BTS discussion thread

Mar 24, 2018
they love the boys so much they joke about supporting their boys likely being part in the most evil, wicked, abusing occult??
Are they speaking English I didn’t understand anything apart from light it up like dynamite - honestly it’s so weird that after a bombing they have this song out like don’t they feel bad! Idk If they’re related to Lebanon but wth why would you be so insensitive to even release a song so direct . If anything it’s just better connecting you to this awful tragedy. Idk how any human can look at this knowing that the illuminati are evil and turn a blind eye

honestly fans basically would adore them even if they saw them sacrificing someone on broad daylight - it’s so scary that the fandom is basically a Can you even say that

V and Jimin have been reprogrammed this comeback???
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May 15, 2020
I said the exact same thing to my mom. It's awfully odd that we've been having so many explosions/fires this month around the world, and they are releasing this song called "Dynamite"?? Shouldn't this raise concern to any human?
I mean...they're heathens so they're going to pleasure in these horrific events. It's either that or they're just in love with the fact this world is about to fall, and the antichrist will be revealed soon. Or both.

That's actually nothing new, every time something important and terrifying happens, you're going to see it in some song or another no matter the celebrity.

And this definitely won't arouse any suspicions with army. I'm starting to think the majority of them won't come out of their own cult. It'll only be a few hundreds or less. Everyone else is staying in, and nothing will make them question bts ever.


Jul 9, 2020
Is red a high rank then...

A lot of celebs wear a kaballah it is normal to wear it for them. I wonder why the other members don’t wear it though.
Also their teaser was on me recommended and dynamite is basically a boy in luv inspired 80s theme??? So generic honestly! I didn’t see any symbolism though
Right? Also, did you see j@emins pose during the chorus/dance ( whatever its called ) scene? It made me click of the video the moment I saw it ( turned my -45 degree mood to a full -360).
I said the exact same thing to my mom. It's awfully odd that we've been having so many explosions/fires this month around the world, and they are releasing this song called "Dynamite"?? Shouldn't this raise concern to any human?
By this point, ARMY's & BTS are anything/everything away from being a human ( human can't be used to describe them anymore. I doubt the fact that they (ARMY's) even know what's going around in the world. *Of course, they wouldn't, the only thing they know right now is their ''kings'' having a comeback in their Bangtantopian universe*


Oct 26, 2019
This singer, his name os c0n4n gr4y, I really liked his songs, but the day came when Taehyung recommended him and I was thoughtful about it. Today he posted a photo with a glove (feminization)with animal print (sex slave) and with a closed eye (Illuminati), he is probably from the elite too: / this is boring, he has a great voice and is not THAT famous.(Sorry for any english mistake)
in the picture, the two fingers together also represents the baphomet and i realized bts do it in the ending of boy with luv


Oct 26, 2019
Continuing with IU’s connection to JongHyun’s death…

03) Jong Hyun’s Death:

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So she releases a song named ‘’First Winter’’.
JongHyun died on December.
December is winter in Korea.
Coincidence too much?

And btw, it also happens to be SUGA’s b-day. (WTF)

View attachment 40257

Guys, I don’t know what’s your thoughts but I personally find the whole thing with IU extremely suspicious and sketchy. Maybe I could be wrong but I did this analysis based on facts and how Illuminati works with numbers.

Any opinions, thoughts, critics would be appreciated. Bye for now...
this is messy and i wrote kind of fast, but if his death coorelates to bts and we include taehyung, taehyung's dog is named yeontan which means coal briquette/heater and j0nghyun died by carbon monoxide poisoning from a charcoal heater.
Screenshot 2020-08-18 at 11.05.51 PM.png
tae first revealed himself holding his dog in december 4 in jin's vlive and on THE DAY of j0nghuyn's death (12/18 in his timezone), he decided to publicly reveal his dog and its name.
Screenshot 2020-08-18 at 10.52.02 PM.png
and YALL he had 28 crossed out on his arm in his "lonely music video!! the korean age he died! He knew he was going to d*e or they clearly prepared for this! the bathtub can be symbolism for sacrifice or ritual and he ducks himself into the water in the end (I think it means falling into the sunken place? i dont remember i need to go back and find the symbolism), and literally throughout the video you see him more sad/afraid as he continues crossing out his age on his arm so its like he marked / was counting down the age he was going to be "suicided"....
Screenshot 2020-08-18 at 11.13.46 PM.png
Screenshot 2020-08-18 at 11.21.01 PM.png
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Jul 22, 2020
Hey guys ... just letting you know that i'm new here.
I have been following BTS for a while now and have been so worried about them and their connection to the Illuminati.
A week ago when i found this thread i started reading from the beginning because there is so much info in here .. but i realised yesterday that if i continue it would take me like a year to catch up :p so unfortunately i'm joining mid conversation.
Basically I'm here understand how the Illuminati/Cabal/Elites (whatever thy're called) control these "idols".
I'm aware of the most recent suicides (alot of them seeming to be blood sacrifices for other to further their careers).

I'd also like to know if there are any Qanons here? I've have been following Q and Trump too and if their "Great Awaking" materialises the way it seems it is ... the Cabal is being taken down one at a time. A lot of them have even already been executed as well as alot to the Hollywood pedos and corrupt government officials.

If by some amazing miracle the Elite are taken down completely .. what do you reckon would happen to the BTS members. I'm thinking that if they have been implicated in any actual crimes/satanic rituals/ adrenochrome activity or the likes then they would also be convicted and probably executed .. but if not implicated do you think they would just be "free to go"? Weird question i know .. but I am hoping that Q and Trump will manage to take down the Cabal (as its already happening) and that there is hope for the BTS members as well as any other "idols" that have been "tricked/tempted" into their current situations??
Welcome! I hope you feel safe and comfortable here and make many friends. Feel free to post about anything concerning the illuminati :D


Apr 6, 2018
Extrait de mon dictionnaire, j'ai tout recopié sur le bain:
Extracted from my dictionary, I copied everything on the bath:
La vertu purificatrice et régénératrice du bain est bien connue, et attestée, au profane comme au sacré, par des usages apparentés chez tous les peuples, en tous lieux et tout temps. On peut dire que le bain est universellement le premier des rites sanctionnant les grandes étapes de la vie, notamment la naissance, la puberté, la mort. Le symbolique du bain associe les significations de l'acte d'immersion et de l'élément eau.
L'immersion est, pour l'analyste, une image de la régression utérine. Il satisfait un besoin de détente, de sécurité, de tendresse, de ressourcement, le retour à la matrice originelle étant un retour à la source de vie. L'immersion, volontairement consentie, et qui est une sorte d'ensevelissement, est l'acceptation d'un moment d'oubli, de renoncement à sa propre responsabilité, de "mise hors jeu", de vacuité. D'où ses innombrables emplois thérapeutiques. Cette immersion intervient dans le temps vécu comme un hiatus, une solution de continuité, ce qui lui confère obligatoirement une valeur initiatique. Le meilleur exemple est peut être ce rite d'entrée fermée des magiciennes d'Afrique centrale (Gameroun-Gabon) selon lequel l'imprétante, droguée, est ensevelie vingt-quatre heures dans une cavité étanche aménagé sous le lit d'un ruisseau, au coeur de la forêt équatorial: les symboles forêt-ventre de l'eau-mère, et du temps coulant comme la rivière, associés à celui de la cache utérine, forment ici un complexe symbolique d'une telle puissance que les initiées de cette confréries en oublient pratiquement le cours de la vie antérieure. La régénération initiatique prend ici pleinement son sens de mort et renaissance; de surcroit de telles coutumes, encore en observables jettent un jour complémentaire sur tel ou tel mythe ou usage de l'Antiquité classique, ou d'autres moments de notre histoire. Ainsi, chez les Grecs, des statues de dieux et de déesses étaient-elles rituellement plongés (Athéna, Héra, etc.); un bain précédait l'initiation des Nazaréens, tout comme, Moyen Age, le sacre des chevaliers.
Purificatrice, régénération, l'eau est aussi fertilisante; d'où le bain rituel des fiancées, et les immersions des femmes stériles dans tel ou tel lac ou bassin d'une source sacrée, pratique attestée de la Méditerranée à l'Extrême-Orient sur plus de trois mille ans d'histoire.
Le christianisme reprend à son compte l'usage du bain lustral. Jean Batiste dans le Jourdain. Avec le baptême chrétien, matière et esprit se confonde dans le même symbole; lorsque Jean l'Evangéliste déclare: Celui qui a pris un bain n'a pas besoin de se laver, il est entièrement pur (JEAN, 13, 10), le même mot grec a le sens de propre et de pur. Cette pureté, dans son acceptation chrétienne, n'est pas négative: elle prépare une vie nouvelle et féconde.
L'état obtenue est purement vie, sans mélange avec le principe de mort qu'est le péchés: la pureté positive n'st pas l'absence de tache, mais la vie à l'état pur.
En dépit de tant de tradition s'accordant à valoriser positivement le bain, une centaine pudibonderie chrétienne a renversé le symbole, condamnant l'usage du bain comme contraire à la chasteté. Il faut ici distinguer des bains chauds des bains froids. Les premiers sont considérés comme une recherche de sensualité dont il convient de s'écarter. C'est précisément l'opinion avancée par saint Jérôme (Epist. 45, 3) qui voit dans le bain chaud une atteinte à la chasteté. Les chrétiens des premiers siècles se rendaient volontiers aux bains pris en commun. Les conciles et les Pères de l'Eglise s'insurgèrent avec violence contre un usage qu'ils jugeaient immoral. Au Moyen Age, les étuves avaient la réputation d'être des lieux de débauche; elles furent de ce fait interdites aux chrétiens.
Certains moines occidentaux et orientaux - ceux-ci étant encore plus sévères - excluent non seulement les bains du corps dans sa totalités, mais refusent même l'usage de l'eau de l'eau froide était recommandée mortification, et cela d'autant plus que l'eau était plus glaciale. C'est ainsi que les biographes des vies saints, appartenant aux premiers siècles chrétiens et au Moyen Age, se copiant l'un l'autre, parleront des immersions dans l'eau glacée afin de mater la chair.
Notons aussi que, dans une certaine acceptation alchimique du terme, le bain peut s'entendre d'une purification par le feu, non par l'eau, comme il existe un batême de feu, celui des martyrs. Enfin le bain, dans un texte comme le traité de la Fleur d'or, est associé aux jeûne du coeur (sin tchai); son lavage, c'est l'élimination de toute activité mentale, l'acquisition décisive de la vacuité, ce qui ferme la boucle du symbole et nous ramène à son départ.
The purifying and regenerating virtue of the bath is well known, and attested, to the profane as well as to the sacred, by related uses among all peoples, in all places and all times. We can say that the bath is universally the first of the rites sanctioning the major stages of life, in particular birth, puberty, death. The symbolism of the bath combines the meanings of the act of immersion and the water element.
Immersion is, for the analyst, an image of uterine regression. It satisfies a need for relaxation, security, tenderness, healing, the return to the original matrix being a return to the source of life. Immersion, voluntarily granted, and which is a kind of burial, is the acceptance of a moment of forgetfulness, of renouncing one's own responsibility, of "setting aside", of emptiness. Hence its countless therapeutic uses. This immersion takes place in the time lived as a hiatus, a solution of continuity, which necessarily gives it an initiatory value. The best example is perhaps this closed rite of entry of the magicians of Central Africa (Gameroun-Gabon) according to which the imprétante, drugged, is buried twenty-four hours in a sealed cavity arranged under the bed of a stream, in the heart of the equatorial forest: the forest-belly symbols of mother-water, and of time flowing like the river, associated with that of the uterine cache, here form a symbolic complex of such power that the initiates of this brotherhoods practically forget the course of the previous life. Initiatory regeneration here fully takes on its meaning of death and rebirth; moreover such customs, still observable, throw a complementary light on such or such myth or custom of classical antiquity, or other moments of our history. Thus, among the Greeks, statues of gods and goddesses were ritually immersed (Athena, Hera, etc.); a bath preceded the initiation of the Nazarenes, as, in the Middle Ages, the coronation of the knights.
Purifying, regenerating, water is also fertilizing; hence the ritual bathing of brides, and the immersions of sterile women in a particular lake or basin of a sacred spring, a practice attested from the Mediterranean to the Far East over more than three thousand years of history.
Christianity takes over the use of the lustral bath. Jean Batiste in the Jordan. With Christian baptism, matter and spirit merge into the same symbol; when John the Evangelist declares: He who has taken a bath does not need to wash himself, he is entirely pure (JOHN, 13, 10), the same Greek word has the meaning of clean and pure. This purity, in its Christian acceptance, is not negative: it prepares a new and fruitful life.
The state obtained is purely life, unmixed with the principle of death which is sins: positive purity is not the absence of stain, but life in its pure state.
Despite so much tradition agreeing to positively value the bath, a hundred Christian prudishness has overturned the symbol, condemning the use of the bath as contrary to chastity. Here we must distinguish between hot baths and cold baths. The former are considered as a search for sensuality which should be avoided. This is precisely the opinion advanced by Saint Jerome (Epist. 45, 3) who sees in the hot bath an attack on chastity. The Christians of the first centuries willingly went to shared baths. The councils and the Fathers of the Church revolted with violence against a use which they considered immoral. In the Middle Ages, stoves had the reputation of being places of debauchery; they were therefore forbidden to Christians.
Some Western and Eastern monks - these being even more severe - not only exclude bathing the body in its entirety, but even refuse the use of cold water was recommended mortification, and this all the more that the water was freezing cold. This is how biographers of holy lives, belonging to the first Christian centuries and the Middle Ages, copying each other, will speak of immersions in ice water in order to tame the flesh.
Note also that, in a certain alchemical acceptance of the term, the bath can be understood as a purification by fire, not by water, as there is a bateme of fire, that of the martyrs. Finally, the bath, in a text like the treatise on the Golden Flower, is associated with fasting of the heart (sin tchai); its washing is the elimination of all mental activity, the decisive acquisition of emptiness, which closes the loop of the symbol and brings us back to its departure.
Mar 24, 2018
Yep... when there's a comeback that's all that's focused on. Can attest to that. It's seriously like a religious event. I guess it is technically lol. Overall, it's all about worshiping their "kings" and you have no space for anything else. And if you make room for something else you feel like you're somehow betraying them. I guess that's part of the brainwashing.
Yes Omds, when I was an army I heard about mama voting and fans would tell other fans that they had to keep voting and refreshing for BTS to win a mama in 2017. I felt like if I didn’t do this I was betraying army and BTS and even though it was hard to sit there and keep refreshing and voting I think I casted around 20 votes and then got tired lol. When they won an award I was so happy thinking oh my goodness it worked.... now looking back I’m embarrassed that I spent so much time contributing to a satanic group. But army make you feel inferior even if your part of the fandom so it makes you more addicted because you compare yourself. I was also a directioner but being a fan was never as intense as being an army. Thank goodness I’m away from all of that
this is messy and i wrote kind of fast, but if his death coorelates to bts and we include taehyung, taehyung's dog is named yeontan which means coal briquette/heater and j0nghyun died by carbon monoxide poisoning from a charcoal heater.
View attachment 40427
tae first revealed himself holding his dog in december 4 in jin's vlive and on THE DAY of j0nghuyn's death (12/18 in his timezone), he decided to publicly reveal his dog and its name.
View attachment 40431
and YALL he had 28 crossed out on his arm in his "lonely music video!! the korean age he died! He knew he was going to d*e or they clearly prepared for this! the bathtub can be symbolism for sacrifice or ritual and he ducks himself into the water in the end (I think it means falling into the sunken place? i dont remember i need to go back and find the symbolism), and literally throughout the video you see him more sad/afraid as he continues crossing out his age on his arm so its like he marked / was counting down the age he was going to be "suicided"....
View attachment 40429
View attachment 40430
check out @reign video on her YouTube channel she talks about how his death wasn’t a coincidence. Everything you wrote I already knew and it’s honestly so sad! I don’t think he died from coal poisoning. She explained in her video but when you see pictures of the crime scene the pan is lying on the floor not on the stove to heat. If he died from monoxide why wasn’t it even heated in the first place? Also carbon monoxide travels fast and no one was affected by it in the other flat rooms. That also makes no sense... it was clearly a sacrifice and not only for BTS but I think for everyone for IU for Taemin/SuperM and of course BTS but for other groups who suddenly started to make it big in America. Then Sulli also died and goo hara all from “suicide” it makes no sense honestly! And the other singer also “suicide” Do they all just die from suicide even though they were all working on projects they didn’t get to finish! Makes no sense. The bathtub scene is again predictive programming! Getting fans ready to accept that Jonghyun won’t be here. I honestly recommend to watch her video on this I’ll link it below it’s so thorough and amazing and she got some info from this site also - there are many parts of this so check her other vids. She also talks about Sulli too
Mar 24, 2018
Hey guys ... just letting you know that i'm new here.
I have been following BTS for a while now and have been so worried about them and their connection to the Illuminati.
A week ago when i found this thread i started reading from the beginning because there is so much info in here .. but i realised yesterday that if i continue it would take me like a year to catch up :p so unfortunately i'm joining mid conversation.
Basically I'm here understand how the Illuminati/Cabal/Elites (whatever thy're called) control these "idols".
I'm aware of the most recent suicides (alot of them seeming to be blood sacrifices for other to further their careers).

I'd also like to know if there are any Qanons here? I've have been following Q and Trump too and if their "Great Awaking" materialises the way it seems it is ... the Cabal is being taken down one at a time. A lot of them have even already been executed as well as alot to the Hollywood pedos and corrupt government officials.

If by some amazing miracle the Elite are taken down completely .. what do you reckon would happen to the BTS members. I'm thinking that if they have been implicated in any actual crimes/satanic rituals/ adrenochrome activity or the likes then they would also be convicted and probably executed .. but if not implicated do you think they would just be "free to go"? Weird question i know .. but I am hoping that Q and Trump will manage to take down the Cabal (as its already happening) and that there is hope for the BTS members as well as any other "idols" that have been "tricked/tempted" into their current situations??
Hi welcome!!! Ik you said that you’re not reading the forum but I really hope and recommend you read at least the first 500 pages. There is some amazing analysis that I think will really open your eyes to this whole thing!!

I don’t believe the elite will be thrown down unless and when God decides. This whole facade has to happen for arrival of the dajaal (Antichrist to Christians). God is allowing these people to be in charge. You don’t think it’s easy for God to destroy these people in a second.God can do that but God is letting this all happen so when the dajaal comes it will be a time for chaos and uncertainty. People will easily believe him and it is only when Isa (as) / Jesus comes down and the Imam that evil will be abolished. Trump is not good. Anyone elected in the Whitehouse is evil. I’m a politics student and so i not only learn about the politics of the uk but also America and they are both run by elitists. Democrats and Republicans are on the same side - they both push the NWO Agenda and if you don’t agree with their agenda they will not allow you to be president/Prime Minister or anyone of any political significance.

I don’t think you are familiar with uk politics but here we have the labour party which have liberal views and the Conservative party which are more right wing politics. There are other parties but these are the main two parties who receive the most votes in elections. Well from 2015 the Labour Party had a new leader called Jeremy Corbyn. He is a socialist and cares very deeply about the working class and the divides in class system in the U.K. In 2017 he lost the election to be PM and Theresa May became PM. Then in 2019 he ran again and he lost by a far greater margin to Boris Johnson. He decided to step down as labour leader and Keir Starmer (he’s a more central/right wing candidate compared to Corbyn) A labour leak Was released and the information was shocking. It showed that Jeremy actually won the 2017 election but votes were sabotaged and his campaign in 2019 was also sabotaged by his own party executives. The Labour Party sabotaged him to make him look like an anti Semitic leader even though he was from the same party. They wanted the conservatives to win. His deputy leader was sworn at and racially slurred to the point she cried in the bathroom. Then to humiliate her further her own colleagues called the media and they planted her as unstable. The media absolutely tortured Corbyns image and this is just the surface. Behind the scenes it was a lot worse. Because he didn’t want to participate in their agenda they had to get him out somehow. But he started to get popular especially amongst young people and they didn’t like that. This intimidated them so his own party who worked with the Conservatives and have the same elitist agenda sabotaged him so he never has the chance to become PM of the UK
If Trump was really good he would have never beat Hillary. They would have done anything in
Their capacity for that to not happen. He has the same agenda they all do. He’s just as part as the elite they are because there is no way you can ever be that big if you’re not
Mar 24, 2018
BTS Coming of Age Storyline Theory 1

As you guys know I have been very interested in the BTS storyline and I have been trying to decipher as much as I can from how this storyline actually links to real life. I’ve got some speculations that I’ve found after watching XCeleste analysis because she went into a lot of detail. Of course she and army think this is all fictional but I don’t understand why Bighit would be so detailed knowing they are part of this elite and knowing that predictive programming exists I wanted to see what I can find on some of the members

So in the highlight reels we see J-Hope a young child being left by his mother on his birthday. This is trauma to him later on in his life when he’s a dancer. Theory - J-Hopes mum sold Hobi to a child sex ring which traumatised him. She may have done this knowingly or unknowingly. He is left at a theme park. Psychologists claim theme parks symbolise sexual excitement. He is connected to a lot of foods which wouldn’t be weird if Pizzagate wasn’t a thing. Although I can’t find any meanings of these foods he is connected to Snickers bar/chocolate in fake love, and cake in the highlight reels. He suffers from faints/seizures which could be a sign of trauma based mind control. You can only receive mk mind control if you’ve been through a trauma. In fake love he lies in chocolate bars and tries to escape but can’t. In his song mama he talks about how his mum supported his dream ( So if she supported it she sold him to Bighit right?) he also says that money was tight and they didn’t have enough money so what if her selling her son at an early age was a way for her to receive money. I don’t think Bighit knew the boys at debut. As their success was already planned, what if Bighit already knew them at a younger age and their parents already signed a contract when they were much younger. They might not have known about all the dirty stuff but it could be a theory that something happened to them so young.

I want to emphasise this is a theory. I actually debated writing this and I am still debating writing about the others because this is very sensitive and intense and I found it extremely hard to even write And that is why I didn’t attach an pictures from the storyline this but I know that the elite have all this happening and it could be a possibility some of the members were part of this young, like so young. We can’t believe anything they tell us so
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Jul 27, 2018
Hi everyone! I haven't been active lately. I decided to stop watching bts and searching for symbolisms justifing their connections to the evil elite system because it was consuming me. However, their youtube videos just keep popping up in my recommended and I'm like: why is bighit so desperate and always release very old clips of bts, may be the boys were on a huge break but the company doesn't want army to forget them so they are using everything they can to remain relevant. Anyway, I saw bts is going to have a comeback tomorrow and I also heard the song is going to be entirely in English so I am interested to see if they are going to break records this time. The teaser has almost 50 million views but we all know in the first few days hardcore fans stream bts songs like crazy and then the views drop drastically. I am predicting drama is going to occure if the song is entirely in English. I already saw comments of people saying they couldn't understand what the boys were singing in the teaser. Many fans may go into conflicts with anyone trying to critisize bts' English skills. Alsoo, it's interesting to me why the chose 21th August for their comeback. In Orthodoxical calendar 21st August is the day of Judas Thaddaeus, one of the Twelve Apostles of Jesus Christ. But may be they are up to something big this time. I guess we'll have to wait and see...
Mar 24, 2018
Hi everyone! I haven't been active lately. I decided to stop watching bts and searching for symbolisms justifing their connections to the evil elite system because it was consuming me. However, their youtube videos just keep popping up in my recommended and I'm like: why is bighit so desperate and always release very old clips of bts, may be the boys were on a huge break but the company doesn't want army to forget them so they are using everything they can to remain relevant. Anyway, I saw bts is going to have a comeback tomorrow and I also heard the song is going to be entirely in English so I am interested to see if they are going to break records this time. The teaser has almost 50 million views but we all know in the first few days hardcore fans stream bts songs like crazy and then the views drop drastically. I am predicting drama is going to occure if the song is entirely in English. I already saw comments of people saying they couldn't understand what the boys were singing in the teaser. Many fans may go into conflicts with anyone trying to critisize bts' English skills. Alsoo, it's interesting to me why the chose 21th August for their comeback. In Orthodoxical calendar 21st August is the day of Judas Thaddaeus, one of the Twelve Apostles of Jesus Christ. But may be they are up to something big this time. I guess we'll have to wait and see...
So nice to see you again! I came back to this thread after a very long time not for BTS but to see how everyone here was haha it was so nice meeting new members like @TheNightDuck @Cookie @Kathyyy etc. I really enjoyed your perspectives as newer members to this forum and it was good to see some of the old users again. I’m going to go back to school in September so I’m going to focus on preparing and catching up on work and honestly I can’t be bothered analysing them. Before I came on this thread I forgot about them after boy in luv mv (i only knew about that mv because of this forum) I didn’t know what they were up to so coming back on this thread to see the on mv and black swan was like wow. They somehow got even more evil in the last year and I didn’t think they could top BST. I want to discuss with you guys about Dynamite and then I think i will leave again for a while haha! I have spent too much time here because all you guys input is so entertaining lol. But maybe/hopefully I’ll be back in a few months to see how you all are and to see how much they outdid themselves with the evil!! I can’t look at them the same anymore and I feel like I will never Be their fan ever again

Also I want to give a shoutout to @BlessingG18, I come to this thread to see so many notifs of you liking my posts both old or new. I am certain you have given me the most reactions haha. It makes me so happy when posts are appreciated because I don’t feel odd like I felt with army
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Apr 6, 2020
So nice to see you again! I came back to this thread after a very long time not for BTS but to see how everyone here was haha it was so nice meeting new members like @TheNightDuck @Cookie @somewhat_yuna @Kathyyy etc. I really enjoyed your perspectives as newer members to this forum and it was good to see some of the old users again. I’m going to go back to school in September so I’m going to focus on preparing and catching up on work and honestly I can’t be bothered analysing them. Before I came on this thread I forgot about them after boy in luv mv (i only knew about that mv because of this forum) I didn’t know what they were up to so coming back on this thread to see the on mv and black swan was like wow. They somehow got even more evil in the last year and I didn’t think they could top BST. I want to discuss with you guys about Dynamite and then I think i will leave again for a while haha! I have spent too much time here because all you guys input is so entertaining lol. But maybe/hopefully I’ll be back in a few months to see how you all are and to see how much they outdid themselves with the evil!! I can’t look at them the same anymore and I feel like I will never Be their fan ever again

Also I want to give a shoutout to @BlessingG18, I come to this thread to see so many notifs of you liking my posts both old or new. I am certain you have given me the most reactions haha. It makes me so happy when posts are appreciated because I don’t feel odd like I felt with army
I know many of us will miss you in your absence but it isn't healthy to always focus on these things so it's best to take a break if you have to... Plus I don't think they will be releasing much more after this.. I believe they having a comeback in October
Mar 24, 2018
I know many of us will miss you in your absence but it isn't healthy to always focus on these things so it's best to take a break if you have to... Plus I don't think they will be releasing much more after this.. I believe they having a comeback in October
Yes you are right. I spent too much time looking at mk ultra and analysing the storyline so deeply which wasn’t clever especially after I had a really bad anxiety breakdown in March. I was so bored in quarantine and so i came here to take my mind off negative thoughts. But researching about negativity isn’t good either so. I honestly recommend you to take breaks here and there from this thread. Because it is just as addicting as watching BTS content. As lockdown loosened I got out more and spend time with friends and family which was so refreshing. It’s not good to focus too much time here when there is a whole world to explore. The world is bigger than BTS and if you try to search for positivity you will see happier days. That is my wish for you all
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Apr 6, 2020
Yes you are right. I spent too much time looking at mk which wasn’t clever especially after I had a really bad anxiety breakdown in March. I was so bored in quarantine and so o came here to take my mind off negative thoughts. But researching about negativity isn’t good either so. I honestly recommend you to take breaks here and there from this thread. Because it is just as addicting as watching BTS content. As lockdown loosened I got out more and spend time with friends and family which was so refreshing. It’s not good to focus too much time here when there is a whole world to explore. The world is bigger than BTS and if you try to search for positivity you will see happier days. That is my wish for you all
Definitely. I've been ignoring notifications for the thread and checking once every 2 or 3 days. It's an improvement lol, especially with college and what not.

What I love is seeing an increase in new members tho. Shows more people are waking up which is comforting
Apr 16, 2020
So nice to see you again! I came back to this thread after a very long time not for BTS but to see how everyone here was haha it was so nice meeting new members like @TheNightDuck @Cookie @somewhat_yuna @Kathyyy etc. I really enjoyed your perspectives as newer members to this forum and it was good to see some of the old users again. I’m going to go back to school in September so I’m going to focus on preparing and catching up on work and honestly I can’t be bothered analysing them. Before I came on this thread I forgot about them after boy in luv mv (i only knew about that mv because of this forum) I didn’t know what they were up to so coming back on this thread to see the on mv and black swan was like wow. They somehow got even more evil in the last year and I didn’t think they could top BST. I want to discuss with you guys about Dynamite and then I think i will leave again for a while haha! I have spent too much time here because all you guys input is so entertaining lol. But maybe/hopefully I’ll be back in a few months to see how you all are and to see how much they outdid themselves with the evil!! I can’t look at them the same anymore and I feel like I will never Be their fan ever again

Also I want to give a shoutout to @BlessingG18, I come to this thread to see so many notifs of you liking my posts both old or new. I am certain you have given me the most reactions haha. It makes me so happy when posts are appreciated because I don’t feel odd like I felt with army
@ShiningCarat14 my friend, I wish u well with ur studies! I am not interested in this thread anymore at all lol. Havnt read it for a while now.I still come on to vigilant citizen so I get notifications but guys iv lost all interest in BTS even via this thread which is the only thing I kept up to date with. Will probs watch Dynamite when its released though......LOL. anyways guys hope u are all well ! Catch ya'll in the future.....maybe :)
Jul 22, 2020
@ShiningCarat14 my friend, I wish u well with ur studies! I am not interested in this thread anymore at all lol. Havnt read it for a while now.I still come on to vigilant citizen so I get notifications but guys iv lost all interest in BTS even via this thread which is the only thing I kept up to date with. Will probs watch Dynamite when its released though......LOL. anyways guys hope u are all well ! Catch ya'll in the future.....maybe :)
JESUS IS LORD. do you know how much I missed you?