This takeover of the world as we knew it is here to stay. They've been working overtime while societies have been distracted for decades and it is all coming to a head. There has been no personal privacy for a bit and this all leads to a Chinese like control grid for all where we are coached or manipulated to go along with narratives while being chided for any supposed wrongdoing publically and forced into reeducation or conforment into a hive-like system. It's coming. One day soon, you may be chided for visiting sites like this and publically admonished for doing so. It will not be long before they really get full control of the internet and cut off those who do not adhere to the new way of thinking, but, uh, for the good of the world. The power play is happening and all it takes to see that is to step back from the programming, wipe your mind's slate and rethink what you see by analyzing how this has already enveloped us more than we knew. They plan on making this shift happen. They want to think for you meaning they do not want you to think. It kind of sucks that we may get swept out to sea by the herd where all will float aimlessly as if we had become bots ourselves adherent to the NWO. I mean, just look how easy it was to gain a majority of society thinking the virus is deadly, when it is the manipulation that is the true danger.