Help for young ladies in the KPOP threads


Aug 22, 2021
ppl forget my main language is not english, in fact i never speak or use english in my every day life except for online Jeez im learning who would have thought u could actually learn so much from ppl online too.
Also random P.S. Idk if it is me but overall ppl around here are actually wonderful for the most part


Dec 31, 2022
omg u come off as mean but i know wonderful ppl like you so i know u aren’t trying to be hurtful. I am very misunderstood too, I guess we are the new “boomers” Omg
ehh if i had a time machine id rather be a boomer than a gloomer who just says shit online for attention :p
Oct 20, 2021
ppl forget my main language is not english, in fact i never speak or use english in my every day life except for online Jeez im learning who would have thought u could actually learn so much from ppl online too.
Also random P.S. Idk if it is me but overall ppl around here are actually wonderful for the most part
What is your main language if I may ask? You do English good enough so I never really noticed.


Aug 22, 2021
What is your main language if I may ask? You do English good enough so I never really noticed.
Hey Thank you for saying that :)
my main language it’s Español (Spanish) the only thing I use for every day stuff, so never speak English unless I’m traveling (and typing stuff online)

A gossip blog called CrazyDaysandNights. Most of the blind items are true. The man who runs it posted about Harvey Weinstein for years.
Oh I didn’t know Thanks for the Link
seems like TMZ in steroids but no clue who is he talking about since there are actually no names so far from what I’ve read


May 8, 2023

The most popular and heavily marketed kpop concept is romance, and thus an actual romance fantasy is artificially created by expert psychologists, and is marketed and sold. This is also to create a "parasocial relationship" between the fan(s) and idols, and to try to actually brainwash the fan(s).

Kpop idols are marketed as actual potential boyfriends and girlfriends.

First, the idols undergo extensive plastic surgery to make them look as handsome or as beautiful as possible, and are put under extreme dieting, exercising, vocal and dance training regiments (programs) by the kpop companies.
These training programs last 1 to 5 years usually, but can last longer than 5 years; there are idols who are trainees for 10 years like Jihyo of the girlgroup Twice.

This evil romance fantasy plays, or you can say, PREYS, on the romantic desires, especially the lack of love, desire to love and to be loved in return, and romantic dreams of young pre-teens, teens and young adults (18-25 usually, but there are many fans over 25 on this forum like me, I'll be 32 in December), and is an attempt to make them actually fall in love, and have loving, romantic feelings for their preferred idol/bias, to the point that the fans want to be in a romantic relationship with, and eventually marry, their beloved idol.

[I forgot to mention that the kpop idols are banned from dating and having romantic relationships for at least the first 3 years of being an idol. This is to give the fans the impression that their beloved idol is "single and romantically available" for them.]

The psychologists also design "personas", or fake personalities that the idol is trained to display towards fans.
The idol must keep up this manufactured, designed fake persona as long as they are interacting with their fans.

The idols are trained to be very outwardly charming, "happy", (in general), "happy and excited to see their fans", seductive, "innocent and cute", "angelic", and "loving" towards the fans, such that the idols seem to be romantically receptive to their fans' feelings.

The idols are trained to "hint" at the fans with heart hands, pouty-kissy lips, aegyo (acting cute), and blowing kisses, to give the impression that the idols romantically want their fan(s) in return, so the fan(s) love is not "unrequited".

Some of the fans become so deeply in love or infatuated that, the fans think the heart hands, kissy-pouty lips, aegyo and blown kisses are for them specifically.
The idols of course, take this mask off at the end of the day.

Of course, the fans don't know that these are fake personas, they think these are the real personalities of the idols.

If you look at some kpop lyrics like Twice's songs, you may think, or it looks like that Twice want to have a "relationship" with their fans.

To make the fans actually fall in love with their idol(s)/biases is the greatest success secret of the kpop industry.

This is insidious, evil psychological and emotional manipulation of vulnerable pre-teen, teen and young adult minds from these psychologists.

You already know that kpop idols are "puppets" seen as "products" to be "marketed", and "consumers" are kpop fans.

I don't know the operations of the psychologists who design these kpop romance fantsies and romantic idol personas, but what they also want is to try to actually blur the lines between fantasy and reality.

This is to make consumers (kpop fans) not be able to discern fantasy from reality and to make them fall in love with their idol(s) even more, so more kpop idol/group merchandise is bought to increase profits, to make them think the romantic idol interactions are real, and to try to make them think their romance fantasies with their biases will come true.

This is how the very extreme obsessed fans, called sasaengs, are created, as these fans cannot tell the difference between fantasy and reality.

In a way, this is insidious, evil, sinister, engineered LOVE FRAUD.

Unfortunately quite a number of kpop fans are depressed and/or have psychiatric illnesses, and suffer from a lack of love during childhood, and think that love from their idols will "heal" or "cure" their depression.
This is also the same case with especially female k-drama fans, who think that if they go to Korea, a handsome Korean man will love them, and "heal/cure" their depression.

I don't know who the psychologists behind kpop romance fantasy and idol marketing are, but they may be the zionist jew psychologists of The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, the main organization of The Committee of 300.

✼ •• ┈┈┈┈๑⋅⋯ ୨˚୧ ⋯⋅๑┈┈┈┈ •• ✼

Not only this, but there has been a very large increase of non-Korean "foreigners" involved in kpop music and music video (MV) production since 2009.

You may wonder WHO are these foreigners, and WHY are these foreigners hired to produce kpop music and MVs?
Are any of these foreigners zionist jews, and/or their associates?
Are any of these foreigners freemasons, jewish servants, spies, or unwitting stupid goyim that support zionism?
Are any jews involved in the psychological operations of the romance fantasy and idol persona marketing?

The director for the rap girlgroup Young Posse's MV, Ate That, is a zionist jew named Ben Proulx. You may wonder what this jew is doing being a kpop MV director.

So yes, jews (Rothschilds) own 96% of the world's media, as you already know.

✼ •• ┈┈┈┈๑⋅⋯ ୨˚୧ ⋯⋅๑┈┈┈┈ •• ✼

You already know from my thread on The Committee of 300 in General Discussion, that the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations is the main psychological warfare, brainwashing and propaganda bureau and directorate, tasked by The Committee to brainwash, psychologically manipulate the non-elite "masses" of the entire world, yes that means the entire world. Every country on Earth.

This includes conducting psychological warfare on both Japan and South Korea, from a distance, without the knowledge or consent of the Japanese and South Korean populations, of course.

Psychological warfare and manipulation from a distance via the print and electronic media, is called Long Penetration Warfare and was designed by Tavistock psychologist Dr. Kurt Lewin.

Tavistock are the ones who created, and own, the ENTIRE modern music and entertainment industry, and one of their main agents, Theodore Adorno, one of their trained musicologists, created rock and heavy metal rock, by being the composer for both The Beatles and Black Sabbath.

You already know that atonal notes from the Cult of Dionysus and Baal priesthood were used in the creation of The Beatles' music.
Black Sabbath were the very first purely heavy metal band, who also created the doom metal subgenre (slow heavy metal). They're classified as heavy/doom metal.

I am an actual metalhead who is very deep into the extreme metal music genres death metal, black metal, thrash metal and doom metal, and these genres' subgenres, like brutal death metal, slamming brutal death metal, raw black metal, bestial black metal (black/death, war metal), death/doom metal, black/doom metal, funeral doom metal, and lots more, it would be a long list.

I have been listening to extreme metal for almost 17 years now, since I was 15. I'm a metalhead first and other music genre fan second.

I used to be an anime and manga otaku when I was a teenager and started liking the anime theme songs, and this eventually led me to liking jpop and becoming a jpop fan during my teens. I got into kpop later.

Rock and metal music were originally meant to be tools of psychological warfare, mind-control, brainwashing, and social engineering, disguised as music genres, and so are hip-hop/rap and pop. I suspect kpop and jpop have also been turned into these sinister tools.

Rock and metal music were designed to be paired with a wide variety of drugs to further immerse the listener into "another world" as a distraction, especially marijuana and LSD, this is why "psychedelic rock" was created.

Had I fallen into the trap of listening to metal and becoming a metalhead? I also used to listen to hip-hop and rap.
I'm a rare breed of metalhead because outside of metal, I also like kpop, jpop and used to be into rap/hip-hop, and the electronic dance music (EDM) genres goa trance, psytrance, and these 2 genres' subgenres.

Unfortunately, about half of metalheads are closed-minded individuals who only like metal, and dislike or hate other music genres, including these genres mentioned.
Unfortunately I've used alcohol, marijuana and mushrooms to try to escape emotional and psychological pain and depression before, but I stopped the usage and quit alcohol 2 and a half years ago.

Anyway, ALL these genres I mentioned, ALL modern music, are meant to be secret mind-control, psychological warfare, brainwashing, and social engineering weapons/tools.

Heavy metals are known to be toxic to all biological cells including neurons, including neurons of the brain. Was it for this reason, that "heavy metal", Black Sabbath's music was created and named as such? Was this a play on words and a predictive programming hint from Theodore Adorno and Tavistock?

African Americans created hip-hop/rap as an art form and way for them to express their emotions and to cope with harsh realities, but then the CIA saw this, and thought of how to turn this art form into a mind control tool, a psychological warfare weapon, against the very people that created it.

The CIA then took control of hip-hop/rap, and created "gangster rap" that encouraged sex-power-money-status gained from criminal activity/behaviours, and then marketed this created gangster rap, to try to insidiously manipulate the minds of black youth to try to turn them into criminals, to try to get them into Ashkenazi-owned private prisons.

Also look up The Secret Relationship Between Rappers and Jews (you may wonder WHY there are jews behind hip hop, it's so they can manipulate blacks to get blacks into prison):

I'm sure you've heard of The 1991 Secret Meeting That Changed Rap Music.

Every CIA director has been a member of The Committee of 300 at some point and thus also a 33rd degree freemason.

✼ •• ┈┈┈┈๑⋅⋯ ୨˚୧ ⋯⋅๑┈┈┈┈ •• ✼

Anyway, tl;dr I suspect that the Tavistock psychologists have turned both kpop and jpop into a mind-control tool, a psychological warfare, brainwashing and social engineering weapon, just as they have turned rock, metal, hip-hop/rap, and Western/American/British pop into this weapon.

I strongly suspect that the Tavistock personnel (psychologists) on The Committee of 300 are also involved in overseeing and manipulating both kpop and jpop as a whole, as they already manipulate rock, metal, rap/hip-hop, and Western pop.

I suspect that the CIA are also involved in both kpop and jpop, as in jpop in particular, the closeted gay sexual predator who preyed on young male jpop idols, Johnny Kitagawa, was an actual CIA asset.

You already know that Lee Soo-Man has been connected to Baroness Madame Philippine de Rothschild (of all people!) and the Rothschild family, since at least 2008, as he was granted knighthood (as what kind of knight isn't mentioned, nor is any info available) by her on June 23, 2009 (Summer Solstice).

So yes, the zionist jews have infiltrated and have been involved in kpop, if not before 2008-09, significantly since 2008-09.

Our friend ReceivingA mentioned that the zionists may have been involved in kpop since as far back as the late 1990s, since BoA was sent to America for training.

Yes, jews (Rothschilds) own 96% of the world's media, as you already know.
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A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
As this is meant to be a thread to help others overcome their unhealthy obsession with kpop, it seems worth mentioning that there are infinitely more pressing issues in the world today which merit careful consideration.

Every day and every night thousands of families are left to wonder whether today is the day that they and their family members will be bombed, shot or starved to death because of a small group of extremely evil people who are systematically attempting to exterminate over 90% of the world's population through wars and vaccines. They aren't worried about who is prancing around on an elaborate stage somewhere; they're concerned with their own daily torture and survival.

IF enough people actually cared, and were willing to give up their selfish tendencies to be able to unite in ridding this world of the attorneys, politicians, and priests (and pastors, rabbis, imams, etc.), as well as the puppet masters who own, control and pull their strings and, in doing so, return us to our Creator's Perfect Law where everyone enjoys true freedom, justice, peace, prosperity and the safety and security that everyone craves, THEN we would be getting somewhere. We could all be helping one another to build the heavenly kingdom here that Earth was always meant to be.

There is precious little time remaining for people to wake up to our present reality. War is coming to everyone's doorstep, and really is already here.


Aug 22, 2021
The most popular and heavily marketed kpop concept is romance, and thus an actual romance fantasy is artificially created by expert psychologists, and is marketed and sold. This is also to create a "parasocial relationship" between the fan(s) and idols, and to try to actually brainwash the fan(s).

First, the idols undergo extensive plastic surgery to make them look as handsome or as beautiful as possible, and are put under extreme dieting, exercising, vocal and dance training regiments (programs) by the kpop companies.
These training programs last 1 to 5 years usually, but can last longer than 5 years; there are idols who are trainees for 10 years like Jihyo of the girlgroup Twice.

This evil romance fantasy plays, or you can say, PREYS, on the romantic desires, especially the lack of love, desire to love and to be loved in return, and romantic dreams of young pre-teens, teens and young adults (18-25 usually, but there are many fans over 25 on this forum like me, I'll be 32 in December), and is an attempt to make them actually fall in love, and have loving, romantic feelings for their preferred idol/bias, to the point that the fans want to be in a romantic relationship with, and eventually marry, their beloved idol.

The psychologists also design "personas", or fake personalities that the idol is trained to display towards fans.
The idol must keep up this manufactured, designed fake persona as long as they are interacting with their fans.

The idols are trained to be very outwardly charming, "happy", (in general), "happy and excited to see their fans", seductive, "innocent and cute", "angelic", and "loving" towards the fans, such that the idols seem to be romantically receptive to their fans' feelings.

The idols are trained to "hint" at the fans with heart hands, pouty-kissy lips, aegyo (acting cute), and blowing kisses, to give the impression that the idols romantically want their fan(s) in return, so the fan(s) love is not "unrequited".

Some of the fans become so deeply in love or infatuated that, the fans think the heart hands, kissy-pouty lips, aegyo and blown kisses are for them specifically.
The idols of course, take this mask off at the end of the day.

Of course, the fans don't know that these are fake personas, they think these are the real personalities of the idols.

If you look at some kpop lyrics like Twice's songs, you may think, or it looks like that Twice want to have a "relationship" with their fans.

To make the fans actually fall in love with their idol(s)/biases is the greatest success secret of the kpop industry.

This is insidious, evil psychological and emotional manipulation of vulnerable pre-teen, teen and young adult minds from these psychologists.

You already know that kpop idols are "puppets" seen as "products" to be "marketed", and "consumers" are kpop fans.

I don't know the operations of the psychologists who design these kpop romance fantsies and romantic idol personas, but what they also want is to try to actually blur the lines between fantasy and reality.

This is to make consumers (kpop fans) not be able to discern fantasy from reality and to make them fall in love with their idol(s) even more, so more kpop idol/group merchandise is bought to increase profits, to make them think the romantic idol interactions are real, and to try to make them think their romance fantasies with their biases will come true.

This is how the very extreme obsessed fans, called sasaengs, are created, as these fans cannot tell the difference between fantasy and reality.

In a way, this is insidious, evil, sinister, engineered LOVE FRAUD.

Unfortunately quite a number of kpop fans are depressed and/or have psychiatric illnesses, and suffer from a lack of love during childhood, and think that love from their idols will "heal" or "cure" their depression.
This is also the same case with especially female k-drama fans, who think that if they go to Korea, a handsome Korean man will love them, and "heal/cure" their depression.

I don't know who the psychologists behind kpop romance fantasy and idol marketing are, but they may be the zionist jew psychologists of The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, the main organization of The Committee of 300.

✼ •• ┈┈┈┈๑⋅⋯ ୨˚୧ ⋯⋅๑┈┈┈┈ •• ✼

Not only this, but there has been a very large increase of non-Korean "foreigners" involved in kpop music and music video (MV) production since 2009.

You may wonder WHO are these foreigners, and WHY are these foreigners hired to produce kpop music and MVs?
Are any of these foreigners zionist jews, and/or their associates?
Are any of these foreigners freemasons, jewish servants, spies, or unwitting stupid goyim that support zionism?
Are any jews involved in the psychological operations of the romance fantasy and idol persona marketing?

The director for the rap girlgroup Young Posse's MV, Ate That, is a zionist jew named Ben Proulx. You may wonder what this jew is doing being a kpop MV director.

So yes, jews (Rothschilds) own 96% of the world's media, as you already know.

✼ •• ┈┈┈┈๑⋅⋯ ୨˚୧ ⋯⋅๑┈┈┈┈ •• ✼

You already know from my thread on The Committee of 300 in General Discussion, that the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations is the main psychological warfare, brainwashing and propaganda bureau and directorate, tasked by The Committee to brainwash, psychologically manipulate the non-elite "masses" of the entire world, yes that means the entire world. Every country on Earth.

This includes conducting psychological warfare on both Japan and South Korea, from a distance, without the knowledge or consent of the Japanese and South Korean populations, of course.

Psychological warfare and manipulation from a distance via the print and electronic media, is called Long Penetration Warfare and was designed by Tavistock psychologist Dr. Kurt Lewin.

Tavistock are the ones who created, and own, the ENTIRE modern music and entertainment industry, and one of their main agents, Theodore Adorno, one of their trained musicologists, created rock and heavy metal rock, by being the composer for both The Beatles and Black Sabbath.

You already know that atonal notes from the Cult of Dionysus and Baal priesthood were used in the creation of The Beatles' music.
Black Sabbath were the very first purely heavy metal band, who also created the doom metal subgenre (slow heavy metal). They're classified as heavy/doom metal.

I am an actual metalhead who is very deep into the extreme metal music genres death metal, black metal, thrash metal and doom metal, and these genres' subgenres, like brutal death metal, slamming brutal death metal, raw black metal, bestial black metal (black/death, war metal), death/doom metal, black/doom metal, funeral doom metal, and lots more, it would be a long list.

I have been listening to extreme metal for almost 17 years now, since I was 15. I'm a metalhead first and other music genre fan second.

I used to be an anime and manga otaku when I was a teenager and started liking the anime theme songs, and this eventually led me to liking jpop and becoming a jpop fan during my teens. I got into kpop later.

Rock and metal music were originally meant to be tools of psychological warfare, mind-control, brainwashing, and social engineering, disguised as music genres, and so are hip-hop/rap and pop. I suspect kpop and jpop have also been turned into these sinister tools.

Rock and metal music were designed to be paired with a wide variety of drugs to further immerse the listener into "another world" as a distraction, especially marijuana and LSD, this is why "psychedelic rock" was created.

Had I fallen into the trap of listening to metal and becoming a metalhead? I also used to listen to hip-hop and rap.
I'm a rare breed of metalhead because outside of metal, I also like kpop, jpop and used to be into rap/hip-hop, and the electronic dance music (EDM) genres goa trance, psytrance, and these 2 genres' subgenres.

Unfortunately, about half of metalheads are closed-minded individuals who only like metal, and dislike or hate other music genres, including these genres mentioned.
Unfortunately I've used alcohol, marijuana and mushrooms to try to escape emotional and psychological pain and depression before, but I stopped the usage and quit alcohol 2 and a half years ago.

Anyway, ALL these genres I mentioned, ALL modern music, are meant to be secret mind-control, psychological warfare, brainwashing, and social engineering weapons/tools.

Heavy metals are known to be toxic to all biological cells including neurons, including neurons of the brain. Was it for this reason, that "heavy metal", Black Sabbath's music was created and named as such? Was this a play on words and a predictive programming hint from Theodore Adorno and Tavistock?

African Americans created hip-hop/rap as an art form and way for them to express their emotions and to cope with harsh realities, but then the CIA saw this, and thought of how to turn this art form into a mind control tool, a psychological warfare weapon, against the very people that created it.

The CIA then took control of hip-hop/rap, and created "gangster rap" that encouraged sex-power-money-status gained from criminal activity/behaviours, and then marketed this created gangster rap, to try to insidiously manipulate the minds of black youth to try to turn them into criminals, to try to get them into Ashkenazi-owned private prisons.

Also look up The Secret Relationship Between Rappers and Jews (you may wonder WHY there are jews behind hip hop, it's so they can manipulate blacks to get blacks into prison):

I'm sure you've heard of The 1991 Secret Meeting That Changed Rap Music.

Every CIA director has been a member of The Committee of 300 at some point and thus also a 33rd degree freemason.

✼ •• ┈┈┈┈๑⋅⋯ ୨˚୧ ⋯⋅๑┈┈┈┈ •• ✼

Anyway, tl;dr I suspect that the Tavistock psychologists have turned both kpop and jpop into a mind-control tool, a psychological warfare, brainwashing and social engineering weapon, just as they have turned rock, metal, hip-hop/rap, and Western/American/British pop into this weapon.

I strongly suspect that the Tavistock personnel (psychologists) on The Committee of 300 are also involved in overseeing and manipulating both kpop and jpop as a whole, as they already manipulate rock, metal, rap/hip-hop, and Western pop.

I suspect that the CIA are also involved in both kpop and jpop, as in jpop in particular, the closeted gay sexual predator who preyed on young male jpop idols, Johnny Kitagawa, was an actual CIA asset.

You already know that Lee Soo-Man has been connected to Baroness Madame Philippine de Rothschild (of all people!) and the Rothschild family, since at least 2008, as he was granted knighthood (as what kind of knight isn't mentioned, nor is any info available) by her on June 23, 2009 (Summer Solstice).

So yes, the zionist jews have infiltrated and have been involved in kpop, if not before 2008-09, significantly since 2008-09.

Our friend ReceivingA mentioned that the zionists may have been involved in kpop since as far back as the late 1990s, since BoA was sent to America for training.

Yes, jews (Rothschilds) own 96% of the world's media, as you already know.
Thank you for sharing and being open about your journey with recovery. I didn’t knew these details of Kpop but those are exactly what my main issue are with those types of celebrities (and the fans)… the forced fake cutesy blowing kisses at the camera, the overly pale and liner makeup and the fans pretending they are seeing Jesus it’s so unhealthy and unreal, truly mental. very glad you address this and hope it reaches all of those in that thread


Aug 22, 2021
As this is meant to be a thread to help others overcome their unhealthy obsession with kpop, it seems worth mentioning that there are infinitely more pressing issues in the world today which merit careful consideration.

Every day and every night thousands of families are left to wonder whether today is the day that they and their family members will be bombed, shot or starved to death because of a small group of extremely evil people who are systematically attempting to exterminate over 90% of the world's population through wars and vaccines. They aren't worried about who is prancing around on an elaborate stage somewhere; they're concerned with their own daily torture and survival.

IF enough people actually cared, and were willing to give up their selfish tendencies to be able to unite in ridding this world of the attorneys, politicians, and priests (and pastors, rabbis, imams, etc.), as well as the puppet masters who own, control and pull their strings and, in doing so, return us to our Creator's Perfect Law where everyone enjoys true freedom, justice, peace, prosperity and the safety and security that everyone craves, THEN we would be getting somewhere. We could all be helping one another to build the heavenly kingdom here that Earth was always meant to be.

There is precious little time remaining for people to wake up to our present reality. War is coming to everyone's doorstep, and really is already here.
Where are you from? I think most our leaders are useless to stop the deep state 1% war causing entities that may not even be human to the point even the bible prophecies something like that they can’t be stopped until Jesus returns I believe?


Aug 22, 2021
The most popular and heavily marketed kpop concept is romance, and thus an actual romance fantasy is artificially created by expert psychologists, and is marketed and sold. This is also to create a "parasocial relationship" between the fan(s) and idols, and to try to actually brainwash the fan(s).

First, the idols undergo extensive plastic surgery to make them look as handsome or as beautiful as possible, and are put under extreme dieting, exercising, vocal and dance training regiments (programs) by the kpop companies.
These training programs last 1 to 5 years usually, but can last longer than 5 years; there are idols who are trainees for 10 years like Jihyo of the girlgroup Twice.

This evil romance fantasy plays, or you can say, PREYS, on the romantic desires, especially the lack of love, desire to love and to be loved in return, and romantic dreams of young pre-teens, teens and young adults (18-25 usually, but there are many fans over 25 on this forum like me, I'll be 32 in December), and is an attempt to make them actually fall in love, and have loving, romantic feelings for their preferred idol/bias, to the point that the fans want to be in a romantic relationship with, and eventually marry, their beloved idol.

The psychologists also design "personas", or fake personalities that the idol is trained to display towards fans.
The idol must keep up this manufactured, designed fake persona as long as they are interacting with their fans.

The idols are trained to be very outwardly charming, "happy", (in general), "happy and excited to see their fans", seductive, "innocent and cute", "angelic", and "loving" towards the fans, such that the idols seem to be romantically receptive to their fans' feelings.

The idols are trained to "hint" at the fans with heart hands, pouty-kissy lips, aegyo (acting cute), and blowing kisses, to give the impression that the idols romantically want their fan(s) in return, so the fan(s) love is not "unrequited".

Some of the fans become so deeply in love or infatuated that, the fans think the heart hands, kissy-pouty lips, aegyo and blown kisses are for them specifically.
The idols of course, take this mask off at the end of the day.

Of course, the fans don't know that these are fake personas, they think these are the real personalities of the idols.

If you look at some kpop lyrics like Twice's songs, you may think, or it looks like that Twice want to have a "relationship" with their fans.

To make the fans actually fall in love with their idol(s)/biases is the greatest success secret of the kpop industry.

This is insidious, evil psychological and emotional manipulation of vulnerable pre-teen, teen and young adult minds from these psychologists.

You already know that kpop idols are "puppets" seen as "products" to be "marketed", and "consumers" are kpop fans.

I don't know the operations of the psychologists who design these kpop romance fantsies and romantic idol personas, but what they also want is to try to actually blur the lines between fantasy and reality.

This is to make consumers (kpop fans) not be able to discern fantasy from reality and to make them fall in love with their idol(s) even more, so more kpop idol/group merchandise is bought to increase profits, to make them think the romantic idol interactions are real, and to try to make them think their romance fantasies with their biases will come true.

This is how the very extreme obsessed fans, called sasaengs, are created, as these fans cannot tell the difference between fantasy and reality.

In a way, this is insidious, evil, sinister, engineered LOVE FRAUD.

Unfortunately quite a number of kpop fans are depressed and/or have psychiatric illnesses, and suffer from a lack of love during childhood, and think that love from their idols will "heal" or "cure" their depression.
This is also the same case with especially female k-drama fans, who think that if they go to Korea, a handsome Korean man will love them, and "heal/cure" their depression.

I don't know who the psychologists behind kpop romance fantasy and idol marketing are, but they may be the zionist jew psychologists of The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, the main organization of The Committee of 300.

✼ •• ┈┈┈┈๑⋅⋯ ୨˚୧ ⋯⋅๑┈┈┈┈ •• ✼

Not only this, but there has been a very large increase of non-Korean "foreigners" involved in kpop music and music video (MV) production since 2009.

You may wonder WHO are these foreigners, and WHY are these foreigners hired to produce kpop music and MVs?
Are any of these foreigners zionist jews, and/or their associates?
Are any of these foreigners freemasons, jewish servants, spies, or unwitting stupid goyim that support zionism?
Are any jews involved in the psychological operations of the romance fantasy and idol persona marketing?

The director for the rap girlgroup Young Posse's MV, Ate That, is a zionist jew named Ben Proulx. You may wonder what this jew is doing being a kpop MV director.

So yes, jews (Rothschilds) own 96% of the world's media, as you already know.

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You already know from my thread on The Committee of 300 in General Discussion, that the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations is the main psychological warfare, brainwashing and propaganda bureau and directorate, tasked by The Committee to brainwash, psychologically manipulate the non-elite "masses" of the entire world, yes that means the entire world. Every country on Earth.

This includes conducting psychological warfare on both Japan and South Korea, from a distance, without the knowledge or consent of the Japanese and South Korean populations, of course.

Psychological warfare and manipulation from a distance via the print and electronic media, is called Long Penetration Warfare and was designed by Tavistock psychologist Dr. Kurt Lewin.

Tavistock are the ones who created, and own, the ENTIRE modern music and entertainment industry, and one of their main agents, Theodore Adorno, one of their trained musicologists, created rock and heavy metal rock, by being the composer for both The Beatles and Black Sabbath.

You already know that atonal notes from the Cult of Dionysus and Baal priesthood were used in the creation of The Beatles' music.
Black Sabbath were the very first purely heavy metal band, who also created the doom metal subgenre (slow heavy metal). They're classified as heavy/doom metal.

I am an actual metalhead who is very deep into the extreme metal music genres death metal, black metal, thrash metal and doom metal, and these genres' subgenres, like brutal death metal, slamming brutal death metal, raw black metal, bestial black metal (black/death, war metal), death/doom metal, black/doom metal, funeral doom metal, and lots more, it would be a long list.

I have been listening to extreme metal for almost 17 years now, since I was 15. I'm a metalhead first and other music genre fan second.

I used to be an anime and manga otaku when I was a teenager and started liking the anime theme songs, and this eventually led me to liking jpop and becoming a jpop fan during my teens. I got into kpop later.

Rock and metal music were originally meant to be tools of psychological warfare, mind-control, brainwashing, and social engineering, disguised as music genres, and so are hip-hop/rap and pop. I suspect kpop and jpop have also been turned into these sinister tools.

Rock and metal music were designed to be paired with a wide variety of drugs to further immerse the listener into "another world" as a distraction, especially marijuana and LSD, this is why "psychedelic rock" was created.

Had I fallen into the trap of listening to metal and becoming a metalhead? I also used to listen to hip-hop and rap.
I'm a rare breed of metalhead because outside of metal, I also like kpop, jpop and used to be into rap/hip-hop, and the electronic dance music (EDM) genres goa trance, psytrance, and these 2 genres' subgenres.

Unfortunately, about half of metalheads are closed-minded individuals who only like metal, and dislike or hate other music genres, including these genres mentioned.
Unfortunately I've used alcohol, marijuana and mushrooms to try to escape emotional and psychological pain and depression before, but I stopped the usage and quit alcohol 2 and a half years ago.

Anyway, ALL these genres I mentioned, ALL modern music, are meant to be secret mind-control, psychological warfare, brainwashing, and social engineering weapons/tools.

Heavy metals are known to be toxic to all biological cells including neurons, including neurons of the brain. Was it for this reason, that "heavy metal", Black Sabbath's music was created and named as such? Was this a play on words and a predictive programming hint from Theodore Adorno and Tavistock?

African Americans created hip-hop/rap as an art form and way for them to express their emotions and to cope with harsh realities, but then the CIA saw this, and thought of how to turn this art form into a mind control tool, a psychological warfare weapon, against the very people that created it.

The CIA then took control of hip-hop/rap, and created "gangster rap" that encouraged sex-power-money-status gained from criminal activity/behaviours, and then marketed this created gangster rap, to try to insidiously manipulate the minds of black youth to try to turn them into criminals, to try to get them into Ashkenazi-owned private prisons.

Also look up The Secret Relationship Between Rappers and Jews (you may wonder WHY there are jews behind hip hop, it's so they can manipulate blacks to get blacks into prison):

I'm sure you've heard of The 1991 Secret Meeting That Changed Rap Music.

Every CIA director has been a member of The Committee of 300 at some point and thus also a 33rd degree freemason.

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Anyway, tl;dr I suspect that the Tavistock psychologists have turned both kpop and jpop into a mind-control tool, a psychological warfare, brainwashing and social engineering weapon, just as they have turned rock, metal, hip-hop/rap, and Western/American/British pop into this weapon.

I strongly suspect that the Tavistock personnel (psychologists) on The Committee of 300 are also involved in overseeing and manipulating both kpop and jpop as a whole, as they already manipulate rock, metal, rap/hip-hop, and Western pop.

I suspect that the CIA are also involved in both kpop and jpop, as in jpop in particular, the closeted gay sexual predator who preyed on young male jpop idols, Johnny Kitagawa, was an actual CIA asset.

You already know that Lee Soo-Man has been connected to Baroness Madame Philippine de Rothschild (of all people!) and the Rothschild family, since at least 2008, as he was granted knighthood (as what kind of knight isn't mentioned, nor is any info available) by her on June 23, 2009 (Summer Solstice).

So yes, the zionist jews have infiltrated and have been involved in kpop, if not before 2008-09, significantly since 2008-09.

Our friend ReceivingA mentioned that the zionists may have been involved in kpop since as far back as the late 1990s, since BoA was sent to America for training.

Yes, jews (Rothschilds) own 96% of the world's media, as you already know.
This is so well made and throughout how did you found all these information?


May 8, 2023
This is so well made and throughout how did you found all these information?
I've thought about this for more than a year now, and you can also research "the dark side of kpop" on YouTube and you'll find many informative videos.

Also, the YouTuber GRAZY GRACE is an ex-kpop trainee, who couldn't make it into her girlgroup, because she became injured while training.

An ex-trainee has also talked to me on Instagram, and she told me she was also cut from her girlgroup because she was injured while training.


Aug 22, 2021
I've thought about this for more than a year now, and you can also research "the dark side of kpop" on YouTube and you'll find many informative videos.

Also, the YouTuber GRAZY GRACE is an ex-kpop trainee, who couldn't make it into her girlgroup, because she became injured while training.

An ex-trainee has also talked to me on Instagram, and she told me she was also cut from her girlgroup because she was injured while training.
Omg this is so interesting im definitely going to search for that channel in YouTube, can i ask what’s your instagram