'9/11 was an inside job': Full speech by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad at UN


Mar 26, 2017

Much respect for this man.

By the way..... have you heard this?

This is obviously the speech of a brilliant man. Why look at the mind-numbing stuff on Facebook? Listen to the speech of Shariati- don't miss it!

Ali Shariati was a very influential intellectual of the Iranian Revolution.

And since I am never tired of praising Frantz Fanon I will go on a tangent about Frantz Fanon, as he actually ties into the Iranian Revolution- as he does in the case of any resistance against colonialism and imperialism. Have you read Frantz Fanon? If you have not read Frantz Fanon, why have you not read Frantz Fanon? The man influenced anti-colonial revolutions in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and even the Iranian Revolution and if his books reach Antartica they'll probably influence an anti-colonial revolution amongst the penguins. The man done influenced movements from Iran to Cuba to Oakland.

If you're interested in philosophy, read Lao Tzu and Plato. If "anti-colonialism" is a word that sounds appealing to you- read Frantz Fanon. He is to anti-colonial theory as Jimi Hendrix is to the electric guitar. 90% of what I write on here is just me applying concepts from Fanon. To be blunt, I don't think anyone can really even understand the world we live in without studying Fanon. Don't take it from me, take it from Ali Shariati and the revolutionary Iranians.

Fanon's words of caution did not dissuade Shariati, who was especially keen on promoting Fanon's ideas about challenging the West and creating the possiblity for the advent of a new man in the Third World. As early as 1962, he set about translating The Wretched of the Earth himself and making arrangements for Studies in a Dying Colonialism and the rest of the works to be translated by others. By the time he died in 1977, a mere two years before the Iranian Revolutin, Shariati's ideas were omnipresent in revolutionary Iranian circles. Fanon's reputation grew as a consequence of Shariati's popularity. In the early days of the Iranian Revolution, posters bearing Fanon's image and the message that "The chador is a throrn in the eye of Western imperialism" with an additional caption at the bottom that read 'our brother Frantz Fanon' began to appear. To the question 'who is this Frantz Fanon?', the man on the street in those days would have probably answered: "I don't know, but he is one of us."
-Frantz Fanon: a Portrait

“Imperialism leaves behind germs of rot which we must clinically detect and remove not only from our land but from our minds as well.” -Frantz Fanon


buy his book for $10: https://www.amazon.com/Wretched-Earth-Frantz-Fanon/dp/0802141323/ref=pd_ybh_a_1?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=3SFRVT6971YPXAWJ9ABY

Anyways, much respect for Ahmadinejad, much respect for Iran, much respect for Shariati, much respect for Fanon- this thread has something for you if any of the above interest you and if someone by some miracle gets an interest in this Frantz Fanon and wonders why I won't shut up about him and reads his stuff.... then I think I'll have a good deed that I can cite in my defense when I am faced with my sins on the Day of Judgement.

By the way, while I'm trying to promote books I figure I'll recommend this one as well:

Amazon got it for less than $10: https://www.amazon.com/One-Dimensional-Man-Ideology-Advanced-Industrial/dp/0807014176/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1514872578&sr=1-1&keywords=one-dimensional+man

One-Dimensional Man by Herbert Marcuse. Legendary stuff. I still remember the day as a teenager when I first read it. The reaction I felt was like "stop the presses".... I remember I felt like an atomic bomb had exploded in my head and I had to stop, pause and text my friend like "yo.... you gotta read this".... I mean it's such a good book that I can literally walk down the street and see the phenomena it describes right in front of me.

What is funny is Marcuse is probably the most influential of the Frankfurt School, Critical Theory folks (who the Breitbart folks call "cultural Marxism") and.... anyways, I read the book way before people were talking about "cultural Marxism" and before anyone had heard that term (the Frankfurt School is known as the Frankfurt School or Critical Theory.... the "cultural Marxism" thing was something that was thrown around to make them out to be boogeymen..... anyways, it is hilarious to me because if you read One-Dimensional Man it has pretty much nothing to do with the "cultural Marxism" boogeyman as depicted by the Breitbart folks... so anyways that is something that is hilarious to me becase this is arguably the most influential text of the Frankfurt School and now they are super famous (again- they were already super famous and influential way back in the 60's) as "cultural Marxism" but..... they are very, very different than how they are portrayed. I haven't read Marcuse's other books and I can't really speak on those but One-Dimensional Man is a great book.

So anyways, besides showing my utter contempt for this artificial notion of "staying on topic"- which is absurd because all topics are related and everything ulitmately ties into one harmonious whole (and thus the artificial notion implies a reductionist, fragmented and frankly unnatural and unholistic understanding of reality) - I hope someone enjoys the UN speech, the Shariati speech or finds one of the books interesting.


Mar 13, 2017
this artificial notion of "staying on topic"- which is absurd because all topics are related and everything ulitmately ties into one harmonious whole (and thus the artificial notion implies a reductionist, fragmented and frankly unnatural and unholistic understanding of reality)
That's so true.
the "cultural Marxism" thing was something that was thrown around to make them out to be boogeymen..... anyways, it is hilarious to me because if you read One-Dimensional Man it has pretty much nothing to do with the "cultural Marxism" boogeyman as depicted by the Breitbart folks...
Yeah it's definitely breitbart/right-wing propaganda and fear mongering.