BTS discussion thread


May 20, 2018
In an old micdrop live performance i saw something very weird.. After watching this.. Suddenly the thought of lil uzi's taking fans with hell news popped up in my mind.. Let me explain..

First we see the band's name B*ts. Burning in fire for a while.. ( what they're doing is.. burning the souls with pain and agong of bad frequencies including giving themselves pain thorugh rituals or whatever)IMG_20180715_110653.jpg
Then we see those words blow up.. Like a BOOOM..
IMG_20180715_110734.jpgstill blowing up.. Ending up in pieces and explosion ... IMG_20180715_110750.jpgthen it appears back moving across the scene in pitch black color.. Like they're burned in fire like coal.. And then again the words moving through fire.. Like they have reached hell and now they will burn forever...

Just a theory.. Not a fact..


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Jun 4, 2018
Thinking about all the things they have done and how their destiny is almost irreversible I become sad.. I feel sorry for b,ts, b,ighit and ar,mys. All human beings can be fooled by the devil, in so many ways. And some fall deeper than the others.
Guys, I believe that, it doesn't matter what terrible things happen in this world, we have to always focus on our soul. This should be our most important concern. God will take care of everything and everyone will get what they deserve in the end. No evil lasts forever.
So let's just not forget about our own evil while thinking ab the others'.

I also am very thankful to you all for helping me lose my strong attachment towards BT,S. That feeling have been disturbing me for almost 2 years and it finally went away. Also you are some of the very few persons I can speak my heart loud to. I appreciate you all for the way you are, your kindness, intelligence and awarness.
And I am happy to see this thread is very helpful for so many people. God bless you :)


Jun 20, 2018
In an old micdrop live performance i saw something very weird.. After watching this.. Suddenly the thought of lil uzi's taking fans with hell news popped up in my mind.. Let me explain..

First we see the band's name B*ts. Burning in fire for a while.. ( what they're doing is.. burning the souls with pain and agong of bad frequencies including giving themselves pain thorugh rituals or whatever)View attachment 13001
Then we see those words blow up.. Like a BOOOM..
View attachment 13002still blowing up.. Ending up in pieces and explosion ... View attachment 13003then it appears back moving across the scene in pitch black color.. Like they're burned in fire like coal.. And then again the words moving through fire.. Like they have reached hell and now they will burn forever...
View attachment 13005

Just a theory.. Not a fact..
there's something sinister about micdrop, i never like their live performance even though they look really cool while performing that song, but they seem to be "possessed" and the whole choreography and stage settings look like a ritual, idk it's just my opinion but well...
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Jun 12, 2018
Thinking about all the things they have done and how their destiny is almost irreversible I become sad.. I feel sorry for b,ts, b,ighit and ar,mys. All human beings can be fooled by the devil, in so many ways. And some fall deeper than the others.
Guys, I believe that, it doesn't matter what terrible things happen in this world, we have to always focus on our soul. This should be our most important concern. God will take care of everything and everyone will get what they deserve in the end. No evil lasts forever.
So let's just not forget about our own evil while thinking ab the others'.

I also am very thankful to you all for helping me lose my strong attachment towards BT,S. That feeling have been disturbing me for almost 2 years and it finally went away. Also you are some of the very few persons I can speak my heart loud to. I appreciate you all for the way you are, your kindness, intelligence and awarness.
And I am happy to see this thread is very helpful for so many people. God bless you :)
I'm really happy to hear that ! God bless you too :D


May 20, 2018
there's something sinister about micdrop, i never like their live performance even though they look really cool while performing that song, but they seem to be "possessed" and the whole coreography and stage settings look like a ritual, idk it's just my opinion but well...
Yeah i seen that eye twitch in another mic drop also..

And the all hailing is exactly like a worship thing...


Jul 14, 2018
Timothy 2 15 Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth. 16 Avoid godless chatter, because those who indulge in it will become more and more ungodly. 17 Their teaching will spread like gangrene.
22 Flee the evil desires of youth and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, along with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart.
23 Don’t have anything to do with foolish and stupid arguments, because you know they produce quarrels. 24 And the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful. 25 Opponents must be gently instructed, in the hope that God will grant them repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth, 26 and that they will come to their senses and escape from the trap of the devil, who has taken them captive to do his will.
Thank you for reminding me, will not happen again.


Jul 14, 2018
Alright guys, I'm so paranoid right now because I really think that Trump is going to be assassinated today.
There's a news outlet called "Die Tagesschau" that just informed us that there will be massive anti-protests against Trump.
I've already shown you the predictive programming video.

In the show 24 hours they show you that the president of the USA visits London and there is massive protest against him.
View attachment 12744

In the article of "Die Tagesschau" there's a British woman that was interviewed. We know the Elite works in codes. The woman is 37 years old. 3x7=777. The number seven is perfection.

1+3+7+2+1+8=22 (MASTER BUILDER NUMBER GUYS!!!)
Trump:88/25/47/29 (47=74 just inverted!!!!)
Big Ben:39/30/123/33
thirteen: 99/45/117

13th of July 2018=193rd day of the year; as you've seen above there's a lot of 39,63,36 (3x6=666) they all belong together in gematria they're only inverted/swapped

since Trump's presidency 20th January 2017= 539 days

Here's the video again, @5:04
You do realise that they set out disinformation programming as well as true ones so that people will dismiss this whole ordeal once it does not occur.


Jul 14, 2018
I am sad I’ve always had a dream to become a psychologist but the world is crazy right now and soon the dreadful time will come I’m young but my generation will most likely be corrupt I also live in a Western country and my religion is discriminated a lot i believe it will become a lot worse I’m worried and sad I just hope I get to live life like I want to with Gods help
But fear should be used positively!! Praying for the best
NoT Tódä¥ proved their agenda esp the beginning
“All the underdogs in the world a day may come when we lose but it’s not today TODAY WE FIGHT!!!” That passion in Joonies voice though
He means all the underdogs, as in all who are against Yah...


Jun 12, 2018
Sorry y'all this might be off topic and prolly the dumbest question I've ever asked, yet why would bih!t monetize errythang bee tee sneak as if the boyz were some kind of trademarked goods? Not only this sort of marketing would alienate their fans but also the company would lose their almighty $$$.
Because it is accepted by the majority of the fans. They are buying everything that is bts related. That is what fan culture is and bighit isn't the only company to do so which make it easier for them. Some fans also think that money will totally profit the members (I don't think that way but that's my opinion ;)) that's why they are ready to spend tons of money for contents without limits.
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May 20, 2018
Sorry y'all this might be off topic and prolly the dumbest question I've ever asked, yet why would bih!t monetize errythang bee tee sneak as if the boyz were some kind of trademarked goods? Not only this sort of marketing would alienate their fans but also the company would lose their almighty $$$.
Because it is accepted by the majority of the fans. They are buying everything that is bts related. That is what fan culture is and bighit isn't the only company to do so which make it easier for them. Some fans also thing that money will totally profit the members (I don't think that way but that's my opinion ;)) that's why they are ready to spend tons of money for contents without limits.
Yes i agree
And the time is near for their military enlistments.. So they're milking them as much as they can. Before they jump into another group..


Jun 20, 2018
And the all hailing is exactly like a worship thing...
ikr, it baffles me how they could get away with that choreo and no one bats an eye smh

Exactly ! They clearly know the hype is going to fade someday so they are trying to gain as much money as possible right now. Look at how close the next comeback is planned
bi9hit are milking bt$ and arm¥ down to the bone, the boys don't even have time to rest, they never went hiatus between each comeback, always busy making contents to keep their fans attached (and broke)
their world tour will be started on august 25th, if they're really going to make a comeback next month, that would make bi9hit the craziest entertainment company on earth.
Mar 24, 2018
JûNGKook W!NG$ Analysis Part 3
In my last post I talked about the black tear symbolising losing someone we can see the black tear form on the picture assuming this is a portrait of T@e and we see Jk@y shaking his head clearly distraught by it all Them we see rain pouring down which symbolises the tears and sadness he feels in this moment of time It could also symbolise cleansing so becoming a new version of yourself whilst the other dies (the death of T@e”¥ûńg) We see Crows come in as he looks up and then he picks up the picture of the bird Crows symbolise life’s magic and mystery as well as the most commonly known symbolism of bad luck and death. Also they symbolise TRANSFORMATION a common themed within W!NGS The transformation from good to evil
At the end we see the wings looking like those worn by T@e in BST When J!n kisses the statue there’s a shot of T@e after with the Wings whilst in Bég!n Someone is facing the same Wings at the end The fallen Angel A sacrifice???
Song Analysis
There isn’t much to analyse solely looking at the lyrics Overall the song is talking about Jk@ys love for his hyungs but it can have a more deeper meaning “The world was so big and I was so small” could link to when he started as a trainee he was very young but the expectations and new revelations were huge (he is most likely not born into it? Maybe he was forced to stay) Also he travelled alone to the US a young boy so small in a massive country without his parents I don’t want to think what may have happened poor soul
“The wholly empty me who had not scent of his own” He’s Basically saying that he had no identity almost having no strong personality to multiple due to MK ultra
Now here’s my theory: He says “ Love you my brother” linking to only one person not all members Throughout W!NG$ he’s been connected to Sug@ and in the song he states that his hyungs made him who he is and shaped him Also this could also conclude a victims attatchment to their handler especially when they are young as this person has basically been with them linking to Stockholm syndrome too it could also link to his relationship with a possible manager who was his handler too I think Jk@y has been through intensive mind control from his eye twitching his change on and off stage and his personality being the strongest to the cute Maknae
Also the change in his eyes he looks possessed on stage his eyes look so evil when he performs on stage ive seem this on many occasions Someone told me once that when you look at someone’s eyes you can tell a lot about them Off stage his eyes look very pure imo and then on stage he literally looks possessed especially in M!c Drop, F!R€ B$T and F@K€ LØV€
The song always gave me a feeling it was written For J!n I don’t know why but I always felt it almost J!n And JK@y are surprisingly very close and I honestly think Jk@y likes him more than the other members he seems to tease him in a more friendly way than the rest but this is my opinion only
Also the film showed a member dying and In BÊGïN he says “I feel like dying when my hyungs are sad” and “When my hyungs are hurt it hurts more than I am” you can see here the references to the aftermath of what happened in the film “ I don’t know sadness but I want to cry” Again linking to Mind control victims and how some of their emotions can be stripped away Maybe he could have never felt the sadness because they reprogrammed him to forget:(
This lyric seems to be connected to J!n again In Aw@ke J!m says “Maybe I can never fly” and then I’m Be”! N Jk@y says “Fly with me” giving him reassurance he wants to be there for him almost during his hard times
BéG!N backwards
Here we hear the lyrics reversed Reversed lyrics are normally looking in the mind of the lyricist and theorfore are the minds communicatig
In the song sending out a hidden message scary stuff as most are praising Satan he says “Let me in” is he asking to be let in to the world all the others have joined it could also backup the theory that he was the last one to join in F@K€ LØV€ we see him finally signing the deal and see the mystery day has he finally been let in
“Give it all, I knew it I missed it all”
Wth!!!!! Give it all to Lucifer and he missed what???? He missed joining early “I messed up” “ Loser” I honestly don’t know what this means
“I swore” He made a pact to join the evil and now he knows that he’s messed up when he says let me in he’s talking about before he joined but now he’s done it and feels like there’s no way out
Some interesting comments
under the video
Wow I’m creeped out man
So that’s it guys Lie coming soon Sorry for the wait I’ve had my fair share of evil attacking me recently and therefore I’ve felt tired and drained so I wasn’t able to write
Disclaimer 1: All theories nothing is a fact and mostly research and my own opinions
Disclaimer 2: Although most are my own theories, as part of my research I have watched other theories on Bégin and linked some ideas In no way do i take credit for all of my posts being solely on my own opinions, however most of them are my own theories and research

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Mar 24, 2018
Guys I was doing my research of St!gma as I’m posting theories on all members Short films and so songs and I went On Veeees St!gm@ backwards I will Analyse the lyrics when I’m on his solo part but I wanted to share some of the comments that interested me
One of them creeped me out so badly
Also all the backwards songs refer to “he” and say “Help us” they’re making it so obvious wth



Dec 23, 2017
I just wanted to talk about the importance of animals in satanic rituals and how they are used for creating trauma

So remember wizard of oz programming and how it’s filled with Mk ultra symbolism? Anyway Dorothy is known to have a dog named Toto, whom serves a very important role


The close relationship between Dorothy and her dog is a very subtle connection between the satanic cults use of animals (familiars). A Monarch slave as a child will be allowed to bond with a pet. The child will want to bond with a pet anyway because people are terrifying by this point. Then the pet is killed to traumatize the child.

Anyway I noticed that back in 2016 & 2017, Jin and Jimin coincidentally announced that their dogs died.

BTS's Jin took to the group's official fan cafe recently to share news of the passing of his friend, Jjanggu.

Eng translation


And then you have Jimin, he stated that his dog ddoson, died recently (back in a 2016 fanmeeting )

But what is sad is this


(Basically bts were featured in magazine catalogue and every member basically stated that they have a pet, except Jimin )

At first I thought I was reaching and all of this was just a coincidence but then I remembered tae’s stigma MV


He’s literally seen in a cage with bruise marks aka hinting at ritual abuse


And then we see a scene with shattering glass (oh because bighit thought it would look super cool right and it’s totally not a reference to Mk ultra)

And then we see tae bonding with a puppy, looking rather traumatized

And then the last scene the puppy all of a sudden “abandons” tae and before you know it, he is left all alone

Do you think it’s a coincidence that the dog used in stigma has an uncanny resemblance to Jin’s dog...?


Also stigma is 3 : 18 long

3 + 1 + 8 = 12

Jin literally stated that his dog has been with him for 12 years

We know how bighit pay such huge attention to details...Also Interesting how stigma was released in September and Jin announced the passing of his dog in September

9 is one of most important occult numbers

Why do most kpop idols have a connection with September and death, look at ladies code, look at tae’s grandma etc

Also I’d like to add that the first time the dog appears, is when tae starts singing, he doesn’t sing beforehand

At 2: 20

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,
I’m sorry ma sister
No matter how much I hide it and cover it up, it doesn’t go away”
So cry
Please dry my eyes
That light, that light shines on my sins
Only the red blood falls, unable to be turned back
Every day, I want to die even more
Let me take the punishment
Grant me absolution from my sins

I know this may be a stupid post but I just thought it was an interesting coincidence and I’m not saying it’s facts...I obviously know animals & ppl can die under natural’s just a theory
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Jun 11, 2018
I just wanted to talk about the importance of animals in satanic rituals and how they are used for creating trauma

So remember wizard of oz programming and how it’s filled with Mk ultra symbolism? Anyway Dorothy is known to have a dog named Toto, whom serves a very important role

View attachment 13016

The close relationship between Dorothy and her dog is a very subtle connection between the satanic cults use of animals (familiars). A Monarch slave as a child will be allowed to bond with a pet. The child will want to bond with a pet anyway because people are terrifying by this point. Then the pet is killed to traumatize the child.

Anyway I noticed that back in 2016 & 2017, Jin and Jimin coincidentally announced that their dogs died.

BTS's Jin took to the group's official fan cafe recently to share news of the passing of his friend, Jjanggu.

Eng translation

View attachment 13029

And then you have Jimin, he started that his dog ddoson, died recently (back in a 2016 fanmeeting )

But what is sad is this

View attachment 13025
View attachment 13026

(Basically bts were featured in magazine catalogue and every member basically stated that they have a pet, except Jimin )

At first I thought I was reaching and all of this was just a coincidence but then I remembered tae’s stigma MV

View attachment 13020

He’s literally seen in a cage with bruise marks aka hinting at ritual abuse

View attachment 13021

And then we see a scene with shattering glass (oh because bighit thought it would look super cool right and it’s totally not a reference to Mk ultra)

View attachment 13022
And then we see tae bonding with a puppy, looking rather traumatized

View attachment 13023
And then the last scene the puppy all of a sudden “abandons” tae and before we you know it, he is left all alone

Do you think it’s a coincidence that the dog used in stigma has an uncanny resemblance to Jin’s dog...?

View attachment 13028

Also stigma is 3 : 18 long

3 + 1 + 8 = 12

Jin literally stated that his dog has been with him for 12 years

We know how bighit pay such huge attention to details...Also Interesting how stigma was released in September and Jin announced the passing of his dog in September

9 is one of most important occult numbers

Why do most kpop idols have a connection with September and death, look at ladies code, look at tae’s grandma etc

I know this may be a stupid post but I just thought it was an interesting coincidence and I’m not saying it’s fact...I obviously know animals & ppl can die under natural’s just a theory
I hope you are wrong cause that thought is making me sad :(


Jun 11, 2018
Also i am kinda creeped out rn let me explain :
-I haven't been listening to any music for 2 months (except Ghibli but it's only once a day )
-I reviewed a few songs yesterday but it was slowed down at 0:25 frame per sec and i had the sound off

But when i woke up i had Spring Day starting to get stuck in my head (my brain record a song in the head and even if i heard it once or twice or 3 times i will remember all the lyrics
And this is not a good thing :()

Am i cursed plz help :( ?
(Btw i keep praying and it stops and then it comes back )

Bae Yeon Hee

May 17, 2018
I just wanted to talk about the importance of animals in satanic rituals and how they are used for creating trauma

So remember wizard of oz programming and how it’s filled with Mk ultra symbolism? Anyway Dorothy is known to have a dog named Toto, whom serves a very important role

View attachment 13016

The close relationship between Dorothy and her dog is a very subtle connection between the satanic cults use of animals (familiars). A Monarch slave as a child will be allowed to bond with a pet. The child will want to bond with a pet anyway because people are terrifying by this point. Then the pet is killed to traumatize the child.

Anyway I noticed that back in 2016 & 2017, Jin and Jimin coincidentally announced that their dogs died.

BTS's Jin took to the group's official fan cafe recently to share news of the passing of his friend, Jjanggu.

Eng translation

View attachment 13029

And then you have Jimin, he started that his dog ddoson, died recently (back in a 2016 fanmeeting )

But what is sad is this

View attachment 13025
View attachment 13026

(Basically bts were featured in magazine catalogue and every member basically stated that they have a pet, except Jimin )

At first I thought I was reaching and all of this was just a coincidence but then I remembered tae’s stigma MV

View attachment 13020

He’s literally seen in a cage with bruise marks aka hinting at ritual abuse

View attachment 13021

And then we see a scene with shattering glass (oh because bighit thought it would look super cool right and it’s totally not a reference to Mk ultra)

View attachment 13022
And then we see tae bonding with a puppy, looking rather traumatized

View attachment 13023
And then the last scene the puppy all of a sudden “abandons” tae and before we you know it, he is left all alone

Do you think it’s a coincidence that the dog used in stigma has an uncanny resemblance to Jin’s dog...?

View attachment 13028

Also stigma is 3 : 18 long

3 + 1 + 8 = 12

Jin literally stated that his dog has been with him for 12 years

We know how bighit pay such huge attention to details...Also Interesting how stigma was released in September and Jin announced the passing of his dog in September

9 is one of most important occult numbers

Why do most kpop idols have a connection with September and death, look at ladies code, look at tae’s grandma etc

I know this may be a stupid post but I just thought it was an interesting coincidence and I’m not saying it’s fact...I obviously know animals & ppl can die under natural’s just a theory
Awesome theory.