The industry is pushing something really disgusting about this and we are all agree with this. But there is another problem who isn't the fault of satanists in themself ( even if they are in a big part) but because of disgustings behavior of some people. At least it becomes disgusting when they don't hold anymore their "fantasies" in their heads. I am going to explain myself, I see a lot of women and men who are totally afraid to become old. It's a bless in some countries and mentalities. But a nightmare for a looooot of people in the occident. I know of what I am speaking, it's incredible. And these same persons want aboslutely to live a second life they won't have again through younger people. And if these grown persons are mentaly unhealthy, they won't hesitate to try to manipulate some teens or even children to have sex with them.
I am totally aware it could be easily disgusting, and shocking for a lot of people, but it is. You've got a lot of grown men and women who will still be fond to younger people, for forget the time who passed on them. It's a way for them to think they are still in the page.
It's always the youngers who take the worst parts each time.