Do you want to join the Illuminati?


Jan 11, 2020
If you would like to join the elitist overlords, this outlet will send you a magnificent and eternal oath to hang on your wall.



Dec 21, 2018
a guy once sent me a message on facebook with a WhatsApp number.

He said in the message I could join the illuminati


Jan 30, 2020
If you would like to join the elitist overlords, this outlet will send you a magnificent and eternal oath to hang on your wall.

Im in already !


Jan 11, 2020
What is it like in there?
How much do they charge?
Did you get that nice certificate to hang on your wall?

Tell all!!!!


Jan 30, 2020
Im in already !
The illuminati are not dangerous it is their idea that they are dangerous ! They are just men filled with fear no different than the wino who uses conspiracy to bilk you of a dollar to help feed his family or drinking problem! All men conspire against other men !
Oct 13, 2019
Joining the illuminati means you cannot have a chance to repent and enter the kingdom of God. Do not get tempted to join an organization made by the one who hates you, the one who comes to kill, steal, and destroy. satan. Do not give in to his temptations. You may think, "Oh yeah! Haha! It's so cool, I get to get whatever I want if I join!" You guys don't know the horrible vile things that would be done to you if you joined.

You would have to murder people, drink blood, eat human flesh, do rituals, all of that vile stuff. You'd most likely have to kill people important to you as well. You will get possessed at times as well. You're probably reading this like "Lmao does this girl know what she's talking about?" Yes. Yes I do. The majority of celebrities, possibly 97-98% of celebrities and ordinary famous people have joined because they cared about the materialistic things of this world.

You shouldn't care about the materials in this world but rather set your focus on God, there is nothing in this world that is higher or better than the true living God who's in heaven on the throne with his son sitting at his right hand as we speak.

How many of you know of the artist billie eilish, because I will use her as an example.

Her song, "Bury a friend" Let me explain the lyrics and what they mean:

"What do you want from me? Why don't you run from me?" She's asking her fans why would they want to like someone like her, a monster who's joined the illuminati and sold her soul for fame and fortune and had to do vile things in order to remain.

"What are you wondering? What do you know? Why aren't you scared of me? Why do you care for me?" She's asking all of these questions directed towards her fans, why would they care for her, why wouldn't they be scared of her.

"We'll meet up at the park, I'll be calm and collected, but we know from the start that you'd FALL APART 'cause I'm too expensive," she is singing the demons perspective in her song. The demon is telling her to meet him at the park to sign the contract to receive fame and fortune. He then tells her that he knew she would give in to the temptation of wanting fame and fortune because she can't withstand how overwhelming the desire is.

"Bury the hatchet, or bury a friend right now," the demon is basically telling her, "You can refuse this offer and die instead, or you can accept and start off with killing your friend!" Dying from refusing because her family was already in it, and they basically raised her with this all planned. Billie had to kill her friend because if you think you're joining without committing vile abominations against God, you're wrong.

"Debt I owe, gotta sell my soul...'cause I can't say no, no, I can't say no...and my limbs are frozen, my eyes won't close. I can't say no...I can't say no," That's Billie saying she did it, she accepted it and refusing was too difficult, now she's being possessed hence "My limbs are frozen, my eyes won't close." If you watch the video, her eyes are fully black and she is spinning around as a representation of her being possessed.

"Staple your tongue, cannibal class" Yeah. Those vile things you need to do.

"Killing the son..." She means killing Jesus Christ, the son. Blasphemous. All celebrities are blasphemous against God.

"I wanna end me...I wanna...I wanna....end me..." Billie wanting to kill herself because she can't handle everything she has to do in order to keep up that fame and fortune. Nearly everyone regrets joining the illuminati at first, but then later they don't care, they'll fully be against God, like it, and then..

They'll be terrified on Judgment Day. Do NOT make the same mistake as the damned.


Jun 4, 2017
Nobody joins the Illuminati. They are chosen with some specific path in mind.

Some are on the wanderer path or the mogul path. And of course, my personal favorite, the prostitute assassin path.
lol... well said, Aero.


Glad 2 know

Nov 30, 2017
Reading all the replies made me remember something that happened some years ago. I received some weird letter telling me I could join a secret society in which I would be able to enjoy riches. That I would be able to enjoy the company of very smart, talented people and not everyone could get in, only a few select ones. It urged to reply quickly by the deadline and that I would not be getting that invitation ever again if I didn't accept. I remember laughing 'cause it seemed too delusional for me. I'm a regular person, a commoner and some rich and powerful people wanted me to join? LOL It was before I even knew about this secret society nonsense. Since the letter seemed to good to be true and totally weird, I threw it out after a while 'cause I kept thinking about it but not wanting to join of course. I just kept thinking why would they send ME this???My Biblical education helped me to stay on solid ground and not wanting to seek said "riches". I am rich enough having a relationship with God.

Has anyone had a similar experience?

Joshua Grimm

Feb 5, 2020
"I kept thinking why would they send ME this? Has anyone had a similar experience?"
I can explain all of this. I'm an exorcist and former magic user. 5 years ago I learned about Denver Airport and started handing out information. Within a week, a young man approached me in a bar and asked me to join the Masons. We got along great and had a great conversation, but I declined. It seemed to be supernatural timing. It was. To make a long (great) story short, as a result of doing exorcisms I have a psychic skill called "discernment" and it allows me to sense Good and Evil and the spectrum of energy that exists. All actions, thoughts, events and people fall on this spectrum between the two extremes. Very little is black and white. Do you remember that George Bush Jr cried when they told him about 911 as he read to children? I do. Remember, reality itself is a form of energy that has coalesced into matter. And the foundation of reality is consciousness, which is proven by the double slit experiment in physics. In that experiment, the universe was aware that a machine was "watching" and the outcome of the experiment changed depending on whether they measured it or not. They knew this in the 1920's. To be Illuminati means "to be illuminated". I know for a fact that I am Illuminati. Many of you are too. It's the choice to use your knowledge to align with Good or Evil. If you study the Illuminati card game, you notice that it also contains Good cards. It's unfair that our cards are "weak cards" like "copy shops" and "campaign of whispers" and their cards are "World war 3" but this is how the game is played. the final result is "exposed". The Illuminati card game is the playbook for Good and Evil. I'm playing "secrets man was not meant to know" right now. Also, I just clicked over to the Illuminati site, and the energy I felt seemed entirely correct. (Mid level, just below the midway point, strong Satan (it also feels similar to the Church of Satan website) without getting into the lower black energy involved with torture, LONG STORY...) Anyways, the most important thing to understand is that you are protected, until you're not. Fight fearlessly. My name is Joshua Grimm. I'm unafraid, and I know that God and the Devil need to shake hands before this is finished. When they shake hands the "tape runs out." This is only a test. The odds against creation are 1x10 to the 130th power. That is based on 30 unrelated laws of physics having specific numbers required for atoms and matter to exist. The number of atoms in the universe is 1x10 to the 80th. Now, you're born at the exact moment in time to watch computers get invented and watch the weather change. The odds of that is probably ZERO, but it happened. We also have a scary inspiring book called the bible, and it says to watch for 3 waves of destruction (in Revelations) and we've had two world wars. We need to hurry. Now, here's the real problem. In the biblical story of Noah's Ark, God kills the people and protects the animals. Look at the Georgia Guidestones, 2 of their rules involve protecting nature. We hate rule number 1: but even so, 500 million people is honest. We are the top predator on planet earth. That is an honest number. The problem is that we are FAR past it. So now, as humanity we have a choice, do we work together and survive using generosity and fix the planet or does the NWO take us out??? And I know... they kill and eat babies and r*pe children. These are animal tendencies, and they also represent the lowest spectrum of energy that I feel. Some of these tendencies are seen in Nature, and I truly believe that these "reptilians" are actually manifested energies of the natural animal world, and the lowest energies associated with the worst human actions. That is absolute madness, until you walk in my shoes for a month. If I love on a little spider I feel the energy of Satan, the same is true with wolves, snakes, and most predatory animals, especially the big ones that kill people. We've been warned. I always wondered, why did they warn us in Denver? Why did they warn us at the Guidestones? The reason is that God is warning us that destruction is coming if we don't change our ways. God and the Devil will shake hands soon. It's our choice. Start shouting and live fearlessly. There's a mental construct that provides maximum bravery. Look at the world and imagine that "only you exist" and this is a simulated test for you. You actually can't prove otherwise, you can infer that things are "really real" based on a lifetime of experience, but you can't prove anything beyond your consciousness. So IF this is YOUR simulation, and you just got handed the "Illuminati playbook" what do you do????? That is the test. Oh and "Illuminati University" card played. :)
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Joshua Grimm

Feb 5, 2020
So I just watched the introduction video on their website, and I approve of what it said (I'm not saying run and join, just that I approve of the 90 second clip). Among other things, it said "War is a liar that convinces you there is not enough land or food...." That implies advanced knowledge. Ready for more crazy info? Ok, let's go. So in the card game "Magic the Gathering" (yep) there are 5 colors of magical power. White is holy magic. Check. Black is pure evil magic. Check. Now, Red magic in MTG is fire magic, but in our case it is Satanic magic. Curiously, Satanic energy does feel like fire, but I wonder if that's because Satan is a fire energy OR because all the Christians threaten him with fire all the time. Green magic is earth magic (you could also use the words power or energy), and Blue magic (pure magic) is the energy of the Illuminati. It's a combination of "lower high energy" (under pure holy magic but incorporating some of that power) and it extends into the realm of pure knowledge and hard choices. As I stated earlier I have discernment from doing exorcisms, and as you know, metaphors and WEIRDNESS are all around us. Also, never doubt that holy magic is real. Christians call it "Ritual" but it always started from a single person saying "I feel power in this act". Now you are definitely wondering WHY ARE THESE PEOPLE EATING BABIES IF THEY ARE "MID LEVEL BLUE ENERGY". They are NOT in any way. The people eating babies are manifested from the much lower black energy. I'm aligned with and using the White, Blue and Green energies. I'm at peace with the Red energies, and forgiving to the Black energies. Complicated?????? Take a look at the world around you. Just a little bit...

Joshua Grimm

Feb 5, 2020
Joining the illuminati means you cannot have a chance to repent and enter the kingdom of God. Do not get tempted to join an organization made by the one who hates you, the one who comes to kill, steal, and destroy. satan. Do not give in to his temptations. You may think, "Oh yeah! Haha! It's so cool, I get to get whatever I want if I join!" You guys don't know the horrible vile things that would be done to you if you joined.
They'll be terrified on Judgment Day. Do NOT make the same mistake as the damned.

I also think it removes ALL of your protections from the dark evil energy. When you join the Masons (I didn't) they make you swear an oath to them punishable by death. I believe this oath is real and it removes your armor of God.

Joshua Grimm

Feb 5, 2020
That website is a scam. I have "joined" them a while back and after a few newsletters sent to my email box they tried to sell me a gold pendant with that symbol. It's nothing more than a marketing tactic.
Lol, I believe that, but remember, THE UNIVERSE IS WATCHING.... :) And they do like to make money over there in "Illuminativille"... And as a person that can feel energy, I bet that pendant is JACKED... I almost want one.... :) And it's also a way to add your name to their list, remember they're making the "who's coming with us list" or as Santa (lol, Satan) would say, who's naughty, who's nice??


Oct 2, 2017
Lol, I believe that, but remember, THE UNIVERSE IS WATCHING.... :) And they do like to make money over there in "Illuminativille"... And as a person that can feel energy, I bet that pendant is JACKED... I almost want one.... :) And it's also a way to add your name to their list, remember they're making the "who's coming with us list" or as Santa (lol, Satan) would say, who's naughty, who's nice??
Yeah jacked with bs energy. So it must be BROWN in the astral plane. Haha. :rolleyes: The thing they wrote to me in the newsletters was typical marketing crap, especially stuff about how being rich and using money to manipulate others is actually "good".

It's not the only site that claims this anyway. The reall Illuminati doesn't recruit through the internet, they recruit by real world contact and only if you are the right bloodline and also based on your willingness to surrender yourself to them...I know (from exchanging with a member of the Hermetic Order Of The Golden Dawn and a couple of masons) that you don't get very high in the masonic ranks if you don't have the right genetics for example. But they sometimes recruit people with exceptional intellect. Which isn't the case for people who believe in this silly website.