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  1. LionOfJudah

    BTS discussion thread

    As Yah has put this on my shoulders, I am, for those willing to seek the truth, here's to answer you questions about the occult, religion(Christianity)/the strong delusion and such, please do ask questions if you are of new alligance to the one True Elohim, Yah.
  2. LionOfJudah

    BTS discussion thread

    Ouch, what an insult!
  3. LionOfJudah

    BTS discussion thread

    Exactly, make no fellowship with the unsetapart, for they are not of Yah, and what is not of Yah is something for us not to indulge into.
  4. LionOfJudah

    BTS discussion thread

    that level of magic will devour you whole, it is the most dangerous one, to my knowledge, which Yah has revealed to me.
  5. LionOfJudah

    BTS discussion thread

    And that matters why exactly? Yes I have to operate in this world to change this world, that does not mean I agree with this world.
  6. LionOfJudah

    BTS discussion thread

    That is true, that is also why Yah hath said, chose ye this day whom ye will worship, with each and every choice one makes daily, be it to dress according to the standards of Yah or just not to sin, one makes that choice, and in Yah, the eternaly righteous Judge's eyes, such is fair and should...
  7. LionOfJudah

    BTS discussion thread

    That is just what 'they' want you to think, to think that it is normal, everyone does it, so they probably do not know it and are like the rest of the sheeple, well hun, they know, oooh how they know. They are as twisted as they come.
  8. LionOfJudah

    BTS discussion thread

    Be****** frfs
  9. LionOfJudah

    BTS discussion thread

    Ha, robots? You believe in that crap? If anything then yes, they should bébés trashed, they are puppets for demons to manifest themselves into.
  10. LionOfJudah

    BTS discussion thread

    Try looking at I think like this, when initiated to the occult you become a new you by bapthisment into blood, urine, feesies and all that occult crap that those sick pups like.
  11. LionOfJudah

    BTS discussion thread

  12. LionOfJudah

    BTS discussion thread

    Well, Shane is in on it, he is another puppet promoting the occult as something cool an de hip.