Bill Cooper - Behold a Pale Horse


Mar 13, 2017
Some interesting opinions in this thread so far. As far as William Cooper goes, I learned what I could from him and moved on. There isn't much more one can do. Logically speaking nobody has time to beat a dead horse. You aren't moving forward in a straight line as every person should.

I see a lot of myself in William Cooper. I had plenty of moments where I thought I had all the answers. Now, Idk if I've done a total 180 on aliens, but I've changed directions a lot. Like I was recently convinced the Government had a computer that talked to aliens. But I'm pretty sure they don't. Now people who talk to aliens or God is another story.

Maybe it's more accurate to say we are the aliens. Plus my reasoning is simple. Why did humans evolve consciousness in such a way that's actually counter-productive? Think about it, wild animals don't commit record amounts of suicide or experience much crippling depression. Therefore humans didn't ever need to be so conscious to survive.

If we don't really need such overdeveloped social and mental traits why do we have them? Hmmm, doesn't seem like a big mystery to me. So pick your myth and there is probably a little bit of truth to it. Clones, Aliens or fallen Angels and Demons. It's all partly real, but I don't think anyone has the whole picture.


Jun 4, 2017
Some interesting opinions in this thread so far. As far as William Cooper goes, I learned what I could from him and moved on. There isn't much more one can do. Logically speaking nobody has time to beat a dead horse. You aren't moving forward in a straight line as every person should.

I see a lot of myself in William Cooper. I had plenty of moments where I thought I had all the answers. Now, Idk if I've done a total 180 on aliens, but I've changed directions a lot. Like I was recently convinced the Government had a computer that talked to aliens. But I'm pretty sure they don't. Now people who talk to aliens or God is another story.

Maybe it's more accurate to say we are the aliens. Plus my reasoning is simple. Why did humans evolve consciousness in such a way that's actually counter-productive?
This is where someone steps in and says Because of the Fall!

I don't disagree.

Think about it, wild animals don't commit record amounts of suicide or experience much crippling depression. Therefore humans didn't ever need to be so conscious to survive.

If we don't really need such overdeveloped social and mental traits why do we have them? Hmmm, doesn't seem like a big mystery to me. So pick your myth and there is probably a little bit of truth to it. Clones, Aliens or fallen Angels and Demons. It's all partly real, but I don't think anyone has the whole picture.
I should say first that I love this post.
The bible addresses this--

For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known. 1 CORINTHIANS 13:12 KJV
Now we see but a dim reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know inpart; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.
Our mind is a Receiver... that's the best explanation I've heard. As for the Why of it all-- how else would we communicate with God?

The downfall is that unfortunately, we are able to tune into other frequencies. They have more knowledge of us though than we have of them. Imo anyway.
Sep 5, 2018
I think you may have a slightly slanted view in that he had a take on the Oklahoma City bombing which in turn made some feel he was militia open. We had a lot going on in those days with few knowing about false flags which bled into several other incidents.

I don't have a slanted opinion on anything.

Cooper is more responsible than anyone for turning conspiracy thought into a far right breeding ground.

Anyhow, there are forces which seek to govern man whether we like it or not and the desire for knowledge makes us complicit to their plans. In short, we had tech in the late 70's that has only come out in the last decade.
I agree the rich want to govern the lower classes and they view the lower classes as a separate species.

But are the things like the Illuminati real or are they ARAMCHEK? A faceless entity that is everywhere and nowhere that will one day be used by certain people to seize power in the name of fighting them?

Thanks for the good thread The ZONE.
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