1st graders told touching themselves "feels good"


Jun 2, 2021
There is a woman named Justine Fonte who showed a video to first graders about masturbation and how touching themselves "feels good". This was done at the Dalton school in NYC. Mainstream media is not really reporting on this so please spread the word. It's absolutely sick! She also did a presentation at a high school to minors about pornography and kink. It discussed things like BDSM and incest themed porn. Parents were not given any permission forms to sign in either instances as well!

Also, when I looked at the Dalton School's Wikipedia page, I found an interesting name listed in the Notable People section. None other than Mr. Jeffrey Epstein. He started his career there in the 70s. They hired him as a teacher even though he didn't have a degree.





Aug 8, 2021
EWW what the heck! That's soooo disturbing! How could the school officials or teachers allow that that's perverted and disgusting! ESPESICALLY TO 1ST GRADERS WHAT THE ACTUAL FRICK! Dude they're so little and tiny they don't even know anything about the outside world yet and for teachers to show that makes me want to actually throw up. That shouldn't be allowed period! I wonder what the parents thought of that? Like I would be furious! This is why homeschool is looking pretty good right now. What sick teachers! If I was a teacher I would NEVER so they were probably a freemason or twisted in the head like OBVI not okay!! That's just sickening. I can't imagine how the 1st graders felt like they are taking away their innocence. 1st graders should not be learning about that omg.