Finsbury Park Terror Attack- London


Mar 15, 2017
Dan Osbourne, a Welsh national, hired a van and ploughed into Muslims in the early hours of last night as they left Finsbury Park mosque after Ramadan night prayers.

Muslims restrained him until police arrived, people were told by the mosque leaders not to harm him despite the anger, people obliged and held him firm on the ground

I am glad they have called this a terrorist attack, the idiot killed an elderly man and injured several others. The Somali community was affected a lot, hence my personal anger towards the incident. He's now in police custody and everyone is awaiting news, I really hope they don't call him mentally unstable, he looked normal to me!



Mar 13, 2017
Now hold on a minute. Don't the regular terrorist incident rules apply here as well?

First off: This never happened. Obviously it's a well-coordinated effort by teams of actors, social media agents and fake news producers.

Second: Obvious false flag. This attack, if it actually happened, was carried out by Mossad. The name Dan Osbourne is obviously Anglicized from Shlomo Ben Judah, and Dan is a tribe of Israel, so as I said, obvious.

Third: The number of victims, the time of day, the day of the year, the chance of precipitation and the humidex at the exact time of the attack are all extremely symbolic. I don't think I have to spell it out.

Fourth: Why identify the "perp" (if he even exists) as a Welsh national? Why promote that aspect? There are tons and tons of Welshmen and only a few of them drive vans into crowds. You know what I'm most afraid of in this situation? A backlash against the innocent and peaceful Welsh people.

But you know, maybe if the English had kept their dirty colonial paws off Wales in the first place, the Welsh (if they even exist) wouldn't have to resort to such desperate measures to fight for their cause.


Mar 15, 2017
It was all over the news until it was found out who it was against. If it'd be the other way around that's all they'd be talking about.
My condolences Haich.
My point exactly, police and ambulance took ages to arrive too but were there in seconds for the Westminster attacks


Mar 15, 2017
Now hold on a minute. Don't the regular terrorist incident rules apply here as well?

First off: This never happened. Obviously it's a well-coordinated effort by teams of actors, social media agents and fake news producers.

Second: Obvious false flag. This attack, if it actually happened, was carried out by Mossad. The name Dan Osbourne is obviously Anglicized from Shlomo Ben Judah, and Dan is a tribe of Israel, so as I said, obvious.

Third: The number of victims, the time of day, the day of the year, the chance of precipitation and the humidex at the exact time of the attack are all extremely symbolic. I don't think I have to spell it out.

Fourth: Why identify the "perp" (if he even exists) as a Welsh national? Why promote that aspect? There are tons and tons of Welshmen and only a few of them drive vans into crowds. You know what I'm most afraid of in this situation? A backlash against the innocent and peaceful Welsh people.

But you know, maybe if the English had kept their dirty colonial paws off Wales in the first place, the Welsh (if they even exist) wouldn't have to resort to such desperate measures to fight for their cause.
Who knows, I doubt it's false flag since they're not making such a big deal in the media. Plus services were slow to respond so they weren't on call, I think it was a crazed anti Muslim individual causing trouble and mimicking recent attacks. Then again, who even knows what's real anymore I literally can't decipher what's real and what's false flag


Mar 15, 2017
Thunderian your sarcasm is quite insensitive, try to have a little decorum when conveying your clear disapproval of 'conspiracy theorists'. People almost died, one man was killed on the scene. This event was pretty serious and close to home for many not just Muslims. Finsbury Park is a very multicultural area, people have lived there for decades in peace and are all scared and worried about what else might happen


Mar 13, 2017
Thunderian your sarcasm is quite insensitive, try to have a little decorum when conveying your clear disapproval of 'conspiracy theorists'. People almost died, one man was killed on the scene. This event was pretty serious and close to home for many not just Muslims. Finsbury Park is a very multicultural area, people have lived there for decades in peace and are all scared and worried about what else might happen
The only reason there hasn't been a rush to call this a false flag is because the attacker's name is Dan and not Abdel or Muhammad. If you guys can pretend all those other attacks have nothing to do with Islam than I can certainly pretend this one has nothing to do with it, too.



Mar 13, 2017
The only reason there hasn't been a rush to call this a false flag is because the attacker's name is Dan and not Abdel or Muhammad. If you guys can pretend all those other attacks have nothing to do with Islam than I can certainly pretend this one has nothing to do with it, too.
It could definitely be a false flag but it's less likely to be a false flag than one of the attacks that are claimed by isis because isis is controlled by the government.

Whether or not it's a false flag, people are still dying and more people are turning on each other.


Mar 13, 2017
It could definitely be a false flag but it's less likely to be a false flag than one of the attacks that are claimed by isis because isis is controlled by the government.
I keep hearing about how ISIS is controlled by the anyone other than radical Islamists, but no one has ever broken down how that works. I mean, it's not like there aren't more than a few imams who are preaching the exact same thing that ISIS is acting out. Are all these imams controlled as well? Does violence never organically rise from within Islam? History tells us it does.

The Finsbury Park mosque was once described as an al Qaeda guesthouse in England. It had ties with Abu Hamza, the so-called "hook-handed preacher of hate", and terrorists like Richard Reid and Zacarias Moussaoui were both connected with it. I don't draw attention to this to blame anyone who was hurt in this attack, but to show that the spirit behind ISIS is not coming from anywhere but inside Islam, and people who say it's controlled by the elite or by western powers are ignoring all the radical imams, mosques and Muslims that are everywhere.

Calling everything a false flag is just a way to ignore the problem, and it goes hand in hand with the platitudes that our leaders are shoving down our throats. These terrorists are coming from your own mosques, and it's infuriating that most Muslims have buried their heads in the sand on this one, right alongside those of our leaders.

Whether or not it's a false flag, people are still dying and more people are turning on each other.
No one is turning on anyone. Almost one hundred percent of terrorist attacks are inspired by Islam, and this is the first incident like this where Muslims were deliberately targeted by a non-Muslim. I would say that people are showing remarkable restraint.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
It is sad to find ourselves living in such times.

I thought of a phrase I remembered this morning "nation shall rise against nation" and found it came from Mark 13

7And when ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars, be ye not troubled: for such things must needs be; but the end shall not be yet. 8For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be earthquakes in divers places, and there shall be famines and troubles: these are the beginnings of sorrows.

The word in green for nation is ethnos

Definition of ethnos

an ethnic group

I think few would doubt that there is unprecedented international division along with increased tensions between ethnos at the moment. We find ourselves at an interesting juncture. The Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens opens with the phrase

"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times"... For Christians looking for the return of the Lord, there is an exhortation when these things start to take place - "look up".

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Mar 18, 2017
We live in an attention-deficit age. Unless one is directly affected, these incidents have a very very short memory span in our collective psyche. Your attention will be desperately arrested for whatever reason this is being done (distraction?). As i see it, 'they' are going to keep this up until y'all are sick of it and don't want to know anymore (apathy) and hopefully people cry out for military reinforcements.

The question everyone should be asking is cui bono? Why are people suddenly getting un-hinged (if they aren't false flags), in this case, the UK ? Is it chemtrails? There was an attack at the Champ-Elysees yesterday, yeah perp was killed, and 'naturally', the Interior minister wants the state of emergency extended, under which France has been since Bataclan (2015).

"Many of the benefits from
keeping terrorism fear levels high are obvious.Private corporations suck
up massive amounts of
Homeland Security cash as long as that fear persists,
while government officials
in the National Security and Surveillance State can claim unlimited powers and operate with unlimited secrecy and no
accountability.~ Glenn Greenwald


Mar 14, 2017
The only reason there hasn't been a rush to call this a false flag is because the attacker's name is Dan and not Abdel or Muhammad. If you guys can pretend all those other attacks have nothing to do with Islam than I can certainly pretend this one has nothing to do with it, too.

Since I've been prolific in my statements of suspicion of validity towards the endless stream of 'terrorist attacks' we've seen in 2017 alone being carried out by actual radical Islamic terrorists and not being staged false flags I must assume I'm one of the targets of your sarcastic ridicule... Where to begin in deconstructing your mockery? I guess first off by stating the obvious: government doesn't immediately stand to profit from an attack against Muslims rather than the other way around. Secondly, I'll say that if you don't feel any suspiciousness towards the fact an abundance of these alleged attacks all happen on the 22nd of the months, preferably coupled with the number 3, I simply don't know what to say, especially not after having seen the numerous exposures of inconsistencies surrounding reports on earlier events (Sandy Hoax, anyone?).

Yes, Thunderian, there are lots of insane Muslims sympathizing with terror in their peerless ignorance and hypocrisy. Yes, some of these attacks may be actual attacks by ISIS. But, if one assumes that ISIS is in fact funded by same governments presumed to have their ruled countries targetted in their attacks then where does the blame lie? And when it has been revealed several of these attacks if not are almost completely unconcealed staged events, the official stories behind them falling apart at even the most basic scrutiny, then why are you so quick to dismiss the notion these later incidents may be just that, as well?

Kung Fu

Mar 24, 2017
Thunderian, what's your price? I know you want it in shekels so please give it to me in that?
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Jun 14, 2017
No one is turning on anyone. Almost one hundred percent of terrorist attacks are inspired by Islam, and this is the first incident like this where Muslims were deliberately targeted by a non-Muslim. I would say that people are showing remarkable restraint.
The first? You must only watch mainstream media. It's crazy how we have a beautiful thing called the internet and you fail to use it only when you want to further your bullshit propaganda.

Nabra Hassanen is the name of a teen who was just attacked in Virginia after walking back from a Mosque. She was killed and her body was thrown in a pond. They claim it wasn't a hate crime. This happened days ago yet no one is speaking about it.

We can talk about Manchester and the hate crimes that followed if you want. The number of Islamophobic attacks in Manchester went up fivefold in the week after the concert bombing, with 139 incidents reported to Tell Mama, the group recording Islamophobic crimes, compared to 25 incidents the previous week. In one case, Naveed Yasin, a trauma and orthopaedic surgeon who helped save the lives of people injured in the Manchester attack, was racially abused and labelled a “terrorist” on his way to work at Salford Royal hospital. Other incidents around the country included one involving a woman from Southampton whose veil was ripped from her head, and another involving a man struck with a glass bottle.

Hate crimes are only rising sharply as time goes on. Just because it isn't plastered all over the news doesn't mean it isn't happening. It is a HUGE problem. So who here is turning the blind eye? I think it's you.



Jun 14, 2017

I am sorry @Haich that I got distracted by petty shit and failed to respond directly to the original post.

I too, am glad that they are saying he is a Terrorist but I have noticed around where I live they do not want to say the same. People really disgust me. They same people saying to ban all Muslims are the same that turn a blind eye when Muslims are the victims and are attacked.