Desmond is amazing / Drag queen club for kids


Jan 29, 2018

Posted On August 21, 2019In Opinionby John Lee

First we had the L’s, who drove Subarus and knitted sweaters and were alright to be around. Then the G’s also felt neglected and wanted to join. They maybe had a bit more testosterone but they were alright as well in the movement. The B’s came and everyone was fair game but they also felt the marginalization. The T’s started going nuts and then what followed suit was the MAPS. If you thought that was confusing, buckle up because now it’s being pushed upon us.

If this becomes “sexual orientation” status, the only people to suffer will be the children.​
Let’s be fair, it’s 2019. If you’re gay, you’re gay! Whatever! We just don’t care to hear about it. It’s not a calling card you pass around. It’s your sexual orientation, so you do you Boo. Play your tennis, work your job, pay your taxes, go to your bars and whatever. But at the end of the day, you’re a person living in America and that’s that.

Meet Kayleb. He is a 22-year-old homosexual. He is very feminine and is in a loving relationship with Mark, currently 55 years old. However, what is alarming about Kayleb’s current relationship, which was promoted by LGBT+ op-ed site, is that, in a now-deleted video tweet, 22-year-old Kayleb had a little oopsy and decided to divulge the fact that himself and Mark are “going 6 years strong…” Do the math.

Now, for all you number crunchers out there, let’s do the math. Kayleb, at the release of that now-deleted video, states he’s 22. Subtract 6 from 22 and you get 16. Mark, at time of video release, is 55. Again, 55 minus 6 is 49. When Mark met Kayleb, he was 49 years old when he “romanced” the 16-year-old.

Now, here in America, 16 years old is not of legal age to pursue a sexual relationship, gay or straight, with an adult. Older straight men who go after 16-year-old girls are put on a sex offender watch list. Why should this gay p***phile be treated any different than a straight p***phile? Yet, promoting the story like it’s nothing.

Granted, Kayleb is now 22 years old and is beyond legal age to indulge in sexual activity with someone 33 years older than him. Keep telling us that what they have now is beautiful; that still does not negate the fact that when this relationship started, Mark was 49 and romping around with a 16-year-old child. Kayleb probably barely had his driver’s license, let alone a job.


Many who have seen this now-deleted video are pushing back against the LGBT site for promoting p***philia. It’s bad enough that the age gap is questionable, but the larger more glaring concern is when the relationship actually started. It is literally p***philia, and it is quite alarming how a pro-gay site is pushing this as if it’s some sort of sexual orientation.

Another concern voiced by many is, where were Kayleb’s parents in all of this? They didn’t ask? They weren’t wondering where Kayleb was at 16? Who his friends were? Where he was going? All the pertinent questions a parent should ask their barely pubescent child are not there.

What about Mark? The fact that a 49-year-old was playing around with a 16-year-old never raised any questions at work, the bar, the social hangs he frequents? Has he done this before? If so, is there a sex offender watch list Mark should be listed on? The clip itself offers no context into their lives other than the “beautiful love story” they present to the world.

The crazy part in all of this is the greater silence from the LGBTQ+ lobby at large. These folks remained silent during the whole Desmond Is Amazing debacle. If you recall, a 12-year-old little boy who is a self-proclaimed “drag kid” shimmied up and down a stage at a gay bar. He performed for a roaring crowd of gay men throwing money at him like some kind of stripper.

Rational people, including some in that bar, have vented about being uncomfortable with the display. Now we have deciding it was in their best interest to push a video about the “love story” between a gay couple that is 33 years in age differences, with a pedophilic starting point. Crickets from both the Left and the LGBTQ+ lobby.

The sad part is, now that people are seeing glimpses of this more and more, the push to normalize p***philia is becoming more apparent. Moreover, no one is saying anything about it. If this becomes a “sexual orientation” status, the only people to suffer will be the children.
Kind of like how the "Call Me By My Name" movie almost instantly evolved in the media from a vehicle to promote illegal and inappropriate homosexual relationships with underage minors to a "May-December romance film" eh?
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Jan 29, 2018

Gender Clinic Doctor: Plenty Of Kids I’m Giving Trans Drugs Have Already Been Prostitutes
Dr. Johanna Olson-Kennedy is the picture of what happens when a physician values political advocacy to the detriment of medical ethics and professionalism.

By Jane Robbins
AUGUST 26, 2019

Deeper investigation into the pioneering transgender-“affirming” pediatrician Dr. Johanna Olson-Kennedy uncovers troubling information. Olson-Kennedy is the picture of what happens when a physician values political advocacy to the detriment of medical ethics and professionalism.

Numerous physicians (see here and here) have cautioned against administering extraordinary medical treatments to patients who suffer from “gender dysphoria.” These doctors recognize that an individual who is confused about his or her sex has a psychological problem that will not be resolved, and may be exacerbated, by so-called “gender-affirming treatment” (GAT)—drugs, hormones, and surgery to mimic the appearance of the opposite sex.

Olson-Kennedy disagrees. As medical director for The Center for Transyouth Health and Development at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, she channels young patients onto the lifelong GAT express without requiring that they first undergo psychotherapy to explore the source of the gender confusion. “I don’t send someone to therapy when I’m going to start them on insulin,” she says.

Could it be that Olson-Kennedy’s patients (except for rejecting their biological sex and therefore their very essence) seem perfectly normal with no obvious signs of mental disorder? In fact, a presentation she made at a “Gender Infinity” conference in 2015 shows exactly the opposite, and raises troubling questions about how a physician can ethically herd these young patients into radical and potentially life-destroying medical treatment.

I Lost 40 Percent of My Patients, But They’re Fine
At that conference Olson-Kennedy described the mental-health struggles of her cohort of patients. “Thirty percent of my sample had moderate to severe depression symptoms. Thought about suicide, 49 percent. . . . Attempted suicide, over 30 percent. . . . A lot of drug use . . . A lot of kids were sexually active, and a not insignificant number of my kids have actually done . . . sex work [prostitution].” Many patients, she reported, have been homeless or in foster care.

Olson-Kennedy also admitted that 40 percent of her patients, to whom presumably she administered GAT, were “lost” to follow-up since her previous study. Are these kids still even alive? We’ll never know, but the good doctor apparently is content to assume the best.

All these troubled patients are the ones Olson-Kennedy says don’t necessarily need psychotherapy before she starts pumping them full of drugs and hormones and recommends they mutilate their bodies. Some of these children were prostitutes, for crying out loud.

If any data suggests serious underlying mental-health issues, this would be it. But to Olson-Kennedy, these pathologies point not to kids screaming for help but rather to the urgency of medically destabilizing them further so that they’ll have a bizarre new set of problems.

The Patient Is Always Right, But Not Always Her Parents
Olson-Kennedy explained her worldview in a2015 interview. Recalling her first exposure to the idea of using potentially dangerous drugs to block normal puberty in young patients, she said, “I was really moved by the idea that, as a pediatrician, I could do this miraculous thing for people and help them live authentically.”

She described the satisfaction of using her medical skills to change human bodies in experimental ways to advance a political agenda: “I’ve always been involved in social-justice movements, and this idea that my training as a physician could play a role in a human-rights movement was very compelling to me.” When medical practice becomes a social-justice mission rather than a restoration of good health, shortcuts become more acceptable.

A key tenet of this treatment model (described by one critical psychiatrist as the “minority rights” model) is that the patient is always right. If the child or adolescent believes himself or herself to be the opposite sex, the physician must accept that and act accordingly.

In a presentation to parents in 2017, Olson-Kennedy suggested that the gap between what the dysphoric patient wants (immediate GAT) and what his or her parents want (delay, with psychotherapy) should always be bridged in favor of the child’s desires:

[When] the parent desperately wants you, the provider, to close that gap by pushing their kid backwards . . . you as a professional know you have to close that gap by pushing them forward and keeping them. You want to keep them because you want them to give consent and be supportive.​
Olson-Kennedy carries out her mission in tandem with her transgender spouse, licensed clinical social worker Aydin Olson-Kennedy (a woman living as a man). Aydin’s function seems to be primarily to act as a liaison between her gender-confused clients and the medical clinics (including Olson-Kennedy’s) that will take it from there.

Aydin’s office assures kids in a hurry that mental-health evaluation is low on the totem pole if they want to engage in permanent experimentation on their bodies. Her practice’s website states that all therapists there are able to write letters of recommendation for surgery, but “[t]he medical clinics we refer people to for hormones use an informed consent model and do not require letters of support from mental-health providers.”

So if a child needs a letter from a therapist to undergo surgery—and some doctors are performing surgeries such as double mastectomies on healthy patients as young as 13—Aydin and her colleagues are there to serve. But for hormones, which also will have permanent and sometimes highly damaging effects, no letter is required by the medical clinics to which these dysphoric youngsters are referred. Johanna’s clinic is presumably at the top of the referral list.

Don’t Think or Question, Just Do What We Say
The “informed consent model” referenced as the reason no psychological evaluation is needed comes from an organization called Informed Consent for Access to Trans Health(ICATH) and essentially restates the “minority rights” model:

Transgender, intersex and gender non-conforming people are not required to attend therapy to receive desired gender confirming health care. No one should have to go to therapy to prove their true gender, or to get permission to change their bodies.​

Transgender, intersex and gender non-conforming people are able to decide what is best for themselves and their bodies, and when.​

Therapy is an option, not a requirement, for accessing gender confirming health care.​

The possibility that the gender dysphoria has a psychological basis that should be explored before medical treatment is administered is simply dismissed.​
How do professionals like the Olson-Kennedys rationalize what they’re doing? In light of their own data about the mental-health issues plaguing this population, and of studies showing the longer-term dangers of GAT, how do they justify their practices?

Never underestimate humanity’s ability to rationalize bad behavior. Transgender radicals have come up with a simple and non-falsifiable explanation for all mental-health struggles of the dysphoric population: lack of support, especially from family, and discrimination by society at large. If not for that, they claim, the dysphoric kids would be happy and mentally healthy. Yet studies showing that patients who undergo GAT are still tragically suicidal, even in the most transgender-affirming countries on the planet (for example, Sweden), are simply dismissed.

So neither depression nor self-harm nor suicide attempts nor drug use nor homelessness nor even prostitution should make an Olson-Kennedy say, Slow down, you have a lot to work on before this GAT conversation goes any further. That approach would throw a wrench into the gears of the GAT machine that not only advances the aims of social-justice radicals but makes certain physicians, psychotherapists, and drug companies a boatload of money.

Maybe medical-malpractice lawyers will soon begin to target some of that money. In the meantime, it’s a scandal that Olson-Kennedy and her comrades are allowed to continue experimenting on kids whose mental-health crises are obvious to anyone not blinded by ideology.

Jane Robbins is an attorney and a retired senior fellow with the American Principles Project in Washington DC. She is a graduate of Clemson University and the Harvard Law School.


Oct 23, 2019
I’m a moderately liberal openly gay male but this just doesn’t sit right with me. It’s giving me “party monster” vibes. Remember the movie about the club kid who butchered his drug dealer based on a true story. Also the checkerboard floor is highly symbolic. As a child from like ages 4-10 I would prance around my house to Madonna, Janet Jackson, Paula Abdul etc and pretend I was one of them. Children should be allowed to express themselves but they shouldn’t be exploited or used to push some diabolical agenda...
This is one of the first articles that I read on VC.

Since I had just watched something on Michael Alig earlier that day, this was so disturbing!!! The kid looks drugged and starved.


May 15, 2017
I cannot believe this crap anymore
what is this except more grooming,
gender bending and confusion for
these poor kids that will probably
not even realize the trauma til so much
later in their lives if they just don't repress
it out all the way

I betchya a lot of parents will allow for
their children to watch this as it's that
new woke mentality
betchya even if no one watches the
ratings will be so many millions

I am so angry that parents are allowing
their children to do this as most allow them
to adult up to do the drag,they then put them
dangerous adult places that are mostly attended
by adults example DTA doing the strip club and being
treated as though he was a stripper
that poor kid breaks my heart ya can see there's is
something not right with his home life the mother
seems to using her child and worse selling him

gotta go dumb down for abit


May 15, 2017
This is so sad to me
It does look like a black eye eh Sibi
DTA always look like he has been drugged
by something,almost every child in this video
looks unhappy

this is so wrong,ya know I get
allowing your kids to play dress up but it
seems like a lot of the kids if ya listen to
interviews with these dk most do not look like
they are into it
it's the parents more than the kids that are into this

Makes ya wonder in say 10-20 yrs
what will these kids be like,will they still
be doing this or will they recognize like alot
of tg's that they were just confused kids
who's parents/friends and society made
them feel like they were pressured into this
because they wanted to play dress up ?
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Sep 3, 2018
I’m a moderately liberal openly gay male but this just doesn’t sit right with me. It’s giving me “party monster” vibes. Remember the movie about the club kid who butchered his drug dealer based on a true story. Also the checkerboard floor is highly symbolic. As a child from like ages 4-10 I would prance around my house to Madonna, Janet Jackson, Paula Abdul etc and pretend I was one of them. Children should be allowed to express themselves but they shouldn’t be exploited or used to push some diabolical agenda...
Hi! You are absolutely right about that movie starring Macaulay Culkin as the infamous club ex bus boy turned “leader/creator of the club kids. His name was Michael Alig…he died on Xmas from a “heroin overdose.” He did time at Dannemora prison for the “manslaughter” of club kid Angel Melendez..both Michael & his friend “Freeze” (Robert Riggs) were convicted. Very true and harrowing story…