

Mar 13, 2017
"A group of scientists in
California recently
unveiled plans to advertise Earth’s existence to space aliens, and invite them to visit. This prospect should
terrify anyone familiar with the history of imperialism and conquest. On our planet, when a civilization that considers itself superior encounters a “lower” one, the result has usually been enslavement or massacre. Aliens would probably treat us just as pitilessly."
But if the aliens are smarter and "more evolved" than us, shouldn't they know better than to be barbaric and senseless killers?
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Mar 13, 2017
Humans do know better... some of us just don't do better. Plus we're controlled by the crazy satanic people that run the world...
Mar 20, 2017
The Holy Prophet (On him be Peace and Prayers) said in such a sense that there are as many Earth-like planets in the universe as there are grains of sand on Planet Earth.

These worlds are as complete as ours with their civilizations and jinn beings and everything else.

This is certainly easy task to Accomplish for God Almighty, The Creator By Whose Command 'Be', everything just became.
Mar 14, 2017
The Holy Prophet (On him be Peace and Prayers) said in such a sense that there are as many Earth-like planets in the universe as there are grains of sand on Planet Earth.

These worlds are as complete as ours with their civilizations and jinn beings and everything else.

This is certainly easy task to Accomplish for God Almighty, The Creator By Whose Command 'Be', everything just became.
Mar 20, 2017
Not quite the source of what i quoted but nonetheless i have this and sorry for not being able to quote my source:


The picture you see above shows a minute number of stars and nebulae in our own galaxy, the milky way. To bring the awesome dimensions of the universe into perspective, first try to imagine how much is a million! If you collect a handful of sand on the beach you will hold in your palm about a million grains of sand. Now have you ever imagined how many grains of sand there are on every beach on earth? Quite a large number?

Did you know that there are more stars in the universe than all the grains of sand on every beach on earth?

But that is not all, the Quran speaks of seven universes, layered as seven spheres one inside the other. Our universe is the inner most of the seven, and thus the smallest of the seven. All the heavenly bodies that we see in the sky (planets, asteroids, comets, stars, nebulae, galaxies, quasars .. etc) are part of our innermost universe (41:12, 55:33, 67:5, & 72:8-12).

It is not possible to comprehend God's Greatness, but by just trying to visualise the immensity of His creation, we get a modest indication of His Unfathomable Greatness.

Light, which is the fastest mover in the universe, travels at a speed of 300,000 Km per second! For light to travel from one end of our galaxy across to the other end takes 100,000 years .... and this immense distance is only within our own galaxy! Our universe contains a billion or more other galaxies! Each of these galaxies contain billions of stars like our own sun!

If we attempt to simply count the stars in our own galaxy, which are estimated to be in excess of 100,000 million stars (100,000,000,000), and count one star per second it will take us 3170 years to count them. To count the stars in all the universe becomes unthinkable. But this is only how long it takes just to count them; but God created them! Such is the Limitless Greatness of God.

If the diameter of our own galaxy (which is the innermost) is 100,000 light years, can you imagine the diameter of our own universe (the 7th)? Can you imagine the diameter of the universe that encircles us? What about the 4th and 3rd up to the 1st outermost universe? At such proportions, it becomes impossible for the human brain to conceive of such magnitudes.

In 39:67 we are told that this incomprehensible vastness of the seven universes is "within the fist of God's hand." Can you imagine from the outer limit of the outermost universe, where is the planet Earth?

How significant is it? On the infinitesimal mote called Earth, such minuscule creatures as Mary, Jesus, and Muhammad lived. Yet, some people set up these powerless humans as god-like figures, and place their names alongside the name of Almighty God!

God's Unlimited Greatness is represented not only by the fact that He holds the seven universes in His hand, but also by the fact that He fully controls every atom, even subatomic components, everywhere in the greater universe (6:59, 10:61, & 34:3).

P.S. The expression of God holding the seven universes in His Hand, is an allegorical one. It represents God's complete control and authority over all His creation. We cannot imagine The Hand of our Almighty Creator.
Jan 27, 2018
But if the aliens are smarter and "more evolved" than us, shouldn't they know better than to be barbaric and senseless killers?
Who said evolution equates to morality? Evolution simply means descent with modification - that's what Darwin said. Somehow along the way, people started equating evolution to enlightenment or something.

Now personally, I don't buy into the theory of evolution....but regardless....if one can simply look at Alligators or Crocodiles or various species (roaches anyone?) which have evolved so that they essentially, have reached their zenith, and haven't changed too much over the course of millennia.

They have "evolved" and aren't exactly uh....kind....


Jun 17, 2023
Prometheus sounds like the devil. What is the Prometheus movie?

Yes, I believe there are entities which we think are aliens but Jacques Vallee explains in that video his theory that he believes they are from outside our dimension, not merely humanoids who flew here on space ships- I think he's coming from a scientific perspective and I don't even think he's thinking from a religious perspective and I agree with him. I think the "aliens" are actually demons or jinn or something along those lines. I also don't think they're grays or little green men from Mars. I think those theories are cartoonish. I think it has to do nephilim, fallen angels, jinn, demons, etc.

I haven't totally put the puzzle together but I think it has something to do in that direction.
I come from the same country as Prometheus :)-)) and the myth about him was something we were taught as part of our school education. I am not sure if it still like this, because over the years, the texts in the school books have changed dramatically. Anyway, Prometheus bears many similarities to Lucifer. He stole the Fire,the Light, which until then was attributed only to the Gods and he brought it to the common people, so that they would be enlightened. This act was not to the Gods' liking and he was condemned for ever. If memory serves me (you see, I myself approach the age of Prometheus now :)), he was tied to a rock and a bird (an eagle ?) would bite a part of his liver every day or something like that. So,in a sense, as you mentioned, he sounds like the devil. I am not sure though if he was that bad, actually I never got to know him personally :)