BTS discussion thread


May 20, 2018
It literally starts in two weeks, and their Japanese CD comes out next week. I wouldn't be surprised if they bench Jimin for both the tour and the promos. It's a lose-lose situation for BTS tbh. If they don't apologize Japanese people will throw a fit, but if they do apologize Koreans will throw a fit. No matter what, a shitstorm is brewing. Tbh I think the only way they’ll get an apology is if they actually boycott them. BTS don't give a shit about Japanese fans. Their money matters and comes first so I highly doubt they will apologize.

Army are really trying to bury the scandal by spamming stan posts about him and liking them so that top posts are full of this kind of shit
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It really just goes to show how being in kpop fandoms and worshipping idols fucks up stupid impressionable teens, like this is really all the evidence you need lol. The sad thing is though is that we know they're not all teens, there are literally grown ass women defending him for being outright racist and thinking sweeping it under the rug will make his """mistake""" disappear and he'll continue to be their gorgeous plastic oppa to not shatter their delusional fantasy of him being a woke prince. Hell Jimin could literally run through the streets screaming how he wants to bomb Japan and they'll still find ways to defend him and coddle a twenty something year old man because "nobody's perfect uwu!!!!"

Gross. Soft power is real. Kpop is raising a generation of ignorant fans that will now be biased towards Korea’s nationalistic version of history. They really knew what they were doing when they decided to export this shit, female fans are so impressionable. The Korean government really did conceive of kpop as a way to spread influence and gain soft power.

Jimin does know what that shirt means, he's just playing stupid, innocent boy who loves people of all races. This is the whole problem with celebrities in general. They may be talented in acting/singing/dancing, but they spent most of their lives doing that, they are just as ignorant, or even moreso, since they work so much, compared to average person. They should keep themselves out of political issues completely, since fans can and will just blindly follow what they say or do without thinking.

Some of them are blaming Bighit and insisting that Jimin is 100% innocent lmao. If the stylists from Bighit picked that for him, yes they are guilty too but it wasn't a stage outfit, it was a t-shirt he wore in public. If he was actually against that message, he could have just worn something else. I don't understand what the hell they were going for if Bighit chose that t-shirt. How was that worth anything? Maybe they just made their xenophobic K-fans happy but that's it. They know they have a huge fanbase in Japan, neither Jimin or Bighit can't be that stupid to not guess the possible backlash. Career suicide for them in Japan.

View attachment 16595
There’s a whole Twitter acc dedicated to mass blocking and mass reporting users who dare speak negatively about BTS. In other words- a glorified censorship machine.

View attachment 16596
Lol @ these retards claiming anyone who speaks up about the Jimin shirt issue is just using that tragedy as an excuse to hate on BTS when shitmys are the ones who belittle the opinions of Japanese people and try to sweep this crap under the rug. Same with Jimincel happily throwing the n-word around.

If BTS were as #woke as fans have spent months making them out to be then they'd have a long, eloquent letter about how the T-shirt was a bad mistake and very wrong but that if you're angry about that then you should also be angry about Japan denying war atrocities as well. It would be the best way to not piss off any side too much, but I don't know what they're going to do. Ignore it, the way SM ignores their idols' scandals? The generic "I sincerely apologise for [BAD THING] and will reflect on my mistakes" letter they have a draft saved of?

I'm surprised no one with a big influence on social media hasn't called out BTS on their bullshit yet. Jimin with the Hiroshima attack t-shirt, saying the Korean equivalent of the n-word, the way he treated that American kid, dumbass Taehyung with his misogyny, tons of racist and sexist shit Namjoon said, the way they constantly contradict themselves, trying to be woke about mental health yet never speaking up about Jimin starving himself or Jungkook allegedly self-harming, never speaking up about their fandom harassing people over them, there are so many things about them that armys just get swept under the rug. Also I don't remember RM addressing his mistakes publicly, or apologizing about it. All we had was a vague statement from some vlive and some producer or teacher talking about how our woke king spoke to them about his mistakes and that he wanted to improve, then again he should be doing that to the public.
What a mess they've gotten themselves into..
Now that explains why yesterday o searched bts. And i got ..
780 tweets

I wass surprised to see 780 tweets about a single member in a day. I thought something happened to him.. But when i opened it.. It was all filled with same posts of him playing cute..

And even when we open the outjimin and Japanese hashtags.. We get all bts vidoes of acting cute and music vids..

Army is trying to kill the purpose of those hashtags.. And i am afraid they're succeeding.. In

Silencing the voices..


Sep 28, 2018
I'm surprised no one with a big influence on social media hasn't called out BTS on their bullshit yet. Jimin with the Hiroshima attack t-shirt, saying the Korean equivalent of the n-word, the way he treated that American kid, dumbass Taehyung with his misogyny, tons of racist and sexist shit Namjoon said, the way they constantly contradict themselves, trying to be woke about mental health yet never speaking up about Jimin starving himself or Jungkook allegedly self-harming, never speaking up about their fandom harassing people over them, there are so many things about them that armys just get swept under the rug. Also I don't remember RM addressing his mistakes publicly, or apologizing about it. All we had was a vague statement from some vlive and some producer or teacher talking about how our woke king spoke to them about his mistakes and that he wanted to improve, then again he should be doing that to the public.
Agree they are very problematic and fans try to bury their scandals all the time
I hope the japanese media says something and ban them from their shows, don't want BTS to come out of this mess intact when they already did awful things and never apologized. it's time for Armys to have a wake up call and understand they can't bury all their controversies


Apr 22, 2018
Lemme tell you one thing, if this wasn't the real me, don't you think the Yylovely would have already reacted by now ?
Why are you suddenly standing up for her, huh ?
Can't the girl talk for herself, if she is sure that this is not her account ? Why you overreacting when it is obviously none of your business ?
Oh, wait, cause if the girl were to speak, everyone would realise that she ain't the true me.
No one can copy my way of writing, babe, not even you.
I will be right here and Annie will reply ! Just you wait and watch you pathalogical lying excuse for a person!


Oct 31, 2018
I received a strange call from an unknown number.. It was so weird people were screaming.. I cryed all day. I thought somebody was watching us because me and some fellow members made a conversation in the thread planning to make some conspiracy videos. We all went private and then the phone number called me and now this..


Apr 22, 2018
How do you know she will reply ? And how come she even likes your posts since the very first minute you share them but doesn't make a sound of her existence ? Oh, wait, cause you are working on two accounts simultaneously...
And how can you say the you are not lying! You know she is desperately trying to come back to her real account! She is scared. How dare you lie and come up with all the bullshit. I HATE You!


Jun 11, 2018
I was wondering something. What are these people thinking?I am talking about the Unicef party now. Some of them do even realise how dark their souls have become? Do they do this willingly, I mean, this sexual "education", this sh*tty gender neutral thing etc, these stupid ideas, I was thinking that maybe these people are extremely but Extremely brainwashed and they don't know what bad is anymore. I don't know. (I heard that some people are offended because people choose pink for girls and blue for boys.)
What if the boys(bT$) don't know what is actually going on there? What if they want to do good? Because I don't believe that they have bad intentions. I think that they just want to help, but no one knows what this campaign truly is like.
I am not trying to excuse them or something like this, I was just wondering.
It literally starts in two weeks, and their Japanese CD comes out next week. I wouldn't be surprised if they bench Jimin for both the tour and the promos. It's a lose-lose situation for BTS tbh. If they don't apologize Japanese people will throw a fit, but if they do apologize Koreans will throw a fit. No matter what, a shitstorm is brewing. Tbh I think the only way they’ll get an apology is if they actually boycott them. BTS don't give a shit about Japanese fans. Their money matters and comes first so I highly doubt they will apologize.

Army are really trying to bury the scandal by spamming stan posts about him and liking them so that top posts are full of this kind of shit
View attachment 16597
View attachment 16598
It really just goes to show how being in kpop fandoms and worshipping idols fucks up stupid impressionable teens, like this is really all the evidence you need lol. The sad thing is though is that we know they're not all teens, there are literally grown ass women defending him for being outright racist and thinking sweeping it under the rug will make his """mistake""" disappear and he'll continue to be their gorgeous plastic oppa to not shatter their delusional fantasy of him being a woke prince. Hell Jimin could literally run through the streets screaming how he wants to bomb Japan and they'll still find ways to defend him and coddle a twenty something year old man because "nobody's perfect uwu!!!!"

Gross. Soft power is real. Kpop is raising a generation of ignorant fans that will now be biased towards Korea’s nationalistic version of history. They really knew what they were doing when they decided to export this shit, female fans are so impressionable. The Korean government really did conceive of kpop as a way to spread influence and gain soft power.

Jimin does know what that shirt means, he's just playing stupid, innocent boy who loves people of all races. This is the whole problem with celebrities in general. They may be talented in acting/singing/dancing, but they spent most of their lives doing that, they are just as ignorant, or even moreso, since they work so much, compared to average person. They should keep themselves out of political issues completely, since fans can and will just blindly follow what they say or do without thinking.

Some of them are blaming Bighit and insisting that Jimin is 100% innocent lmao. If the stylists from Bighit picked that for him, yes they are guilty too but it wasn't a stage outfit, it was a t-shirt he wore in public. If he was actually against that message, he could have just worn something else. I don't understand what the hell they were going for if Bighit chose that t-shirt. How was that worth anything? Maybe they just made their xenophobic K-fans happy but that's it. They know they have a huge fanbase in Japan, neither Jimin or Bighit can't be that stupid to not guess the possible backlash. Career suicide for them in Japan.

View attachment 16595
There’s a whole Twitter acc dedicated to mass blocking and mass reporting users who dare speak negatively about BTS. In other words- a glorified censorship machine.

View attachment 16596
Lol @ these retards claiming anyone who speaks up about the Jimin shirt issue is just using that tragedy as an excuse to hate on BTS when shitmys are the ones who belittle the opinions of Japanese people and try to sweep this crap under the rug. Same with Jimincel happily throwing the n-word around.

If BTS were as #woke as fans have spent months making them out to be then they'd have a long, eloquent letter about how the T-shirt was a bad mistake and very wrong but that if you're angry about that then you should also be angry about Japan denying war atrocities as well. It would be the best way to not piss off any side too much, but I don't know what they're going to do. Ignore it, the way SM ignores their idols' scandals? The generic "I sincerely apologise for [BAD THING] and will reflect on my mistakes" letter they have a draft saved of?

I'm surprised no one with a big influence on social media hasn't called out BTS on their bullshit yet. Jimin with the Hiroshima attack t-shirt, saying the Korean equivalent of the n-word, the way he treated that American kid, dumbass Taehyung with his misogyny, tons of racist and sexist shit Namjoon said, the way they constantly contradict themselves, trying to be woke about mental health yet never speaking up about Jimin starving himself or Jungkook allegedly self-harming, never speaking up about their fandom harassing people over them, there are so many things about them that armys just get swept under the rug. Also I don't remember RM addressing his mistakes publicly, or apologizing about it. All we had was a vague statement from some vlive and some producer or teacher talking about how our woke king spoke to them about his mistakes and that he wanted to improve, then again he should be doing that to the public.
Tea was mysogynic? When?I am extremely curious. I know this is not actually the most serious thing now, but I really want to know.
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Jun 4, 2018
Lemme tell you the real version babe, shall I ?
I indeed got the call, people were really screaming and crying, I shared the thing with some of the members. So in case you are wondering how come this acc knows, is because I did share it. Otherwise no one would ever know about it. I even asked for advise, right @Hopeful ?
How come this acc replied right after Destruction and then Destruction replied right after ? Coincidence much ? I think the fuck not.
In case you can't accept it yet, I am still the Annie I was, or should I say Ann, cause that is my real name anyways.

You don't even know how to lie, do you ? Everyone knows I never make grammar mistakes on my posts, or even leave a sentence without a comma. You still couldn't get close to my writing style. Kudos for trying though...
Open your dms and let's talk


Jun 4, 2018
Lemme tell you the real version babe, shall I ?
I indeed got the call, people were really screaming and crying, I shared the thing with some of the members. So in case you are wondering how come this acc knows, is because I did share it. Otherwise no one would ever know about it. I even asked for advise, right @Hopeful ?
How come this acc replied right after Destruction and then Destruction replied right after ? Coincidence much ? I think the fuck not.
In case you can't accept it yet, I am still the Annie I was, or should I say Ann, cause that is my real name anyways.

You don't even know how to lie, do you ? Everyone knows I never make grammar mistakes on my posts, or even leave a sentence without a comma. You still couldn't get close to my writing style. Kudos for trying though...
Annie told us she is scared and she doesn't know what to do wtf are u talking about. She told us to stop the plan and go on with our lives bc our security is more important. But I don't see you minding a thing.