Flat Earth Info


May 15, 2017
so non stop film 24 hrs but it doesn't snow
at all during it so where'd the snow come from
and he never mentions it during the interview
and of course interviewer doesn't ask about it
but do make sure to mention the clouds

they think We're stupid that's why they used the
same clouds just like they do with the iss shots
from above Us,so long as they can make Peoples
like Us look crazy then it doesn't matter

took a look at the population of Antarctica

The population of Antarctica
In the summer, the continent has a population of around 5000 people but during the winter this number is reduced to roughly a fourth with 1000 people. The inhabitants are mainly based on research stations with the McMurdo Station as the largest.

I dunno about Y'all but that's a small group
of Peoples that I'm sure could be easily bought
out I mean they use more than that as extras on
movies/tv shows

so asking the question what do Y'all think the odds
are that every single person residing there could be
bought and paid for specially since all are mainly
based on research bases

now Idk what Our World Truly is but I do Know
it's not a ball or tptb wouldn't invest so much time,energy
and money into making sure Peoples don't think it dont
question it and don't say it anywhere


May 15, 2017
like all the testing done by tptb
where everything was tested on
a flat earth model even though
Ya would never get accurate results
using that model

there is enough posted in this thread
to at least make one question the model
tptb say We live on

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Jul 28, 2021
How far is the moon in flat earth model ? Also,what causes tides in flat earth model ?
With a decent big antenna you can send a signal towards moon with HAM radio and in 2.5 seconds you will receive a weak signal back.So it takes radiowave 2.5 seconds to go to the moon and back from earths surface.
Moons distance supposed to be 238,855 miles from earth.
Radiowaves travel/propagate 186,000 miles in a second.
238,855 miles * 2 / 186,000 = 2.56 seconds.
For radiowaves to break through the ionosphere they got to have around 2.5 meter wavelength or it needs to be in 10GHZ or above.First time signal was bounced back from moon already in 40's and countless HAM radio operators have repeated the "trick".


May 15, 2017
again I have no idea what Our True World
looks like but I do Know it's not a globe/ball
spinning and flying through space

tptb really do think We're a bunch of stupid
animals that need to be hacked and controlled
that one comment sorta shows that maybe
We are eh


Nov 23, 2021
again I have no idea what Our True World
looks like but I do Know it's not a globe/ball
spinning and flying through space

tptb really do think We're a bunch of stupid
animals that need to be hacked and controlled
that one comment sorta shows that maybe
We are eh
I'm on the fence about flat/round earth. But I do know I don't trust N A S A anymore. It was quite interesting learning about space and all that but now I think it's pointless lol


May 15, 2017
I'm on the fence about flat/round earth. But I do know I don't trust N A S A anymore. It was quite interesting learning about space and all that but now I think it's pointless lol
I am with Ya Behumble i have no idea
what Our True World is I don't think its
exactly flat but I do Know it's definitely
not a globe/ball and there really is more
than enough Truth out there and in this
thread to prove that much

We probably won't get to Know until We
are done on this plane of existence and
by then We won't even care about any of
the lies We've been told while here


Nov 23, 2021
Its ellipsed shaped circle
I found this verse in the Quran interesting.

"When the sky bursts open,
obeying its Lord as it must,
and when the earth is flattened out,
and ejects ˹all˺ its contents and becomes empty,
obeying its Lord as it must, ˹surely you will all be judged˺."

Here it mentions the earth being flattened out, I'm guessing towards judgement day. So it's not flat yet or already flattened?


Nov 23, 2021
I am with Ya Behumble i have no idea
what Our True World is I don't think its
exactly flat but I do Know it's definitely
not a globe/ball and there really is more
than enough Truth out there and in this
thread to prove that much

We probably won't get to Know until We
are done on this plane of existence and
by then We won't even care about any of
the lies We've been told while here
Well the moon is spherical surely and the planets are round in shape too as can be seen from telescopes. I don't have the knowledge, but I do wonder how all these calculations and theories in physics and astrophysics add up?


Mar 23, 2021
I found this verse in the Quran interesting.

"When the sky bursts open,
obeying its Lord as it must,
and when the earth is flattened out,
and ejects ˹all˺ its contents and becomes empty,
obeying its Lord as it must, ˹surely you will all be judged˺."

Here it mentions the earth being flattened out, I'm guessing towards judgement day. So it's not flat yet or already flattened?
or being flattened hmm possible


Jun 17, 2017


May 15, 2017
I'm mot so sure if all planets and the moon
are spherical either Behumble

if Ya notice the moon half the time looks
See through in Our sky the planets maybe
shown to Us as round but tptb have said
most are made of gases and debris which
means they are not actually solid so can
change their shapes

I agree Polymoog
there was a time before the moon
but Peoples seem to dismiss/disregard
that altogether

I'm to the point I'm not sure
if the sky We See from down here isn't
just holographically projected above Us

I Know sounds crazy but think of all the other
things in Our World that sounded too crazy to
be True but were/are True


Nov 23, 2021


Jun 17, 2017
Thanks, I will check these out. I have been meaning to research about the moon to respond to another question so this is a good time.

I believe its existence, coming from a religious point of view as the moon is mentioned in the Quran.
oh, it exists for sure-- its obviously observable. however... when you start looking into it, it is FAR too large to naturally have caught into earths orbit and its positioned in a way that we get perfect eclipses. was it "towed" here by someone or something?
it gets deeper-- the craters dont seem to make any sense since they are far too wide for their shallow depth.
the book i added, according to david icke, talks about how the moon was hit by rockets by the soviets. apparently, he said, the moon rang like a bell for several hours. is it hollow?

btw, all moon rocks are phony fake shows.
Jun 26, 2022
I havent read thru the whole thread yet, so maybe this has been said.

In my personal opinion i think the earth is a circular shallow bowl, possibly spins like a record. The Bible at some point mentions "the circle of the Earth" which has been used as proof that its spherical, but i think it could also be a circle shaped bowl. And years ago i saw some video that said it is donut shaped, but i find that unlikely.

Regarding the moon, weird how we never see the dark side.
I found this article years ago, interesting.

The Moon Is A Death Star
The Moon is bigger than it should be, apparently older than it should be, and much lighter in mass than it should be. It occupies an unlikely orbit and is so extraordinary that all existing explanations for its presence are fraught with difficulties, and none of them could be considered remotely watertight.

The Russian Professor of biochemistry Isaac Asimov said that the Moon, which has no atmosphere and no magnetic field, is basically a freak of nature in that Earth is the only planet in the solar system orbited by a satellite, so enormous in relation to the world it circles.

Of Time, Space & Other Things by Isaac Asimov:
We might look upon the Moon, then, as neither a true satellite of the Earth nor a captured one, but as a planet in its own right, moving about the Sun in careful step with the Earth.
To be sure, from within the Earth-Moon system, the simplest way of picturing the situation is to have the Moon revolve about the Earth; but if you were to draw a picture of the orbits of the Earth and Moon about the Sun exactly to scale, you would see that the Moon’s orbit is everywhere concave toward the Sun. It is always “falling” toward the Sun.
All the other satellites, without exception, “fall” away from the Sun through part of their orbits, caught as they are by the superior pull of their primary [planet] but not the Moon.
…but not the Moon…
It is more significant than Pluto’s planet, and some scientists have even called it a twin-planet system, rather than a planet and a satellite. Asimov said that by all cosmic laws, the Moon should not be orbiting the earth, and he concluded that the Moon, by rights, ought not to be there.

The fact that it is there is one of those strokes of luck almost too good to accept. Small planets such as Earth, with weak gravitational fields, might well lack satellites. In General then, when a planet does have satellites, those satellites are much smaller than the planet itself.

Therefore, even if the Earth has a satellite, there would be every reason to suspect that at best, it would be a tiny world, perhaps 30 miles in diameter.

But this is not the case with the Moon. It is enormous, and have you ever seen how monstrous it can appear in the sky at times? The Moon is a giant satellite, 2160 miles in diameter. How is it then that the tiny Earth has one?

Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system and as a result, it has some dense moons but what’s interesting is that Jupiter’s largest moons are (roughly) the same size as Earth’s Moon. Why?

Check out these anomalies:

  • The Moon does not have a magnetic field, yet its rocks are magnetized.
  • The oldest rocks collected from the Moon are far older than any collected on Earth.
  • Science has no idea where it came from and how it was formed.
  • Earth has tons of iron, and the Moon has none. They (Earth & Moon) are alleged to have been created at the same time.
  • We never get to see the dark side of the Moon from Earth.
  • It is so perfectly positioned that at a solar eclipse, it looks, from Earth, the same size as the Sun.
  • For you math nerds. If you divide the circumference of the Sun by that of the Moon and multiply by 100, you get the circumference of the Earth. Divide the size of the Sun by the size of the Earth and multiply by 100, and you get the size of the Moon.
  • The Moon, Earth, and the Sun are encoded with the unit of measurement known as the ‘ megalithic yard.’ Discovered by Professor Alexander Thom when he made a detailed study of stone circles such as Stonehenge. The standard measurement is equal to 0.829 meters or 2.72 feet.
  • Moon rocks have been found to contain processed metals, including brass and mica, and the elements uranium 236 and neptunium 237 that have never been found to occur naturally. Uranium 236 is a long-lived radioactive nuclear waste and is located in spent nuclear fuel and reprocessed uranium. Neptunium 237 is a radioactive metallic element and a by-product of nuclear reactors and the production of plutonium. How the hell did this stuff get on the Moon?
  • Surface lunar rocks contain titanium, chromium, and zirconium, which are all metals with refractory, mechanically durable, and anti-corrosive properties. Refractory metals are resistant to heat and wear and could stand up to means of aggression.
  • Its placement dictates the speed of the Earth’s rotation and the angle at which it rotates – 22.5 degrees from vertical. The angle creates the four seasons because of the way that the planet faces the Sun during its annual orbit.
  • It has a significant influence on the tides – far more than the Sun. We all should know this by now. And with the Human body consisting of 70% water, it influences us. Maybe that explains werewolves and an increase in emergency room visits during the full Moon.
  • It dictates so much of our relationship with time, and the term “month” is really Moonth, a period based on the cycles of the Moon.
  • Many legends around the world describe the moon as a “chariot” of gods and goddesses.
The Hollow Moon Theory
The Apollo 12 mission to the Moon in November 1969 set up seismometers and then intentionally crashed the Lunar Module, causing an impact equivalent to one ton of TNT. The shock waves built up for eight minutes, and NASA scientists said it “rang like a bell.”

The Apollo 13 mission in 1970 and the Saturn V launch vehicle, weighing 15 tons, crashed into the moon about 100 miles from where the previous mission had left the seismometer.

When the launch vehicle made an impact with the equivalent of eleven tons of TNT, NASA scientists said the Moon “reacted like a gong” and continued to vibrate for three hours and twenty minutes to a depth of up to 25 miles.
Jul 12, 2022
Always wondered about the moon for so long! And also the fact that sometimes people can see it during the day at the same time the sun is out. One of the things in this article above that stuck out so much to me is the solar eclipse. How could they be the exact same size when this happens? It seems practically perfect..so many things just don't add up about anything NASA says.
Jun 26, 2022
many things just don't add up about anything NASA says.
Yeah like supposedly we went to the moon w 1960s technology but now we cant go back because they lost the technology. That makes zero sense lol.
Or how they admit the pictures of the earth are not real pictures but artistic depictions.
Always wondered about the moon for so long! And also the fact that sometimes people can see it during the day at the same time the sun is out
Now im wondering about if the moon is not a natural satellite what are the implications for Bible prophecy verses that say stuff like the moon was red as blood and such. Im gonna have to revisit some of that stuff.

I still havent read the thread, but now im putting it on my to do list lol


Jul 28, 2021
The Moon does not have a magnetic field, yet its rocks are magnetized.
Yes it does.It's weak but it's there.
Regarding the moon, weird how we never see the dark side.
Plenty of moons that are tidal locked to their planet same way as earths moon

I dont know why i even bother,all this flat earth stuff is quite an waste of time.
Whats the flat earths explanation for tectonic plates and lava/volcanos ? Why the coastal lines of the continents seem to be fitting together and are made of same rock formations ?

Expanding earth theory makes much more sense than flat earth one which makes zero sense.
Moon probably ripped apart from earth when it was a fast spinning blob of magma.Spin it fast and it will stretch out from equator and contract from poles.While first crust formed by cooling it trapped alot of heat in it which eventually escaped violently.That discharge of heat maybe ripped 1/5th of the planet with it which became the moon.By doing so earth lost its spin velocity yet remained stretched out from equator.

It has a significant influence on the tides – far more than the Sun. We all should know this by now. And with the Human body consisting of 70% water, it influences us. Maybe that explains werewolves and an increase in emergency room visits during the full Moon.
Mad people have been called "LUNAtics" for a long time and probably for a reason lol.
Does sunlight have an effect on us ? Silly question ,ofc it does.
But moonlight ? It's reflected sunlight which is a bit different in density in different wavelengths in different polarity yet it does not affect us ?