wonder if this rise in deaths/infections and
the relaxing of rules in travelling etc...has to
do with the new simulation that billy just did
with all his fiends
open travel again this way it's easier to claim
that w/e supposed variant/new infection has
gotten outta that country to every other country
tptb need an excuse this way when the deaths/
side effects start increasing they can put the blame
on the Peoples that wanted the divoc rules removed
it will be all Our fault this new outbreak starts and tptb
will bring back the rules twice as bad than We had them
look how bad it is already winters only just begun,it's gonna
get darker and much much worse
SCARED & PANICKED! CHINA Will SPREAD ANOTHER VARIANT | PREPARE NOW! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lcxtHahYCk4 Dec 28, 2022 Most are scared China will spread it to the world again
3 NIGHTS IN THE HOSTPITAL AFTER THE JAB BUT SHE WAS TOLD IT WAS THE RIGHT THING TO DO... https://www.bitchute.com/video/Ii9240EZcKIO/ For who ? According to what ? Fauci's bank account ? The corporate