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  1. Shuna

    BTS discussion thread

    !!! HAPPY NEW YEARRR !!!
  2. Shuna

    BTS discussion thread

    Otherwise, it's not stupid, the idea of the passage of time, with cakes. I assumed that too. And there are also often fireworks. I think it has the same meaning. Moreover, by describing the second god, where Odin is associated. He is also the god of time. You're welcome, and thank you. On the...
  3. Shuna

    BTS discussion thread

    No, it's "construction site".
  4. Shuna

    BTS discussion thread

    Speaking of coffee, I'll make a quick aside about the group EXO, who in the music video "Universe", are having coffee. And on meanings, which I wanted to mark, so, I take advantage of it: When I saw the clip, one of my thoughts was Freemasonry. I'm happy to have another opinion. I didn't mark...
  5. Shuna

    Houses, furnitures and objects Illuminati

    Sur MSN: "Les vampires psychiques". Je suis passé par là, pour des recherches, ce n'est pas des égrégores, même si ça y ressemble, dans certains cas. Dû point de vu psychologique, c'est intéressant. A noter pu un rappel, que le corps peut évidemment absorber et rejeter de l'énergie: On MSN...
  6. Shuna

    Houses, furnitures and objects Illuminati

    Et en passant, chez les Musulmans, pour un résumer rapide: Makes me think of the conflict between body and mind (soul); between light and matter. And besides, a little aside on the cycle of the gods. When God is light and Satan is darkness/matter. Lucifer gives life to light, but represents...
  7. Shuna

    Houses, furnitures and objects Illuminati

    Juste quelques liens intéressant, sur le(s) culte(s) Franc-Maçon. C'est juste des annotations, donc je les laisse ou met en Français. Et évidemment, je ne peux pas confirmer leurs validités. En tout cas, j'ai plus l'impression, d'avoir un énorme, blabla, alors qu'il s'agit, principalement de...
  8. Shuna

    Is the New World Order..... spiritually driven by non human entities?

    I take this opportunity to note here, I hadn't planned to repost, but since this is the subject, I'm taking this opportunity to post the information: To be more precise, about the “spirits”, these are egregores (jinns, among Muslims). Hence the fact that we cannot see them and that they need...
  9. Shuna

    Houses, furnitures and objects Illuminati

    Important note on Satanist cults (Illuminati). Speaking of pledges where they lock up children, perform sexual practices on them, etc. Here is an article, on information, whether false or not. Possible references, with numerous testimonies (often drawings), including one confirmed by a trial...
  10. Shuna

    Kpop Satanic/Illuminati Influence

    I will never understand these people. Personally, I like the internet, because I was able to answer a bunch of questions. And I share it, and I pay attention to all opinions or comments (even if they are stupid or annoying).
  11. Shuna

    Symbolic pics sharing thread (allseeingeye...)

    The V for victory.
  12. Shuna

    Emmanuel Macron

    En parlant de politique Français, j'en profite pour qu'au sénat, il n'a que des Franc-Maçons. La question qu'on se poserait c'est qui ne l'ait pas? Il faut savoir aussi ceci, sur les Franc-Maçons, car même la grande majorité des Franc-Maçons ne savent pas. Même si je vérifie encore, avec de...
  13. Shuna


    Cela fait longtemps, que je n'ai pas publier, mais petite aparté sur d'ancienne recherches, que je continuerais plus tard les recherches et corrigerait les erreurs: It's been a long time that I haven't forgotten, but a quick aside on old research, that I will continue the research later and...
  14. Shuna

    Houses, furnitures and objects Illuminati

    Thank you, for the regulative, I reread everything.
  15. Shuna

    Houses, furnitures and objects Illuminati

    Being a people or an organization does not prevent having influence, external or vice versa, by influencing the world. But otherwise, for the distribution of the Hivites, in the world, I found this link. I don't know if that's true, but it's very interesting: Hivites — CreationWiki, the...
  16. Shuna

    Kpop Satanic/Illuminati Influence

    I'm not sure it's the same operation...: Димашқа операция жасалды: Тыңдармандар әншінің жағдайына алаңдаулы | | Қазақстан жаңалықтары | Қазақ үні сайты
  17. Shuna

    Kpop Satanic/Illuminati Influence

    Like I told you, it's been a long time. The source, which I don't take for real, is Youtube, since I don't have information on Dimash, since I'm French, and even if he appeared on French TV for an interview, he is unknown. So I'm trying to find a link. You should know that we tried to make this...
  18. Shuna

    Kpop Satanic/Illuminati Influence

    I found it more too.