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  1. shayan_s

    Kpop Satanic/Illuminati Influence

    Has anyone seen this documentary? This is the fourth episode, but to understand it, you must have seen episodes 1 to 3 of the documentary
  2. shayan_s

    BTS discussion thread

    Has anyone seen this documentary?
  3. shayan_s

    Kpop Satanic/Illuminati Influence

    Maybe you have a lot to say, but whenever I come across your long messages, I think about whether I should read it or not. Please write shorter :)
  4. shayan_s

    Kpop Satanic/Illuminati Influence

    Well, it is dark for any artist to have a performance about sex. But recently I saw the music video of sexy in the air. I have to put together all the symbols and signs, science and concept to be able to analyze a music video. But at first glance, I finally have an opinion. Regarding this music...
  5. shayan_s

    Who do Muslims really worship?

    " The meaning of "son of man" is not the Messiah (peace be upon him), because according to the writing of the American Mr. Hawks in the "Dictionary of the Bible" this phrase is found 80 times in the Bible and its annexes (New Testament), of which only 30 Its case can be compared with Jesus...
  6. shayan_s

    Who do Muslims really worship?

    From the point of view of us Muslims, God is one. The same God that Moses invited people to worship. The same God that Jesus invited people to worship. In principle, we even believe that a day will come when the Imam of Time (the savior of mankind) will come while the Messiah is by his side. So...
  7. shayan_s

    Who do Muslims really worship?

    Look, sir! You are a bad person. If bad = good and human = jinn and you are = you are not be, the sentence becomes: You are not a good jinn. This means you did not understand the sentence itself at all! : "You are a bad person." This game with numbers must have logic behind it. You should have...
  8. shayan_s

    Who do Muslims really worship?

    Salam What do you mean by evidence? I just see numbers and your own mentalities. But when you are told very clearly that there is no God but the One God, and even Jesus is not the son of God and was actually the prophet of God, then: It is funny to say that Islam is related to the gods of Egypt...
  9. shayan_s

    Who do Muslims really worship?

    Salam (Hello) Sufism In fact, you are referring to Sufism, it is necessary to know that Jews have influence in different religions to keep their own religion superior. We have several sects in Islam, but generally there are only two main groups: Shia and Sunni. Sufism and sectarianism are not a...
  10. shayan_s

    Who do Muslims really worship?

    I was reading the first few pages... friends, if you don't know and only pay attention to the numbers, then don't comment like that. Some of the features of the Quran are: La ilaha ila Allah means there is no god but the one and only God. And it hits different idols in different ways. Among the...
  11. shayan_s

    Kpop Satanic/Illuminati Influence

    I don't know if they really execute someone for this in North Korea, and I know that a kind of dictatorship is ruling in their country. But when I look at the fake news they report from Iran, I doubt that the things they say about North Korea are simply true.
  12. shayan_s

    Kpop Satanic/Illuminati Influence

    Yes of course
  13. shayan_s

    BTS discussion thread

    Hi everybody This is a documentary we made about the K-pop BTS team. Of course, there are 5 parts and each part deals with a topic In order for the site(now it is Farsi) to be in English, please search this address first: Then: The fourth part is...
  14. shayan_s

    Kpop Satanic/Illuminati Influence

    Please first: Then: Of course, BTS fans are not satisfied so easily. First, we made a clip to say that Fake Love's song shows the seven deadly sins (Christianity). Then we saw that they were not satisfied with that, so we made a full five-part...
  15. shayan_s

    Kpop Satanic/Illuminati Influence

    Hello I made a post about the evil activities of BTS that included a link to a documentary with English subtitles. Will my post be approved? In this documentary, I mentioned how BTS serves the devil by performing music videos with evil concepts. I hope someone can post it on YouTube