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  1. LionOfJudah

    BTS discussion thread

    You mean those fakes whom are claiming to be the real Israelites?
  2. LionOfJudah

    BTS discussion thread

    He means all the underdogs, as in all who are against Yah...
  3. LionOfJudah

    BTS discussion thread

    Happens with MK-ultra victims.
  4. LionOfJudah

    BTS discussion thread

    You do realise that they set out disinformation programming as well as true ones so that people will dismiss this whole ordeal once it does not occur.
  5. LionOfJudah

    BTS discussion thread

    Thank you for reminding me, will not happen again.
  6. LionOfJudah

    BTS discussion thread

    Sorry, but I ain't religious.
  7. LionOfJudah

    BTS discussion thread

    Sorry, but I ain't religious.
  8. LionOfJudah

    BTS discussion thread

    I have gained some information on this before, but there was some guy who looked into this an de discovered that all pop music is one notch higher than the most calming notch, which is 432 I believe, for the mind and soul, I am not entirely sure, but if what he said is true, then they want...
  9. LionOfJudah

    BTS discussion thread

  10. LionOfJudah

    BTS discussion thread

  11. LionOfJudah

    BTS discussion thread

    In France they have already started lowering the age of consent to 15 years of age... it is sickening. I myself being such an age, a teen is too young to be able to make such decisions especially going through puberty and such having not gotten no real consequence thinking when it come see to...
  12. LionOfJudah

    BTS discussion thread

    Because they are making them think that the god they want to serve is the good one, the right choice that is, but in fact, it is Lucifer whom they latter on figure out they want to serve by having tasted a sip of his cup.
  13. LionOfJudah

    BTS discussion thread

    Because they are making them think that the god they want to serve is the good one, the right choice that is, but in fact, it is Lucifer whom they latter on figure out they want to serve by having tasted a sip of his cup.
  14. LionOfJudah

    BTS discussion thread

    ... are you retarded? I am sorry, but the print on the dollar bill has all the information you need as to why it is Lucifer whom they see as their 'god'.
  15. LionOfJudah

    BTS discussion thread

    The Bible is full of changes and mistranslations, only through the Ruach hakodesh can you truly discern it. For example, the Messiah was not white, and the names are all wrong, Jesus did not exist back in the day, that name is madness up, His real name is Yahshuah HaMashiach, the Elohim's name...
  16. LionOfJudah

    BTS discussion thread

    Yes that is correct, the higher up you are, the less you get to decide for yourself.
  17. LionOfJudah

    BTS discussion thread

    Study to show yourself approved.
  18. LionOfJudah

    BTS discussion thread

    Oh Hun, you haven't seen the introduction of a cave then that was a satanic ritual for the world to view up in the Swiss mountains.
  19. LionOfJudah

    BTS discussion thread

    Lmao, scary world? This world Ain't scary for two cents! If Yah is for me, who can be against me? Yah is my cliff, whom am I to fear?