Britney is "In an hypersexualized state" -TMZ


Nov 20, 2023
tmz,sa(whoever)saying she's hyper sexualized,
notice bs is wearing kitten print(word association)
in the video which I didnt watch cause it wouldn't load

We already Know she's been heavily manipulated
throughout her life and that she's a victim of mk
most likely the kitten programming

isolation helps in breaking a person to be programmed
or in this case reprogrammed

never mentions what the comprising situation is
which if it was actual sleeping together why not say it
straight out why elude to it
it's all apart of a character assassination

I did think that sa was just another handler a new face
because too much Truth came out about the abuses
the others were doing to her

the marriage like most We See are more business arrangements
than actual Love
age gap is all apart of old with young agenda nothing more

as for the black eye could very well be he's moving up a lvl

she has never been free unfortunately she will never be
she always only ever been a cashcow and tool of influencing for
the masses and the sexualize young girls/Children agenda

We have Seen this same thing repeated time and time again
in the medias
take Your pick of any Child "star" they've all been out through
extremely similar programming and evolution in their careers

the talking to herself,maybe it isn't maybe she's speaking to
something not visible to Us,an entity or another alter
it wouldn't be the first time tptb have drugged someone so that's
also a possibility,combine with the mk who Knows what results
can be gotten

yelling at Your Children specially once they hit certain ages
happens sometimes
We all have bad days,get pushed too far w/e the reason
sometimes Ya break,I Know I have We're all human

I can only imagine with Children raised in a spotlight like the
one on her how spoiled/entitled they could be especially now
a days

the leg licking looks staged or something,it doesn't look right
there is something off
didn't study it just a quick look but can See an anomaly on her
thigh it doesn't appear to be the guys fingers grabbing as he doesn't
appear to be actually gripping her leg
he isn't licking the leg in that image either it's more the dress
idk this one is weird imho

I Believe what we're Seeing is tptb trying to repaint her as crazy,
unstable w/e to regain control over her in the public eye so the
fans See and associates it with helping her

who Knows maybe they'll actually commit to a mental hospital
and We won't See or Hear from her again except for an update
here and there
I truly believe this, I'm a 36-year-old Britney fan, but also have been knowing the dark side of all of this since 2010. When I had a friend "wake" me up about it all.... And am so glad I did. Thank you so much for writing what most people won't, or believe due to disillusions.

Journal atlas

Oct 2, 2021
guess TMZ Harvey is mason. Thats how they 'break' all the stories (Kobe, Michael Jackson, Lisa Marie Presley, Amy Winehouse, etc. etc....) and twist the story to defame the celeb slave/victim.
I've been thinking about that they always make a clear case of mk ultra seem like mental health issues, depression or just a freak accident, that makes it so no one will ever dig deeper and acknowledge the true suffering these people go through which makes it even more tragic. Seeing as though many just see what happened with britney as just an anomaly and not what happened to hundreds of child stars worldwide I'm not sure if this is revealed fully if people will truly care.


May 15, 2017
I've been thinking about that they always make a clear case of mk ultra seem like mental health issues, depression or just a freak accident, that makes it so no one will ever dig deeper and acknowledge the true suffering these people go through which makes it even more tragic. Seeing as though many just see what happened with britney as just an anomaly and not what happened to hundreds of child stars worldwide I'm not sure if this is revealed fully if people will truly care.
it's always the go to excuse "mental disorders and/or addiction"
the handlers feed them drugs/alcohol to Help in breaking them
that much easier and so it's also easier to control them by addiction

"pimp"getting the women/girls hooked on heroine this way he
can withhold and use it like a reward system for what he wants
them to do or not to do and they're reliant on him/her for their

of course it's not always like that example,sometimes they become
addicted in many of the cases in order to cope with the atrocities
that's been done to them or that they've had to witness being done
to others that they Love in some cases
or tptb will use others in the same industry,meant to serve as a
example of what will happen if the "celebrity"doesn't fall back into line

tptb can then let Us Know the "celebrity"has struggled with substance
abuse issues for yrs/decades and on top of that
they've always had to battle uphill with this "mental disorder"
be it bipolar depression etc..whatever
it doesn't matter because it's not an actual disorder it's been done deliberately
and is apart of the mk programming done to them

We've Seen this same thing done with how many "celebrities"of
all medias

the "celebrity"starts getting to outta control,having slips of the
tongue here and there about things they shouldn't be speaking
about period,they're not sticking to the script they're meant to
stick to doing things they're not supposed to

tptb will put it out in every msm,that they've slipped into their
addiction whether It's falling off the wagon and starting to use
again,or they've always used but now started using much more
than they were already using or the next excuse tptb like to use
they've had a breakdown due to the "mental disorders"

tptb will put them involuntarily into a "hospital"on a 51/50 usually
under the guise of trying to help them when in reality We Know it's

I can imagine for these "celebrities" how much harder it must be
Knowing all these Peoples that at one point Ya thought Ya could
Trust are the snakes in Your life causing the most harm and See
Ya as nothing more than a money bag

I have an incredibly hard time Trusting Peoples due to the abuses
I've been through but there's a difference I don't have Peoples with
cameras following my every move trying to snap pictures of me at
my worse like brit/"celebrities"do

finding and making any type of relationships would be extremely
hard after experiencing all that,Ya would always be wondering if Ya
can Trust them as after w/e

as for Peoples becoming aware/awake
unfortunately We live in a day and age where everyone is taught
they can be stars on all these different platforms,so even if all
the Truth came out tomorrow of what tptb have done to her and
many many manyyyy others
since it's not them many Peoples won't give it a second thought
and would go on about their day

its come out by cori feldman,charley sheen raped Cory hames
on a movie set where anyone could See and did See it happening
yet no one even tried stopping it nor did anyone else speak out
about it until after hames was dead and sheen was pretty much
finished in the industry

We all found that out and it didn't even garner any msnews about
it,sheen didn't try denying(if I'm innocent Ya better Believe I'm going
to make it Known I am)or talking about it
there was barely any talk online about it and the talk that was being
done was crap like,well why didn't he come out and say it right

which alwayss infuriates me
most these Children are surrounded by adults they idolize and look
at as the heroes for their profession that abuse that Trust and Love
these Children have for these evils

they are scared to come out and Speak on the traumatic abuses done
to them by evil people in seats of power,that could end everything for
them that they dreamed about and worked hard to achieve with a call

these evils use threats to keep the Children quiet
if Ya tell anyone I will have to hurt Your mom/dad/Ya etc..
or if Ya tell Your mom/dad can get into so much trouble these Peoples
will come and take Ya away and Your mom/dad will go to jail

there's so many things now that We have had come to light that
should've woke many Peoples up unfortunately all it takes is
any of tptb to say two words that in a lot of Peoples eyes will
dismiss it all as untrue "conspiracy theory"

We need to Ask/Pray and Hope
that things will change in that regard before it's too late and the
next story We See about brit
will be she has another mental break such as the one tptb alwayyyys
use against her of the head shave and she ended up oding herself
,got into a accident or killed herself
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Mar 16, 2017
That was quite a tumultuous Britney & JT era... JT "accused" her of cheating on him...But he wasn't innocent, either... He did "trash talk" her...sadly on Britney's part...Plus he "capitalized" also on their personal issues with his two "hit" songs..."Cry Me A River..." and "What Goes Around Comes Around..."

JT just couldn't hide his attitude of "misogyny" at that time...

Yup, came right back to HIS ass, didnt it?

I personally think he was right, they were too young and unready to be parents.