BTS discussion thread


Jun 20, 2018
Hello Everyone!

I've been a lurker for a while now and finally found the courage to join in the chat. I think everyone here is amazing and enjoyed reading the posts.
I've come across BTS back in December. The first time was a video of their mic drop performance on Ellen, and I have to admit I liked them esp the rap line.As I learned more about them, their music videos and songs, I realized there were a lot of symbolism. This made me curious. I knew about this forum, so I was interested when I came across this thread.
I registered to let everyone here know I think they're doing an amazing job. This thread will help others who are confused but know something is wrong. Thanks to every one who had contributed and shared their knowledge.

God bless!
Last edited:


Jun 12, 2018
Hello Everyone!

I've been a lurker for a while now and finally found the courage to join in the chat. I think everyone here is amazing and enjoyed reading the posts.
I've come across BTS back in December. The first time was a video of their mic drop performance on Ellen, and I have to admit I liked them esp the rap line.As I learned more about them, their music videos and songs, I realized there were a lot of symbolism. This made me curious. I knew about this forum, so I was interested when I came across this thread.
I registered to let everyone here now I think they're doing an amazing job. This thread will help others who are confused but know something is wrong. Thanks to every one who had contributed and shared their knowledge.

God bless!
Welcome !


Jan 4, 2018
Hello Everyone!

I've been a lurker for a while now and finally found the courage to join in the chat. I think everyone here is amazing and enjoyed reading the posts.
I've come across BTS back in December. The first time was a video of their mic drop performance on Ellen, and I have to admit I liked them esp the rap line.As I learned more about them, their music videos and songs, I realized there were a lot of symbolism. This made me curious. I knew about this forum, so I was interested when I came across this thread.
I registered to let everyone here now I think they're doing an amazing job. This thread will help others who are confused but know something is wrong. Thanks to every one who had contributed and shared their knowledge.

God bless!
welcome to the thread may your stay be a good one :)


Jan 4, 2018
Ok I'm gonna be completely honest...I honestly like beyoncé's and jay-z's new song apesh**t lol.
issa bop but I feel like Migos should have kept it. It sounds like it would fit them and Cardi more.

I know they wrote it for the carters but eh. I'm debating whether I will buy tickets to see them in my area I am surprised the tickets are not sold out that really says somehting about their success right now..or at least the ticket prices itself.
May 24, 2018
they also let ppl know to scare them and make them depressed bcuz when some ppl know abt these stuffs they feel hopeless like there's no way out , these feelings generate bad/negative energy and they really want that ( I remember reading somewhere long ago that they have a great purpose in making the world a negative place , bcuz their Lord and master ( they're waiting for the false Christ ) will only come if the world is full of this energy and they even make special buildings with specific architecture to enhance it ( the article that I read talked about really tall buildings, the taller the better in creating bad waves , pyramids , and other things (lemme just finish my exams and I will translate the article and post the pics)
also there are ppl with really weak mentality , when they find out abt these stuff they get traumatised , later they will probably try to forget and not believe these things and convince themselves that it's not real even when it's real , to the length of imagining that the world is evil free and they were over reacting just to make themselves feel better ( and this seems to me like what mkùltrà victims do when they get tortured , they dissociate and imagine a whole new world to forget the pain , that's what the brain does anyway to protect itself from trauma ) it's like programming but in an indirect way
I've been watching something about them wanting people to be on lower frequencies/negative energy. So this is quite true. Good luck on your exams and I will be anticipating that translation.

Also, to those interested here's the video:
This makes me re-think about the "reptilian theory" and in connection with B*T*$, I recall, J!m's L!e and his line "Don't be like a prey, be smooth like a snake". Also, got me thinking about royalty and all the reptiles/non-human things in their royal insignia/shields/symbols.

Another one of his informative video skip to 5:00 to bypass the intro:


Jun 20, 2018
I heard these exact things before from people who claim to know the truth. I think it's a good point to even question a religion and what is teached, but if it really is true that the thing many people love the most is a lie, then what is even true in this world and how much is hidden?
But hey, we're used to this already :)
Exactly. That's why they call themselves the illuminated ones. As in they have the real knowledge. Apart from the occult stuff (which I don't know much about), the religion bit is not new. It has been talked about by many people. This information is not widespread. Mostly because everyone blocks it out because people are afraid that what they've believed in was a lie. I used to be like that to be honest. Then I learned to question things.
The truth should be the only thing that matters. Even if the truth is uncomfortable or painful, only the truth matters. Don't be afraid to find the truth.
May 24, 2018
Preach and well-said. I don't necessarily feel sorry for them because they do receive huge success and fortune (yes, that's all that matters for B!H! and the boys, doesn't it?) worldwide. Perhaps only for their souls and their families. And just because they are sell-outs now, it really doesn't mean they will still be untouchable in the future (they are only untouchable for now; that's why they can bully the public by suing them - moreover S.K laws seemingly only 'help' the rich). Once the el!te find someone/band to replace them - they will always find young blood, well, we know what will become of them. Nobody stays on top in the music industry forever. I don't know why but I feel that if they decide to continuously suing the public, this will eventually become their humiliation. As some of you have mentioned, I also have never seen a pop group suing the public like that and I also agree that @rmys will definitely be their downfall. What kind of a fandom that likes to see their oppas bullying people that way ? Who the faak like to see others to sue people ? This really says alot about what sort of people attracts this kind of people. I certainly don't like to see people suing people for no reason !
Thank you ;) But to clarify, maybe I was a bit vague, those who I meant were "untouchable" were those at the top/near the top of the pyramid (Roths, Rocke etc..). The luciferians/satianists/el!te/freemasons whoever it is at the top 1%. Even the Q*Ueen, presidents are puppets(when I think about it). Because those who are the puppeteers/the very ones truly at the top as I think are still unknown as they are at the very core of it. So Beet*$ are small-fry from what I've gathered. But even though they're small-fry in the grand/bottom scheme of things at the population level of the pyramid, they have influence over masses of people (just look at the number of twitter followers), mostly youth-young adult group. Also, I agree, they're gonna be replaced by somebody else and B*H* has that in the works and a new group may even come from another company. Some people have guessed some humiliation they may face may come from scandals whatever that may be drugs, dating etc.. Also, yes, this is the first time, from what I remember a group/ company like B*H suing people for comments. Maybe I haven't followed a lot k-pop stars/groups maybe some people have sued saesangs/stalkers obsessive fans but first time I saw something like Beet$ suing for comments and the fans taking enjoyment out of other people being sued. I do feel some sympathy for their souls and whatever MK Ultra torture they have undergone if they were forced/born into it without freely choosing that path.

This is one of the "untouchable" I was saying. They feel they are above everyone else. Also, disgusting how he has a title "lord" on his name.

If you want to see (a pysch0path) J. R0tschild on the street:

and a commenter said:
The moment he said "Well..." was loaded, seems as though his mind was doing some real hard processing.
Another one:

This man is one of the richest people in the world. Purely evil from what Ive read/watched. Controls banks, a lot of media outlets, owns about 80%~ of Israel from what I've watched and he is so incognito. You don't see him in mainstream media but he is a big puppeteer player in the evil NWO agenda. Also, big to note, he is a rich man but you don't see him in Forbes most rich list (just from what I've recently known). And if I haven't searched about conspiracy and other underground stuff like this I wouldn't have known about him and other evil players. So basically Beet*$ with their subtle/not so subtle signs have been a gateway (for me) to search deeper into this stuff. So despite all the evil things of the !lluminati/el!te, this is a good learning platform and makes way for seeing things a new perspective (a good thing).

May 24, 2018
Apparently the Beehive and ARMY united to stream Bey and B+S new albums. :rolleyes:

Funny about the fandom names though when I think about it again.
Be*eh!ve and A*rmy are all under control of someone/slaves to someone in a position of power. "Queen Bee" and the military/A*Rmy slaves to government/president.

There are: "worker bee:, drone bee, killer bee, honey bee etc.", different types like people . Bees work under a "queen".

They also have a pyramid/hierarchal system:
Also for "A*rmy";


Apr 25, 2018
Thank you ;) But to clarify, maybe I was a bit vague, those who I meant were "untouchable" were those at the top/near the top of the pyramid (Roths, Rocke etc..). The luciferians/satianists/el!te/freemasons whoever it is at the top 1%. Even the Q*Ueen, presidents are puppets(when I think about it). Because those who are the puppeteers/the very ones truly at the top as I think are still unknown as they are at the very core of it. So Beet*$ are small-fry from what I've gathered. But even though they're small-fry in the grand/bottom scheme of things at the population level of the pyramid, they have influence over masses of people (just look at the number of twitter followers), mostly youth-young adult group. Also, I agree, they're gonna be replaced by somebody else and B*H* has that in the works and a new group may even come from another company. Some people have guessed some humiliation they may face may come from scandals whatever that may be drugs, dating etc.. Also, yes, this is the first time, from what I remember a group/ company like B*H suing people for comments. Maybe I haven't followed a lot k-pop stars/groups maybe some people have sued saesangs/stalkers obsessive fans but first time I saw something like Beet$ suing for comments and the fans taking enjoyment out of other people being sued. I do feel some sympathy for their souls and whatever MK Ultra torture they have undergone if they were forced/born into it without freely choosing that path.

This is one of the "untouchable" I was saying. They feel they are above everyone else. Also, disgusting how he has a title "lord" on his name.

If you want to see (a pysch0path) J. R0tschild on the street:

and a commenter said:

Another one:

This man is one of the richest people in the world. Purely evil from what Ive read/watched. Controls banks, a lot of media outlets, owns about 80%~ of Israel from what I've watched and he is so incognito. You don't see him in mainstream media but he is a big puppeteer player in the evil NWO agenda. Also, big to note, he is a rich man but you don't see him in Forbes most rich list (just from what I've recently known). And if I haven't searched about conspiracy and other underground stuff like this I wouldn't have known about him and other evil players. So basically Beet*$ with their subtle/not so subtle signs have been a gateway (for me) to search deeper into this stuff. So despite all the evil things of the !lluminati/el!te, this is a good learning platform and makes way for seeing things a new perspective (a good thing).

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Yeah, I've read about some theories about those family bloodlines/dynasties but I'm not sure about their souls. (Yes, almost all presidents esp US@'s are puppets.) They can have all the powers in the world but they are still humans unless it is proven that they are reptilians. What will happen to their souls after they died? I am not sure about David Icke's reptilian theory tho' he is a truly smart man @.@ It is good to learn or gain more info, food for our thoughts. I think this thread is becoming more and more like a true consipracy theory thread, instead of just beetee$. Lolsss


Jan 16, 2018
As a christian and ex occultist I can say,
Some of what they said was true to an extent. The part about christianity following pagan beliefs is true. The thing is, it was catholicism that derived the Jesus pictures doing an occult hand symbol. They changed the sabbath to Sunday and do participate in Sun god, and mother & child worship. That's why when you see anything about religions in movies it's always a catholic church. Christmas and Easter are both pagan holidays, which I learned about while in the occult. I no longer celebrate either now. When the protestant church broke away from catholicism they took those pagan traditions with them. They do send people to infiltrate churches as priests and pastors and just members, why I don't attend an actual church.I mean there was a pastor who is all for planned parenthood saying it's a blessing. I worship from home and am part of an online ministry that so far is biblical. Not gonna be spoonfed lies by a corrupted pastor, had enough of the lies in the occult.
I stopped attending church last year too. I already knew about the Catholic church's infiltration. I'm still learning more now than I ever have. I don't call myself Christian either, but for sake of simplicity when speaking to others, I do.


Jun 11, 2018
Hello Everyone!

I've been a lurker for a while now and finally found the courage to join in the chat. I think everyone here is amazing and enjoyed reading the posts.
I've come across BTS back in December. The first time was a video of their mic drop performance on Ellen, and I have to admit I liked them esp the rap line.As I learned more about them, their music videos and songs, I realized there were a lot of symbolism. This made me curious. I knew about this forum, so I was interested when I came across this thread.
I registered to let everyone here now I think they're doing an amazing job. This thread will help others who are confused but know something is wrong. Thanks to every one who had contributed and shared their knowledge.

God bless!
Welcome in ~
May 24, 2018
Like which ar@b elite would fook em in the ass i wonder. Welp they stayed at palazzio versace hmmm
That hotel had such over the top style. Not my taste. Looked like an el!te controlled establishment

B*T* in Dubai
Our one eye R*M in action in Dubai. Also what's written on JayK's shirt caught my eye. And you guys said what happens in Dubai.. righty..


