Alex Jones has been on the truth scene seemingly forever. For multiple decades now. Idk if people are aware but his claims to sneak into Bohemian Grove and get out with video are what made him famous.
If you don't know what Bohemian grove is, its a high level kabbala worship site that even US presidents attend. They do have human sacrifices here, but society chalks it up as "conspiracy theory".
They have admitted to burning effigies here, but anyone with knowledge on the occult knows demons/djinn won't aid people who sacrifice dummies. The strongest magic requires real purity (virgins, babies), real blood.
Here is an image showing Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon at the Bohemian grove.
To this day it is a military locked down site. Even drones are not allowed to fly over it.
Alex Jones claims to have entered and recorded the
cremation of care, which is a sacrifice ritual to a pagan entity known as Moloch.
Do you really think Alex Jones secretly went into this area and not only lived to tell about it, but released video and went national with it?
There was a time early in his career when Jones actually claimed Israel was behind 9/11.
Idk why he did this. Perhaps gate keepers need an ounce of truth to help sell the lies or maybe he actually believed it? None the less it didn't last long before he became a Zionist apologist eventually saying Muslims owned Holy-wood and the Fed.
Really early in his career Jones said ~ "What i wanna say is this, i support Israel, that is their land"
Fast forward to multiple events he has been involved in. Such as going on Peirce Morgan defending gun rights looking like an absolute loon.
Jones lives in Texas and has "disturbed" multiple 2nd amendment rallies by shouting over the people who actually tried to defend gun rights.
Really, there are too many events to list that he has been involved in.
If you fast forward to 2016-17 (ish) youtube started deleting videos that went against the main stream narratives. Not long after censorship began with the "Ad-pocalypse" and de-monetization of most in 2015. Censorship is blatant today but it wasn't yesterday.
Youtube used to be full of false flag videos and other stuff that painted the establishment in a bad light. At the start of this new ear of censorship (2017-18) they made it very public announcing the banning of Alex Jones because for years he was
thee face of conspiracy theorists and this was done to send a message.
There is a reason for at least a decade Agent Jones acted like an absolute loon every time he got in front of a camera. Theres a reason he was always talked about in the main stream media. Theres a reason he had an audience in the millions.
Note this channel has 25 million subs. They intentionally paint this man as a nutcase.
Fast forward to recent times where they have a mock trial suing Agent Jones for saying Sandy Hoax wasn't real.
Spoiler alert, it wasn't. This nearly 3 hour documentary,
"We need to talk about Sandy Hook" went viral.
Notice how IMDB calls it "conspiracy theory" when the doc is absolutely full of damaging evidence for the official narrative.
Its censored to hell and back, but i can still find it on a Russian website.
We Need To Talk About Sandy Hook (Documentary 2014) ♦️
Why did they sue Jones for an obvious fake event?
Why did a US court of law bound to the constitution order Jones to pay out millions in fees for literally practicing "free speech"?
I'll tell you why, because he is the FACE of a movement and they send a message by punishing him. In this case if you ever call Sandy Hook a hoax know you can end up paying out millions.
This might seem like a long post but honestly i have omitted alot. If you think Agent Jones is trustworthy, i have ocean front property in Arizona i am practically giving away.
Yes, he has woken alot of people up, but he is a
very limited hang out. Stick with him long and you will be lead astray.
Alex Jones said:
This is in court records as he said this before a judge.