BTS discussion thread


Jan 16, 2018
I just read some scorching hot tea about the members, and one in particular caught me VERY off guard.

Chr*sti@n CM CM apparently likes underage girls and has a bad reputation within the industry because of it. He's known for chasing them and coming on too strong to the point he apparently scared one so bad that other people had to intervene in warning to back off.

If there's any truth, it's not surprising since this type of behaviour is encouraged not only within the industry, but within the elite. It's common for people who were abused (any type) to abuse others too. Take this with a grain of salt since it's just gossip.

He does come off very sexual and in your face so I'm not sure if this is what shocks me, or if it's that he supposedly likes girls..

But this tea has me like -

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I think I know the brand of tea.

At first the second eldest was mentioned as the one going after underage girls. Someone else brought this to my attention since they know he'smy bias. Now, I don't know what to think!

Each day I can't look at them the same! *cries*


May 20, 2018
Guys.. I can't help but feel that jin is the least talked about these days.. I have been on tw1tt and fb.. I don't use Insta..
But that guy.. No one is talking about him like they're talking about j1min V and k00k.. The maknae line is in full lights ..
But j1n also got tha blonde.. And i think he looks really good too..
But this kind of weirded me out that he's getting the least attention ...

Maybe just maybe B1ghit wanted it this way.. Even if he vanishes.. Nobody would care for more than a week... Or even days maybe..

And army themselves are saying that k00k stayed dark brown haired for so long.
Why red now? Something big is coming


Jun 11, 2018
The proof is in how much smut there is of bts
and have u seen some of the comments they've posted?
What type of comments ? 0_o
Also there are underage AR!Y wtf ?!? I thought it was only from like 18 (or 16 idk) to young adults/adults like from 19 to 27
Shook this is not ok at all :/
May 24, 2018
Guys.. I can't help but feel that jin is the least talked about these days.. I have been on tw1tt and fb.. I don't use Insta..
But that guy.. No one is talking about him like they're talking about j1min V and k00k.. The maknae line is in full lights ..
But j1n also got tha blonde.. And i think he looks really good too..
But this kind of weirded me out that he's getting the least attention ...

Maybe just maybe B1ghit wanted it this way.. Even if he vanishes.. Nobody would care for more than a week... Or even days maybe..

And army themselves are saying that k00k stayed dark brown haired for so long.
Why red now? Something big is coming
I agree with that & something big coming... His hair looks white here and j1n has always been forgotten like here:
His blonde mk-ultra reprogrammed alter
And putting this because we havent talked about h0b1 much 4.jpg777.jpg
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Apr 30, 2018
I agree. He would be very popular.

I remember when I came across his English cover of 2U.

His voice was amazing. You can hear the emotion in his voice.He has a lot of potential in the west if he sang in English. Most of the covers he did were better than the original.

I really believe he could be successful if he goes solo in the future.
his English pronunciation is really good too


May 20, 2018
Sorry I needed some zzsss.
Strange while sleeping I got sleep paralysis again and felt like some force pushing me

I have some for Hobb1. I think he is joining R*M in tweeting with one eyes:
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Also, he sprayed some water on the willing fan girls. Maybe blessing them with there "holy el1te water" But his hair is still black. So idk maybe he is still strong with his "magic shield". He looks wild here:
He got a black choker on...
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The person seems to be right about Jin
because i did see a musty aura around him
Not surprised if he does have depression

this person seems to be telling the truth from my understanding
And that person also said that lifetime for V is short and h0bi is VERY short... How can they tell how long a person would live?


Jun 11, 2018
May I see the llnk/source? This has me o_O
but why do I have a feeling he doesn't prefer girls. just a hunch don't quote me on this
I am honestly shocked but was thinking...
If you see the B0n v0yage where the kids were dancing in the Hawaiian outfits something seemed off with how he approached/reached for one of this kids. This could be possible with people being abused also turning to abuse others. Like a cycle of abuse. Forgot which episode it was but it was with the episode they were eating and watching the show in hawaii. Something seemed off for a very long time. Hope Im just imagining this.
It was this ep. prior to this scene when the kids asked them to join them to dance in the stage:
I am skeptical about him chasing the underage girls and I hope its just gossip....
But one never knows and
p*edos are abundant in the ent. biz. I hope he isn't going this path!!!
He went to visit kids orphanage on his day off
(I hope this is nothing sinister)
I hope he isn't
turning into one of the elite who are like u know what!
I truly hope that this isn't true but we'll see :(

Gotta leave this
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May 24, 2018
Interesting what this person felt:
"Such violent and demonic gay energies from bt$ tonight"

It makes me think it is june and are they more energized this time?
Also, how do you guys feel about their recent performances?
Any theories?
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Apr 30, 2018
oh shit this explains so much
i always knew there was something off about Christianity
if anything it doesn't even seem like what people are portraying it out to be as
like seriously worshiping someone?? and then calling everyone equal???

this is part of the reason i create my own belief system instead of following the mainstream media's form of it
because everything that seems to be said on there that is looked at as good seems to be the opposite

(also sorry if its been a while since i've been back i took a break for a while)
sorry but.. I'm still wondering if Christians worship Jesus or the God of Jesus ?? bcuz I only see people mentioning Jesus and not the 'father' of Jesus. I'm confused . sorry this is about religion but I need answer :"((


May 20, 2018
he looks like a 45 years old man having an identity crisis T___T
But seriously, its sad they got JayK
Some people said he looks like the Hair J1mbo had in D0pe :
Also, making him wear this B*DSM stuff still. Smh...Makes them seem like real slave tbh and "bonded" to their elite masters
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They got him I thought he said he originally didn't like to get his hair coloured. Seems like R*M might have had a role in his change of mind

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Harness ("bondage" to the el!te?), and he looks more feminine/androgynous with this new colour

I agree with JayK they have him fully controlled now it seems. He gave in to changing his hair, showing his abs....
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What do you think about sugar? I just notice his ear piece looks like a lightning bolt..
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This purple choker is bothering me. And he's been going on about 'i purple you' and purple etc..
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That earpiece is suga's favorite one.. He wears it to all the shows