don't have any problem with this.
But still
watch out for privacy violations, SWITCH OFF
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