Mar 15, 2019
...but why?....what does it do?....what's the benefit?

These are genuine questions.
The fine is 900 Turkish Lira (I'm unemployed). Against all, I tried to take off the mask on the bus (I don't have a car). I was threatened with being beaten by passengers. If I had continued, the driver would have called the police and I would have been forced down and I would pay 900 Lira. Even though I'm a loser for face great difficulties, I'm waiting for them to force the vaccine to trigger me.
Aug 12, 2020
I have been using a mask for 2 years as someone who will never be vaccinated except for physical force or being in a coma (The fines I can't pay and the services I have to use). The mask didn't act as a trigger for me to revolt. 1- I can avoid it by lower it to my chin. 2- It doesn't feel r*pe to my body like it does with vaccination. 3- As in vaccination, all people are not registered by name (Preference in vaccination is like a referendum.) This is the case for many people.
I have never worn a mask only face shield which doesn't interfere with breathing.
Nov 5, 2021
I was thinking this recently myself as well. I'm trying to be very careful with physical activities because the thought of being sent to hospital right now is terrifying. They probably jab people with the vax while they're asleep or while unconscious during a procedure.

I can't remember where I read this but someone said it is part of the Satanist's plan, the inversion of society. Normally doctors & nurses save lives, in our current reality they administer doses of a 'v*ccine' which kill people far before their natural time. I agree with their theory about this.

John O'Looney is a whistleblower in the UK who revealed last year that most of people who died in carehomes were purposely culled with a lethal dose of a drug, which was then blamed on Covid. He had to go to hospital recently and he said the doctors tried to make him to consent to taking loads of experimental drugs. He also suspects he was poisoned during his stay there before he discharged himself against the doctors wishes. Here's an article about it:

Going back to the subject in my post last week, the guy in this video claims he is being held against his will in a hospital in Wales, unable to leave and being given medicine (remdesivir*) against his will:

* - this is the treatment John O Looney claims killed large amounts of the elderly in UK care homes last year.


Sep 21, 2021
Going back to the subject in my post last week, the guy in this video claims he is being held against his will in a hospital in Wales, unable to leave and being given medicine (remdesivir*) against his will:

* - this is the treatment John O Looney claims killed large amounts of the elderly in UK care homes last year.
I pray he gets the help he needs...

Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019

Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019
Newsom Announces Operation Omicron Offensive in California – Includes Door to Door Visits and Taking Over Local Media to Fight “Misinformation”

Lil axe

May 11, 2020

"I think it's something that will get further discussion in New Brunswick, and probably across the country," said Higgs, who tested positive for COVID-19 on Dec. 29 with a rapid test after receiving two doses of AstraZeneca and a booster vaccine.

"Several" members of his immediate family, who were also fully vaccinated and received their booster doses, also subsequently tested positive.

Last Thursday, federal Health Minister Jean-Yves Duclos said provinces are likely to introduce mandatory vaccination policies in the coming months to deal with surging COVID-19 caseloads

so premier is fully doped along with his family, and they are still getting sick, now trying to force injections, these are the same individuals who were trying to have grocery stores deny service to unvacinated, and same ones who force children to take the poison to go see santa

Lil axe

May 11, 2020

Quebec Premier François Legault announced the province will apply a "significant" financial penalty for residents who refuse to get vaccinated against COVID-19 for non-medical reasons.
The premier said the unvaccinated "will have a bill to pay because there are consequences on our health-care
"It's a question of equity because right now, these people, they put a very important burden on our health-care network. And I think it's normal that the majority the population is asking that there be a consequence. And yes, we will continue to look at spreading the use of the vaccine passport, but I think we have to go further."


"The recent remarks made on the credibility of our opinions and on our scientific rigour undoubtedly cause a certain erosion in the adhesion of the population," he wrote, meaning people's willingness to follow public health rules.

"In this context, I consider it appropriate to offer you the possibility of replacing me before the end of my term in office," he wrote.
Nov 5, 2021
Project veritas dumped some huge documents this morning....View attachment 69260
That was another thing Google censored search results for, earlier today. They're doing that recently when news that smashes the MSM narrative/illusion comes out, they did it with the MRNA developer's interview with Joe Rogan as well.

Edit: Sorry @Lucy, I need to post some positive news in future so I don't spike your blood pressure too high from the angry reactions :eek::oops:
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