
Dec 11, 2022
Whatever covid is, it’s certainly not a case of the flu, I can attest to that you lose credibility when u say that.


Mar 18, 2017
I wholeheartedly agree with this. This statement is perfectly illustrated by an old quote by Karl Rove. Even Jacob Rothschild said that Covid is a DISTRACTION! So while in year 4 of this operation people are still scrambling over details of the "covid virus", "history's actors" already moved on in their Great Reset (war) campaign.


It's even possible that the recent news of the lab-leak theory is just being used to distract people from the looming implementation of other agendas. I will make a quick comment about Project Veritas: I believe that on their part (as undercover/investigative journalists) it isn't their job to perpetuate the virus narrative. It's just what their "target" offered up. It has to be obvious that after previous stings, Pfizer must have had crisis meetings where they discussed what an employee should perpetuate should they suspect that they are being ensnared.
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Mar 18, 2017
Has anyone re-read this article again recently? The part about "legally discriminating" seems scarier now

"Ultimately, however, I predict that we’ll restore the ability to socialize safely by developing more sophisticated ways to identify who is a disease risk and who isn’t, and discriminating—legally—against those who are.
We can see harbingers of this in the measures some countries are taking today. Israel is going to use the cell-phone location data with which its intelligence services track terrorists to trace people who’ve been in touch with known carriers of the virus. Singapore does exhaustive contact tracing and publishes detailed data on each known case, all but identifying people by name.
We don’t know exactly what this new future looks like, of course. But one can imagine a world in which, to get on a flight, perhaps you’ll have to be signed up to a service that tracks your movements via your phone. The airline wouldn’t be able to see where you’d gone, but it would get an alert if you’d been close to known infected people or disease hot spots. There’d be similar requirements at the entrance to large venues, government buildings, or public transport hubs. There would be temperature scanners everywhere, and your workplace might demand you wear a monitor that tracks your temperature or other vital signs. Where nightclubs ask for proof of age, in future they might ask for proof of immunity—an identity card or some kind of digital verification via your phone, showing you’ve already recovered from or been vaccinated against the latest virus strains.

We’ll adapt to and accept such measures, much as we’ve adapted to increasingly stringent airport security screenings in the wake of terrorist attacks. The intrusive surveillance will be considered a small price to pay for the basic freedom to be with other people."

Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019
Just a heads up everyone. I am leaving the forum as of this post. (I won't be responding afterwards)

It's been a crazy long ride these past three years, mainly dedicated to this thread.
I need time to re-focus, re-connect and re-discover the good in this world.
Focus on the world I want, rather than the world I don't.
I haven't given up the fight by any means, just not here on the forum.

Not sure if you want to continue the CV-1984 discussion on this thread, or perhaps start a new thread. (It can't believe it's still a thing in 2023)
There are lots of great links in the first post archive. An excellent resource of all things CV-1984.
I appreciate everyone's input and support in getting the truth out as best we could.
You guys are the best!! (you know who you are) Thank-you!
I apologize if I was rude and pissed some people off.
I've been holding on too tightly.
Time to let go.

Mar 30, 2017
Just a heads up everyone. I am leaving the forum as of this post. (I won't be responding afterwards)

It's been a crazy long ride these past three years, mainly dedicated to this thread.
I need time to re-focus, re-connect and re-discover the good in this world.
Focus on the world I want, rather than the world I don't.
I haven't given up the fight by any means, just not here on the forum.

Not sure if you want to continue the CV-1984 discussion on this thread, or perhaps start a new thread. (It can't believe it's still a thing in 2023)
There are lots of great links in the first post archive. An excellent resource of all things CV-1984.
I appreciate everyone's input and support in getting the truth out as best we could.
You guys are the best!! (you know who you are) Thank-you!
I apologize if I was rude and pissed some people off.
I've been holding on too tightly.
Time to let go.

Even though you won't be responding, it is sad to see you go, but I can't say I blame you. You did this thread justice by keeping us all informed for the last three years. I agree with you that's there's a lot of good in this world to "rediscover", which is why probably many others probably don't frequent these boards as much either. I'll admit, I've done the same. I'll post this here, as your sentiment also echoes what Melissa Ciummei said here, which is:

“Good people are passively good, while bad people are actively bad. If good people are actively good, there is no force that can stop it.”
Keep up the good fight my online Canuck comrade, it's one we can and will win. :)


Feb 8, 2021
Just a heads up everyone. I am leaving the forum as of this post. (I won't be responding afterwards)

It's been a crazy long ride these past three years, mainly dedicated to this thread.
I need time to re-focus, re-connect and re-discover the good in this world.
Focus on the world I want, rather than the world I don't.
I haven't given up the fight by any means, just not here on the forum.

Not sure if you want to continue the CV-1984 discussion on this thread, or perhaps start a new thread. (It can't believe it's still a thing in 2023)
There are lots of great links in the first post archive. An excellent resource of all things CV-1984.
I appreciate everyone's input and support in getting the truth out as best we could.
You guys are the best!! (you know who you are) Thank-you!
I apologize if I was rude and pissed some people off.
I've been holding on too tightly.
Time to let go.

You will be greatly missed!
Your the reason I started posting and I'll be forever grateful for all that I have learned from your posts.
I wish you all the best Frank!


May 15, 2017
Just a heads up everyone. I am leaving the forum as of this post. (I won't be responding afterwards)

It's been a crazy long ride these past three years, mainly dedicated to this thread.
I need time to re-focus, re-connect and re-discover the good in this world.
Focus on the world I want, rather than the world I don't.
I haven't given up the fight by any means, just not here on the forum.

Not sure if you want to continue the CV-1984 discussion on this thread, or perhaps start a new thread. (It can't believe it's still a thing in 2023)
There are lots of great links in the first post archive. An excellent resource of all things CV-1984.
I appreciate everyone's input and support in getting the truth out as best we could.
You guys are the best!! (you know who you are) Thank-you!
I apologize if I was rude and pissed some people off.
I've been holding on too tightly.
Time to let go.

I'm sorry to See Ya go,I've come to consider Ya a friend and will
definitely miss Your presence here,I have become very attached
to the information/opinions Ya share and I think I can say everyone
is gonna miss that

I look forward to Our paths crossing again somewhere on the net

I do understand needing the break and encourage it for anyone
every once in awhile,focusing just on this side of the fight can become
heavy and discouraging at times that's not Good for anyone

there is still a lot of Good in Our World go enjoy it
Hope Ya will lurk around checking in every once in awhile when/if
Ya feel up to it again

Stay Safe Frank,I Hope for nothing but the best for Ya and Yours
will keep Ya in my thoughts & Heart
Aug 12, 2020
I still say Covid hoax was created to get rid of Orange Man and sell fake deadly vaccines. Also how can you die from a Certificate Of Vaccination Id 2019? I knew something was suspicious when they changed the name from Corona to Covid.


Nov 8, 2022
Just a heads up everyone. I am leaving the forum as of this post. (I won't be responding afterwards)

It's been a crazy long ride these past three years, mainly dedicated to this thread.
I need time to re-focus, re-connect and re-discover the good in this world.
Focus on the world I want, rather than the world I don't.
I haven't given up the fight by any means, just not here on the forum.

Not sure if you want to continue the CV-1984 discussion on this thread, or perhaps start a new thread. (It can't believe it's still a thing in 2023)
There are lots of great links in the first post archive. An excellent resource of all things CV-1984.
I appreciate everyone's input and support in getting the truth out as best we could.
You guys are the best!! (you know who you are) Thank-you!
I apologize if I was rude and pissed some people off.
I've been holding on too tightly.
Time to let go.

Traitor. I'm angry (a little ;) :)).


Jan 10, 2019
I still say Covid hoax was created to get rid of Orange Man and sell fake deadly vaccines. Also how can you die from a Certificate Of Vaccination Id 2019? I knew something was suspicious when they changed the name from Corona to Covid.
The agendas that converged were astronomical. The 2020 covid scare derailed Trump (while BLM was allowed to rage for 6 months) and convienently kept Biden hidden in his basement unable to speak publicly. Of course the progressive "Bernie" movement in the US and other protests around the world at the time completely dissolved.

As many have said there were and are very economic purposes to lockdowns, relief funds, business loans, CARES act, etc. creating $ trillions for the ultra-wealthy. These were coordinated policies enacted by central banks and governments across the globe. Remember all the shipping troubles and other supply chain disruptions?

The element of fear based governance, shock doctrine, shock based capitalism cannot be ignored as characteristics of false flag attacks and the social engineering programs that follow.

What I'm most aware of is the shift to the "new normal", Great Reset, 4IR revolution agenda that's been implemented. 5G towers coming up everywhere, virtual learning, remote doctor visits, facial recognition to pay at pro football games, CBDC "experimentation" and data gathering, tailor-made RNA based cancer treatments, etc. Copying what the top indy journalists are saying, the establishment powers could never have gotten gene therapies approved without the fake pandemic. Now they have a legal green light for human genetic engineering and all their other bio-engineering schemes it's disgusting.

I think the important thing is to keep aware, keep sharing information, and respond directly where we inhabit. Everything we say to the children or at local meetings is important. The major worldwide lockdown protests are a reminder of how many of us common citizens stand united against all these inhuman agendas. A lot of us at the forum are "old-school" which is something to truly be proud of. The talk right now is about staying updated but more importantly nourishing yourself and protecting your local community against the weirdo cultist, globalist, technocrat, transexual/transhuman personalities who lust for control over us. Organize, grow food, get healthy and have some self-discipline- whatever it takes to fend off the maniacs of this generation.
Oct 20, 2021
I wholeheartedly agree with this. This statement is perfectly illustrated by an old quote by Karl Rove. Even Jacob Rothschild said that Covid is a DISTRACTION! So while in year 4 of this operation people are still scrambling over details of the "covid virus", "history's actors" already moved on in their Great Reset (war) campaign.

View attachment 84928

It's even possible that the recent news of the lab-leak theory is just being used to distract people from the looming implementation of other agendas. I will make a quick comment about Project Veritas: I believe that on their part (as undercover/investigative journalists) it isn't their job to perpetuate the virus narrative. It's just what their "target" offered up. It has to be obvious that after previous stings, Pfizer must have had crisis meetings where they discussed what an employee should perpetuate should they suspect that they are being ensnared.
I read somewhere that Pfizer has infiltrated Project Veritas and forced the guy who started it out and he was also raided by the FBI and jailed.