BTS discussion thread


Mar 8, 2018
Yea, many people make fun of cospiracies theories because too often people do complotism theories about...nothing, so the result is the most people consider them weirdos.
That's why i am very cautios about accusing groups or artists just because they do the V sign(that in Asia is done very often by everyone) or changing their hair blond (idols change their hair constantly for easthetic reasons and more often than not there nothing more than this).

The depression in that world is very common, not everyone is strong enough to be constantly scrutinized by media, they get constantly objectified and body shamed, not only by fans and media but even by insiders.
I remember one of those reality shows that "create" groups there was this gay dancer that had to teach dance to those group of girls and literally called a girl not "woman enough" because she was "too flat", we are talking of young girls that work hard as singers/dancers so those kind of psychological agressions create disturbs.

Talking about artists they get taken in when very young and made work very hard, i don't know if they all have those "energy" by themself , if you know what i mean.
That's why many artists end up having addictions.

Those are facts, i don't know if literally every artist has something to do with occult world thou.
Personally i don't think so, they probably do things they are not even aware, i doubt every single singer/actor is aware there is something behind them.
If you know the masonic pyramid you know that only high rankings know more things, i think this is the same in celebrities/artist world.
For a fact they know, there is an initiation ceremony/event before you go mainstream. Think of it like this there is so many talented people out there I mean with unique voices yet some don't make it because they don't sell out. Look at today's artist like Cardi B or mumble rappers, I mean they are not talented they're songs are all sampled and with dumb ass lyrics yet they're everywhere even receiving awards

the world is a stage

Mar 28, 2018
For a fact they know, there is an initiation ceremony/event before you go mainstream. Think of it like this there is so many talented people out there I mean with unique voices yet some don't make it because they don't sell out. Look at today's artist like Cardi B or mumble rappers, I mean they are not talented they're songs are all sampled and with dumb ass lyrics yet they're everywhere even receiving awards
Of course they know. I don't understand why people still think they don't know.


Jan 16, 2018
Random thoughts:

-Do you guys ever wonder how much money the boys really are seeing in their bank accounts considering how much this small company is making off of their only, single act at the moment?

-With all the glitch effects occuring in their videos, I'm now wondering just how coincidental that AU story from that Twitter account is. If you never read it, it's a computer game about all of the members. Two members play the game but they have to help the other members escape because they're trapped inside (try to guess who ends up being the villain). Glitches happen all throughout the story. This story literally became a sensation overnight, allegedly created by a 15yo. Unless it was created at the time the "BTS Glitch Party" happened, I find it suspicious.

-I'm recalling a time when I read somewhere that Suga long ago said that he wasn't satisfied with the kind of music they were making--this was before their huge success. I'm paraphrasing but that's the gist of what he said. Too, during the last US promos, he was extremely lowkey compared to the other members. Not sure what that was all about. He's my bias but even I forgot about him when I went to their show in Jersey. He had no stage presence...until Cypher of course lol. Looking back on interviews, I just remember how inconspicuous he was.. always in the back behind the rest.

the world is a stage

Mar 28, 2018
I think they are making less money than people think they are doing.
Most of their expenses are being payed by the company anyway.
A part the music and few adds they are not being involved in any other projects as far as i'm aware.
As far as I know, the rap line makes the most money (especially RM and Yoongi), as they are involved in producing the songs.
BigHit was heavily in debt some time ago. I think bts have been making really good money for only a few months now.
In a Japan interview, Jungkook said he turned his room into a movie theater (if I'm not mistaken). And Taehyung always wears Gucci (but most of the clothes are fan gifts). We will probably never know how much bts really get. But it's clear: the richer they become, the deeper they are involved in evil machinations.
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Dec 22, 2017
ome-brave- korean/asiatic fans (from Asia-not from LA) very desappointed with the way this BTS comeback is being organized.
They are calling it a "cheap strategy" to try the american market, and it's failing hard, lots of tickets from concerts have being bought from resellers that are selling them at incredible's grottesque, indeed.
bighit is giving priority to the two biggest music markets in the world = Japan and the US

Just look at their tour dates: 11 shows in LA only? And they had like 14 faanmeets in Japan last month
But they are having only 2 shows in korea this year and we don't know for how long they will promote their new song there

It's clear bighit is making a huge difference with their promotion in the US and Japan compared to the rest of the world


Dec 22, 2017
Random thoughts:

-Do you guys ever wonder how much money the boys really are seeing in their bank accounts considering how much this small company is making off of their only, single act at the moment?

-With all the glitch effects occuring in their videos, I'm now wondering just how coincidental that AU story from that Twitter account is. If you never read it, it's a computer game about all of the members. Two members play the game but they have to help the other members escape because they're trapped inside (try to guess who ends up being the villain). Glitches happen all throughout the story. This story literally became a sensation overnight, allegedly created by a 15yo. Unless it was created at the time the "BTS Glitch Party" happened, I find it suspicious.

-I'm recalling a time when I read somewhere that Suga long ago said that he wasn't satisfied with the kind of music they were making--this was before their huge success. I'm paraphrasing but that's the gist of what he said. Too, during the last US promos, he was extremely lowkey compared to the other members. Not sure what that was all about. He's my bias but even I forgot about him when I went to their show in Jersey. He had no stage presence...until Cypher of course lol. Looking back on interviews, I just remember how inconspicuous he was.. always in the back behind the rest.
Don't know how much money they make but they recently moved to a bigger house and some members like Jimin bought a new house to his parents, looking at the watches and clothes they wear I think they are getting paid

Talked about this game several times here, I don't think it was a coincidence and I believe it was some bighit staff members roleplaying as a fan. Also as soon as this game ended (the next day) bighit announced they were releasing an official BTS game. wich seemed like a strange coincidence to me

I believe suga is outcasted in the group, several times I see the other members playing with eatchother and suga is at the side looking bored or uninterested.There was a recent Bangtan Bomb where all the others were doing a group hug and suga was just looking at them like "whatever" and completely ignored them lol
Don't know how he feels about their recent music, but I remember RM saying Suga was not very happy about "blood sweat and tears" when they were working on it, he also dislikes a song called "converse high" and it's basically mocking the theme of the song in his verse


Jan 16, 2018
Talked about this game several times here, I don't think it was a coincidence and I believe it was some bighit staff members roleplaying as a fan. Also as soon as this game ended (the next day) bighit announced they were releasing an official BTS game. wich seemed like a strange coincidence to me
Not to mention Forbes magazine wrote an online article about the story's popularity immediately after. I believe the same author wrote another story too last month.


Dec 22, 2017
Not to mention Forbes magazine wrote an online article about the story's popularity immediately after. I believe the same author wrote another story too last month.
yeah very suspicious, it became a huge thing on twitter too like every fan was adicted and only talking about that game for a whole day
Do you remember who was the main character of the story?


Dec 23, 2017
They dropped the comeback trailer 'Singularity' sung by Taehyung(V):
what do you think the ending with the mask and black tear symbolises?
I read a theory on twitter suggesting that this concept refers to tae being a fallen angel who has recently gotten it’s wings clipped, basically he’s representing Lucifer. Also it’s pretty creepy how the video is 3: 33 long because it’s symbolic for the term “devil’s hour”

Adversely, the term Devil's hour applies to the hour of 2:33 AM, 3 AM or 3:33 AM, the suggestion being that this is an inversion of the time at which Christ died at Calvary”

Devil’s Hour” or the “Witching hour” is believed that devils and all other paranormals prefer 3:00 am to 4:00 am as the preferred time period for all their activities. This is done as a mockery of Christ who had died at 3 pm in the afternoon. It is said that if you awake at that part of the night, it means that the ‘devil’ had paid you a visit. All witchcraft and paranormal activities are heightened from 3 to 4 in the morning. ‘Three’ also holds a significant position in the black magic world as an insult to Christ. Three successive knocks on the door, three times your name being called, three howls etc.

okay that is pretty creepy


Jan 4, 2018
I read a theory on twitter suggesting that this concept refers to tae being a fallen angel who has recently gotten it’s wings clipped, basically he’s representing Lucifer. Also it’s pretty creepy how the video is 3: 33 long because it’s symbolic for the term “devil’s hour”

Adversely, the term Devil's hour applies to the hour of 2:33 AM, 3 AM or 3:33 AM, the suggestion being that this is an inversion of the time at which Christ died at Calvary”

Devil’s Hour” or the “Witching hour” is believed that devils and all other paranormals prefer 3:00 am to 4:00 am as the preferred time period for all their activities. This is done as a mockery of Christ who had died at 3 pm in the afternoon. It is said that if you awake at that part of the night, it means that the ‘devil’ had paid you a visit. All witchcraft and paranormal activities are heightened from 3 to 4 in the morning. ‘Three’ also holds a significant position in the black magic world as an insult to Christ. Three successive knocks on the door, three times your name being called, three howls etc.

okay that is pretty creepy
Yeah Tae was a fallen angel in bs&t also here is this: Taehyung was shown killing his father in the original version of i need u


Dec 22, 2017
They dropped the comeback trailer 'Singularity' sung by Taehyung(V):
what do you think the ending with the mask and black tear symbolises?
the mask remembers me of that dream a lot of fans had with suga. where he said: "can you see me now?" wasn't he wearing a mask on those dreams too? Maybe they will be wearing masks in their next MV :confused:

They also mentioned this "mask" in their song outro HER from last album:

"I can’t ever take off this mask
Because I’m not the guy you know under this mask
Again today, make up to wake up
And dress up to mask on"


Dec 22, 2017
I read a theory on twitter suggesting that this concept refers to tae being a fallen angel who has recently gotten it’s wings clipped, basically he’s representing Lucifer. Also it’s pretty creepy how the video is 3: 33 long because it’s symbolic for the term “devil’s hour”

Adversely, the term Devil's hour applies to the hour of 2:33 AM, 3 AM or 3:33 AM, the suggestion being that this is an inversion of the time at which Christ died at Calvary”

Devil’s Hour” or the “Witching hour” is believed that devils and all other paranormals prefer 3:00 am to 4:00 am as the preferred time period for all their activities. This is done as a mockery of Christ who had died at 3 pm in the afternoon. It is said that if you awake at that part of the night, it means that the ‘devil’ had paid you a visit. All witchcraft and paranormal activities are heightened from 3 to 4 in the morning. ‘Three’ also holds a significant position in the black magic world as an insult to Christ. Three successive knocks on the door, three times your name being called, three howls etc.

okay that is pretty creepy

well they gave him the character of the Evil one (demian) in WINGS, and seems like this is the character he had since the beggining when he killed his father in the INU video
Why did they choose him to play "the bad one" and Jin the "good one" is still a mistery


May 1, 2018
the 1st thing that caught my attention in the lyrics was him talking about frozen lake and how he got in the icy water for "you" and lost his voice for "you " the "you" I really don't think it refers to a former lover or whatever but something powerful , anyway going in a frozen lake or water is being baptised when he says that he went in the icy water for"you" I guess he means Satan not a girl ? and he lost his voice bcuz you can't say anything when you get in, you lose your freedom to say what you want , he also says "Have I lost myself or have I gained you " well this one's really painful .... that's what I got for now, tell me how do you see it guys ?
the song and the MV are full of hints

Wandering mind

Apr 24, 2018
yep, it's all an agenda to make us look like crazy weirdos
But the truth is: people are afraid of the things they can't explain, they like to believe everything is unicorns and rainbows and everyone is happy, I think deep down they know that's not how the real world works

If these idols are so happy then why so many of them suffer depression? why so many of them tried suicide? why so many of them left their companies even when their groups were at the top?

The same thing happens in hollywood: how many child stars end up addicted to drugs? how many of them go crazy?
think about Lou Perlman and how he was abusing young boys, the same thing happened last year with Kevin Spacey
Everybody knows hollywood is full of pedophiles and abusers, this is not a conspiracy and I recommend everyone here to watch this documentary

the public is still in denial and saying we are "the crazy ones" but anyone who is not blinded by the media and the celebrity worshiping can see that something sinister is going on behind the scenes
thank you for the video, I will watch it
When I talk about these things my friends laugh at me and say “you know this isn’t true, you read too many theories” it gets frustrating because they just laugh when I explain to them

Also I never called them “idols” even when I started being a fan I remember on a video a girl said “I would give my unborn child to Jimin” At that time I realised how sucked in some BTS fans were and she got about 100 likes there were a few people who found it disgusting and said to her but she continued to stand for what she said
lmao same. I stopped talking about this with my friends.

Wandering mind

Apr 24, 2018
This thread is the most confusing. Why are so many here protecting BTS? I thought we’re here to talk about the agenda and how they are influencing society? Not how much you love BTS and how you enjoy their videos.
there are still fans who find it hard to accept all this completely, I am still a fan but not that hardcore fan, I am still updated with what they're doing and curious about what's next, you see people are different when it comes to accept the truth because there are some who read about this occult, cult and agenda thing for the first time.

Wandering mind

Apr 24, 2018
Random thoughts:

-Do you guys ever wonder how much money the boys really are seeing in their bank accounts considering how much this small company is making off of their only, single act at the moment?

-With all the glitch effects occuring in their videos, I'm now wondering just how coincidental that AU story from that Twitter account is. If you never read it, it's a computer game about all of the members. Two members play the game but they have to help the other members escape because they're trapped inside (try to guess who ends up being the villain). Glitches happen all throughout the story. This story literally became a sensation overnight, allegedly created by a 15yo. Unless it was created at the time the "BTS Glitch Party" happened, I find it suspicious.

-I'm recalling a time when I read somewhere that Suga long ago said that he wasn't satisfied with the kind of music they were making--this was before their huge success. I'm paraphrasing but that's the gist of what he said. Too, during the last US promos, he was extremely lowkey compared to the other members. Not sure what that was all about. He's my bias but even I forgot about him when I went to their show in Jersey. He had no stage presence...until Cypher of course lol. Looking back on interviews, I just remember how inconspicuous he was.. always in the back behind the rest.
to think that the AU is pure coincidence, that's wild. and I still remember how everyone was hyped about the AU including myself, I was reading it whenever the writer release another update, but I wasn't reading their 2nd AU.

Wandering mind

Apr 24, 2018
the 1st thing that caught my attention in the lyrics was him talking about frozen lake and how he got in the icy water for "you" and lost his voice for "you " the "you" I really don't think it refers to a former lover or whatever but something powerful , anyway going in a frozen lake or water is being baptised when he says that he went in the icy water for"you" I guess he means Satan not a girl ? and he lost his voice bcuz you can't say anything when you get in, you lose your freedom to say what you want , he also says "Have I lost myself or have I gained you " well this one's really painful .... that's what I got for now, tell me how do you see it guys ?
the song and the MV are full of hints
made me think about BS&T lyrics :
My blood, sweat and tears
My last dance
Take it away
My blood, sweat and tears
My cold breath

Take it away

impossible that they're talking about a lover, that's some kind of sacrifice.