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  1. J

    Robert F Kennedy Jr. for US President in 2024

    RFK has sworn fealty to a foreign nation which is why reason he is in congress of monkey. He is a cur, a popinjay sporting abs of his manhood. He is a cur of no voice, no command of expression as he would gain audience. He is but cur carpetbagger trading on some famous name as he sport abs to...
  2. J

    Random Thoughts

    This post gave me a feckin chuckle as I often awake to this posture... ...Just one more day perhaps, just one more day...
  3. J

    Random Thoughts

    Why yes indeed as you are yet in kindergarten as you view as child-like our world.We are all in kindergarten really as we think we are adult but are really child in our world as some grandfather, perhaps some goddie view us mortal as such an errant child. What to do one goddie grandfather may...
  4. J

    Berlin girl "fashion" girl.

    I do would so wish some mod person on here would just remove this horrid creature of neither man or woman from headline. Such a horrid vista of what womanhood has become in our world alas. Such a horrid symbolism of our feminine...
  5. J

    Hello there.

    A strange thought you seem to have as you say of "forced" birth as i do believe one cannot force birth as birth is a natural process from whatever reason sperm meet egg. Would you care to consider I wonder?
  6. J

    Hello there.

    Point taken as I had tried to navigate this site here. I did try to see if I could introduce self to here but olden folk are a wont to forget and not ask direction as old truckers never ask directions... Not much I daresay of introduction have I for you as olden people care not little for those...
  7. J

    Robert F Kennedy Jr. for US President in 2024

    RFK has spent all of his life in a swamp he was content with as he knew just who murdered his father and his uncle. He knew and knows full well of just who owns America. He is a carpet bagger who would have been run out of town in that long ago of that America that America our loved so well...
  8. J

    Robert F Kennedy Jr. for US President in 2024

    Johnboy" as it was some old programme on our tellie of long ago. Walton Mountain/old Americana our world just loved so much. Goodnight Johnboy.
  9. J

    Robert F Kennedy Jr. for US President in 2024

    Point taken as that English of our world may perhaps come across with some difference. My regards.
  10. J

    The Sinéad O’Connor Memorial Thread

    Just fuck her as if she had been mean to Rabbi, English reverend both of which were more prolific in child abuse. Just if as she were so vocal of those person she would never have been given airtime on Ireland most popular programming of stupid Irish. She was a fool and a tool of those who own...
  11. J

    Robert F Kennedy Jr. for US President in 2024

    I would like to believe you misinterpret my post as I do believe there were no weapon of destruction back then. Just like now with this war in the Ukraine as it is a lie then like it is a lie now. Saddam just like Qaddafi just went against that world of brutish justice. Both of those person...
  12. J

    Robert F Kennedy Jr. for US President in 2024

    RFK is a bought off cur of long since as you have no great leaders in America/our world as most of our so-called leaders ofour world have become such a gay and happy people. Remember when our world thought gay was a happy thought. When gay was such a joy to our world and we now have gay pride...
  13. J

    Robert F Kennedy Jr. for US President in 2024

    He is a cripple simply because he laid low as America and her children were murdered on 9/11 as Sadam had weapon of mass destruction. Now Sadam is ded like Lybian leader, in fact all leader of our world who reject American/Brutish empire. That cur laid low, swore allegiance to those dual who...
  14. J

    Robert F Kennedy Jr. for US President in 2024

    Just way too long a vid for older folk who would prefer little bitez lest old folk die whilst listening. Just a thought as I care not to listen to that lying Kermit.
  15. J

    Robert F Kennedy Jr. for US President in 2024

    This new cripple over time is but another ploy by those in the know as this clown has sworn fealty to enemy amongst America long since. He is but clown with no voice as America, our world are bereft of great orators in our world. We have Putin of course, soft speaking truth and lies to our...
  16. J

    Hello there.

    Just perused that Berlin fashion show thread and think as those people should never have been born in our world of abortion made simple.
  17. J

    Hello there.

    New here.