BTS discussion thread


Apr 22, 2018
Her is "lucifer" many occultists believe Lucifer is androgynous or female. What occultists , satanists, luciferians don't realize, as they condemn other religions for brainwashing is that they too are a religion that brainwashes, they actually threaten your life or worse if you want to walk away from it. They lure you in with sweet words and it all sounds so good and then suddenly you realize that it isn't what it's made out to be. That it is sinister.
That Lucifer loving person said something is strange about you....why did they say that?
May 24, 2018
Omg! Great catch!
I listened to that song many times (hopefully it didn't damage me). That its practically embedded in my brain. lmao
That song talks about love(?). Here's what R**M said:
Interviewer: The last song, "Outro: Her" really spoke to me. It almost reads like a diary.

R*M: Ha! [Laughs]

Interviewer: After talking with you, it feels like it recaps the whole album and is really introspective.
I think that was the fastest work I did for this album. I wrote the verse in 20 minutes; it just came, very truthfully, from the bottom of my heart. I thought it was the right outro for this album because it is really a range of emotions -- I'm saying I met this person that I really love, this person is the love of my life right now, I'm saying that I was confused and I was looking for love and this world is complex. But I think it's you so, "I call you 'her,' 'cause you're my tear." "I think you're the start and the end of me." That's what I'm saying: You're my wonder, but you're also my answers. You're my "her," but you're still the "tear."

The hook is saying that love is not all about the happiness, it's just not just about the joy, it's not just about delight. If you want to love a person, you should know that there are tears and there can even be hatred inside of it. I think a love really includes all of that. That's what I was trying to say. It's complex.

Interviewer: And if fans are so lucky to own the physical album, they'll hear two hidden tracks at the very. Why keep them secretive?
I think they're hidden because you have to be a real fan of BTS to understand them. Otherwise, you won't. Otherwise, you'd like be, "Why are they feeling so confused about things? They're good?!? They're No. 1 somewhere, they have so much stuff, why are they worried?" People always talk about that. But if you are true fan of BTS and you buy the album and you listen to the hidden track -- if you are an Army and we spent time together from 2013, 2014 -- they could understand. It's kind of more special, more closer, to our true hearts.
Full Article interview:

Wikipedia says: Indigo children, according to a pseudoscientific New Age concept, are children who are believed to possess special, unusual, and sometimes supernatural traits or abilities.
Thanks :) Maybe thats why people find him strange... he can be difficult to read.


Jun 1, 2018
I was instructed to exclusively watch this thread. I was told that two more spies were hired for the other thread. It sounds crazy, but there're spies everywhere.
Okay, before responding to your post about religion, B*T$ and illum!nat!, I want to ask you a few questions.
What exactly is your purpose by "exclusively watching" this thread?
And oh, you are a unique spy, and then revealing yourself proudly by saying you're a spy. It just does not make sense to me. What kind of spy is that? Sorry. I just thought that you have a mission by joining this thread. Perhaps, spreading the fear and paranoid to user in this thread?

Please feel free to correct me if you are really a genuine person. I just feel you are trolling in this thread.


Apr 22, 2018
I listened to that song many times (hopefully it didn't damage me). That its practically embedded in my brain. lmao
That song talks about love(?). Here's what R**M said:

Full Article interview:

Thanks :) Maybe thats why people find him strange... he can be difficult to read. little sneaky bastard....
And rm clarifies 'her' as a human....
And why did he said that only true fans will understand...
Those true fans must be around from 2013 -14
May 24, 2018
Her is "lucifer" many occultists believe Lucifer is androgynous or female. What occultists , satanists, luciferians don't realize, as they condemn other religions for brainwashing is that they too are a religion that brainwashes, they actually threaten your life or worse if you want to walk away from it. They lure you in with sweet words and it all sounds so good and then suddenly you realize that it isn't what it's made out to be. That it is sinister.
Danng, then Outr0: Her is so subliminal. People would think "her" is some lady. But nahhhh.
Thanks for clarifying.
That luciferians is like a pot calling a kettle back. Hypocrites. And baphomet is androgynous as I've read....

And wow someone approached me before must be from a cult like said: "god is not a man, god is a woman" and wanted me to join them. I got scared and like just let them talk but didn't want any of it. Who cares about gender imho, God is an entity that is different and unimaginable must not be bound by human constructs..


Jan 16, 2018
Her is "lucifer" many occultists believe Lucifer is androgynous or female. What occultists , satanists, luciferians don't realize, as they condemn other religions for brainwashing is that they too are a religion that brainwashes, they actually threaten your life or worse if you want to walk away from it. They lure you in with sweet words and it all sounds so good and then suddenly you realize that it isn't what it's made out to be. That it is sinister.

OK! I don't know about y'all but I wouldn't be too keen to be a part of something that if I speak about its secrets, then my life is terrible danger to the point of being killed. Why risk being killed for a bunch of strangers talking about a Kpop boy band? It ain't logical!

Plus, poor thing has multiple entities.
Could it be a spam bot? Is that really a thing? Do I know what I'm talking about or did I just make that up?


Dec 22, 2017
Did 33 hours really go by that quick? I'm so lost, lol. Bizzaroworld.
lmao I'm amused tbh

Okay, before responding to your post about religion, B*T$ and illum!nat!, I want to ask you a few questions.
What exactly is your purpose by "exclusively watching" this thread?
And oh, you are a unique spy, and then revealing yourself proudly by saying you're a spy. It just does not make sense to me.
apparently this person has a few more hours to live but they decided to spend that precious time posting on this thread. Gotta give them some credit for their generosity


Jun 11, 2018
3 3 3

As expected, you don't believe me.

Think. The people who immediately call my words a lie probably don't want you to know the truth.

Not everyone who appears trustworthy is reliable.

I was instructed to exclusively watch this thread. I was told that two more spies were hired for the other thread. It sounds crazy, but there're spies everywhere.
Facebook has been spying on its users for years.
What matters is not what you write, but WHO you are.
Too much, I'm telling too much.
I don't fear death.
I am not here to gain your trust. Laugh at me. But I see what you can't see.

Hypocrisy. You call the followers of bts blind and brainwashed, but some of you are as well.

Code 19 protects the Qur'an, but not Islam.

Numbers dominate the universe. There is a good reason why the elite loves numbers.

Why do I mention religion? Because religion was created to brainwash and control people. It play a big role in this world and for the so called Elite. Religious people never question and are very obedient. Something we love.

I preached a lot in churches. There a many, many, many of us in churches, temples and mosques. We know your religion better than you.

Your pastor next door could be a luciferian.

Faith and religion are different. I believe in God. It's a duty in my cult to believe in him. Only those who believe in him can believe in his adversary and worship her.

bts ...

V is like me. He's born "into the occult" and is an indigo soul. He sees the hidden and can communicate with them.

Seokjin was also born "into it". Every moondchild bears a mark that only people like me can see.

Yes, moonchildren exist.

Min Yoongi is a first-class magician or occultist. Call them how you want.
Nam Joon has some bad spirits surrounding him. He's also a magician.

Taehyung is a magician aswell, but of a different kind.
He's bisexual.

I can't see JK's soul. They did something to him.

Jimin's soul is interesting, very deep colored and splitted. He could be a moonchild too.

bts is part of the biggest cult in this world.

Yes, XXX means 666. I'm a lost soul. I have to do that all the time to please her.

I'm not here trying to bash anybody. I'm just tired of it. She is never satisfied with me.

Anyway, it's better for you to ignore me.

I have many personalities. It's the other personality who deleted my first post...I guess.

Few hours left.
If you know all of this and you are telling the truth (about b+s,etc...) then why would you tell us ?


Jan 16, 2018
Here's what they said:

What I can get here is:

J1n, Veee, or J1min- moonchildren (we already talked about this)
Sugar is a first-class magician (I didn't know they had levels maybe like the degrees of masonry?)
R*M plagued by bad spirits, also a magician (wondering is he first class? he wrote expensive girl must love first class stuff..)
Veee has indigo soul(idk what this means?), is bisexual and a different kind of magician as user @love for lucy said (Just to note their username is funny. Love for lucy? Love for lucifer?)
JayK has some stuff done to him (maybe MK Ultra or that initiation party we talked about before), his soul can't be seen
Jimbo- has many personalities/alters possibly a moon child (we talked about this), his soul is split, has deep colour (idk s this a good/bad thing?)
Jh0pe- has magic shield and they can't read hm (interesting they didn't say he was bizexual he had that bi-flag in his mv daydream)

Wasn't this previously discussed on several out of 361 pages already? I'm trying to see how any of this is newly revealed info. This has already been speculated. Not saying the person is lying. I just feel like they regurgitated what was already said. Are we now saying they confirmed it?
I peeped that about the username too.


May 20, 2018
Guys I guess this person was trolling....
Look in the first line they said that they know nothing about bts...
And after a few posts they 'revealed' somethings about them...hmmm
He she could have asked some senior of hers.. Or maybe she just repeated what she read in the thread..
But it's good that the assumptions made here are accepted worldwide :D