Differences between the Bible and Islam

Jun 26, 2022
The fact that it states he rested implies he needed to otherwise it wouldn’t have been referenced
I disagree.
The seventh day is set apart from the first 6 days.
In the first 6 He created, in the 7th He didn't. There is a distinction.*
Another reading could be, although I’m a total layman in terms of the Bible so this would be my logical conclusion, is that he didn’t create anything on the 7th day because he didn’t want to.
Or that He had finished His work. Not so much didn't want to as didn't need to.
So the issue I have is the use of the word ‘rest’ as it gives the implication that God was tired or fatigued. No one just chooses to rest, you do it to take a break. I think God simply doing nothing with regards to creation on the 7th day would be more plausible.
So it's mostly an issue of the way it is written, not the fact that God ceased to create on the 7th day?
You don’t see that as an issue?

*this is going deeper in doctrine than just simply a comparison, as this thread is supposed to be about, but since the thread is all over the place anyway...

The 6 "days" of creation plus a day of rest has a secondary application as well: the ~6000 years since the fall, and the upcoming 1000 period with Jesus Christ reigning on earth. A total of 7000 years (a "week") before flowing into eternity.

The first 6 days in Genesis 1 have a definite beginning and end.

Day 1: 5And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.

Dsy 2: 8And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day

Dsy 3: 13And the evening and the morning were the third day

Day 4: 19And the evening and the morning were the fourth day

Day 5: 23And the evening and the morning were the fifth day

Day 6: 31And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day

The 7th day does not.

Day 7: Genesis 2: 1Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. 2And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. 3And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.


Sep 4, 2023
There are many times the phrase ‘son of God’ is used without Jesus. Here’s a few, but there’s many more.

And don’t redefine the use of capitalisation and say Son refers to Jesus and sons refer to everyone else mentioned. I’m still a Woman whether I type woman, WOMAN or Woman. The incorrect use of punctuation isn’t proof Jesus was the son of God.

Genesis 6:4 ESV
The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of man and they bore children to them. These were the mighty men who were of old, the men of renown.
Romans 8:19 ESV
For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the sons of God
Matthew 5:9 ESV

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.
Job 1:6
Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan also came among them.

So what? ALL Christians are the children of God..:)
"What does a believer have in common with an unbeliever?..Come out from among them and be separate, says the Lord, I will be a Father to you, and you shall be my sons and daughters" (2 Cor 6:14-18 )
But Jesus was something special and a cut above all the rest-



Sep 4, 2023
There’s also nowhere in the Bible where Jesus says himself he is God...
And the absurdity of believing Jesus was somehow involved in God creating mankind? Absolutely nothing to suggest this is the case.

Right, Jesus made it clear many times he WASN'T God, yet some half-witted 'christians' say he WAS God, I wonder which of these verses they don't understand?-
Jesus said-
“Why do you call me good?..No one is good except God alone" (Luke 18:19)
"Only God knows when Judgment Day will be, I don't know myself" (Mark 13:32)
"I say nothing of my own accord, I only say what my father tells me to say.." (John 12:49)

"I am going to the Father, for my Father is greater than I" (John 14:28)


Aug 20, 2023
Man is body soul and spirit... so is man one or three ?
Man is human, impaired to whatever s/he experiences/perceives in one way or the other.

The human has been Created from clay, mixture of water and earth, so s/he is both elements as well as both air (basic need) and fire (love, passion, form of warmth as a basic need, in the form of constantly combustioning oxygen into carbon dioxide too).

Oxygen is actually a form of sustenance for the human being, just the same as food and water, and has already been fixed whether one has money or not, sooner or later the food will come until one's last morsel or drop of water has been consumed, then comes death and the transfer into the life-after-death abode.


Mar 15, 2017
She is an angel in my eyes, so funny, she will say things but then feel merciful, or so I think?
Yes I try to apologise anytime I cross the line, i apologised to flarepath. He’s a very annoying old fart but I can’t let trolling rile me up.

I do have irrationalninja on ignore but sometimes I check ignored content to see who has contributed to a discussion.


Sep 4, 2023
Incidentally I was banned from a Catholic-infested forum (below) earlier this year and branded a "heretic" for telling them their Trinity belief was a load of rubbish and that they were disrespecting and blaspheming God by suggesting he was Jesus and that he worked in a carpenters shop making tables and chairs instead of running the universe..:)



Mar 15, 2017
In the West, when you ASSUME it makes an ASS out of U and ME.

This concept appears to be unknown amongst Muslims. Does the Qur’an encourage assumption, or is that a cultural thing?
well the thing is, we’re a very primitive movement- us Muslims. So yes, I think you’re right. We jump the gun and make assumptions a lot. It’s in our uncivilised nature. Please civilise me?


Apr 26, 2017
well the thing is, we’re a very primitive movement- us Muslims. So yes, I think you’re right. We jump the gun and make assumptions a lot. It’s in our uncivilised nature. Please civilise me?
It is a combination of assumption and rumors that lead to honor killings in Muslim families, generally carried out by a mob of primitive-minded yokels, so you’re not really helping your case.

Are honor killings Qur’anic or cultural?

If it is in the Qur’an, then that is another big difference between the Qur’an and the Bible. The Bible does not teach that apostates be killed.


Mar 15, 2017
It is a combination of assumption and rumors that lead to honor killings in Muslim families, generally carried out by a mob of primitive-minded yokels, so you’re not really helping your case.

Are honor killings Qur’anic or cultural?

If it is in the Qur’an, then that is another big difference between the Qur’an and the Bible. The Bible does not teach that apostates be killed.
I’m not going to derail the thread out of respect to Toxic, so I’ll only answer you once. Otherwise start a thread with all your concerns and questions about Muslims and Islam and how backwards we are. You can also include some pointers as to how we can be more like you, the beacon of western progressive thought.

Honour killings are entirely cultural. They are very common in south Asian communities. We have had some high profile honour killings in the UK and it’s usually when a daughter goes against the wishes of her parents with regards to spousal arrangements or dating ‘unfavourable’ people. I am not south Asian so that’s all I can say on the matter. There is nothing in the Quran which justifies it, it is entirely cultural and a despicable and evil act. Also, it’s not a Muslim specific thing, many from South Asia are also Hindu or Sikh, this is an abhorrent CULTURAL practice.


Apr 26, 2017
Honour killings are entirely cultural. They are very common in south Asian communities. We have had some high profile honour killings in the UK and it’s usually when a daughter goes against the wishes of her parents with regards to spousal arrangements or dating ‘unfavourable’ people. I am not south Asian so that’s all I can say on the matter. There is nothing in the Quran which justifies it, it is entirely cultural and a despicable and evil act. Also, it’s not a Muslim specific thing, many from South Asia are also Hindu or Sikh, this is an abhorrent CULTURAL practice.
This is Nabi Musa. A mosque in the West Bank of the Palestinian Territories near Jericho.

Do you see those mounds on the hills surrounding the mosque?

Those are gravesites—with unmarked graves. The area around Nabi Musa is used to bury victims of honor killings. The gravesites remain unmarked so that the victims are not remembered, but will be forgotten by history. In essence, canceled from life.

(Chairman Mao would be so proud—and we see yet ANOTHER parallel between Islam and Communism)

So apparently it is also a cultural thing in the West Bank…and by happenstance, the victims of honor killings there, are buried around the “Tomb of Moses.”


Mar 15, 2017
View attachment 96386
This is Nabi Musa. A mosque in the West Bank of the Palestinian Territories near Jericho.

Do you see those mounds on the hills surrounding the mosque?

Those are gravesites—with unmarked graves. The area around Nabi Musa is used to bury victims of honor killings. The gravesites remain unmarked so that the victims are not remembered, but will be forgotten by history. In essence, canceled from life.

(Chairman Mao would be so proud—and we see yet ANOTHER parallel between Islam and Communism)

So apparently it is also a cultural thing in the West Bank…and by happenstance, the victims of honor killings there, are buried around the “Tomb of Moses.”
You’re telling me this because…?


Apr 26, 2017
You’re telling me this because…?
of the religious significance of an honor killing graveyard built next to an Islamic mosque.

It appears more religious than cultural for a mosque to be at the center of an honor killing graveyard. It is literally central to it.


Mar 15, 2017
of the religious significance of an honor killing graveyard built next to an Islamic mosque.

It appears more religious than cultural for a mosque to be at the center of an honor killing graveyard. It is literally central to it.
Wow, what a stretch.


Mar 23, 2021
Incidentally I was banned from a Catholic-infested forum (below) earlier this year and branded a "heretic" for telling them their Trinity belief was a load of rubbish and that they were disrespecting and blaspheming God by suggesting he was Jesus and that he worked in a carpenters shop making tables and chairs instead of running the universe..:)

View attachment 96384
Like i said tidal your just a muslim parading as a christian...when the new one world religion is implemented you will fit right in! Good for you!


Sep 4, 2023
Like i said tidal your just a muslim parading as a christian...when the new one world religion is implemented you will fit right in! Good for you!

There are certainly some aspects of Islam that I like, but they don't believe Jesus was the son of God so I'm not going to join them and have to sit on the naughty step..:)
