Books to Read


May 20, 2017
@Kung Fu you like John Taylor Gatto too.:)
I read most his books and many of his articles.
Last edited:


Jul 18, 2017
Part 8
So much information right there, thank You a lot!
Can You continue with it? :) Post all sources (in this case books) which served you knowledge about reality.
I am so grateful, thank You so much! I've just created account to ask you to post ALL books you know (if possible), while i am downloading them.
  • TRANCE Formation of America - Cathy O’Brien with Mark Philips (2005)
  • Takacs, Sarlota - The Construction of Authority in Ancient Rome and Byzantium
  • Target America - James L. Tyson
  • Tarpley, Webster - Barack H. Obama, The Unauthorized Biography
  • Tarpley, Webster - George Bush, The Unauthorized Biography
  • Tarpley, Webster - Surviving the Cataclysm, Your Guide Through the Greatest Financial Crisis in Human
  • Tarpley, Webster - Surviving the Cataclysm, Your Guide Through the Greatest Financial Crisis in Human History
  • Tarpley, Webster - The Venetian Conspiracy
  • Taylor, Brice - Revivification
  • Taylor, Brice - Thanks for the Memories
  • Taylor, Kathleen - Brainwashing
  • Tesla Coil Cones
  • Tetens, T H - Germany Plots with the Kremlin
  • Thanks for the Memories - Brice Taylor
  • The 1782 Congress of Wilhelmsbad: The Illuminati Takeover - Eric Samuelson
  • The A'aru Magalim Clearing Process
  • The American Union 2005 VIDEO - Robert Gaylon Ross Sr.
  • The Anglican Church and Freemasonry
  • The Anglo-American Establishment – Carroll Quigley
  • The Anti-Defamation League - Sen. Jack Tenney
  • The Anti-Defamation League and Its Part in the World Communist Offensive (1947) - Robert H. Williams
  • The Application of Barruel's Memoirs of Jacobinism to the Secret Societies of Ireland and Great Britain - R. C. Clifford
  • The Art of Deception-Controlling the Human Element of Security - Kevin Mitnick
  • The Art of Intrusion-The Real Stories Behind the Exploits of Hackers, Intruders and Deceivers – Kevin Mitnick
  • The Babylonian Woe - David Astle
  • The Banker's Conspiracy (Living Age Magazine Feb 1934)
  • The Banker’s Conspiracy - Arthur Kitson
  • The Best Democracy Money Can Buy - Greg Palast
  • The Best Enemy Money Can Buy - Antony Sutton
  • The Best Enemy Money Can Buy, Antony C. Sutton
  • The Biblical Count of the 666 Beast
  • The Big Lie, 9-11 and Government Complicity in Mass Murder - David Kay
  • The Big White Lie - The CIA and the Cocaine/Crack Epidemic-An Undercover Odyssey – Michael Levine
  • The Biggest Secret - David Icke
  • The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Political Thought.chm
  • The Blood Bankers; Tales from the Global Underground Economy - Allen E. Henry (2003) Philippines Insight
  • The Boss J. Edgar Hoover and the Great American Inquisition - Athan G.Theoharis & John Stuart Cox
  • The Brotherhood - Stephen Knight
  • The CFR Conspiracy - Phoebe Courtney
  • The CIA Covenant - Nazis in Washington (Muller journals) - Gregory Douglas
  • The Capitalist Conspiracy: An Inside View of International Banking - G. Edward Griffin
  • The Case against the Fed - Murray N. Rothbard
  • The Case against the Jews - A Documented Critique of Contemporary and Recent Historical Jewish Behavior - John Bryant
  • The Cause of World Unrest - H.A. Gwynne
  • The Central Intelligence Agency, history and documents - edited by William Leary
  • The Chasm - Collectivism vs Individualism - Edward Griffin
  • The Chinese Opium Wars Jack Breeching Harcourt Brace Jovanovich
  • The Civil War and The American System: America’s Battle with Britain - Allen Salisbury
  • The Coming Battle - M.W. Walbert
  • The Coming Generational Storm-What You Need to Know about America's Economic Future - Laurence J. Kotlikoff & Scott
  • The Complete Book of Greed - Hirsh Goldberg
  • The Conquest of the World by the Jews - Major Osman Bey
  • The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and The New World Order-William Blase
  • The Courts System and Freemasonry
  • The Covert Plan to Microchip the World's Population
  • The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve - G. Edward Griffin
  • The Crimes of Patriots: A True Tale of Dope, Dirty Money & the CIA Jonathan Kwitney Norton
  • The Crisis of American Democracy and Liberal Education (Collected Essays) - Allan Bloom (1987-1997)
  • The Cross of Gold - Frank Lowson
  • The Culture of Critique - An Evolutionary Analysis of Jewish Involvement in Twentieth (2002) - Kevin MacDonald
  • The Curse of Canaan: A Demonology of History, Eustace Mullins
  • The Dangers of Fluoride
  • The Dark Side of Christian History - Helen Ellerbe
  • The Decline and Fall of the American Empire - Robert Murray
  • The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America - Charlotte Thomson
  • The Delphi Method Book
  • The Egyptian Book of the Dead
  • The Einstein Hoax - The Disastrous Intellectual War On Common Sense
  • The Electric Magician (Tesla) - D. Trull
  • The Empire of the City - E.C. Knuth
  • The End of History: Messiah Conspiracy - Philip N. Moore
  • The Enemy within the Empire: A Short History of the Bank of England - Eric D. Butler
  • The Energy Non-Crisis - Lindsey Williams
  • The Evolution of Civilizations - An Introduction to Historical Analysis - Carroll Quigley
  • The Exception to the Rulers: Exposing Oily Politicians, War Profiteers, and the Media that Love Them - Amy & David
  • The Fabian Freeway, High Road to Socialism in America - Rose L. Martin
  • The Fall of the Russian Empire - The Story of the Last of the Romanovs and the Coming of Bolsheviki - Edmund A. Walsh
  • The Fantastic Inventions of Nikola Tesla (autobiography) - David H. Childress
  • The Federal Mafia-Illegal Income Tax (1999) - Irwin Schiff
  • The Federal Reserve Bank - H.S. Kennan
  • The Federal Reserve Hoax - Wickliffe Vennard, Sr.
  • The Federal Reserve and The Crash of 1929.htm
  • The Federal Reserve is Privately Owned - Thomas D. Schauf
  • The Federal Reserve, 1934, Congressman McFadden's Speech.mht
  • The Fight Against Usury-The Barnes Review (Sept.-Oct. 2004 - Juri Lina
  • The Final Reckoning - An Analysis of Demographics in Holocaust Literature - Harold Kreig
  • The First Degree of Freemasonry Watch
  • The First Holocaust-Jewish Fund Raising Campaigns with Holocaust Claims - Don Heddesheimer
  • The Fluoride Deception (history of water flouridation and why it is bad for your health) - Christopher Bryson
  • The Forgotten Role of the Constitution in Monetary Law - Tex. Rev. L. & Pol. 77 (1997-1998) - Edwin Vieira, Jr.
  • The Foundations of Belief Being Notes Introductory to the Study of Theology - Arthur Balfour
  • The Franklin Cover-Up-Child Abuse, Satanism, and Murder in Nebraska – Senator John DeCamp
  • The French Revolution - Nesta H. Webster
  • The Fundamental Defects of Federal Reserve System Exposed - Hon. Charles N, Fowler
  • The Future of Socialism, III-The Perspective Now - Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr. (presented by Hon. John
  • The Genesis of the War - Hon. H. Asquith
  • The Geostrategic Triad - Living with China, Europe and Russia - Mathew Brzezinski
  • The Giant with Feet of Clay - Raul Hilberg and his Standard Work on the 'Holocaust' - Jürgen Graf
  • The Global Crisis Makers, An End to Progress and Liberty - Graeme Donald Snooks
  • The Global Economic Crisis Tthe Great Depression of the XXI Century - Michel Chossudovsky and Andrew Gavin Marshall
  • The Globalists (excerpt) - Dr. Dennis Laurence Cuddy
  • The Globalization of Poverty and the New World Order - Michel Chossudovsky (recommended)
  • The Gods of Eden - William Bramley
  • The Golden Book of Chemistry Experiments
  • The Golem-A World Held Hostage - Michael Collins Piper
  • The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives - Zbigniev Brezinzski (recommended)
  • The Great Conspiracy-American Civil War - John Alexander Logan
  • The Great Deceit: Social Pseudo-Sciences - Zygmund Dobbs
  • The Great North-Western Conspiracy in All Its Startling Details (Civil War) - Windslow Ayer
  • The Greater Key of Solomon 1
  • The Greater Key of Solomon 2
  • The Greater Key of Solomon 3
  • The Group - The Secrets of the Mojave
  • The Guns of Dallas (JFK cover-up) - L. Fletcher Prouty
  • The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow - Constance Cumbey
  • The Hidden History of Jesus and the Holy Grail
  • The Hidden History of Zionism - Ralph Shoenman
  • The High History of the Holy Grail
  • The High Priests of War: The Secret History of How America's Neo-Conservative Trotskyites Came to
  • The Historical Influence of International Banking - Herbert G. Dorsey III
  • The History of the House of Rothschild - Daryl Bradford Smith
  • The Hit Charade; Lou Pearlman, Boy Bands, and the Biggest Ponzi Scheme in U.S. History - Tyler Gray
  • The Hoax of the Twentieth Century-he Case against the Presumed Extermination of European Jewry (2003) - Arthur R. Butz
  • The Holocaust Dogma of Judaism Keystone of the New World Order-Joen Weintraub
  • The Holy Land - Arab or Jew - Captain Gordon-Canning
  • The Illuminati 666 - William Josiah Sutton
  • The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave
  • The Illuminati and the Council on Foreign Relations – Myron Fagan
  • The Inside Story of the Peace Conference - Dr. E. J. Dillon

Ace of Spades

Mar 16, 2017
Researchers write books. Here is a list of researchers who write books, articles or have mp3 or youtube videos.
You can search their name and books that they have written.

Alan Watt
Alex Jones
Amy Goodman
Anthony Hilder
Barry Zwicker
Benjamin Fulford
Bill Deagle
Bob Bowman
Collin brothers
Constance Cumbey
Craig Oxley
Daniel Estulin
Dave Emory
David Icke
David Livingstone
David Ray Griffin
David Shayler
David Wilcock
Don Nicoloff
Eric Jon Phelps
Erik Von Daniken
Eustace Mullins
Fritz Springmeier
Gary Lachman
Greg Palast
Edward Griffin
Henry Makow
Jim Keith
Jim Marrs
John D Coleman
Jordan Maxwell
Joseph Farrell
Ken Adachi
Kevin Barrett
Lenny Bloom
Leo Zagami
Leonard Horowitz
Mark Dice
Meria Heller
Michael Moore
Michael Tsarion
Nico Haupt
Noam Chomsky
Richard Gage
Robert Steele
Ron Paul
Stew Webb
Ted Gunderson
Texe Marrs
Webster Tarpley
William Cooper
Greg Hallett
Christopher Bollyn
William F. Jasper
Pat Robertson
James Perloff
Victor Thorn
Michael Collins Piper
David Duke
Brother Nathanael
Edward Griffin
Adrian Krieg
Chris Gerner
Deanna Spingola
Michel Chossudovsky
Jerry E. Smith
Joachim Hagopian
John Moore
Joseph Williamson
Michael Hoffman
Olaf Hage
Paul Craig Roberts
Peter Levenda
Randy Maugans
Richard Dolan
Rodney Stich
Stephen Lendman
Tom Horn
Walter Bosley
Yusef Battle
Mike Ruppert
Frank Whalen
Bill Brumbaugh
Mark Glenn
Mark Farrell
Michael Corbin
Kelly McGinley
Patriot Jim Kujawa
Michael Langston
Laura Knight-Jadczyk
Russell Pickering
Suzanne Humphries
Graham Hancock
Gary Null
Stanley Monteith
Dennis Laurence Cuddy
Cathy Burns
Christopher Jon Bjerknes
Alex Constantine
Lee Penn
Kenn Thomas
Barry Chamish
Gary Kah
James Corbett
Gary Webb
Patrick Wood
Lenon Honor
MS King
Gary North
Barbara Aho
Berit Kjos
Susanne Posel
Josh Reeves
Barbara Hartwell
Peter Scott Dale
Zander C. Fuerza
Douglas Valentine
Sarah Simmons
Randy Veitenheimer
Larry Wayne Harris
Michael Herzog
Robby Noel
Todd & Donna Metallo,
Robert Miles
Tom Mercer,
Kastara Parasava,
Michael Anthony,
Judy Andreas,
Ralph Epperson,
Glenn Gearhart,
Dr. Oskar Loo,
Dr. Sheila Mannix,
Steve Johnson,
Dirk Vander Ploeg,
David R. High,
Bryna Pollock,
Paul & Jo Parker,
Rick Adams,
Don Newsom,
Dr. Kaasem Khaleel,
Fred Smart,
Tim Wingate,
DeAnne Hampton,
Toni Elizabeth
Sar'h Petrinovich,
Arthur Pollock,
Wynn Free,
Ken Adachi,
Donald Newsom,
Thomas Anderson.